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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Vigil Service Feast of St. Expedite April 19th... Free Candle Spells | Vigil Service Feast of St. Expedite April 19th Celebrate in the feast day of New Orleans’ favorite Patron Saint, Expedite on April 19, 2012. I will be setting up an altar devoted completely to him, with flowers, water and red candles beginning on Wednesday the 18th, as Wednesdays are considered his day to light petition candles. St. Expedito, as he is known in the Latino community, is well loved by those who need his assistance with problems that arise quickly and when emergency money is needed.   You can participate in this event by ordering a candle for your petition to St. Expedite, allegedly said to bring you “Fast Luck” and “things in a hurry”. Each vigil...
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Capricorn – A Super Moon as Well!... Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Capricorn – A Super Moon as Well!     The Full Moon in the astrological sign of Capricorn the Sea-Goat, will occur on July 12, 2014 at 6:25 am E.S.T. This Moon is also being called a “Super Moon” because this Moon is lining up with the Earth and the Sun in a specific point in the orbit, also known as a Lunar Perigee, and it is a point in which the Moon is nearest to the Earth. This is the third of five Super Moons occurring in 2014. The next two will be August 10th and September 9th with the Moon in August being the closest to the Earth. The Native Americans call July’s Moon...
  • Free Candle Spells | Another St. Jude | Saint Jude – San Judas Tadeo Green Money Candle Spell...     This one for money and peace in knowing that the right solution will come around for you and your particular situation. Many thanks to Beatrice from a group I belong to for allowing me to post her St. Jude Candle Spell St. Jude has come through for me on a number of fronts (health/well being/ money etc.) and I posting what I did and the results in gratitude. Ingredients: 1 7-day green candle- with Jude’s image Anointing oil- (olive oil base with other helpful things) Incense (cinnamon among other things) Anglican rosary (33 beads- 7 beads x 4 + 4 separating beads- 1 one at beginning- cross...
  • Free Candle Spells | Orisha Goddess Ochun | Oshun Love or Money Success Yellow Candle Spell... Yoruba Goddess Ochun, known as La Caridad de Cobre in Cuba and Puerto Rico, is considered the Goddess of Love, Money and all the finer things in life. Although you may see her name written as “Oshun”, in the Yoruba alphabet there is no letter or syllable “sh” as in “shell”, despite the mispronunciation, her name is Ochun, with a “ch” as in “chipmunk”. Attributes of Ochun are: the number 5 (and multiples of 5). yellow, gold, the day of Friday, rivers, lakes, brass bell, peacock feathers, fans, perfume, hand mirror, combs, cinnamon, pumpkin, champagne, mimosa, oranges, honey. Ingredients 5 Glass 7-day Novena Candles 1 Large Clear or Yellow...
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aquarius – Watch Your Budgets!...   The Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on August 1, 2012 at 10:28 p.m. E.S.T. We are still under the influence of a Mercury Retrograde until the 8th, when we can then breathe a little sigh of relief until the next Retrograde time in November. This Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius the Water Bearer, is consider to have the energies of this “Fixed” Air sign (despite the pouring water image). The signs associated with “Fixed” signs say that they are signs that are stable and unchangeable. Aquarius guides the mental facilities and this is a favorable time for you to use your psychic energies to defeat or...
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Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Cancer – Banish Negativity and Cleanse!

  The Full Moon occurs on December 28, 2012 at 5:21 am E.S.T. in the astrological sign of Cancer, the crab. This Full Moon is the last Full Moon of 2012 and is called the Full Cold Moon or the Full Long Nights Moon or the Full Long Nights Moon.The term Long Night Moon is truly an appropriate name because the midwinter night is long because the Moon is above the horizon for a long time. The midwinter full Moon has a high trajectory across the sky because it is opposite a low Sun. Full Moon time is consider time for doing work that “banishes” or “sends away”. The Full Moon in Cancer would be an appropriate time to do candle work for spells in sending away money problems and bills that plague you and other candle spell work to send away troublesome people affecting the family. The zodiac sign of Cancer is considered a “cardinal” Water sign, meaning it is energetic and emotional. Cancer rules home and hearth, so a good housecleaning would do at this time of the year. In many cultures, a deep cleaning of the home, along with donating items that are no longer useful and tossing out old magazines and newspapers, can be the catalyst for bringing in new and fresh ideas and life experiences. Consider doing some spiritual deep cleaning with a mild solution of 1 capful of clear ammonia to 1 bucket of warm water and wipe down all areas where dust and hand prints can accumulate. Read more about banishing negativity by reading “Hoodoo Products and Uses | Ammonia and Epsom Salts – Dynamic Duo of Negativity Cleansing” You might also want to consider doing an end of the year banishing negativity rituals similar as the one I am doing here (click for more information) The next New Moon occurs on January 11,...

Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Capricorn

Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Capricorn This begins a 12 part series of blog articles regarding working with the energy of the Moon in each of the 12 zodiac planets in order to have a deeper understanding for candle spell burning success – J.   The astrological sign of Capricorn (Dec. 22nd to Jan. 20th) is ruled by the planet Saturn. The energy of Saturn is somewhat restrictive, as it bodes caution in all matters. Sometimes Saturn ushers in obstructions in your life when you may be careening out of control. To you, it may seem that all forward movement has stopped. In reality, it is a yellow light in the traffic signal of your life path, cautioning you to slow down and think and to use patience, traditional methods and experience to achieve your goals. Capricorn is consider to have the energy of a “Cardinal” Earth sign, meaning that it is the most materialistic of all signs and is practical and energetic. Capricorn represents the father figure, and had been called the planet of Fate and Karma. When working your candle spells when the New Moon is under the auspices of the astrological sign of Capricorn the Goat, your focus on intentions should be concerned with seeing influential people for business contacts or career goals, practical matters in business and personal life, engaging in business that concerns agriculture, mining, natural resources, real estate, and items made from earth products. Under the positive aspects of the New Moon in Capricorn, make time to organize your life and get tings under control to manage more efficiently, and re-evaluate your directions in your life and your life goals. Lighting candles for necessary material items, such as a new or newer car, and for needed money for the household. While the Moon is Full in the sign of Capricorn, it is best to not do any of the above actions, with the exception of sitting down and plan your course in the next three months, six months and/or the year, so that when the Moon become New again, you can then plan candles for that particular phase to move towards success completion. It is not wise to burn candles as revenge on someone, especially if they did not offend you in any way, as Saturn will make sure the curse bounces off of them and lands on you! Do no initiate any cruelty or injustice, as you will then be judged severely and suffer dire consequences.  ...

Free Candle Spells | Moon Sign Guide for 2013

New and Full Moons in 2013 New Moon in Capricorn     Jan. 11                 Full Moon in Leo                  Jan. 26 New Moon in Aquarius       Feb. 10                Full Moon in Virgo                Feb. 25 New Moon in Pisces           Mar. 11                Full Moon in Libra                Mar. 27 New Moon in Aries             Apr. 10                Full Moon in Scorpio            Apr. 25 New Moon in Taurus          May 9                   Full Moon in Sagittarius       May 24 New Moon in Gemini          June 8                 Full Moon in Capricorn        June 23 New Moon in Cancer          Jul. 8                   Full Moon in Aquarius          July 22 New Moon in Leo                Aug. 6                 Full Moon in Aquarius          Aug. 20 New Moon in Virgo             Sep. 5                  Full Moon in Pisces              Sep. 19 New Moon in Libra             Oct. 4                   Full Moon in Aries                Oct. 18 New Moon in Scorpio         Nov. 3                   Full Moon in Taurus             Nov. 17 New Moon in Sagittarius    Dec. 2                   Full Moon in Gemini            Dec. 17   The Moon’s monthly cycle is divided into two different phases: the New Moon phase and the Full Moon phase. Many use the energy of the Moon and the energy of the astrological sign in which the Moon is consider “in” to charge their candles for success. In the New Moon phase, the Moon is considered to be “waxing” or growing larger. This is when the sky is dark on the night of the New Moon, but gradually night after night you will see the Moon appear from a sliver on the second night to fully round on or about the 14th night. In this phase, it is best to do candle spell work for expansion, new projects, and seeking to advance in the matters of love, money and success. The New Moon time is also best to seek promotions, apply for loans, look for new employment opportunities, and revamp or add to your resume. In the phase called the Full Moon phase, the Moon is said to be “waning”, or growing smaller in the sky. You will see the Moon in the night sky go from totally round and full, hence the name “Full Moon” on or about the 15th night, and gradually shrink until you have a dark sky at night on or about the 30th night from the first night you had been counting. The energy of the Full Moon is best to do candle spell work for release and removal. This would be the time to consider taking time to plan revamping your space and relationships. This time is best spent on reflection and planning to move forward once the Moon becomes new again and for finishing up pending projects that were placed on...

Free Candle Spells | Want Success? Use Crown of Success Anointing Oil

Free Candle Spells | Want Success? Use Crown of Success Anointing Oil The most popular Hoodoo or Conjure Oil that is widely suggested when someone is applying for new employment, seeking a raise or a promotion at an existing job, getting good grades while studying or seeking favors from different sources, is an anointing oil known by many names such as Crowning Glory or Crown of Success. This oil, with a earthy scent, is utilized in candles, in the laundry as well as on the body when in pursuit of the activities and goals listed above. How to Use Crowning Glory or Crown of Success Anointing Oil This oil is allegedly highly effective when burning on a yellow Success candle with a petition written by you stating your intentions and placed under the candle. You should follow proper candle cleaning instructions (click here for article) and it is best to light on a New Moon, however, some people choose to light their candle right away. Other ways to use this oil is to mix a little in your shampoo or into your liquid body wash/soap, so that you anoint yourself each and every time you shower. You may also further enhance the Success qualities of this oil by applying a thin veil of oil on you from top to bottom before dressing for the day. This way, others will “notice” you when you interact with then, especially in interviews and meetings where you may be asking for employment or a raise. Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply is your authorized retailer of Lucky Mojo Curio Co. products in the greater Sacramento, CA area. Please go to www.lucky13clover.com to order your Crown of Success Anointing Oil today...

