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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Free Candle Spells | All Spiritual Healers and Readers! Get National Recognition!

Tarot Readers, Rootworkers, Spiritual Workers!   Question 1: Do you have enough clients?   Question 2: Wouldn’t you like to increase traffic to your spiritual supplies website or have more business?   If you are already busy beyond feasibly attending to every client, then this post is not for you. Free-candle-spells.com is organizing an international directory of readers, spell casters, psychics, healers and spiritual supply businesses that will assist all readers who visit the site. With over 5,000 visitors a month, you are sure to get local recognition for your local clients! A full, one page biography of you and what you do, including photos, links to your website or e-mail address, full physical address (if you desire it to be posted) and telephone number can be your for $100.00 a year. For 28 cents a day, you can be driving more business your way! We also have a limited number of banner buttons. For more information on a banner, please contact for a quote. For more information, please e-mail me at: jacqueline (at)...

Free Candle Spells | How to Make a Honey Jar to Sweeten Someone to You & Your Wishes

Free Candle Spells | How to Make a Honey Jar to Sweeten Someone to You & Your Wishes We are going to get downright sticky today with learning how to make a Honey Jar. Making a Honey Jar to “Sweeten” someone to you, whether a lover (potential or existing), boss or a cantankerous person has been around for generations. This visual – really a mini altar – is a way to not only have your candle burning for your intentions constantly but is also a way to remind you of your intentions towards them. Ingredients Clean Canning or Jelly Jar (or even a pretty cut glass sugar bowl with a flat cover) Honey OPTIONAL: Sugar (if you want) Some use white sugar if the target is Caucasian, Light Brown Sugar for Hispanic and Dark Brown Sugar for those who are of African descent. Oil of Influence, Love Me, Boss Fix, Crown of Success, or any other anointing oil that will bring around positive results. Herbs to boost the power such as: Red Chili Peppers or Crushed Red Pepper Seeds for “heat”, Cinnamon for “heating things up”, Rose Petals for Love, Basil, Thyme and Allspice for Money drawing. NOTE: A good source of botanical reference for the use of Herbs in Magic is “Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic” by cat yronwode. It is listed as a traditional formulary giving the spiritual uses of natural herbs, rots, minerals and zoological curios. For more information on obtaining this book, e-mail me at jacqueline (at) tarotbyjacqueline.com and I will help you. A photo, lock of hair, nail clipping, business card, sexual fluids on a tissue (for lovers), or a reduced size copy of contract, coins, etc. – anything that could be a source of influence for your honey jar. How To Make A Honey Jar First, take your glass jar and clean it well, then dry. Anoint with oil the photo, business card or even just the name of the person who you want to “be sweet” to you. Place items – a photo, business card or lock of hair in bottom of jar (maybe for the lover jar, place some rose petals first – like a “bed of roses” – so romantic – then place photo on that). On top of the business card for the boss or that mini copy of the contract folded – place a few coins – I use five – for money drawing properties. Sprinkle the oil and herbs/flowers around on top. Cover with a few spoons of sugar (optional) of your color variety (see above) and either alternate layers of sugar/honey, sugar/honey, until you get to the top or just fill rest of jar with honey. I always taste a bit of the honey on my finger before pouring as in my tradition the Goddess Ochun (Oshun) was poisoned by honey offered her and therefore she will never again accept any offerings of her favorite substance without the devotees tasting the honey first, ensuring its’ safety. Close the lid to the jar and tighten it. You will not open it again (unless to disassemble). Take small finger sized pink candles (picture fat birthday candles) and burn them while standing on them on top of the lid. Do this once a day until you get your desired results. Eventually the wax will cover the lid and the sides of the jar. Once you have gained your outcome, keep the jar somewhere where it is undisturbed, bringing it out to relight candles on if the lover is not attentive or the bothersome person “acts up” again. SEE PHOTO   This particular honey jar is for blessings of peace and clarity and thus we are using a white candle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For superior natural love drawing and money...

