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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Readers Question | Is it Better to Light Candle with the Moon?

Readers Question | Is it Better to Light Candle with the Moon? I have a question. I see some people use the Moon as a guide to light candles and some do not. Which is better? Jenna ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good question! You are absolutely right – some people use the powers of the Moon’s phases to give their candle burning spells and extra “kick”, and some do not. In may traditions, working with the Moon was important to success and even one’s own belief system, while others felt that if the ‘work’ was needed to be done NOW – then light the candle, despite whether the Moon was waxing or waning. NOTE for new Readers: A “Waxing” Moon is when the Moon goes for “dark” or completely unable to see (dark sky) to completely round (Full). This means this is the time for “bringing in” good things – love, money, new job, now love, – you get the picture. A “Waning” Moon is the two weeks or so when the Moon goes from Full Moon status to completely dark – meaning no Moon in the sky. During this time, preform works of “banishment” – sending away bills, bad boyfriends (or girlfriends), nosy neighbors, funky feelings and hey, debt. You are asking the Universe to perform a “purge” of your psychic bowels so you can be healed and be ready for positive action again when the Moon is waxing again. When I have a need to light a candle ,whether it is for a client or not, I do take into consideration what they are asking of me. I ponder – Is it going to be more effective that I wait until the right Moon or does the dynamics of the situation cause me to light this candle spell to burn for them right away? In my personal experience, I use both ways, depending on the severity of the situation. Another thought I have been telling clients is that use one thing to focus on and burn candles throughout the month. How can you do this? Let me explain. Let’s say that the subject is MONEY – something we all need and can use. During the Dark-to-Light (or Waxing Moon) burn candles to bring in money to pay of the bills. Make sure you fashion your petition paper in that manner and also make sure you use any monies coming in for that reason; to pay the bills. Then, from the Light-to-Dark phase of the Moon, called “Waning”, write your petition papers to state that you are banishing bills out of your life forever, and use a black candle or a Reversible Candle on the petition paper. Hope this answered your question. Thanks for asking....

Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Aries the Ram

The astrological sign Aries the Ram rules those born  March 21st to April 20th. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and the energy is considered a “Cardinal” Fire sign, meaning that the energy is innovative, energetic, lively and creative. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day glass novena candle in the appropriate color for your sign and use a permanent marker or paint pen to draw the symbol for Aries, which is a large letter V with curved tips to each side of the “V”. The color of candle associated with Aries is Red and the planet associated with Aries is Mars. Herbs like Basil, Coriander, Cubeb, Juniper and Wormwood or oils that have these herbs infused in them enhance the power of the Aries candle. Using a planetary oil like Oil of Mars will also enhance your...

Authentic Southern Spiritual Products at Lucky 13 Clover.com

Authentic Southern Spiritual Products at Lucky 13 Clover.com Authentic Southern style Hoo Doo Spiritual Products can be found at...

Celtic Astrology Signs and St. Patrick’s Day at www.Tarot.com

Celtic Astrology Signs and St. Patrick’s Day at www.Tarot.com Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you! Today, we are all a little Irish! Enjoy the day and go to www.tarot.com to find out what your Celtic sign is. Click the blue words here www.tarot.com. Blessings! J....

