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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Uncrossing and Jinx Removing Candle Spell... We have all been ‘there’. I call then “Whammy” Months (or weeks, or whatever). This is when the washer breaks, the check gets lost in the mail, when the cars’ brakes go out and whatever else that comes down that rains on your household. This is not the ‘normal’ things – it is a flood of constant one after the other incidents that gets you so perturbed that you just KNOW something is up. Most likely, you have been ‘crossed’ or ‘crossed up’. This can be done in various ways, either by placing a powder for you to step in, someone ‘lifting’ your shoe print to use, or by...
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aries – A Full Lunar Eclipse to Boot!... Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aries – A Full Lunar Eclipse to Boot!     The Full Moon in Aries begins on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 6:51 am E.D.T.. In addition to this Full Moon, we will be under the influence of a Lunar Eclipse as well. This eclipse is call a “Blood Moon” eclipse, as the Moon will appear reddish as the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon on Wednesday morning before sunrise Eastern time. This will be a total Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses are considered to be indicators that your “course” in life is subject to change. Whatever you are doing now needs correction and editing, or, you might have to consider re-thinking and starting from ‘ground...
  • Free Candle Spells | Black Tobacco Candle Spell to Overcome Legal Entanglements... Ingredients High John (aka High (or Hi) John the Conqueror (“Conker”) Low John (aka “Little John to Chew” – Galangal Root) Clove Sage Rosemary Pipe Tobacco A very powerful item when burned along with a black candle and salt. Use only to win court cases and to overcome legal entanglements. This spell comes from the hoodoo or conjure traditions. My brother and I used this recipe with a homemade legal luck spell. I also burned protection incense and asked that Yemaya protect my nephew in all of this. Things turned out successfully. We wished no harm on anyone, just asked that the scales be tipped a little. I hope...
  • Free Candle Spells | Double Strength Uncrossing Candle Spell...       TO UNCROSS ONESELF Ingredients Double Strength Uncrossing Bath Salts Double Strength Uncrossing Oil 3 Kings Incense Charcoal Oil of Rosemary Saltpeter Parchment Paper Ink Pen Solomon Seal #35 King Solomon Root Red Flannel Bag Put two tablespoons of DOUBLE STRENGTH UNCROSSING BATH and one tablespoonful of SALTPETER into your bath water while the water is running, make your wish and repeat the Prayer ” O Lord, banish from us this day and for ever, all evil from our heart, soul, and body.” After your bath, anoint the palms of your hands and the bottoms of your feet with UNCROSSING OIL. On a piece of parchment paper...
  • Readers Questions | Drawing Us Closer Love Candle Spell... Readers Questions | Drawing Us Closer Love Candle Spell Rene asks about love candle spells: Hi Jacqueline, I’ve been perusing your website. Do you have a love candle spell I can burn for me and my mate to bring us close? After reading the Saint Jude Love Spell, I’m not certain this is the one I should use. Looking forward to your response. Rene You may be right on this one, Rene, depending on the severity of space between the two of you. Saint Jude is considered the Saint of Impossible Cases, like if uncontrollable events were keeping the two of you apart. If it is just that the two of you are in contact with each other...
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Revenge, Damnation and Go to H*LL Candle Spell

Revenge, Damnation and Go to H*LL Candle Spell WARNING – This is not for the faint of heart;  it is for a person who has had such torment done to them, such pain and suffering, that they want the the perpetrator to shrivel up and crawl under a rock. While there is not anything morally ‘wrong’ done in this spell, it IS a good way to relieve tension and or pent up anger towards that ex, the boss and his hoochy girlfriend that just fired you or even the uninsured motorist that just rear ended your car. You ask…does it work? I don’t know as the target of my anger moved a loooong time ago. If you DO perform this spell, please let us know of its’ outcome – J. SUPPLIES: 3 Red Glass Vigil Candles 3 Black Glass Vigil Candles 1 White Glass Vigil Candle 1 Bottle “Run, Devil Run” Anointing Oil 1 Bottle “Revenge” Condition Oil 1 Bottle “Crossing” Condition Oil Box of Sea Salt 7 glass saucers or small plates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Label the white candle with the name and birth date of the one you want to suffer. Anoint with “Crossing” Anointing/Condition Oil. Place in center of configuration with a plate or small sauce under it to protect it from spilling. Label the red candles with the name and birth date of the one you want to suffer. Anoint with “Run Devil Run” Anointing/Condition Oil. Place in the 12 o’clock, 4 o’clock and 8 o’clock sections of the configuration (see photo for example). Make sure these are on small saucers to catch any spillage. Label the black candles with the name and birth date of the one you want to suffer. Anoint with “Revenge” Anointing/Condition Oil. Place in the 2 o’clock, 6 o’clock and 10 o’clock section of the configurations (see photo for example). Place each candle in a saucer to protect from cracking and spilling wax. Ring the entire area with a thick circle of Sea Salt. Look upon the white candle and imagine the face of the one who has tormented you. Curse it, calling them every name in the book. Tell the candle what you want them to suffer. Light candles andwalk away. This spell is best done where some seclusion is available or in a room that is not visited often, like a guest bedroom or a seldom used bathroom. When candles are done, scoop up all in a brown paper bag (including saucers – they’re cheap if you buy them at the dollar store) and some moistened paper toweling to clean up the Sea Salt. Take to nearest dumpster and dispose of in the receptacle. Do not place in your garbage can so that you will not ‘contaminate’ your can with remnants of the Crossing Condition Oil. If you perform this spell, please write to us and tell us what...

