Posted by Jacqueline on Oct 11th, 2012 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Libra – Promote Yourself!
The New Moon in Libra occurs at 7:02 am E.S.T. on Monday, October 15, 2012. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Libra, is considered to be a “Cardinal ” Air sign, meaning that the energy is is intellectual, innovative and inventive. Doing positive energy candle spells at this time for Success, Money and Fast Luck, Libra’s New Moon encourages teamwork and joint efforts. This is the time to seek collaboration or assistance. The saying, “together we can achieve” brings new meaning now. This is also a good time to burn “Boss Fix” Candles to make sure that your superiors and management can ‘see things your way’ in regards to your efforts and the contributions you make to the company. This paves the way for you to consider asking for a promotion or raise in the future. Burning white “Boss Fix” candles, anointed with “Boss Fix” Oil, helps move things forward for you. This New Moon is also an excellent time for making altar cloths or ceremonial robes, if your belief system supports it. Now is also the time to prepare and light a candle to a specific Deity, angel or Saint for giving thanks for prayers answered or to petition for additional assistance. Other planetary issues brought forth by this New Moon is that this is an excellent time to take personal action and make bold moves for your success. Take the initiative to make changes for positive energy at home and work. A good ‘deep cleaning’ of papers on your desk or clutter at home will revive you and give you inspiration for new horizons and goals. Move towards your goals and do not wait for others opinions as their hesitancy will slow down the momentum of this lunation. The next Full Moon occurs on October 29,...
Posted by Jacqueline on Sep 29th, 2012 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aries – Check Yourself!
The Full Moon in the astrological sign of Aries occurs on September 29, 2012 at 10:18 pm E.S.T.. The Moon in Aries, considered a “Cardinal” Fire Sign, is energetic, spirited, innovative and forceful. Burning candles to rid one of unwanted or “nasty” habits or people who put you in a “tailspin” mentally, is best advised now since Aries, the Ram, rules the head. In Native American lore, this Full Moon is the Full Corn Harvest Moon as this Moon signaled the time that corn needed to be harvested for safekeeping for the long winter months. It is also called the Harvest Moon, as it is the Full Moon that is closest to the Autumn Equinox. It is said that one out of three times the Harvest Moon will occur in October, with the other two times having it fall in the month of September.Farmers can work late into the night during the Harvest Moon to get in the crops, as the nights are cool but welcoming after the afternoon golden sunlight. Candle spells during an Aries Full Moon would be best for full on “attack” of your enemies and a forceful “cleaning house” on Reversible Candle Spells. This means that during the Aries Moon, you decide you will not have any more problems or “funny business” and you mean business! Rams, the animal associated with Aries, butts with it’s head to get the message across, and that image is how you need to utilize your energy when you bless and anoint your candles. Red is the color of Aries and Mars, the zodiac’s planet of War, is it’s ruling planet. Use imagery when praying over red 7 day “Novena” Vigil Candles for force and strength. This is an excellent time for exorcism as the Moon in Aries favors using tools and weapons to thwart the enemy. Using a Crucifix, Athame or any other ritual item to banish or release will be empowered by the energy of this moon. Other energies working with this lunation calls for moderation when speculating and be wary of talking huge risks. Dangerous activities are not favored at this time. Keep your head as tempers can flare and conflicts are to be avoided at all costs. “Check yourself before you wreck yourself” can be a lyric or mantra you can keep running through your thoughts that could be useful during this time. The next New Moon occurs on October 15,...
Posted by Jacqueline on Sep 16th, 2012 in Herbs and Spices used in Hoodoo and Conjure, Hoodoo Products and Uses | Comments Off on Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Basil in Hoodoo and Conjure and Candle Spells
Basil, also known as Sweet Basil, has been a staple in many Mediterranean and Southeast Asian cuisines for centuries. Identified as a strain if the Mint family, Ocimum basilicum, et al) originated in India and one genus, called Holy Basil or Tulsi, is revered as a sacred herb of the Hindu deities. This plant is used in natural medicine for digestive problem and has been touted as having anti-inflammatory properties similar to marijuana and oregano. Some information is coming out that Holy Basil has healing properties for cancer and diabetes. Basil is considered a protection herb in Southern hoodoo and conjure and is said to be a good herb to make a sprinkle or floor wash for areas of your home. Simply purchase a fresh bunch of basil and boil it in a large pot for 15 minutes, let cool, strain, and then either put in a plant mister-type spray bottle. Lightly dampen paper toweling and wipe down all exposed surfaces such as doorknobs, desks, telephone and any area where people place their hands. Great to keep at work if working in a hostile environment, as it will keep “frenemies” away. If asked by nosy co-workers, you can ay it is an all natural spray to keep the ‘dust bunnies away’. You may also take a free standing white taper or pillar candle, anoint it with olive oil and roll it in dried chopped basil for an easy protection candle. Other magical cultures use basil as a money and love drawing herb and grow it in their homes to ensure money to come from all sources. It has been said that when tied in a cheesecloth bag and tossed into a hot bath, sweet basil will activate your money drawing abilities and you will be seeing money come to you. Read more about the magical uses of herbs and spices you have in your kitchen cabinet at “Kitchen Hoodoo | 12 Spices and Herbs for Hoodoo Magic...