Free Candle Spells | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply

Free Candle Spells | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply, located in Elk Grove (near Sacramento), in Northern California, is an authorized retailer of Lucky Mojo Curio Co. products. The Internet retail shop, open on Sundays for walk-in customers from 12 noon to 4 pm, can also be contacted by phone at (916) 205 – 9490 or by going to the Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply website. Please visit our website at http://www.lucky13clover.com...

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – December 2012

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – December 2012 * Did you know that the Mayan calendar is set to end on December 21, 2012? Notice I said calendar, not world? I am sure that you have heard the fervor surrounding this date and the rumor that it is the end of the world. Ironically, I have just come back from a trip to Central America and I toured two ancient Mayan temple sites and climbed one of the two pyramids. Our tour guide was very informative and has Mayan blood in his father’s side of his heritage. He is very proud of the accomplishments of the Mayans such as the development of the concept of Zero in mathematics. He pointed out to me the medias misrepresentation of the Mayan calendar, many times publishing the Aztec calendar mislabeled as Mayan.   The difference? The Aztec calendar has a man/demons face in the center with the tongue hanging out. The Mayan calendar is a man kneeling and hunched over with a large bag or pack on his back. 19 squares encircle him, indicating the nineteen “sets” of time or calendars in their beliefs. Our tour guide said that when we finish the 19th one on December 21, 2012, we will start over with the first one, completing a circle. No worries, he said. The world will go on. * Some of the Catholic Saints having Feasts Days in December are: * Saint Lucy, Martyr – December 13th – Patron Saint for those with Eye Afflictions For those who have issues with their eyesight, this Saint is best to receive honor and a candle from you on their feast day. Other things to surround their image or photos might be a few flowers and maybe a donation to a charity that helps those less fortunate to have good eye care and glasses. * Saints Adam and Eve – December 24th – the first Man and Woman This one was a surprise for me and I came across it in one of my well-worn Catholic booklets. * The Holy Innocents – December 28th – the first children killed by King Herod Matthew 2:1-18 tells this story: Herod was “greatly troubled” when astrologers from the east came asking the whereabouts of “the newborn king of the Jews,” whose star they had seen. They were told that the Jewish Scriptures named Bethlehem as the place where the Messiah would be born. Herod cunningly told them to report back to him so that he could also “do him homage.” They found Jesus, offered him their gifts and, warned by an angel, avoided Herod on their way home. Jesus escaped to Egypt. Herod became furious and ordered the massacre of all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity two years old and under.  * The Native Americans call the Full Moon in December the Full Cold Nights Moon (Full Cold Moon) as this is when the nights are long and cold. It is sometimes known as the Moon Before Yule. The Moon at this time creates a high arc when moving across the sky on December nights as the Moon is above the horizon for many long hours in the winter. * 2012 New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Burn – December 31st – a releasing ritual for those troubled by others This yearly event is a way for you to release any negativity that you have encountered this year and also to bind those who have relentlessly persecuted you in the workplace and in the neighborhood. Read more on how you can participate here: https://free-candle-spells.com//2012/12/06/free-candle-spells-banishing-negativity-burn-dec-31-2012/  ...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Sagittarius – Time for Progress!

The New Moon in Sagittarius occurs on December 13, 2012 at 3:42 am E.S.T. The energy of the Moon in Sagittarius, a “Mutable” Fire Sign, is considered to be creative, aggressive, and to fluctuate between optimism and pessimism. With other planetary influences that are coming into play, the overall message of this Moon’s lunation is one of volatility. There are certain factors coming to light at the end of this year and into the beginning of next year which will impact many of us in 2013. Since we are coming through a ‘reality check’ regarding what we believe is happening and what truly is manifesting, do not be alarmed if people make sudden reversals in decisions you might have thought were final and “set in stone.” This is the time to start your self-improvement plan now, not after the first of the year. It has been said that most New Year Resolutions are changed or even dropped by Spring, so utilize the fire energy of Sagittarius’ New Moon to start them NOW! Make a list, create your vision board, hang inspirational messages throughout the home or create a screen-saver with your goal on it, so that you will be constantly subconsciously reminded of your dreams so you can make them a reality. The New Moon is traditionally the time to light candles for positive movement towards a goal – a new job, saving money, a new love interest or rekindling a love relationship, educational, and career goals. Lighting the appropriate candles, dressed with Lucky Mojo Oils, available from Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply enhances the candle burning ritual effects for positive outcomes. This is also the time to light candles to aide in expansion and increase, so if you are a business owner, now is the time to set up a money or business altar in your home or office and light yellow  Road Opener Candles,   green Prosperity Candles, or yellow  Crown of Success Candles to increase earnings in 2013. The next Full Moon occurs on December 28,...

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