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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Candle Success – Lighting Candles with Confidence of Success – Part 1...             Probably the most important factor in doing a spell is confidence – even more than ingredients. When I tell people who are learning about candle spells, I get a looks of incredulous – like, ‘You gotta be kidding, right?’ No, I am serious about this. More than once I have become inflamed over an injustice done to me or perhaps been extremely frustrated over the way life had  dealt me the cards of week/month that I am playing and I want to make a change. I have gone so far as to get in my car, drive to my nearest candle supplier, bought...
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  • Free Candle Spells – The First Mercury Retrograde of 2022 – Here It Comes!... Free Candle Spells – The First Mercury Retrograde of 2022 – Here It Comes!               The first of four (an extra one!) Mercury Retrogrades occurs on January 14, 2022 with Mercury stationing in the astrological sing of Aquarius, the Water Bearer.  Aquarius is the 11th sign of the astrological calendar and is the celestial representative for social justice and the good of the common Man.  These representative of the “Age of Aquarius” have energy that is focused on the current social inequities and activating that change in them as well as s desire to make the World a better place to live. These visionaries may have problems in the next three weeks in voicing their ideas and...
  • “Highly Effective Money Candle Spells” by Rev. Sister Jacqueline Mathers...   Announcing the best little book on how to perform money candle spells and other magickal rituals regarding money drawing and prosperity. Rev. Sister Jacqueline Mathers (yours truly), has published a great little book to use daily in working to gain abundance, draw in money and achieve prosperity.  This 21 page booklet, however tiny, is packed with lots of information, diagrams, prayers and techniques that you will use over and over again. Purchase this book for $4.95 (plus $3.55 shipping and 7.25% CA tax) by clicking the button below:  ...
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Free Candle Spells | Black Moon in Aries – A Rarity in Action!

Free Candle Spells | Black Moon in Aries – A Rarity in Action!   The second New Moon within the month of March occurs on March 30, 2014. This New Moon in Aries, is also called a “Black Moon”, is a rarity and even more so than the “Blue Moon” (two Full Moons in a month of 30-31 days). You can read more about the lore of the Black Moon by clicking here. As with all New Moons, this Moon in the astrological sign of Aries, the Ram, has the qualities of a “Cardinal” Fire sign, meaning that it is energetic, spirited, creative and innovating. The zodiac sign of Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, and this energy rules heavily during the next two weeks. In addition, the magical legend of a Black Moon is that since it is such a rare occurrence, old time practitioners would create a “wish list” of hidden knowledge that they would like to have Spirits guide and reveal to them. A Black Moon in Aries would be an energetic time to petition for obscure occult knowledge. New Moon time are a time for burning candles for increase once the Moon begins to appear in the sky. When the Moon is “growing larger”, then traditional candle works of a  “drawing” or “attracting” nature are performed. This particular New Moon in Aries is heated by the energy of Mars and caution is the best method of success. Do not be aggressive in your demands and be careful of being impulsive as you will have to live with the choices you make during this time if you are not careful. Burning red candles with petitions for an increase in knowledge and luck would be excellent at this time. You may also create an altar for yourself of one yellow candle dressed with Crown of Glory Success Oil one green money candle dressed with Attract Money Oil as well as the red candle dressed with Fast Luck Oil to bless you with success in your endeavors, quick lick to make it happen, and the prosperity blessings that come with hard work. The next Full Moon occurs on April 15,...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Virgo – Health and Home!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Virgo – Health and Home! The Full Moon in Virgo occurs March 16, 2014 at 12:09 p.m. E.S.T. in the astrological sign of Virgo, the Virgin. This Moon, coming just days before the Spring Equinox, is considered a”Mutable” Earth sign, meaning that it fluctuates between active and passive and has the qualities of materialism and protection. Given that it is in the sign of Virgo, the Virgin and that planet’s emphasis of all that is healthy and in align with nature, it is interesting that the deadline for signing up for the Affordable Health Care Plan, also known as “Obamacare”, looms on March 31st. Other planetary aspects during this time enhances the need to improve and enhance the effectiveness and security of your home. Good time to consider alternate energy saving items such as solar panels and water runoff collection systems. Check home security plans as well. Full Moon time is also considered a good time to burn candles for “banishing” and “reversing” a situation that has happened. This time, in the sign of Virgo, would be a good time for white candles anointed with “Banishing” oil to send away any ailments that have been persistent in your life. As a precaution, it is always advised that you seek professional medical attention if you have a condition that is compromising your health, but also consider enhancing that care with good food, vitamins and supplements and/or natural herbal remedies such as tea to return you to radiant health. The next New Moon will occur on March 30, 2014. It is the second of two New Moons within 30 days, so it is called a “Blue Moon”. Click here to read more about “Blue” Moons....

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply – Elk Grove, CA

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply – Elk Grove, CA   Located in Elk Grove, CA (near Sacramento), Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply has many hoodoo supplies and items you need for candle spells and such. Lucky 13 Clover offers many products from Lucky Mojo, Mojo Moon, and Lucky 13 Clover’s own line. Read more about that Lucky 13 Clover has for you by clicking...

Free Candle Spells | New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Burn – Dec. 31st

Free Candle Spells | New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Burn – Dec. 31st I am pleased to announce the New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Burn on December 31, 2013. This event, now in it’s fifth year, is a way for you to release any negativity that has been placed on you to start the New Year fresh and ready to move forward in a positive manner. It is also a way to remove negative people in your life that have been giving you grief and keeping you down. It has been purposeful and a real way to end the year with a clean slate – just in time to plan and develop strategies for a prosperous, successful, and eventful life full of possibilities! * How do I participate? * First, determine which package you will need to send out from your life all the evil, jealousy and negative influences from your life. Then, pick from one of the packages below and I will be in touch with you for your personal petitions and/or the names of those who you want banished out of your life. Finally, on New Year’s Eve a bonfire is started with the candles and petitions, followed by the burning of the dolls, all while prayers are said and ceremonial incense is applied to the bonfire. The whole process is photographed, from candles to petitions and construction of dolls (if you choose this method). Here are some photos from years past. We have started preparations so we cannot take any more orders. God Bless you all in 2014!              Hurry! Because only a limited number of custom black poppet dolls (aka “voodoo dolls”) will be created and since these are not pre-made but made by hand as each order comes in, time must be calculated for completion of each. Please Note: Once we are at capacity, we will withdraw this article and it will be replaced with another selection. At that time, ordering will be...

Free Candle Spells | Prosperity Experiment – January 1, 2014

Free Candle Spells | Prosperity Experiment – January 1, 2014 The Prosperity Experiment will begin January 1, 2014, with the coming of the first New Moon of 2014. The Prosperity Experiment is a intimate group of people that is ever-growing and truly dedicated with working with the Universe to aid and assist in changing their financial future. Many things mentioned to you throughout the month are things you innately ‘know’ or have experienced, but with everyday life, may have forgotten to use them. This is a time to reconnect with your intention of success, will to boldly move forward and activate positive financial changes in your life. During the month of the Prosperity Experiment you dream, scaffold and develop a strategy for your money and ways for increase in 2014, for as they say, “the early bird gets the worm” and you are on top of it all with the significant changes you will make during this month. I perform the Prosperity Experiment twice a year with the second event in July, traditionally held as the business world’s financial “New Year”, because we need a refresher to our original goal or make changes as we see which have been successful and what course to plot for the remaining months of 2014. I will write more about that later in the year. The Prosperity Experiment has two levels which is the basic as well as the enhanced packages. Both levels will include 30 days of candles being lit for you in a collective group with the other participants as well as well as a Daily Meditation e-mail to greet you and inspire you as you make changes in your money and spending habits. * There are two ways you can participate in the Prosperity Experiment: * * Package 1 – $50.00 – Complete Prosperity Experiment Candle Service – 30 days of morning and evening prayer on your personal petition for abundance, prosperity and wealth blessings using a total of 5 candles over the course of the month. A Daily Inspirational e-mail will be sent to you each day with tips and a special Meditation of the Day for you to jot down and chant over the course of the day. An additional mailing of a CD to listen to while driving or working around the home and a copy of Rev. Jacqueline’s book, “Highly Effective Money Candle Spells” will be mailed to you to enjoy. Photos taken each week of the grouping of candles both before and after the weeks burn. * * Package 2 – $35.00 – Simple Prosperity Experiment Candle Service – 30 days of morning and evening prayer on your personal petition for abundance, prosperity and wealth blessings using a total of 5 candles over the course of the month. A Daily Inspirational e-mail will be sent to you each day with tips and a special Meditation of the Day for you to jot down and chant over the course of the day. Photos taken each week of the grouping of candles both before and after the weeks burn. To read more about he Prosperity Experiment candle service, please click...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Taurus – Who Controls the Purse?

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Taurus – Who Controls the Purse? The Full Moon in Taurus occurs at 10:16 am E.S.T. on November 17, 2013. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Taurus, the Bull, is considered a “Fixed” Earth sign, meaning the energy of this Moon is stable, protective, practical and materialistic. The Full Moon time is considered best for candle rituals for removal and elimination. Since Taurus rules banking and money markets, lighting candles to remove bills and other financial obligations from our life would be beneficial. This is not the time to light green “Money Drawing” candles, as it will be all for naught. Instead, burn black candles to “banish” the bill from your life. Other planetary influences during this Full Moon is that we have just completed the third of three Mercury Retrogrades that have affected some very hard, and that getting back to “the normal” might be of importance now. Certain Pluto and Venus aspects will call into question power that is “controlled by the purse strings” and the issue of control and responsibility of spending and finances will command your attention. Beware of personal jealousy that takes the form of obsessive behavior and possessiveness. The next New Moon will occur on December 2, 2013. Free Candle Spells is an informational website to aid and assist you in your candle ritual spells and knowledge....

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Scorpio – A Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse as Well!

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Scorpio – A Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse as Well! The New Moon in Scorpio occurs at 7:50 am E.S.T on November 3, 2013. In addition, just an hour before the Hybrid Solar Eclipse begins at 6:45 am E.S.T. A hybrid solar eclipse is when the Sun and the Moon work together in this event. The Sun will begin with an Annular or “ring of Fire” eclipse but then the Moon will sweep across Earth to create this rare sight. Other holidays or events happen this week such as All Souls Day that is celebrated on November 2nd and Dwali, the Festival of Lights begins on November 3rd for Hindi, Sikh and Jain believers. New Moon time is traditionally held as a time to light candles and perform rituals of attraction, money drawing, success drawing and love. If these are the items you want to bring into your life, burn green candles to attract money, yellow candles for success, red candles for all around “Good Luck” and pink candles to attract a viable suitor for your affection. Other planetary aspects during the next two weeks bring in more clarity to a situation after the Solar Eclipse. If the eclipse was near your birthday, this will be a memorable year. Others may see problems in the world monetary markets, as there is a pessimistic attitude towards investing and care an caution needs to be taken with finances since people may tend to overspend due to the upcoming holiday season. A small error in calculations can spin out of control so do not be distracted when balancing your checkbook. In fact, issues over the “control of the purse strings” will continue after the Full Moon and throughout the month. By the 28th, lighter attitudes will prevail so attend that holiday gathering and open up lines of communication. The next Full Moon occurs on November 17, 2013. Free Candle Spells is an informational blog site for all things related to candle rituals...

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