Free Candle Spells | Black Tobacco Candle Spell to Overcome Legal Entanglements

Ingredients High John (aka High (or Hi) John the Conqueror (“Conker”) Low John (aka “Little John to Chew” – Galangal Root) Clove Sage Rosemary Pipe Tobacco A very powerful item when burned along with a black candle and salt. Use only to win court cases and to overcome legal entanglements. This spell comes from the hoodoo or conjure traditions. My brother and I used this recipe with a homemade legal luck spell. I also burned protection incense and asked that Yemaya protect my nephew in all of this. Things turned out successfully. We wished no harm on anyone, just asked that the scales be tipped a little. I hope you find the help you need, its terrible what children in these situations go through. I love candles, even not as the main focus of my magic. I use mostly candles and herbs. I prefer colors but not scented. Also I read tarot and am trying to grasp astrology. But it is currently escaping me! I don’t do much spellwork for others. Generally people I know, but am open do doing it for others. I don’t however live in the US. I am currently living in Spain. Thank you Jen, one of my cohorts on another group, for posting this awesome candle spell and allowing me to post it here. Good luck and blessings in all of your candle endeavors!     To find out how you can obtain information about the magical properties of herbs, roots and minerals in the Southern style, contact me at tarotbyjacqueline (at)...

Free Candle Spells | Dressing Candles with Oil, Sachets or Herbs Using the UP Technique

When dress your candle with anointing and blessing oils, sachets and herbs, you magnify and consecrate your candle to your purpose intended. It cannot hurt if you can use all three ingredients, and is the desired method; however if you have only the oil, do not be discouraged. After you have cleansed and carved out symbols or names (if need be) onto your candle, it is time to apply anointing and blessing oils, sachets and herbs to your candle. The use of these items will clarify and give strength to your intention and work. The quantity of items may be one or a combination of more than one item. If you are planning to use more than one oil, sachet or herb, it is suggested that you wash your hands in between steps with Florida Water, a traditional citrusy-floral cologne used in spiritual work. You may also use rubbing alcohol, but make sure that your hands are completely dry before lighting a match or a lighter. You may now place the second layer of oil on top of your first oil application. The only exception to that is if you are using various oils from a related family (i.e. oils from the money drawing family such as pay me, money stay with me, prosperity, money come to me, etc.) In this case, washing your hand in between is not necessary. It is important that you do not use any negative drawing (such as DUME or Revenge oils) with positive oils (such as money drawing or love drawing) as you may be creating a condition that may be hard to take care of once activated by the candle being burned. How to Apply the Oil Now that you have assembled your items and have written out your petition paper or desire, it is important to decide which hand movements to use when applying the oil to the candle before commencing the work. Below are three different traditional techniques with each method and purpose described in detail. NOTE: It is important to the success of your candle burning work to apply the oil correctly or else you will have mixed results ore a candle that will not perform for you in either a positive or negative manner. The UP Technique of Release, Reverse and Banish Energies The anointing of a candle to release you or others from a condition or situation requires you to anoint the candle from the base to the top with the appropriate oil to banish, send away, release and reverse that particular energy back into the Universe and/or to the point of origin or the sender. Holding the candle in your oiled hands, you will slide your hand in one direction from base of candle to the tip of the wick. You will NOT slide your hand back down the candle to the base, but release candle at tip and then re-grasp candle at the base and repeat the motion, stating your intentions each time you slide your hand from base to tip. SEE PHOTOS Once you are done, place this candle in a holder or on a plate or saucer with your petition paper under it or your photograph near it and begin to pray for blessings on your candle. Light candle and meditate on the outcome that you desire. It is preferable to keep this petition candle burning until its’ end; however if you cannot keep it burning for various reasons, do not blow the candle out. Wet you fingertips with spit and “pinch” out the flame to extinguish it. To blow out the candle means that you are finished with its’ work and you...

