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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Free Candle Spells | You Can’t be Weak when it comes to Candle Spells

Free Candle Spells | You Can’t be Weak when it comes to Candle Spells I got off the phone the other day with someone who was asking why her candles were not “working”. I realized I was right to have the initial presumption that she meant that she was not getting the results she wanted. When I asked her a few questions on the nature of her candles, she told me it was for her boyfriend of three years to basically, “put up or shut up” – meaning she wanted him to make a full commitment to her. It seems that he would run hot and cold with their relationship; that when he felt he needed to be ‘free’, she was to go along with it and allow him to flit and flutter into and back out of her life like a butterfly in the backyard. Now mind you, SHE couldn’t so the same thing; no, she was to ‘wait’ for him to come to his senses and return. She then told me she was doing a candle spell she had found on the Internet about making someone make up their mind. This was the first red flag I saw in the matters of candle burning and I told her so. This candle spell is contradictory in its creation and nature; you just can’t expect someone to stop being wishy-washy and burn a candle to make them choose one way or the other because the person is acting EXACTLY as is being petitioned for – making one choice or the other. I told her that she needed to trash that spell and do one that basically says, “Get over here and be my man, dammit!” – in a nutshell. Only there was a deeper problem when I told her that this type of clear, direct and demanding candle spell was needed. She was not sure if she wanted him. Whaaat? Why are you burning candles for them then, I asked. Her answer was that if he didn’t want to be with her, then she wanted him to be gone and stay gone but if he really wanted her, he needed to stay and stay stayed (a play with words). So, we were working on the recipient of the blessing from the candles not being completely and 100% sure if this was what they wanted, coupled with a person that wasn’t sure they wanted to stay or go. I had to tell her that no candle spell will be successful unless you are completely and totally SURE that the results or outcomes from the candle burning is truly what she wanted. Kind of like pointing a gun at a person that you would rather be six feet under, pulling the trigger, and then saying, “I really didn’t MEAN IT!!!” So I suggested a very non-hoodoo-y, magical thing to do: Go make two lists of the good and bad qualities about this person. The list with the more items wins. It would have been easier for me to play into her candle spell, load her up with a lot more spells to create more confusion and also sell her a bunch more oils. Jacqueline don’t play that way. I have a higher power that I have to justify my moves with. I had another recent encounter with the same situation, and I wrote about it on my other blog on Tarot by Jacqueline. I called it “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” – after the Rolling Stones song. Click on the blue title to go to the blog post. To summarize my story today, I want to emphasize that you must be certain and focused on your intention you have in regards to candle...

Readers Question | Different Candle Names, Same Candle?