Readers Question | Directionality in Dressing Candles with Oil

Readers Question | Directionality in Dressing Candles with Oil Jacqueline, I have a question on the way to anoint candles with the anointing oils. Do we rub the oils in a clockwise motion on the candle? I look forward to your reply. Thank You, Yvette ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It all depends on what outcome you want. Some people do not rub oil on the candles, but merely drops it in “wells” carved into the wax and even just poured onto the surface of the wax. In my experience, what I do is this: I carve the holes into the candle, add the oil, then rotate the candle “backwards” around the “face of the clock” (meaning if the candle was a clock’s hand, it would start at 12 o’clock and go backwards to 11, then 10, 9, 8 etc.)  Depending on the Nature of the Subject, I may turn the candle clockwise. You get the picture. I do this three times while praying a personal prayer for the recipient (either myself or a client) then I take my dominant hand and cup it and ‘pop’ it three times on the top rim of the glass of the vigil candle (I don’t generally use free standing candles, except for special occasions). I did investigate further and talked with Stan, chief candle maker at Wizard Candles, and this is what he told me: ” ‘ There is an aspect to nature that involves direction when moving along a curve or in a circle.  Orbits, rotations of planets, even the way water flows in your toilet or sink shows this directional priority.  It tends to go in one of two directions along the curve.   When things move in the direction of the Sun, it’s commonly referred to as “Clockwise”.  Now in some books, you may come across a word, “Deosil”.  This is NOT pronounced “Dee-oh-sill”, but rather, “Jess-ill”, as it is a Gaelic word meaning “sunwise”.  When you move things in this direction, you are increasing the power and the effect.  “Turning up the volume”, if you like.  By moving counter clockwise or “Widdershins”, you decrease the volume or “take down” things.   The volume knob on most radios and stereos move the same way, if that helps. You can easily see how knowing this helps in working with energy of any kind, especially in candle workings. Then there’s the anointing or “dressing”  the candle.  This is done to charge the candle with your energy and connected it more directly to you and your thought energy.  The easiest way to do this is to take a little oil that you use for this purpose (essential oils work best) and put some in the palm of your “Power” hand (the one you  use to eat or write with).  Take the candle in your “Receptive” or other hand, wrap your oiled hand around it and starting about half-way or in the middle of the candle, gently pull and twist (going “Deosil” (Jess-il) or clockwise) until you reach the end, focusing your thought or intention as you do.  Note:  It’s very helpful to visualize the end result as though it has already happened or more like a memory and you’re just catching up to the event.  Then turn the candle around and do the same to the other half.  Your candle is dressed and ready to go! (By turning it around you automatically turn it “Widdershins” in your hand, thus half the candle is increasing and the other half is diminishing. ‘ “ Wow! I couldn’t have said it better myself! Thank you Stan and make sure you go to his site if you are in meed of candles, click on Wizard Candles. Thanks for a great question!...

New Moon in Pisces | March 15, 2010 – Get Ready to Roll!

The New Moon in Pisces will occur at 4:02 pm on Monday, March 15, 2010. The Pisces Moon is considered “Mutable” and the energy that goes with the sign is highly emotional, erratic and intuitive. New Moon time is auspicious to burn candles to bring in “good things” into your World. This can mean new relationships, money and success. Burn red candle spells for passion, pink candles for romance, green candles for money and yellow candle spells for success. This is also a good time to burn purple candles for psychic development anointed with “Psychic Vision” Oil. It is time to begin new projects and revisit ones that were shelved to see if new insight will bring them to fruition. You will gain new insights in making things work that appeared ‘stuck’ just afew months ago. The next Full Moon will occur on March 29,...

Readers Question | Using Hi John on a Black Candle for an Enemy

Readers Question | Using Hi John on a Black Candle for an Enemy How do I use a regular black candle to stop someone from trying to break up my marriage and can I use high john the conqueror oil on the black candle? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leatha, You have asked me just recently about using Hi John the Conqueror Oil for a substitution for Revenge Oil in a candle. Please see this article that addressed the uses of Hi John back on February 8, 2010. The article name is Readers Question |Hi John for Revenge Oil in a Spell“. You can click on this blue name and go right to the article. High John the Conqueror (sometimes known as “John the Conker” as slang/Southern drawl) is an oil to enhance specifically a man’s sexual prowess and muscular and mental powers of control for issues of employment, business dealings and gambling. It IS ture that you CAN use it to ENHANCE the powers of ANOTHER OIL, but John the Conqueror cannot be used as the sole oil in a candle spell, unless it is for a man to enhance his powers of attraction. So, let’s play “Devil’s Advocate”. Before we get into any magical issues, how are you with this man? Are you being all that you can be as a woman? Have you sat down with him and talked to him, expressing your fears or suspicions of another woman coming around? Has he been acting suspicious? Erasing text messages and hiding his cell phone? Has he been ‘working late’? So, let’s assume you are being a good, honest and forthright woman – he just has someone bringing her ‘thang’ around for him to sniff like a dog. First, you need a name, photo, piece of hair, cigarette butt, used napkin, Q-tip, used tissue – whatver – to make a most powerful jinx spell. If this is not the case, you need as much information as you can get on her. I a worst case scenario, you can write on a parchment paper “That B*%$H that is coming around my husband needs to be dead, done and gone!” This can be burned under a black candle dressed with Crossing Oil, Jinxing Oil, Damnation Oil, Run, Devil, Run Oil, Hot Foot Oil or any other kind of chasing and jinxing oil. I have even seen something called “G.T.F.O.” Oil (meaning Get the F%&K Out – c’mon you figured it out, too). It is WITH THESE types of oils that you can add some Hi John to boost the power of the oil to a much stronger level. Hope this clarifies everything. Good Luck!...

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