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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Harnessing the Moon Phase Energy for Spellwork... Free Candle Spells | Harnessing the Moon Phase Energy for Spellwork   Working with the different stations of the Moon for attraction or banishing candle spell work has been a time-honored traditions through many magical beliefs. The Moon, Earth’s “nightlight”, has been a feature of legend and lore in regards of making magic and an accomplice of success in spell work. It is sometimes believes that even a Lunar Eclipse, that occasional period of time when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, is like “extra innings” in baseball; it is believed that spells conducted during a Lunar Eclipse is that the effects on the Moon is amplified and the spell has a little bit of extra power...
  • Reversible Candles for Full Moon Candle Spells... Reversible Candles for Full Moon Candle Spells The Full Moon occurs on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 and It is time to light Reversible Candles to ‘send back’ or reverse situations or negativity that has come your way. It is highly recommended that you get the “black on red” candles (pictured here) as they are considered more effective and the ‘correct’ candle to use. Many times you see in candle shops and botanicas the red wax on the top part of the candle and the black wax on bottom. This is not a good candle to use. Always use a “black on red” reversible candle. The “black on red” candle is the desired Reversible candle to use...
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Let It Shine!... ...
  • Readers Questions | Comments on Revenge, Damnation and Go to H*LL Spell... My, I have had a few people get really upset over this past candle spell! Here is my position on candle spells and the basis for the reason that there is the Free Candle Spells website. I am no position to ‘judge’ whether any candle burning spell is ‘right’ or not. It is up to the one who uses the spell. Besides that, haven’t you came out with an expletive or two when someone done you wrong? Tell the TRUTH. Anthropologists claim that magick ‘evens the scales’ between the oppressed (the candle burner) and the oppressor (the intended victim). As long as I do not advocate the actual HARMING...
  • Candle Spell to “Control” a Child of Ochun/Oshun/Oxum...               This candle spell is from my own personal archives when I had to make a decision to buy some time in paying someone who was an initiate of the Goddess Ochun/Oshun/Oxum. I was in a job where my boss was to pay someone wages that he did not take the deductions for supposed “loans” against the earned income. the one who was to be paid wanted their wife to come pick up the money since the one who was owed the wages was out of town. My boss wanted to have some time to do calculations and so I created a candle...
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Readers Question | A Wife Fights Back for Husband’s Return

Readers Question | A Wife Fights Back for Husband’s Return Jacqueline, Just a quick note, I read on another site if you break up suddenly without provoction then you may have someone read cards and see if there is magic involved. My husband and I broke up suddenly and after some weird things that routinely happened to us (he would become irate on Thursdays and I would be so sad on Thursday and we would be alright come Friday morning)I had someone throw the cards and it came out that his girlfriend was keeping him with magic love and other spells and was putting on us to seperate and binding me. So I’ve been behind in the magic game for some 5 years, and I’m just now fighting back and trying to break through…And it’s been said that nothing worth while was easy. …I’ve heard that tea made from Star Anise is suppose to bring your lover back…so you may need to bump up your game…candles, bathes, teas, herbs it’s up to you in how much your willing to do. The candles feel you, talk to them throughout the day too. Don’t be afraid of your candles is the first advice I’d give anyone. F. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear F. First, I am sorry that your husband broke up with you. Any family that is torn apart isn’t a good thing, whether there are children or not. This was a vow that was broken, and vows are something that it cosmically binding. Shame on the woman who is doing this to you. Apparently, either she feels she was ‘stolen’ from or has not enough confidence and self esteem to go out and get her own man, one who is available to boot! Again, a candle spell is like a chocolate cake recipe; your Grandma might have used mayonnaise instead of eggs and mine might have put in a teaspoon of Nescafe, the general results is the same – it is a chocolate cake. Now, granted that if you are not being successful the first time, you might need to ‘tweak’ the recipe and add this item or exclude or substitute that one, but with dedication and desire for an outcome, you keep working at it. There are some readers, not only the ones they lay cards, that can tell you if things are true or not. That is research that you will want to do on your own to get a comfortable feeling from the reader. In regards to your statement about ‘talking’ to your candles, I do and isn’t ‘talking’ tothem and reminding them what they are being burnedfor a little like a prayer? I looked up some ideas about magic with Star Anise in the book by cat yronwode, “Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic” and for Star Anise it is written that it is used for to dream lucky and dream true and also to ward off envy and bring luck. In the book, it appears that Star Anise is to be carried, but since it is a spice that is consumable, you may be right about drinking it in a tea. Now, if you used the term ‘tea’ to mean a spiritual bath (and that word is used as well), your traditions you are taught by your root worker may be something that I have not learned. I would continue with your traditions and what you have been taught until you see their results, then make a decision. Please keep us informed of your progress,...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – March 29, 2010 – Harsh Reality Sets In!