Ms. Jacqueline, I am confused about the different candles you find in the candle shops. I tried calling around, but some stores call then Nobena Candles or Seven Day or Vigil Lights. Are these the same candle? What can I do if I cannot find any of these candles around? Shermaine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a very good question and I am glad that you asked it. Your answer is: Yes, these are the same candle that is being called different names.In your letter you can change the ‘b’ to a ‘v’ for the Novena word to use. Other names may be 7-Day, Sanctuary or Prayer Candles. These are all terms for the same type of candle – the 9 inch clear glass cylinder filled with colored or white wax and can easily be found with paper labels of Saints and prayers in the Latino foods section of most grocery stores or a store like Walgreens. The ones found in most traditional candle shops have brightly colors labels or a silkscreen of images and prayers in white on the clear glass. The contents of this candle traditionally used to burn for seven days hence the name ‘7 Day’, but newer candle processing techniques has whipped air and/or other ingredients that make your standard candle burn down in abou 5 days. Most candles you find are made of parrafin, a product of petroleum, but you can find good soy and beeswax candles being made in glass cylinders for spiritual use. Popularity in burning candles for spiritual use has increased ten fold in the past 50 years. Traditionally associated with African American Hoodoo/Magic culture and also with faithful Catholics, burning candles for prayers and petitions asked and in thanksgiving of blessings received are a way of life in a great number of American homes. When I write about candles in Free Candle Spells, I call them 7 Day ‘Novena’ type Vigil Candles – this just about covers all regional terminology variations and by doing this, if you were ever to print off an ingredient list from Free Candle Spells, then you would be able to take it into any Hoodoo or Conjure shop, Botanica, or candle shop and get what you need. You ask about alternative ideas in candle burning that you can use in the event that you cannot find these candles. Let me remind you that most of the candles in shops have not been “fixed”, “blessed” or “anointed”, meaning that the magical herbs, oils and sachets have not been applied. This is one like that I know of, the Seven Sisters of New Orleans line of candles, which are pre-dressed for your candle burning ease. So if you ever encounter this, you can go to places like the dollar store or the Mexican food store, buy a candle with the appropriate color, anoint it with the proper oils and such, and se it in a pinch. As I am writing this article, it is nearing Halloween, and I am reminding people that it is the time to stock up on black candles for cursing and doing negative work. Subsequently, when it is the Christmas holiday season, gathering up bayberry scented candles is great because bayberry is one of the main ingredients in most money spell work candle oils. Going to psychic fairs to see the vendors and contacting crafters is also another way to find candles. If all fails, you can use free standing taper candles and can get them at places like Party City, Target, Walmart and Pier 1 Imports. You can use white emergency type household candles found in hardware stores or in the general merchandise section...

Free Candle Spells | Money Come Quick Candle Spell

Free Candle Spells | Money Come Quick Candle Spell This money spell has been effective when one needs small amounts of cash in a hurry. INGREDIENTS: * 1 Bank Deposit Slip from you personal checking or saving account * 1 bottle Lucky 13 Clover Prosperity, Attract Money, or Lucky Money Oil * Red Ink Pen or Sharpie Marker * Green votive candle (1″ to 1-1/2″ tall) * 1 packet Lucky 13 Clover Prosperity, Attract Money, or Lucky Money Sachet Powder First, clean candle with lemon juice or Florida Water; set aside to dry. Write the money drawing sigil in each corner using instructions from this past blog post page Money Prosperity Spell | Part Two – The $$uCCe$$ Sigil on Bank Deposit Slips and How to Apply Money Drawing or Fast Luck Oils Next, write in the amount in the deposit amount line you need for a quick “cash fix”. This candle spell is for basic necessities like groceries, gas in the car, lunch money, school supplies, items for work, etc. It is intended for use for money for entertainment such as the movies, alcohol or going to the casino. In this candle spell, you are asking for a “little something” to tide you over until the check comes in or you get paid your next paycheck. *NOTE: This is not a spell to ask for money to go to the casino or the Lottery. This money candle spell is for the emergencies that “pop up” in our lives. Place deposit slip in fire safe receptacle like an aluminum pie pan or small ceramic plate. Set green votive candle on top of deposit slip. Pour a few drops of oil on the candle. Set plate just inside your front door (in the entry or landing area) and light. Pray the 23rd Psalm (“The Lord is my Shepherd”) if you feel the need or just open up your heart and as for the amount you need and state whay you need this amount and what it will be used for. Make a promise to make a $3.00 dollar donation to any charity that you are comfortable with sharing your good fortune with. Let candle burn itself out. When it is cooling but the wax is not all the way hard, pry off the deposit slip and rool the warm wax and deposit slip into a ball, using the warm wax to cover and coat the ball and hold it into shape. Drop three more drops of the Lucky 13 Clover Prosperity Oil onto this ball. Go outside and bury this ball in the dirt as close to your front door as possible. If living upstairs, nearest to the front door of the complex. You may also want to keep it nearby and purchase a green plant and bury it there, keeping the green plant next to your front door. Remember to give the $3.00 to a charity the minute money comes flowing in to you....

