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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Spells for Beginners | Beginners Candle Spells for Money & Prosperity

Now seems to be a time where there just is an eeking by with budgets with some and others’ budgets are full blown out-of-control! It is ALWAYS a good time to burn green candles for money and prosperity, and you should NEVER CEASE in burning candles for prosperity and income. Why? Because you are in constant need of it; not only for you but also for your blessings that you give out as well. There is an author, Catherine Ponder of the Unity Church, who wrote several books years ago about prosperity work and she herself was quite successful in bringing about prosperity in her own life as she shared her experiences with readers. Ironically, some of these ideas, methods and practices are viable today – over 40 years after Ms. Ponder published her books! So, with this in mind, we are going to do the most basic of money drawing and prosperity bringing candle spells that absolutely EVERYONE can do. Ingredients: 1 green candle (can be votive, taper or novena type) 1 holder for candle (if not already in glass) 1 piece of paper 1 red ink pen 1 bottle of Money Drawing Condition Oil (in a pinch? Substitute pure Olive Oil) (You can order Money Drawing Oil at: http://www.lucky13clover.com Clean you candle with lemon juice or Florida Water (see past posts in the catagories on right). Let dry. Write your dollar amount you need in the center of the paper and indicate for what it is meant for (no money to leave in Lost Wages…ur I mean Las Vegas). Something like this: “I, Popeye the Sailor Man, needs $500.00 to pay for the insurance on my boat so I can continue to sail the seas and fish to bring to market to feed my family. I will remember to bless someone else in need as I am blessed and I will use this for the intention written on this paper. So Mote it Be, So Shall it Be.” Place this paper in center of a large plate or other fire-safe container. Place candle on top of paper. Anoint the candle either on top of the wax in a glass encased candle, or pour some of the oil over the taper or votive for the other types of candles. Pray the 23rd Psalm (“The Lord is my Shepherd”) or any other moving inspirational words that will empower you and infuse your desires into the candle. Light candle and keep it burning constantly. That’s it! The most simplest form of money drawing candle spell that exists. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: It is extremely important that you share your little wages that you earn. We are interconnected, meaning that each and every one of us on this planet depends on one another to get by. If you choose to hoard your money like a miser, bah-humbuging those who stand on the corner asking for change, remember there for the sake of God, goes you. It was fate, the Universe, the luck ofthe draw – WHATEVER that gives you whatyou have and gives less to others. Remember, one simple twist of fate can change you and that guy with the signs’ future. Giving was one of the hardest things for me to learn and it took me more than one time to fall on my financial bottom before I GOT IT! I now carry three dollars, anointed with money drawing oil and with sigils drawn on it (see other posts in the Free Money Spells and Prosperity Candle Spells catagories) and I purposely lok forthat guy with the sign. I always pause after giving it to listen for them to say, “God Bless...

Free Candle Spells | Good Bye 2008! Banishing Ritual and Candle Burning | December 31, 2008

Time to consider banishing all that negativity and sorrow that you endured and struggled with in 2008 with my annual Banishing Ritual and Candle Burning on December 31, 2008 and bring in the New Year with a clean slate and hope for a better 2009!   What is It? I created a ritual for New Year’s Eve night to send off in a fiery pyre all the negative things, people and thoughts that plagued my clients throughout the year. I invite you to join us for this ritual. Releasing of old negative thoughts, hurts, jealousies, anger and problems that have plagued your thoughts and home life is purging and mood elevating, and can break free things that have been keeping you down and unable to progress forward. How Can I Participate? There are two ways you can participate. First, you can purchase a tea light vigil candle for $1.25 each and submit your petition for that candle. Quantity is unlimited and if you live with others, it might be a grand release of negativity for everyone in the home to have a candle and petition paper burnt for them (see photo below). The petitions will go into the “coffin” along with the black poppets, mixed with frankincense, myrrh, white sage and lavender, to become a burnt offering to the Heavens (see more photos at link below)   The second way to participate is to purchase a black “doll baby” or “poppet” and name it for someone who is giving you the Devil or you would just want them to Go Away and Stay Away. These voodoo dolls are then “named” and stuffed with Spanish Moss and a few other herbs and ingredients to be effective in getting this person out of your life. These black dolls can be your for $20.00 each. Once you have ordered your poppet, you will then be asked to give a small description of the intended person and what you would like them to receive in exchange for doing damage they have done to you.               For more information about how you can participate in the 2008 Banishing Ritual and Candle Burning, please go to: http://www.tarotbyjacqueline.com/banish2008.html To see some of the events from the 2007 burning, go to: http://www.tarotbyjacqueline.com/banishingphotos.html         NOTE: The use of any written or image material on this site is prohibited by anyone and is not approved by the site owner. It is illegal to use another’s work without express permission and is defined as...

Full Moon in Gemini | December 12, 2008 – Careful, Sparks Will Fly!

Oh boy! Here we go! This Full Moon occurs in Gemini at 11:38 E.S.T. and this lunation is a doozy! This lunation is in the mutable sign of Gemini – which means that it illuminates to fluctuations between passivity and activity in matters of the intellect and the functions of the mind and thought processes. This lunation and the new moon lunation on December 27th will be especially hard on relations with loved ones and family. Burning blue candles anointed with Peaceful Home Blessing Oil or Peace Condition Oil during the next two weeks should be a priority for you if clear communication with loved ones and family is important to you. At the end of this Full Moon, near Christmas Day, begin burning pink candles anointed with Blessing Oil  to bring about  loving and affectionate relationships between family and loved ones....

River Offering to Ochun/Oshun/Oxum | November 2008

River Offering to Ochun/Oshun/Oxum | November 2008 The offering was fantastic as you can see!  Blessings of much love and prosperity from the heart of Ochun/Oshun/Oxum to all that participated!...

New Moon in Sagittarius | November 27, 2008 – Time for Accomplishments!

The New Moon in Sagittarius will be at 8:55 pm eastern (4:55 pm pacific). This New Moon is in a Mutable Fire sign, meaning it fluctuates between the opposite poles of pessimism and optimism. This energy is both creative and aggressive. This is the perfect time to schedule rituals or burn candles for self-improvement and to set goals for higher ideals for your life and to plan the path to those ideals. This is the time to light green and gold candles for increase and expansion. This is also the time to burn Crown of Success candles on copies of applications to facilities of higher education, so apply to the University of your dreams and begin your candle work to get there....

Thanksgiving Candle for Blessings to You and Yours

Thanksgiving Candle for Blessings to You and Yours Wishing all of you a blessed Thanksgiving with bounty to come for your family for generations to come. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thanksgiving Offering to Ochun/Oshun/Oxum Friday, Nov. 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Offering to Ochun/Oshun/Oxum   Friday, Nov. 28, 2008 We will be having a ceremony to place offerings to Ochun/Oshun/Oxum for blessings received and for blessings to be asked for on Friday, Nov. 28, 2008.  We take offerings to the riverside, and with traditional songs, invite Ochun/Oshun/Oxum to accept these offerings from people like you. The offering above can be set for your intentions for the offering of $25.00 For more information about purchasing a candle offering or a larger altar set with the 5 oranges, please go to: http://www.tarotbyjacqueline.com/tarot-upcomingevents.html...

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