The Full Moon in Libra will occur at 10:25 pm E.S.T. on Monday, March 29, 2010. The Moon in Libra is considered a “Cardinal” Air Sign, and the energy is intellectual and innovative. During this Moon’s lunation, look for the harsh reality of the situation to come to light. You have signed up for the long haul and it isn’t looking pretty. There is an air of brutality and coldheartedness in the air. Be humble and listen to those quivering solar plexus muscles and act on those instincts. This is the time to burn reversible or releasing candles to rid yourself of funky negativity (and this time there is a lot around!) and shed off envy and jealousy that is starting to come into play at this time. People are worried about their futures and they are not understanding that this is a time of change and to shed the ‘old life’ for one anew. Change is scary and difficult for some people. It is time to “gird your loins” as the fella in “The Devil Wears Prada” when the boss, played by Meryl Streep, comes striking out of the elevator. Remember to count your blessings at the time and to lay low. Try not to have words with another or conflicts now. After burning reversible and release candles for these next two weeks, when the Moon changes to New Moon status, start burning Fiery Wall of Protection candles to keep evil and negativity away. The next New Moon will occur on April 14, 2010. To order 3 reversible candles to be burned for you during this time, click this button to...

Free Candle Spells | White Candles for Palm Sunday and Palm Cross

It is Palm Sunday and it is a time for celebration but also a time to understand that the next seven days will be the most important ones in the life of Jesus for Christianity. It is a day for lighting a clean, white vigil candle in glass for peace and remembrance. If you are able to receive a palm frond today, you can fashion it like a cross and tack it above your door for protection. All palm fronds that are not distributed are burned for the ashes placed on Catholic’s brows on the future Ash Wednesday. Here is a neat instruction sheet to weave your palm fronds into a cross: Click here to print off instruction sheet Happy Palm Sunday everyone and may you and your family have a great week on spring break and celebrating all the various spring holidays and traditions this month!...

Readers Question | Red or Pink Candle for Love Candle Spell

Readers Question | Red or Pink Candle for Love Candle Spell Hi Jacqueline, I am doing a red candle love spell on this gut I am seeing. We get together, then we don’t see each other for a few days, then we are together again. This is the reason I am doing to love spell. I want him around all the time. I read on here that I am to use pink candles and not red ones. Why is that? Please explain what I am doing wrong. Thank you Caprice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for a good question. In my experience and education, a red candle is energetic and that energy is quick and all-consuming. Like a fire, it burns through anything fast! Red candles are used to “energize” a candle spell – for instance, when you need money in a hurry, you use a red candle or add a red candle to a green candle spell to give it a little more sense of urgency.  In matters of love, red candles are considered to bring on the intimacy, but that might not be enough to keep him around after the lovin’ is over. Red candles are considered strictly to bring on a sexual element to your affair. By using a pink candle, you are allowing peace, clarity and calmness to enter the relationship – you just can’t base a long lasting relationship on the physical alone. You need to get to know each others’ moods, knowledge, insight, courage, strength – all that are endearing qualities that make someone want to spend their life with you. So does this mean that pink candles won’t bring on the steamy sessions in the bedroom? No – but your lovemaking will be more playful and tender, and you may see that he is not so “in a hurry” to run out the door! Now,  since you did not give much details,  I AM assuming here that there has been some intimacy in your time together, but if it has not happened yet, then the pink candles will want him to stick around to “get to know you”, and not view you as just a “booty call”. Use“Come to Me”, “Fire of Love”Anointing Oils to draw him back to you and “Adam and Eve”Anointing Oil to bring in sweetness on your pink...

Tarot by Jacqueline | Send in Your Candle Spells and Experiences

Tarot by Jacqueline | Send in Your Candle Spells and Experiences Greetings! As a continuing effort for your the reader to be informed of techniques on good, quality candle spells that have produced results, I open my pages to you to submit candles spells that have worked for you and could easily be adapted for another person’s intent and efforts. So I get this candle spell in the e-mail from a reader: A SPELL TO GRANT 3 WISHES PUT THREE candles in the highest place you have at home, inside a plate with sugar all around the candles. Light the candles. Ask for three wishes to your guardian angels ST.RAFAEL , ST.MICHAEL and ST.GABRIEL. Ask one wish for business, one wish for love and an impossible wish. Publish this spell on the third day (after you requested the wishes) and see what happens on the fourth day… This has been circulating about the Internet for about as long as I can remember and it an example of what I will not publish (just doing so here to show an example). This is an example of a spell that will not be published as I have no personal reference in it from the reader and since it appears that the sender did not ‘test drive’ it (no data entered to inform me), I will not publish it as someone else’s candle spell. Sorry. I am asking you to construct and test drive a real candle spell, not something copied off the Internet and actually tells us why you did the spell, what happened with the candles, etc. I want to have you tell our readers about the outcome. Did it work? Not work? Why? If you DO have an authentic, original candle spell that you would like to share, or even have someone review your steps and question as to why it did not perform as you wanted to, please submit these on our contact form under “PAGES” category on the right hand side of this...

Free Candle Spells | “Black Moon” Lore and Legend | A Rare and Unique Moon

Free Candle Spells | “Black Moon” Lore and Legend | A Rare and Unique Moon Perhaps one of the things that I have never heard about until recently despite all my years of candle burning is the occurrence of a “Black Moon”. This is not something out of a science fiction magazine or fairy tale; a second New Moon that occurs during a 30 day month or under the guise of an astrological sign is called a Black Moon. Obscure, it is said to open portals to other dimensions parallel to ours and is known by those who practice ceremonial magic. It is said that contact with ghosts, fairies and the Ascended Masters can be easy during this Moon. I have been told that those who practice the Wiccan religious belief system are aware of this very rare occurrence. The special event known as a double New Moon or “Black Moon” is associated with using your consciousness in an altered state, so that you are aware of hidden knowledge is attainable for you. It has been said that creating a ‘Wish List” petition of ten entries on what you would like to obtain or attain should be constructed during the first eight hours of the Black Moon’s lunation time. To Wiccans, the second New Moon is an especially powerful time to cast spells. The next Black Moon will occur on July 31, 2011 in the astrological sign of Leo....

Readers Question | Why Did the Candle Glass Crack?

Readers Question | Why Did the Candle Glass Crack?           Hi Jacqueline, It is me again my second question is that I started burning st jude pink candles since December 2009. Last week, I lit up one and it was burning good and I noticed that 1/2 of the glass was cracked. Can you please explain to me why the glass crack from top and stop on the way? Jenna * * * * * * * When you say ‘crack from the top and stop on the way’, I can only imagine that you mean that it did not appear when you began the candle spell but after and it stopped only half way down the side of the glass, leaving part of it intact. So, let’s work on the physical side – assuming there was not a hairline crack or chip in the candle, then we can say the candle was whole when candle spell started. Sometimes, when the manufacturer pours the liquid wax, and if they do not have a taut wick, the wick will “float” over to one side of the candle and up against the glass. Then when the flame has sufficiently heated up the side ofthe glass, it cracks or breaks completely off – a FIRE HAZARD – and the reason I always, always, ALWAYS say to place candle in cereal bowl, aluminum pie pan or small sandwich saucer for protection. You did not say that the sides of the candle glass was sooty or ‘blackened’, so I am going to assume that this is not the case. Sometimes, there is a bubble or other glass manufacturing error that can be taken into consideration in this matter. Now for the spiritual side. Candles that crack are breaking a situation – whether good or for bad. A St. Jude candle, of which you are burning for love because of the color pink – is a sign that something is ‘busting forth’ or about the change because of its’ cracking. Either the ‘thing’ that was holding you back from love has been removed or that you have made a ‘breakthrough’ in your journey for a love. I would suggest that you continue to burn pink St. Jude candles until your love comes into view. Keep us posted on the outcome! J.  ...

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