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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Scorpio – Progress Slow as Molasses... The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs at 6:10 AM E.S.T. on May 17th. This moon, in the astrological sign of Scorpio, a Water sign, is considered “Fixed”, meaning that it is unchangeable, stable and emotional. The Scorpio Moon is a good time to plan and devise works against someone that is attempting to undermine you, however, now is not the time to activate the “attack” Wait until the last day of this lunation – specifically on May 31st – before lighting any candles against your enemy. For now, check out their vulnerability, plans to activate a candle spell to attack key weak points in their psyche and consciousness. Victory...
  • Readers Question | Saint Jude Pink Love Candle Spell Success...             Dear Jacqueline, I am writing to you about how I took you candle spell and added a little more “oomph” to it candle wise, and I got my man to commit to a relationship. I used your pink St. Jude Candle Spell anointed with Come to Me Oil and added a photo of him, a lock of his hair and a Red Candle anointed with Fire of Love Oil I wrote in a circle on the back of the picture an incantation that I wanted hime to want only me, placed the lock of hair on top of it, placed the pink St. Jude...
  • New Moon in Cancer – July 21, 2009 | All in the Family and an Eclipse, too!... The New Moon in Cancer occurs on July 21, 2009 at 9:36 pm E.S.T. It is in 29th degree of Cancer as just less than an hour later, the Moon changes signs into the astrological sign of Leo (at 10:28 pm E.S.T.). This New Moon is considered “Cardinal”, meaning that it is emotional and innovating. Not only do we have the regular Moon lunation, but it also occurs during a Solar Eclipse, which makes this an especially powerful Moon for wishing or burning candles for the family and all that it encompasses; children, home and hearth, food, mother, nurturing, safety and security. Blue candles anointed with “Peaceful Home” Condition Oil would...
  • Readers Questions | What is a Pound Cake? (St. Expedite Red Candle Spell)... Readers Questions | What is a Pound Cake? (St. Expedite Red Candle Spell) Hello Jacqueline I have found your website and articles very helpful. Kindly let me know exactly what is a pound cake as described in one of your articles as an offering to St. Expedite. Hoping to hear from you Samuel   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Samuel, It is basically a Sara Lee cake that you find in the frozen section of your local grocery store. A pound cake is a buttery type vanilla cake without frosting that is in the shape of a small loaf. Just look for Sara Lee pound cake where you find the frozen fruit pies and other frozen desserts in the store. Thanks for asking, JacquelineSamuel Samuel, Samuel, It...
  • Full Moon in Gemini | December 12, 2008 – Careful, Sparks Will Fly!... Oh boy! Here we go! This Full Moon occurs in Gemini at 11:38 E.S.T. and this lunation is a doozy! This lunation is in the mutable sign of Gemini – which means that it illuminates to fluctuations between passivity and activity in matters of the intellect and the functions of the mind and thought processes. This lunation and the new moon lunation on December 27th will be especially hard on relations with loved ones and family. Burning blue candles anointed with Peaceful Home Blessing Oil or Peace Condition Oil during the next two weeks should be a priority for you if clear communication with loved ones and family is...
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Free Candle Spells | Time to Burn Reversible Candles!

If there was ever a time to burn Reversible Candles to send back evil intentions, jealousy and hate back to the sender, now is the time! When you need to reverse a situation, order a Reversible Candle to be burned for you to send all that ugliness and just plain ol’ funk back to those who are doing you wrong and wanting to see you go down in flames! You read what happened when I burned a Reversible Candle on the bike thief that stole my hubby’s bike last year, right? If not, click this title, “Free Candle Spells | The Bike, the Tag and the Reversible Candle Spell” and see what happened when I did. I got more than I asked for!...

Readers Question | Use a Red or Pink Candle for Love?

