Posted by Jacqueline on Oct 7th, 2014 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aries – A Full Lunar Eclipse to Boot!
The Full Moon in Aries begins on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 6:51 am E.D.T.. In addition to this Full Moon, we will be under the influence of a Lunar Eclipse as well. This eclipse is call a “Blood Moon” eclipse, as the Moon will appear reddish as the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon on Wednesday morning before sunrise Eastern time. This will be a total Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses are considered to be indicators that your “course” in life is subject to change. Whatever you are doing now needs correction and editing, or, you might have to consider re-thinking and starting from ‘ground zero’ again to get it right. Given that this eclipse is in Aries, the planet of Action, you might feel the need o make necessary changes that are life changing. Prepare for new ideas, beginnings and situations by month’s end! Full Moons in Aries are considered energetic as the astrological sign of Aries is a “Cardinal” sign, meaning it is spirited, innovative and creative. This is a time that will be filled with enthusiasm and for long-reaching goals of change. The ruling planet of Aries is Mars, the planet of action, fire and war. The Full Moon is traditionally considered a good time to “banish: or send things away, such as jinxes, negative people and ill will towards you, whether you want to send it back to the origins or banish it to the Universe. Lighting Reversible candles now would aid and assist in ‘cleaning out’ negative people and circumstances in your life. Other planetary aspects is that the next two weeks may be rocky for some relationships as the intensity of this Moon might make some impulsive and ‘jump’ before thinking things through. Calm and carefulness is the key to getting through this lunation. The next New Moon will occur on October 23, 2014. There will be a partial Solar Eclipse on that day as...
Posted by Jacqueline on Oct 3rd, 2014 in Mercury Retrograde, Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells – Mercury Retrograde October 4, 2014!
The Mercury Retrograde October 4, 2014 might be a doozey with the approaching Full Moon just one week later and a Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday, October 7th. Mercury will start it’s last of three Retrograde periods on October 4, 2014, lasting until October 25,2104, when it will start its’ forward movement once again. To read more on the foibles of Mercury when it is in Retrograde, click this link, Here is another interesting article on Free Candle Spells about Mercury Retrogrades,...
Posted by Jacqueline on Aug 10th, 2014 in Using Time in Candle Spellwork | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Time Considerations for Successful Candle Spells Pt. 1
Part one of a three part series regarding timing on candle burning spell work. – J. Timing is important when considering candle spell work. Some believe that when you encounter an issue or situation that lighting a candle at that time to work on that situation is ideal. That is a belief that is adopted by many. Others like to consider times of day, position of the Moon cycle and even hour of day to light a candle. None of these are wrong, because the inherent basic intent is that a candle is lit as a perpetual prayer, incantation or wish for a certain outcome. There are three main primary considerations for candle burning success: Day of the Week, Hour of the Day and Moon cycle. You are free to consider one or all of them, or none of them at all, in accordance to your comfort level, experience, and history. * Candle Spell Work by Day of the Week * SUNDAY – Ruled by the Sun, light candles for success, achievement of goals, blessings, and purifying of the Soul. Candles set during the days and hours of the Sun will enhance the powers of vitality and are traditionally held to bring success, fast luck, new money and instant actions. The influence of the power of the Sun is beneficial for all matters regarding job advancement or promotions of all kinds, influence in business and politics, attention to subject and influence, and reviews and accolades of success for works accomplished. MONDAY – Ruled by the Moon, light candles to calm and to promote peace, for petitions for conception and fertility, to heal any emotional conflicts. Using the powers of the Moon, candles lit for safety and security, matters of the home and family, children and matters regarding women, and to hypnotize or create an illusion are more successful than other times of the day or week. Lighting candles to weaken and diminish are traditionally held more effective during the days and hours of the Moon. TUESDAY – Ruled by Mars, candles lit during this day and times ruled by Mars are consider to be effective for attacking and defense to protect oneself and the power of this day will incite aggression, bravery, courage and determination. This is considered the best day to burn candles to guard against the “Evil Eye” and spiritual attacks sent by enemies as Mars is a protector and holds to planetary power to conquer and win without a care for “right” or “wrong”. WEDNESDAY – Ruled by Mercury, the influences of this planetary day and hour is manipulation and communication. Lighting candles for influence in regards of teamwork, advancement of projects, enhancement of skills, diplomacy, counseling and change are beneficial. Using the hours and day of Mercury is traditionally held as successful for bringing quick changes and alternative points of view. Lighting candles to seek forgiveness and eloquence in speech when seeking to make amends for offenses as well as keeping the peace with relations when they must see the error of their ways is successful more on this day and the hours of Mercury than any other time. Many light Reversible and Road Opener candles on this day as they appear to be more successful on this day. THURSDAY – Ruled by Jupiter, lighting candles for expansion in all enterprises is favorable during the day and the hours ruled by this planet. The influence of social ability and advancement of opportunity, group enterprise, along with family and civic duties are traditionally held as more successful during this time. Lighting candles for more money into the home for the care and upkeep of the...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jul 24th, 2014 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – It’s About the Money and the Honey!
The New Moon in Leo occurs on July 26, 2014 at 5:43 pm E.S.T. This Moon is considered a “Fixed” fire sign Moon, means that the energy is creative, unchangeable, determined and aggressive. Now would be the time to create and light your candle spells for growth and advancement. Like the astrological sign of Leo the Lion, it is time to “go in for the kill”. New Moon lunations are traditionally held as times for new beginnings – jobs, lovers, homes – and the gaining of these things. This is the time to burn yellow candles anointed with Steady Work Oil or Crown of Success Oil. Time to connect with that special someone? Use Follow Me Girl Oil on yourself if trying to attract a woman or Follow Me Boy if trying to attract a man. The New Moon in Leo is the time to dress your altar in lavish fabrics and polish up the crystal and brass candlesticks. This is the time to cast spells for money when the money needs to come from somewhere else, rather than by your own hands. You might want to apply for a loan or consider refinancing your mortgage and harness the energy of this Moon to help you in the process. Love spells are favored at this time as the Moon in Leo is excellent for romantic pursuits. Additional planetary aspects of the next two weeks Neptune and Pluto are already in retrograde prior to this time and with Uranus joins them in retrograde status, it is a time where you need to ponder what lessons you have gone through lately and try to “figure it all out” on a broader platform. The planets are not asking you to grow and expand, this is a good time to work on you and your personal life. Even though life seems like it is “slow as molasses”, inner workings are happening. Think: Where am I at this time in life and where do I want to be? This is a good time to contemplate what results or outcomes you want to have happen to you in your life and the lives you touch. Burning blue candles anointed with Peaceful Home Oil might be a good thing to do for all concerned. Life will get back to a speedier pace soon. The next Full Moon will occur on August 10,...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jul 15th, 2014 in Special Announcements | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells Marketplace – Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply
Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply in Elk Grove, CA is proud to announce that they have expanded their selection of Lucky Mojo Curio Co. oils to 75. They have oils for all situations and you can ask for a demonstration of how to properly clean and anoint candles when you visit! Call 916-205-9490 for store hours and also to ask for a call back to you. Lucky 13 Clover is serving Sacramento with hoodoo and conjure products for the greater Central Valley California region. Visit their website by clicking here:
Posted by Jacqueline on Jul 11th, 2014 in Coercive Candle Spells, Using Personal Items or DNA in Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Using Personal Item to Zero in on Your Lover – Pt. 1
The first of two part of an article about collecting personal items or concerns to use in love magic spells – J. While Valentine’s Day reminds us of all things about love, it is the day-to-day world in which we live in that gives us a lot of opportune times to gather items from our intended lover to place in a love candle spell. When used in a magical spell, person objects or concerns are like a GPS system is for a drone rocket. Instead of burning candles without the aid and assistance of a personal item or concern, try using one to “zero in” on your target. This is one example of coercive candle spell magic. What Personal Items and Concerns Can Be Used: Some say only Personal Concerns can be used, but I have been very successful with using something as innocent as a keychain given to me by someone to keep me in their good graces many years ago. It is an item that they purchased/previously owed/touched and then given to you, that makes the item “charged” with their energy. The “Golden Rule” is that the closer the object is to the person, the more effectively the magick will affect them. In the case of the keychain, it was a corporate gift from the person that he had created for his team – and the company’s name was the same as the owner! So, if you ‘read between the lines’, my “target” was the owner of the company, the company was the owner’s name and the key chain was kept in a honey jar so they would be “sweet” to all my requests. Other Personal Items that Can Be Used: * Photographs * Business Cards * Signature/Autograph * Drivers License (most likely an expired one) * Copy of Birth Certificate * Social Security card (hey, you never know!) Important Reasons for Collecting Personal Items or Concerns The old belief that ‘the more you put into it, the more you are going to get out of it’ describes it best here. Many people want the magick to happen, they just don’t want to “do the work”. Maybe it is difficult to get the item, or they have not seen the person for some time in order to collect the item. This is when you have to become a “Spiritual Detective” and seek them out if you want to collect the personal items or concerns. Being afraid of getting ‘caught’ will only heighten the effect of the spell because you are taking that risk to get that item. I will say this right now, about 99% ofthe time people do not think of collecting personal items or concerns when things are good or the opportunity presented itself; unfortunately, most times it is “after the fact” that they think of collecting them. Let me say this three times right now so that it will ring true: When the ‘getting is good’, collect your items then or now When the ‘getting is good’, collect your items then or now When the ‘getting is good’, collect your items then or now These items can be tucked into a red flannel mojo bag and placed next to a red candle to burn to bring them closer or can be placed under the candles, such as a signature or photograph, so that they will ‘feel the heat’ from your love candle flame. Some go as far as to tuck this mojo bag into their underwear drawer in the bureau or even between their breasts or pinned inside their panties or boxers so ‘remind’ the intended of what...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jul 9th, 2014 in Prosperity Experiment | Comments Off on Free-Candle-Spells | 2014 Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment
The Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment will commence with the New Moon on July 26. 2014. This wildly popular ritual is for YOU who want to attract more abundance and prosperity into your lives. Many participants repeat this ritual over and over again and have achieved fantastic results. This Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment reexamines the intent that was first worked upon in January, making changes as some success had come, and additional demands on your money has arisen. Many parents do this ritual now for needed school and tuition money and to ready themselves for the Fall and Winter demands on their pocketbook or wallet. What you receive when you participate in the Prosperity Experiment? * 5 Green Candles cleansed, blessed and anointed with Money Drawing Oil and burned in a group with other participants * A Daily Inspirational Message in your e-mail to read, meditate and save for future reference. * Weekly reports of how your candles are doing and extra Sunday tidbits to enhance your knowledge of money magic and prosperity drawing techniques. * Downloadable Extras such as e-books and PDF’s to inspire and support your prosperity efforts. We have begin the Prosperity Experiment and if you want to join in late, please e-mail me directly at prosperityexperiment (at) yahoo(dot)com and please discuss....