Readers Questions | An Outcome for Eben’s Vinegar Jar Spell

  Readers – If you remember a few months ago, Eben began to send in his posts regarding a vinegar jar spell that he created to separate his friend from an emotionally abusive relationship. This came in the other day as his final outcome to the vinegar jar spell. To read his prior posts regarding this spell, click on the Vinegar Jar Spells category on the far right side and catch up   Eben writes: Well, the vinegar jar proved to be unsuccessful at this time. As you may recall, I went through this elaborate Vinegar Jar technique to break up an deceitful target and one of my best mates. Since this time, there has been hints and little squabbles here and there between them, but nothing permanent. In fact, over three months out, I have been contacted by my friend to hang out the next week, but by the time the next week comes, there is no contact again. Today, I also hear that my friend and the Target at actually heading out of the country together soon. Did my jar truly fail? Not sure. What did I do wrong in my jar? Well, I think my technique was pretty on par (in my own personal opinion). I think that perhaps I am not that focused. Or simply it is because I did not physically work the jar enough. Yes, I have anxiety and thoughts about the two of them together that could cancel out all my work. It happens to everyone and it is tough to beat. Where do I go from here? Well.. my thoughts are to flush the contents to my vinegar jar and start a new. Hmmmm      ...

New Moon in Libra | October 18, 2009 – Start Spreadin’ the News!

New Moon in Libra | October 18, 2009 – Start Spreadin’ the News! The New Moon in Libra occurs at 12:34 E.S.T. on Sunday, October 18, 2009. Libra’s Moon is “Cardinal”, meaning that it is inventive and innovative. Time to bring out those ideas and rework them and get the word on the streets that you are here and you have something for the world to see! Not only is it a good time to burn yellow “Crown of Glory”, “Crowning Glory” or “Crown of Success” candles, but a good time to devote at least one white candle to your special Diety, Goddess or Spiritual Advisor at this time. Your special Guide can be the Virgin Mother, St. Michael or any other cultural or regional Saints that is...

Free Candle Spells | Court Case Condition and Anointing Oil

Free Candle Spells | Court Case Condition and Anointing Oil The condition oil known for handling and influencing Court cases is aptly names “Court Case” Anointing Oil. This brown, musky scented oil is used on brown glass 7-day “novena” or “vigil” candles and burned on top of copies of Court documents to influence the decision of the Judge and all those involved to hear the pleas of the one for whom the candles are being burned – either for the good of the other or to lessen the charges brought against them. This oil can also be used on a brown “Indian Spirit” or “Indian Tobacco” candle to bring around the true perpetrators if the one that is accused is truly innocent. You can boost the influencing aspects of the Court Case Oil by mixing in grated Little John to Chew, a root deemed potent to sway influence in Court, or by using oil that has had Little John to Chew steeping in it. You can buy “Court Case” oil at...

Goya Products Florida Water Cologne and Spiritual Water

Goya Products Florida Water Cologne and Spiritual Water I have found another product that is a tradition in the realm of working with Spirits and I wanted to share it with you. Goya Foods Company, based in Florida, offers their version of Florida Water Cologne. This large bottle is economical as it is not priced quite so high as other Florida Waters and I sometimes prefer this brand as it seems to have more cinnamon essence in it than Lanman and Kemp’s Florida Water. Florida Water is used to cleanse, anoint and calm a person ‘heated’ by being overcome by Spirit. I also use it for candles as a substitute for lemon juice. It is offered either mixed with spring water or undiluted on ancestor altars or offering for the dead.            ...

Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Libra the Scales

Libra the Scales rules those born from September 24th to October 23rd. This zodiac sign is considered a “cardinal” Air sign, which means that it is able to define and initiate energy. Libra is innovative and able to set things in motion, but has difficulty in completion of a project. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day glass novena candle in the appropriate color for your sign and use a permanent marker or paint pen to draw the symbol for Libra, which is a set of scales in balance. The color of candle associated with Libra is green and the planet associated with Libra is Venus. The gemstone is Opal, and it is considered unlucky for anyone except those born under Libra’s sign to wear the opal gemstone. Another stone associated with Libra is Jasper....

Free Candle Spells | Prosperity, Abundance with Reverend Ike

Free Candle Spells | Prosperity, Abundance with Reverend Ike I want to help you with a free audio download and also information about someone that I was introduced to their teachings. Reverend Ike, who recently pass on, was a proponent or ‘trailblazer’ in the New Thought ideology to prosperity and abundance. Now, let me give you my own experiences with abundance and Reverend Ike is that every time, I mean EVERY TIME, I send a Tithe to Reverend Ike, I have abundance and prosperity flowing into my grasp from all areas of my life! I have tested this over and over, because when I forget (whether intentional or not) to send in a few dollars to assist in his spreading the Word of Holiness and God’s Abundance, all H-E-Double Hockey Sticks breaks out! (Keepin’ it clean here!) Listen to this message and please do not hesitate to download all the FREE information that Reverend Ike’s website has to offer! http://www.scienceoflivingonline.com/product/revKev.asp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ...

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