Readers Question | Use a Red or Pink Candle for Love?   Hello, I have been reading your posts here for about a year and recently I went to a local tarot reader and she suggested that I use a red candle and rose petals to bring someone I want to know to me for a love affair. I have been reading that you suggest pink candles. Why would she suggest red candle and why do you suggest using pink candles. I am confused about which to use. Do I use a red or pink candle for love?    Thank you Sharon * * * * * * * Sharon, I can certainly understand your confusion and I will try to second guess why that person suggested red candles. When using red candles for love spells, it is important that you don’t go ‘overboard’ with using them. Consider the color red. What does it say to you? How does society use the color red in symbolism? Red is an energy color and is considered “hot”. Red demands immediate attention but is also a cautionary color. Why do you think stop signs are red? Why is it that the girl in the red dress gets all they guys attention in a room? Because looking at the color red stimulates us into action. Your reader may have suggested using red and intended to tell you to use it at the beginning of the love spell. It is certainly not a good idea to use it over the course of a relationship, unless all you want is a “wham, bam, thank you ma’am”. Old time hoodoo, conjure and root workers know that the underlying energy of a red candle runs “hot” and will burn up a relationship fast if the intention is for a long-lasting, loving relationship. Now, I am not going to discredit those who burn a red candle for a “quickie” or a friends-with-benefits type of meeting – that is for the individual to decide and maybe their lives need just that – a brief affair that is merely physical. If you are seeking a long-term relationship, then use pink. Pink candles are the combination of the ‘heat’ of the red wax and the ‘cool’ of white for blessing, purity, sanctity and knowledge. This combination brings romance, affection and calmness to a relationship and this is why it should be suggested that  you use pink for this type of relationship. Now, you might begin with a red candle for the first week, then once you have got his attention, change to pink. You may also want to consider using a red and pink together, so he has enough sexual tension that keeps him interested on you but still sees you in a more romantic and less sexual way. As your relationship continues or after you have been a couple for some time, using a red candle once in a while to “get the juices going” again is also a good thing.   This is the reason that I came up with the St. Jude Pink Love Come to Me Candle so that you can attract the perfect type of man or woman for you.       You might want to contact your reader again and ask her to delve deeper into explanation as to why she suggested red candles and if she had any intention to change to another color once you got this young man’s attention.   Good Luck and thanks for reading! J....

Free Candle Spells | St. Expedite Candle/Offering for Blessings Received

Free Candle Spells | St. Expedite Candle/Offering for Blessings Received   Many people petition the well loved St. Expedite, also known as San Expedito, for when they need quick resolution to a problem, “Fast Luck”, or ‘things in a hurry’. I have written a few blogs here on Free Candle Spells regarding different ways to petition him. There is a belief that when he gives you what you want, you need to “pay” him with pound cake and red wine. Let me share my latest experience with you about my petitioning Saint Expedite. Last week, a new family-themed restaurant was being built in our area and there was a call for applicants. Three of my immediate relatives were interested in working at this new place. Two of them are currently employed, one was not. They chose to go together and wait in the hot sun in very long lines outside to fill out applications and hopefully obtain an interview. The day this was to happen was a Thursday. On Wednesday, I wrote a simple petition on a notepad paper, asking Saint Expedite to give my three relatives (I listed each of their names) a job with this corporation. I placed the petition on a small glass plate, cleansed and anointed a candle with St. Expedite Anointing Oil, and lit the candle in front of my statue. On Thursday, one of the three went on to the first of two interviews, with a “call back” on the next day, Friday. They went to it and was told that they would contact them after they did a background check. That told me right there that if they were going to pay for a background check, he was in the running. The candle burned through the weekend, ending on Monday sometime. Mid-day Monday, the relative received a call back that he had been accepted for employment. I left the candle alone until I went to the store. I bought his obligatory Sara Lee pound cake and gave it to him with a nice glass of red merlot wine. I also wrote “Thank You” in red ink across my petition and lit a red candle. Here is the photo for you to see how to “pay him what he wants” when you receive a blessing from Saint Expedite: Many thanks Saint Expedee!...

Free Candle Spells | The Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment – July 18, 2012

  Just a quick reminder that the mid-year Prosperity Experiment begins July 18, 2012! (Has a half of a year gone by already?). It is half way to next year and half way through your resolutions you made at the beginning of 2012. Have you achieved your goals? If earning and saving more money was one of your goals for this year and you seem to be struggling with accomplishments in that area, the you should consider participating in the Prosperity Experiment on July 18, 2012. What is the Prosperity Experiment? The Prosperity Experiment is a select groups of individuals who are serious about manifesting money and abundance in their lives. they participate twice a year to have 30 days of prayer and candles burned for them, along with a daily affirmation and a story to go along with it about the benefits of resourcefulness, budgeting, innovative creation and saving money that will help you attract more bounty, prosperity, abundance and money into your life! If you would like to join us on July 18, 2012 to have 30 days of prayer twice a day, candles burned on your specific petition prayer, daily inspirational e-mails, free gifts and much, much more, click the button and get ready to join in attracting more money!   Click here to read more about the Prosperity Experiment (now in it’s fifth...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Gemini – A Solar Eclipse to Harness the Power of Your Mind!

