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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Black Moon on July 30, 2011 – Create a Wish List!... Free Candle Spells | Black Moon on July 30, 2011 – Create a Wish List!   A rare event, a “Black Moon” will occur on Saturday, July 30, 2011. This is a special magic Moon and is highly favored for casting good spells for gain. Click here to read “Black Moon” Lore and Legend | A Rare and Unique Moon” In association with capturing Good Fortune and Luck during this rare second New Moon, I am offering a red “Fast Luck” Candle Spell to “power boost” your desires into happening rapidly. If you would like to participate in this group event, order your red “Fast Luck” candle to be lit at 1:40 pm on Saturday, July 30, 2011 below....
  • Full Moon in Cancer | January 19, 2011 – Reverse and Banish Time!... Full Moon in Cancer | January 19, 2011 – Reverse and Banish Time! The Full Moon in the zodiac sign of Cancer occurs on January 19, 2011 at 4:22 p.m. E.S.T. just a few days before a Solar Eclipse on Sunday, January 23rd. The astrological sign of Cancer rules the home, family and security. These will be highlighted by the eclipse and while there may be some excitable days, you may have an idea that will take off and my bring you unexpected success. Frustration levels will be high, so step back and take a deep breath before you say something you might regret. The Full Moon time is considered the time for candle spells of a “Reversible”, “Banishing” or “Removing” nature....
  • Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Gemini the Twins... The astrological sign of Gemini rules those born from May 22nd to to June 21st. The energy of the Gemini sign is all about “Communication” since Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. A “Mutable” Air sign, Gemini is active and passive in the matters of the intellect and thought processes and communication. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary...
  • Free Candle Spells | The Candle for La Caridad de Cobre – Patroness of Cuba... Free Candle Spells | The Candle for La Caridad de Cobre – Patroness of Cuba On December 30, 2011, as I was lighting candles for people, I got a “feeling” about the ruling Orisha/Oricha for the year 2012 was going to be Ochun/Oshun/Oxum, also known as La Caridad de Cobre. I wrote this prediction in my other blog, Tarot by Jacqueline Blog and I stated that I will have to buy a big statue of La Caridad de Cobre if I was right. Well, I was right, and next week I will be shopping for the largest statue of Ochun I can find. The reading comes from CONSEJO CUBANO DE SACERDOTES MAYORES DE IFA DE LA REPÚBLICA DE CUBA Letra Del Ano 2012 Signo: Ogbeche...
  • Offering to Goddess Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja – Sept. 7, 2008... Offering to Goddess Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja – Sept. 7, 2008 Offering to Ochun, Sacramento River, January 2008 Many of you know that the Yoruba Goddess Yemaya (also spelled Yemoja or Iemanja) is my favorite goddess since she is the one that governs motherhood, women’s issues, children issues and the family. Her feast day is coming up in about a week and I wanted to share with you that with many requests, I am setting up an altar to Yemayathis weekend. It is Saturday and I am cleaning like a mad woman to make ready for altar building later today. If you would like to purchase a candle for Yemaya, please go to my other website to...
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Advertise on Free-Candle-Spells | Banner Ads/Full Page Ads WARNING! Do not read the contents below if you are a tarot card reader, psychic or carry spiritual supplies and you have enough business! If you are not utilizing the power of the Internet, Google search, Yahoo search, MSN or any of the other search engines to bring you more clients and to let clients know that you are out there, you are not living in today’s technological world. BECAUSE OF THE UNCERTAINTY OF TODAY’S WORLD, MORE PEOPLE THAN EVER ARE SEEKING SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE AND PRODUCTS TO UPHOLD THEM THROUGH THESE TIMES! If you are a gifted reader, spiritual supply company or someone who helps people on their spiritual path, you can advertise on this site. If you would like a banner ad such as the one you see in the post below, contact Jacqueline by e-mail at freecandlespells (at) yahoo.com or call (916) 284 – 5552. We have over 300 visitors like yourself daily and advertising rates are less than a dollar a day!...

Rootworker|Tarot Readings|Obi Divination|Tarot by Jacqueline


Readers Questions | Which Candle and Oil to Use for Job Examination?

Readers Questions | Which Candle and Oil to Use for Job Examination? A reader asks: Hi Jacqueline I love your site and great spells. I was wondering what color of candle would be appropriate to light when I go on Jan 26 to do a test for dispatch operator for the police dept. and what kind of spell/oils you recommend and how soon should I start on the ritual and if the moon is in a good phase. I am also going to test this month for California life insurance agent should I use the same spell you recommend? Thank you so much. How much are your jumbo reversible candles? I am having a hard time finding black/green and black/white jumbo free standing candles in San Diego. Thanks, Gabriela First, let me say congratulations on the job opportunity and your decisiveness to have an exciting and fulfilling career. You go, girl! I would use the Crown of Success products or Crown of Glory products to bathe in, anoint with, and burn before your examination – along with some good coffee and hours hitting the books. Since time is short, you may have to do a little “wiggling and squiggling” to get your oils and such, but here is a basic “shopping list” of items to use: (NOTE: You may use these same three candles for both potential employment situations) 1 White Glass 7 -Day Novena Candle – your full name an birth date on piece of white paper placed under this candle. 1 Yellow Glass 7-day Novena Candle – name of agency and job title on piece of white paper under this candle. 1 Red Glass 7-day Novena Candle – petition of power for achievement of goal to gain selection in this position on white piece of paper under candle. “Crown of Success” or “Crown of Glory” Anointing Oil, Bath Crystals and Sachet Powder – to use on in candles, on body and petition papers. HOWEVER… if you CANNOT find these products in town, then substitute with: For Bath Crystals: Mix Epsom Salt and Kosher Salt with Grains of Paradise (aka Guinea Pepper), Master Root (or Masterwort) (will be hard to find) and a Buckeye to carry in your pocket. My might try a Health Foods Store for these herbs. If these things cannot be found, take lots of Epsom Salts (WalMart or Walgreens) soaks followed by a soaping and showering off negative residue. For Candles: In the event you cannot find “Crown of Success” or “Crowning Glory” products, take some Olive Oil in a small saucer and extend your hands over it and pray to blessing and infuse your intentions into the oil. Use this oil in your candles. Remember to clean your candles following the instructions on candle cleaning in my “Proper Candle Preparation” column on the right. For Sachet Powder: Since time is short, you may have to forgo this product. I hope this helps and please let us know how things went for you! Jacqueline P.S. Walgreen’s ALWAYS has red, yellow and white candles, as so some of your area supermarkets in the Latino or Hispanic Foods section. For the half green/half black and the half white/half black free standing candles – we are all hurting because the factory where these are coming out of is relocating and didn’t make enough back stock to keep us in candles. I was just talking with someone about this just yesterday! I am actually in negotiations with a candle maker who may be supplying me with a line very soon. I will keep all of you posted on the outcomes since we are in quality control right now – can’t sell faulty stuff!...

Free Candle Spells | Creating an Altar for Your Candle Magic Spells

Free Candle Spells | Creating an Altar for Your Candle Magic Spells Creating beautiful and spiritual altars in which you can burn your candles at is easier to create than you can imagine. This blog entry gives you various ideas on how to create that special sacred place in which you can burn all your candles for magical work for love, money, revenge, reversing and success.  Here is an example of a simple St. Joseph Feast Day altar I set up. I had an antique cabinet that I painted a french vanilla creme and placed a gold lame’ cloth over it with a piece of glass to keep everything easy to clean. I then placed my statue of St. Joseph on a pedestal and flanked him with two antique Catholic brass candlestick holders that I put cream colored pillar candles in. The left and right back areas I placed two potted Easter lilies The two large white plates held petition candles labeled with clients petitions and names, each with their own St. Joseph card in front of the candle. There is a large plate of dried fava beans, a symbol of Good Luck for this day, that were distributed to clients. My home was open to visitors during the day and many came to get a reading from me and to collect their three Good Luck Mojo Beans (fava beans) so that they could carry them with their three wishes to the river to toss them in. Here is my All Saints Altar where 90 percent of my candles are burned for bringing in good things such as love, money, prosperity and success for my clients and myself. From left to right I have an antique photo of St.Anne, two St. Expedite with two different poses (you never know which one is correct!), St. Therese “Little Flower”, Infant of Prague, Our Lady of Grace, St. Martin de Porres, St. Joseph, Caridad de Cobre, Archangel Uriel, Marie Laveau and the Our Lady of Fatima. The offering is clear, cool water, tobacco, a sweet pastry and a white candle. The top of this cabinet holds a long piece of beveled glass from a tabletop and has a cream brocade runner with tassels on each end. But wait… it gets better… This cabinet was a antique store find! I think it must have been a 1960’s pseudo bar type thing. I sanded it down, painted it a merlot color, added these nifty Mexican tin images of Sacred Hearts and lo and behold, it became a place to store all my hoodoo herbs and roots! I hope this helps you become inspired to go out antique hunting and begin to tap into your creative side to paint and create an altar for your candle magic spells for blessings from the...

Creating a Money Altar for Money and Prosperity Drawing Candle Spells

Creating a Money Altar for Money and Prosperity Drawing Candle Spells In my humblest opinion, if you do not have a yellow-gold, green candle or a red candle constantly burning in a special place for your finances, you’re not being true to yourself in the most basic of candle magic work. The burning of candles to bring a steady income, sustain additional income or even stabilizing the bank account as it stands at any given moment is a core necessity for you as a successful candle spell worker to accomplish. Setting up a quiet or private place to do candle spell magic for money drawing success is not as hard at it might seem. All you need is a nightstand, small table or the top of a dresser. I have used the top of the bookcase on my side of the bed, so that I can look at it right before I go to bed each night and again each morning when I arise. I have the good luck of having the ‘money side’ of the bedroom according to Feng Shui standards, which is the far left corner of the room, so I have double power in that regards. Here is my money drawing altar. The bookcase is filled with all my metaphysical and religious books, since I like to read late into the night or wake in the middle of the night to read in silence. On this altar I have a Waterford crystal bowl with a fed lodestone surrounded by gold paper “hell money” bullion bars that I got at the Asian market. To the left I have a coffee can with a big eye that held coffee at one time that is filled every night with the coins in my purse. This is “emergency money”, like the two-days-before-payday-and-I-got-to-buy-food-kinda-thing. On top of that is my bowl with my Money Salt and my three Mojo Bags inside. To the right, I have a framed picture of the 20 companies that make up the Dow Stock Exchange with a photo of me reading tarot cards, a triangle green money candle that I have not burned, and more cello wrapped old Chinese coins. Behind the red candle on the far right is an Oil Lamp with a wishbone holding a hanging “Wealth” mirror that reflects the candle flame across the room, where ironically my computer sits that I am using to type this blog post! I have a pile of Mardi Gras coins and a Rose Quartz crystal in front of the candle and the table scarf is made of fabric that has various denominations of greenbacks on it. I hope you enjoyed my example of a Money Drawing Altar and I encourage you to take photos of your and send them in with explanations of the symbols of the items you place on your money altar.  ...

Readers Questions – Confusion on Direction to Applying Candle Oil

Readers Questions – Confusion on Direction to Applying Candle Oil             I received this the other day and thought it was a good question to share with you. It shows to variations and confusion one gets when asking proper candle preparation. Jacqueline, I went to a candle shop to get a candle after reading about a spell on your site. When I asked to clerk about how to apply the oil, she told me to rub the oil on in a certain way. It sounds like it is different than what you say in your section about candle preparation. Now I am confused and I need some clarity. Can you explain how I am to put candle oil in the top of a glass candle? Thank you Shantelle Atlanta, GA Depending on whether you want to ‘bring in’ an effect (love, money, success) for ‘banish or send away’ (debt, bad neighbors, boyfriends), depends on the direction in which you apply your oil. For the sake of being positive, I am going to explain how to anoint a candle to bring in positive effects (like love, money, success). The photos below show you the direction in which I was taught to ‘bring in’ good things.  The person who taught me this direction (counter clockwise) was because in the Northern Hemisphere, when you flush a toilet, the water rotates downward in a counter clockwise direction. It is said that the opposite is true in the Southern Hemisphere. So, since we are holding and anointing our candles to bring in something, just like the water, it is spiraling down from the Universe into the top of our candle. Therefore, I was taught that to bring in things, you rub your oil in counter clockwise (see photos). Now, you see me rubbing to edge of the candle glass, that is only to give you the directionality of the rub – you will actually rub the oil in the top of the wax when you pray ove and speak your desired effect to the candle while rubbing the oil.                         I was also told that to send something away or ‘banish it’, like nosy neighbors, jealous people, boyfriends or evil, you rub the oil into the candle clockwise. I am not going to demonstrate with photos, as I think you will understand what I am describing. I hope this has helped you in your oil application and good luck on your candle burning success!...

Full Moon in Cancer | January 10, 2009 – Plight of the Weak and Powerless

The Full Moon in Cancer will begin at 10:27 EST (7:27 PST) highlights the plight of the refugees and the powerless. This lunation will also focus energy on the family supporting those who work during this difficult time where increasing work demands may be a larger burden than some breadwinners can manage. Safety and security of  the finances for the home is highlighted. The Full Moon in Cancer is in a “Cardinal” water sign, meaning that it is energetic, innovating and emotional. Light black candles to block any obstacles that may keep the ones that ‘bring in the bacon’ from doing  just that – whether they be parent, husband, wife or partner. this is also a good time to control or dominate anyone who is causing you troubles as your power increase with candles burned to influence others to see it your way. Burn blue candles anointed with “Peace in the Home” or “Peaceful Home” Blessing Oil to keep the peace amongst all family members....

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