Free Candle Spells | Research Website for Candle Spells and Supplies

The Free Candle Spells website is for myself and other readers to post successful spells, share the knowledge of oils, candles, herbs and philosophies, and ask general candle spell questions. This site is not for asking for free help in the actual work that is required in returning a lost boyfriend or lover, getting a job or making someone move. From time to time, I get desperate requests for ‘help’ with most of them want to work to be done for free or next to nothing. These are the requests of those who have not done the research in crafting their own candle spell. In a nutshell, these are people who want someone to do the work, either because of their sympathies or because the one requesting the work does not have the confidence to do the work (and the research) themselves. Please note that these type of requests will never be posted, and more likely than not, not be answered. Again, I am stressing that this is an informational only website for you to share your successful candle spells and read and question the candle spells that are already posted here. It is not a forum to ask for free help. These type of questions will be answered in a day or so, if not privately but in the website posts if the question deems to be beneficial to other readers. I ask that all readers respect this and if the relationship, job or situation is worth the time invested in reading and doing the research, then ask a specific question about one of the candle spells or rituals philosophies listed...

New Moon in Libra | October 7, 2010 – Cooler Heads Prevail During Firestorm!

The New Moon in Libra occurs on Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 1:45 pm E.S.T. This lunation calls for calm, clear thinking during the nex two weeks. The Moon in the astrological sign of Libra is considered a “Cardinal” air sign, meaning that the energy is intellectual, inventive, and introspective. This is a good time for planning your candle spells and thinking them through on the the potential outcomes. It is also a good time to do your research on herbs, oils and other items used in your candle spell. It is also a good time to deep clean and beautify your altar or sacred space. Prepare a special candle for your favorite Deity or Saint to invoke a petition for assistance in a difficult situation. Make sure that during this time you do not try to overstep your position and influence on others so that it is not disruptive to peace and to relationships. Even though you may be ‘right’, you must learn to let others learn for themselves, despite pitfalls and difficulties that you may forecast for them. It is their karmic walk and it is in the experience of the events that lessons are learned. Light red candles for fast luck, anointed with “Fast Luck” oil at this time. It is also recommended that you burn green candles for prosperity and money, anointed with “Lucky 7” or “Money Drawing” Anointing and Condition Oil. You can find these oils at Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply by click the words to take you to the site. It is also strongly advised that you anoint a white 7 day glass ‘novena’ or ‘vigil’ candle with Healing Oil to ‘keep the peace’ in your home. The next Full Moon will occur on October 22,...

Money Prosperity Spell | Part Two – The $$uCCe$$ Sigil on Bank Deposit Slips and How to Apply Money Drawing or Fast Luck Oils

Money Prosperity Spell | Part Two – The $$uCCe$$ Sigil on Bank Deposit Slips and How to Apply Money Drawing or Fast Luck Oils In the past, you have learned an excellent way to bring in more money to you by anointing your “greenbacks” or paper money. Now, the next step to creating more prosperity is to create a petition with your bank deposit slip! This easy but effective money spell is for money needed in the home for purposeful items, not going to the casino. that requires a different kind of money spell. In this technological savvy days, we use our deposit slips less than ever as we stroke our ATM card everywhere. Now for some bill paying, you still need checks, but what does one do with all those left over deposit slips at the end of the check register? I now have a great purpose for them! INGREDIENTS Blank Deposit Slips from and active (meaning money moving in and out of it) and working bank account Red Ink Pen Bottle of “Money Drawing”, “Wealthy Way” or “Money Come to Me” or “Fast Luck” Anointing and Condition Oil First, you determine the amount of money you need within a certain amount of time and write it on the deposit slip and put the date you WANT TO RECEIVE the money by. Does this mean it will come on that day? No, but it does mean that it will come BY THAT TIME. Remember, if you are asking for $1000.00 by Christmas,you might just indeed receive a $1000.00 worth of additional income by Christmas, but since it was coming in ