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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Rekindle a Lost Love | Bring Back Lover | Come Back Candle Spell... The Holidays and Winter’s chill gives us more time for introspection – which is exactly what Mother Nature wanted us to do. It is a time to withdraw from life, curl up and ponder the “what if’s” and “if only” that the Season brings. Spending the Holidays alone is an especially tough time when the break up was over something minor or if clear communication was not expressed while the two persons involved were together.     Here is a Candle Spell to Encourage a Lost Loved One to Reconsider and Return Ingredients 1 White 7-Day Novena Candle in glass 1 Blue 7-Day Novena Candle in glass 1 Pink...
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Free Candle Spells | Mother’s Day White Memorial Candle

Today is Mother’s Day and the whole world celebrates the hardest working person on the face of the Earth. While many of you are planning to attend religious services and/or take Mom out to lunch or dinner, shopping or maybe send some flowers and a card, there are those, like me, who have had their Mother pass to another place. Despite being a Mother of five myself and a grandmother of 5, I miss having a Mom to call when I have to rant about the rising cost of groceries, or ask how to get a stain out of something that seems destined for the rag bag. Here is a a simple, yet touching way to honor that woman who gave you birth. INGREDIENTS: 1 White glass 7 – day Novena type candle Blessing or Healing Oil Small saucer Rose or Carnation in a bud vase Photograph or image of your Mother Clean candle with lemon juice or alcohol, let dry completely. Choose a small table or fireplace mantle for your set up. Place a white kerchief or crochet lace doily there with the photograph and the bud vase with flower on it. Take the white candle and pour a few drops of the oil into the top of the candle, rubbing it or swirling it around clockwise to send that healing or blessing out. Place candle on saucer, then on the doily, light it and pray the Psalm 23 or recite a Hail Mary. Let it sit there and burn until done....

Practical Magic or Define your Priorities in Candle Burning Pt 2

This post is about an e-mail I received two days ago from a young lady who wanted to inquire of my services. Her letter reads (identity not revealed to protect the e-mail author): Hello, I have seen your contact Information in (a referral website) website. How effective is it in getting back to my relationship which is broken 9 months ago. How do i approach you. Thanks, No name or any identifying clues if this person is male or female. So my answer was: Hi there, I would like to know the following information: Your name, would be nice 🙂 Why did you wait 9 months before considering a reconciliation spell? What was the reason you broke up? Do you think that the mindset and situation has changed so that there will be no repeats? Jacqueline Shortly thereafter I receive this e-mail: Hi Jacqueline, My name is (identity protected). I waited 9 months because i just wanted to give it some time for him to realise and come back to me but in vain. He is married and had problems with his marital life and wanted to leave his wife. He used to like me so much and He told that he never liked his wife but still he went back to her. What do i do and iam not really sure if he really liked me or played with my emotions, but i got too involved to come out of it and i need his love back. I think he broke with me as he thought that he was not doing justice to my love. We stay very close by but never called or met after for the past 9 months. I do not want to be like strangers or enemies with him by not communicating. I would really appreciate if you can please help me with this problem. Regards, (identity protected) So, I then sent this person this e-mail: (identity protected) I really think that your emotions have been played with and that you have given him way too much time (9 months). I am not sure if you have worked with any other spiritual worker, but I do not think anything will work now since so much time has passed. Have you had the folks at (referral company) burn candles for you? That could be a start, but the feeling in my heart it is no success. Better to work on bringing into your life someone who is available and willing to commit (since this man cannot commit to his marriage or to leave it as well). Let me know when you are ready to do so. Jacqueline So, later in the day, I receive this e-mail: Jacqueline, Thanks for the reply. I didn’t know about love spell castings before and i have just learned about them. I am not sure how they work and how success they are? I just wanted to give it a try. There are many relationships which broke apart and got back together. I do not think time should be the factor but the feelings which matters. I haven’t approached (referring company) to do anything from their side. What does burning candles mean and how does it effect my current situation. Please advise me what should i do to either forget him completely or get him back. Either one of the options are ok with me. Regards, (identity protected) So I answered her with this: (identity protected), The comment “Either one of the options are ok with me” tells me that you need to be the one who decides and not give your decision power to someone else so that if...

Free Candle Spells | Practical Magic or Define your Priorities in Candle Burning Pt 1

Last week, I had a third call in as many weeks from a person who was having problems with her surrounding neighbors. It was regarding her 10 acres and the keeping of 19 dogs on the property. She told me that at one time when the property was available for purchase, her neighbors were outbid by this persons’ parents. She indicated that she felt that the frequent referrals to the animal control services were in retaliation of the deceased parents ability to possess the property than them. Once I had invested another 30 minutes in giving her ethical spiritual counseling with tips and techniques with success with a black candle burn for her neighbors, this person tells me that she does not have a functional toilet in which to dispose of the black candle. She tells me that when she needs to use the toilet, she goes to he local gas station. Whaaaattttt? Right there, that tells me that this person does not have their priorities in check. Having 19 dogs, well I can justify that she does own 10 acres and that would seem big enough for them to roam, despite the amount that she puts out every month for care and food for the animals. To not have a functioning bathroom in which you can eliminate waste gives me the impression that her life is “going to the dogs”. I asked her why would she spend money to call me to ask for candle work and supplies when she should be taking care of her home. She responded that she “knows but she has to get the four dilapidated vehicles off her property before the end of the month.” Even more evidence of not only a negative magnet for more problems and her money is going down. If you are even a dabbler in Feng Shui, you know that clutter and broken things like appliances and old clothing, boxes and such give energy to negativity and thus needs to be removed either by donating the items that can be repaired to a charity, having things taken to the dump, and a big recycling effort to get rid of any old newspapers, boxes and stuff that sits and collects dust. I told her that once she has done that, give the whole house a good cleaning and the void produced by getting rid of old things, along with a good housecleaning, should give her a brighter outlook on life, get her priorities in line and maybe get the neighbors off her back. I told her then and only then would I consider doing candle work for her. Why burn candles for prosperity if you can’t take care of yourself? You are asking the Universe to give you money so that you could quite possibility “throw it to the dogs” some more. Basic human living conditions are far more important in my world than pets, regardless of the loving devotion they give you. It is unfortunate that in this same week, we have a story in our area about someone who had a house overran with cats. I am a cat person myself, but with my busy schedule and traveling, I couldn’t give enough time to my pet to make his life a quality one with my schedule. This is why I choose with consciousness, not to own a pet.    ...

Free Candle Spells | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply

  Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply, located online at www.lucky13clover.com, is one of many supply houses for candles, spell kits, condition oils, incense, sachet powers and bath crystals for you.  Please visit their site at...

Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions | About Candle Burning Safety

Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions | About Candle Burning Safety             Rosa from New York asks about candle burning safety I want to burn candles for love, but I am afraid of fire. I blow them out when I go out, but relight them when I come back home. Is this the proper way to burn petition candles? How can I burn candles safely without causing a fire? I live in an apartment building and I am afraid of burning the whole place down Rosa, that is a very good question and one that I am sure many people wonder about when lighting their petition candles. There are many ways that you can secure the candle in a safe area and burn your candles without the possibility of fire. Here are some of the ways: Make sure there are no fabrics, papers or anything within the air above the candle opening and flame. Sometimes when working with condition oils on your candles, you may get a high flame on your candle, which could ignite any items above your candle. I have had candle flames as high as 4 inches above the wick before! Set your candle in a saucer, small cereal bowl, Pyrex baking dish. or decorative plate to catch wax in the event of a cracked candle glass. I learned this early on in my candle practice. I had went to a family members home, not too far away, for a Sunday barbeque. We had eaten a great meal and were sitting in the last few hours of the setting sun. The children were playing in the yard while adults made small talk around the table. All of a sudden, I got this gripping fear of something about to happen. I had to rush home. I left the party, promising to return once I visited my home, just a few blocks away. When I had arrived, I went to the bedroom where I was burning a 7 African Powers candle, which had cracked and the liquid wax had poured over my glass top table and onto the hardwood floor. Never again did I leave home with candles burning without setting them in a container to catch wax in the event of the very same thing that happened to me. If you are using a name paper, petition paper or photograph with your candle, remember to affix it to the lowest point of the glass of the candle (not to be used in free standing candles). For name papers and petitions, you may place them under the candle, sandwiched between the candle and the plate or saucer. If leaving your candle lit while unattended, you may set your candle on the area between the burners on the stove, the kitchen counter top or even inside an enamel bathtub (I STRONGLY do not recommend setting a candle in a fiberglass tub). If you have pets who jump up on counters or like to brush their tail about, making sure your candle is up high or in an area that they are not likely to jump is something to consider. Using these safety measures should give you peace of mind when burning your candles for your desired outcomes. J....

Free Candle Spells | Using Photos with your Candle Burning Spells

            In many cultures, it is considered tradition to use a photograph with a candle. Just like a name paper, which is a piece of parchment paper in the old time methods, or the more conventional white paper, to inscribe the full name and birth date (if known) on a paper and place it under a candle for various conditions. Photographs are used in a similar fashion to keep in touch with an individual. More importantly, the color of candle that is used with a photograph is detrimental to the candle burning outcome. Using a white candle, for example, anointed with healing, blessing or any positive producing condition oil, can be used for someone who is suffering, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually. White candles are also used in ancestors’ altars, where a photograph of the deceased loved one is set with a white candle, photograph, glass of cool water and in some cases, tobacco, coffee, a shot glass of brandy or other spirits and an occasional sweet to appease their loved ones. The thought behind this tradition is to offer the things that they enjoyed while on the Earth to appease them and thus ensure their continued protection from the Heavens above. It is important that no image of a living person should be placed on an ancestor altar or that offerings be made to a photograph that contains the images of one living person and one who has passed in the same photograph. To do so would hasten the loving person to join the one that has passed in the afterlife. When working candles for love, whether immediate gratification with another person, or long-lasting, romantic love, using the appropriate candle color for each is crucial. If you want a lover, but not necessarily a time-consuming relationship, then red candles are to used with the photo pf the intended lover. If it is a full blown relationship that you want, then use pink candles, which imparts the “heat” of desire from the red, but softness it with the purity and wholesomeness of the white candle. When working candles for success, the color is gold or a golden yellow color (not lemon or light yellow). Gold candles impart the “riches” of gold (wealth) or a golden crown, usually given to a king or ruler in ancient times. You may use this color of candle, along with some “Crown of Glory Success” condition oil, when seeking a promotion for for a child or grandchild to succeed on tests or in school. If an increase in financial gain or prosperity is desired, then using green candles along with symbols of wealth, along with your photograph is to be used. Enhance your money drawing success by using “Money Drawing”, “Wealthy Way” or “Prosperity” condition oils in your candle. A small area of your bedroom is the perfect place to build a money altar. Surround the candle with images of what you perceive as wealth, such as a photo of a car you would like, a large mansion for a home, bags of money, a bank, stacks of play money, etc., in order to build up these images in your psyche as your green candle burns with your photograph. Using anointing oils, sometimes called blessed or condition oils, are an important part of candles burn for a reason. You may find these in your local botanica or religious supply house, or online at certain spiritual supply stores like Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply to increase the desired outcome, using incense while burning your candle, or related bath crystals and sachet powders, increase the effectiveness of the candle.  ...

Free Candle Spells | Readers Question About Petition Papers with Candles

Free Candle Spells | Readers Question About Petition Papers with Candles Latesha from Mississippi writes: Miss Jacqueline, I really like your candle spells. Can I ask how I should use petition papers? What is their purpose? I’ve heard about them but I’m not quite sure how to go about writing one or using it when I burn my candle. Do I have to use a free standing candle, or can I also use the glass encased kind? God bless, Latesha Thank you for your thoughtful comments and a very important question. The history of the petition paper is to give some “grounding” or labeling of the candle in use. This is especially important if you are burning more than one candle at a time for a situation. Imagine this, there are times when you are to move a candle in a certain direction towards or away from another candle, like lovers’ candles. Now, if you have a candle meant for “you”, one for “him” and one for “her” (the other love interest), you definitely want to know which candle is yours so you can move “his” closer to “your” and away from “hers”. Another reason to use a petition paper is when you are specifically requesting a sum of money or if you want your desires to be a secret while burning the candle in a home where others live with you. It is possible to fold the paper so tiny that it fits under the candle and no one knows it is there. For a sum of money, you do not want everyone to know that you are in need of that money or how you received it when you do receive it, either. There is a passage in the Bible about keeping your prayers to yourself, which applies here as well. You ask whether you should use free standing or glass encased candles, in which both are fine. Free standing are a nice change, especially when you are desiring an answer or an outcome and you would like so sign to let you know how things are going. I change them up from time to time, but because of the many candles I burn for others on my altars, I mostly use the glass encased candles. Your petition paper can be drawn or written either with an elaborate script or a simple couple of words or a dollar figure on it. It is in the intention that gives it the power. A good rule of thumb is to give the final decision that this petition come to pass with writing the closing words, “That my cause be justified, Oh Lord”. This is especially good for candles that you are burning when you want to change the will or mind of another. You are asking your Higher Power to allow it to be, it is should be in your favor. this way, no retribution should come to you for your candle burning efforts. You also ask whether to use petition papers with every candle. This is best, however, I have used candles without petition papers, just praying over my candle before lighting it, especially when I am burning it for another in my household. I have either been in a bit of a hurry or just wanting my petition to be a secret, I have lit candles that I have prayed over, but did not put a petition paper down. I have had success in either circumstance. Good question, Latesha! I hope that others will send in questions about their candle burning problems. I also would like to hear and post some of YOUR successful candle spells. Please send these in to: tarotbyjacqueline (at) yahoo.com and I will post...

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