The New Moon in Gemini will occur at 6:48 p.m. E.S.T. on May 20, 2012. The Moon in Gemini is considered a “Mutable” Air Sign, which means that the energy fluctuates between passive and active and has an overall influence on matters of the mind and thinking. When doing candle spell magic or setting lights during this New Moon time, it is best to consider all aspects of outcomes or the end results of matters. New Moon time is traditionally considered the time to burn candles to attract love, money, success and more. This time when the Moon is moving from its darkened to large, round size, is for utilizing your energies to manifesting things that are useful, helpful and needed for yourself and others, and to consider bringing someone new into your life if single. This time is also effective for do calculations for future works, as for some belief systems, the Sun sign and the Moon sign, coupled with the actual day the lunation occurs, weigh heavy on the success of the outcome. Your mental powers of creativity are at their peak. This is also a time for troubled relationships to consider reconciliation. Since the New Moon occurs on the same day as a Solar Eclipse, all matters of decision making will be of the focus for the next 6 months. Stop underestimating your value, worth and knowledge. This is a time to value shared information and keep pertinent things circulating. It is a good time to consider adopting the practices of meditation or reading materials with subjects about spirituality. Make it a simple routine even if it sitting in the back yard and watching a rose bloom or the bee harvesting nectar from a honeysuckle bush. Rest, reflect and dream your new path now. Using “Crown of Success” Anointing Oil or Money Drawing Oil from Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply that has been placed on yellow and green candles, has allegedly assisted in bringing money and luck to the home. The next Full Moon occurs on June 4, 2012.    ...

Readers Question – Burying Something in New York City?

  Dear Jacqueline, I LOVE your website! But I have a dilemma. How do I bury something at the Crossroads in New York City? I find it absolutely impossible to do this without someone seeing me. Any ideas? Jasmine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for the kind words. I am sure that in a large city like New York or even San Francisco, there are many more people doing much stranger acts in public than digging in dirt BUT I can understand that you might be a bit perplex and queasy about doing it. Here are some ideas: A four way stop with any stop sign can be considered a crossroads. A three way stop, but not a “T” intersection but where one road goes off in more of a “Y” intersection is good enough for a crossroads. This “three way” is a place for the Brazilian Sarabanda love spell that I have heard about, but not used. For spells that attract and bring things to your door like love, luck and money, then use a potted plant, like a fern or juniper in a large plastic pot or container at your front door is sufficient enough to bury something “at your door”. This could either be in the hallway right outside your door or in the foyer or lobby of the apartment building. Tell the Super that you are celebrating Spring, Earth Day, your Birthday, Anniversary of someone or just want to make the other tenants smile.You can also use to small area that you may find where the steps meets the building or even that small patch of dirt like a planter box between the sidewalk and the curb where the City planted some tree. All you need to do is just dig a small hole right next to the tree trunk and leave your attraction charm there. Good Question and I hope this helps! J.    ...

Free Candle Spells | Writing Petitions – Absolute or Shaky Hopefuls?

  In most candle spell traditions, writing a series of words on paper to effective bring about the desired outcomes is one of the core rituals one does when burning candles to bring about change, money and in matters of love and relationships. The petition paper becomes a focal point or an incantation written so that as it sites below the candle, the energy of the candle will draw down from the Universe and land on the petition. The light from a candle is considered a perpetual beacon of light and prayer as it sits on the petition during the candle burn. Afterwards, the petition is usually reused, burned in a burnt offering ritual to the Heavens or fashioned into a charm or some other mojo bag or jack ball to carry with the petitioner to continue the attraction power of the ritual. When it comes to candle burning spells or “setting lights”, one cannot be wishy-washy. I cannot tell you how many times I have had someone write a petition paper only to have words such as ‘hope’, ‘wish’ and ‘maybe’. It cannot be stressed enough that to write a good, concise and effective candle petition, you need to sit down and compose yourself before putting pen to paper. Here is a perfect example of a person being weak in the matters of writing a candle petition to burn a candle spells for matters of love. A young client of mine was ‘head over heels’ over a gentleman of whom was less enamored of her and wanted to ‘compare the selections’ of the town. He blew hot and cold in this girl’s life and his indecision and actions were making her a wreck. After a reading with her, it was indicated that she should burn a series of candles to solidify the relationship. I asked the young woman to write a petition of exactly what she wanted to happen from the candle spell. Her petition was something of this nature: ‘If he doesn’t want to be with me, then he needs to go away and leave me alone’. Huh? This petition was a head-scratcher for me, raised some red flags, and it was not good. She was asking for two things to happen and this would have been a ‘dud’ in any candle ritual spell. This candle petition was giving the ‘victim’ (not used in a malicious way) a choice – something which is not advised to do in a candle spell. Either you WANT them with you or you DON’T. A more effective petition for settling lights in a ritual to bring someone closer together would sound like this: “__________(insert name), I want you to love me and only me, to see me with eyes of tenderness and love. When you are away from me, you will be filled with longing for me and only me and will rush hastily back to my arms. __________(insert name) your eyes will only be focused on my beauty and figure and will not be enticed by the wiles and whims of other females and your passion will be reserved for me and only for me. __________(insert name), you will desire only to be with me and forsake me not for any other person.” This says it in a nutshell – desire only me and return to me always and immediately and without the propensity to stray with other females. In conclusion, just like shooting of an e-mail that you might later regret, write your initial petition and then take a break. Return to the petition a little while later and re-word it and make sure it says exactly what you...

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