Free Candle Spells | Prosperity as Way of Daily Life for Constant Streams of Money

      Occasionally, I receive a note or e-mail in regards of burning a candle for money drawing or prosperity, giving me details on the successes and sometimes non deliverance of any financial gains as a result of said candle burn. I think it is important to not rely on one candle being burned to change your financial outlook; it has to be a complete lifestyle change. While the candle will break open those streams of income coming it, it might not be with just one candle, but a series of candles. While I burn candles here on my altars for clients, it is their altars that produce the long-lasting results because they are taking the time to nurture and tend to them. Think of your financial success and prosperity as a lover – would you want to produce loving feelings to someone who neglects you or maybe downright uses you for their personal gain? Of course not, and the energies that you produce when burning your candles and working your money altars is the very close to what I just addressed. Also, are you helping your financial and prosperity success by “spreading the love” with tithes, donations and contributions to charities and spiritual institutions that are near and dear to your heart? This lesson was the hardest one for me to learn as I like to see those numbers in the bank just as you do. But by donating a small amount of your gain blesses those around you with a residual effect of your good fortune, thereby activating a chain reaction if you will, of energies that circulates within the community, making sure all are prosperous. Let me give you an example, like I have said before in other posts, one way I “jump start” my business again when it seems I have a few slow days, is to make a donation to a particular church that I enjoy receiving their mailings. I have other local charities as sell, such as the mission that feeds the homeless and also for breast cancer, disabled veterans and a Native American educational organization. I make out the check, usually no more than $20.00, and I pray over it, thanking the Universe for blessing me with the amount, then praying that the money I send blesses others. A few hours after I drop the envelopes into the mail, my telephone starts ringing and I get busy. I am not saying that you should send your complete paycheck, but take a token amount – five or ten dollars – the amount of a 2 value meals a week at your local burger place – and send it to someone who helps out society. For instance, the prayer that I pray over the check I send to the soup kitchen mission goes something like this, “Thank you for blessing me with this money so that I can feed my family and keep them warm; so much so that my cupboards are full. May everyone have full cupboards and if only each and every person in my town would send in just five or ten dollars, there would be no more hunger in our community.” I always have enough to eat and I am igniting hope that others in this city would hear my prayer – somewhere. Another idea is to incorporate the philosophy of Feng Shui by cleaning out your closets, garage, cabinets and desks. The theory is that when you get rid of items that are broken, too old, too worn out (like clothing), unused, not necessary and unwanted to charities or to the dump. The ideas here is that the...

Free Candle Spells | Readers Comments and Questions May 23, 2008

The first free-candle-spells.com newsletter went out this week and I have received some great comments on its’ content for this week that I would like to share. Gloria in CA says : Awesome little newsletter! I forget how easy it is to do all these things…… 🙂   Here is another e-mail I got this week… Greetings Jacqueline: I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed your first newsletter. It was a coincidence that I received it today, because I really need to increase my finances. I am new to candle work, but do want to learn more and I find your blog very informative. Anyway, I was wondering what herbs I might use to make my candle spell more powerful and voila! There was your newsletter in my inbox. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us. I look forward to your next issue. Have a blessed day. Veronica K. Illinois If you have not signed up to receive my bi-weekly newsletter chock full of ideas about your candle magic, just use the peel down tab at the upper right hand side of this page, click on the link, fill out the two spaces and a confirmation will be sent to you in your e-mail. Plus, you get to download my free e-book, “Making Magic with Salt”. A great read for a long weekend like this weekend! Have a great Memorial Day weekend,...

Free Candle Spells | River Offering to Ochun/Oshun – May 30, 2008

It is time that I make another offering to Ochun, the Yoruba Goddess of Love, Wealth and all the sweet things in life. My next offering set up at the river will be Friday, May 30, 2008. I did a similar offering in January for 5 participants plus a score of you that send in petitions. This was done right at the beginning of the rumors of recession. I have heard that most were doing well despite what the country was doing. See the photos at: www.tarotbyjacqueline.com/ochunphotos0108.html The yearly reading 2008 has said that this year, all things that will come onto you will be because of Ochun. I have taken that literally. In my ile, or house that I belong to, we have equal representations for Yemaya and Ochun, and when you do for one, you do for the other. If you are interested in having a petition added or if you want to honor Ochun and have an altar set up, please visit the page: www.tarotbyjacqueline.com/ochunoffering Jacqueline A dancer dancing for Ochun at the Festival de La Familia, Sacramento, CA – You GO,...

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