Posted by Jacqueline on Sep 15th, 2012 in Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply
Free Candle Spells is happy to announce the return of in a new and easier website for all your spiritual products. Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply provides products for conjure and hoodoo with zoological, mineral, candles, oils and mojo bags for all your ritual needs. Some of the great lines of high quality spiritual products include: Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Anointing Oils Mojo Moon Anointing Oils Lucky 13 Clover Candles Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Bathing Bar Soaps Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual...
Posted by Jacqueline on Sep 8th, 2012 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Time to Take It to the Max!
The New Moon in Leo occurs on September 17, 2012 at 10:54 am E.S.T. The energy of the Moon in Leo is considered a “Fixed” Fire sign, meaning that it is creative, unchangeable, stable and aggressive. New Moons are traditionally held as times to light candles for initiating new things or “bringing in” such things like love, money, more business, career changes and successes. This would be the most beneficial time to light red candle spells for “Fast Luck”, green candle spells for “Money Drawing”, orange candle spells for “Road Opening” and yellow candle spells for “Success”. Pink candles, like the Saint Jude Pink Love Come to Me Candle, is excellent for attracting a new love to you. This is an excellent time to “go all out” in dressing your candle burning altar or make some extravagant additions to it in bold Leo style! You might want to bring in the beauty of roses or stargazer lilies as well as a deep rose cloth piece for your love altar or spray paint some coins and scatter them across your money altar to put the “money bling” show on! In addition to the Moon being new, other planets in the astrological sky direct you to act in the manner of a King or Queen – like Leos do! Accept responsibilities in a mature fashion and make changes to being your world back into focus and discipline. Treat others fairly and be ever vigilant towards your long term goals. The next Full Moon occurs on September 31,...
Posted by Jacqueline on Aug 31st, 2012 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Full Moon in Pisces | It’s a Blue Moon, too!
The Full Moon in Pisces occurs on August 31, 2012 at 8:59 am E.S.T. In addition, this Moon is conjunct, or in close orbit (within 10 degrees) to Chiron, a planet discovered in the 1977. The astrological energies of both of these two events are amplified. Chiron is named after a famed surgeon and healer in Greek mythology and is aptly names because of the emergence of holistic health and healing modalities that were founded and emerged during the late 70’s. The planet is sometimes associated with hands on chiropractic healing, Reiki and other methods using hands, as the translation of the word Chiron in Greek means, “The One who has Hands”. The Moon in Pisces, the fish, is one of the most psychic times of the year. Pisces is considered a “Mutable” water sign, meaning that it is emotional, erratic and deceptive. The Full Moon is traditionally held as a time to do candle spell work, as the Moon is shrinking smaller (waning). The Full Moon in Pisces is considered a time to rest and retreat, as you could be subject to those who drain your energy with problems that you cannot fix. It is an opportune time to calculate candle spells for confusion and retribution so you can throw off your enemy’s attack. This Full Moon is also called a “Blue Moon”, as it is the second Full Moon in a month, with the first Full Moon occurring on August 1st. Read about the legend of Blue Moon by clicking here. In addition to this Moon’s energies, this is a good time to “weed out” teachers and courses of study that may now work with your life any longer. Seeking the meaning of “it” all can lead you down many paths, some of which is not conducive to your core belief system, and “cleaning out your spiritual closets” would be a good time now. Follow a spiritual path that resonates with your heart and go with that, even if it is not mainstream and popular. The next New Moon occurs on September 15, 2012. ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Aug 18th, 2012 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Time to Shine!
The New Moon in Leo occurs at 10:28 pm E.S.T on Friday, August, 17, 2012. This Moon comes with different afflictions from other planets and you can read more about the astrological connections at The New Moon in the astrological sign of Leo is considered to be under the influence of a “Fixed” Fire Sign, meaning that it is aggressive, unchangeable, constant and creative. New Moon time has been traditionally held as a time to light candles for love, lucky, money and success. It is also a good time to burn blue healing and white blessing or cleansing candles for yourself or others as the positive influences of the Moon is considered to boost the power of your candle spell. Other influence of this New Moon may bring a burst of new concepts and ideas to those who design – whether it is concrete or conceptual and mental, and could create a flurry of new agreements and contracts for some. This is the time to get out there and really shine if you are seeking scholarships, a new career or job, or if you are ready to ask for a promotion. Dress well, in rich fabrics and jewel tone colors. Use Boss Fix Oil on doorhandles, telephone receivers, computer mouses in the Boss’s office and on your hands when shaking hands with your Boss, anyone in HR, or the person who is interviewing you to lay a veil of influence on them to choose you instead of Joe Schmo. This is also the time to deep clean and re-dress your altar. Is it time to get some luxe fabrics for it? How about polishing those brass candlesticks until they gleam? We are about to go into a season change and bringing some Indian Summer or early Fall colors might be just the thing. Glam up your Money Altar with a square of gold lame` fabric to attract more money. The next Full Moon lunation will occur on August 31, 2012. When a second Full Moon occurs within a month, the second one is called a “Blue Moon”. Read more about Blue Moons here: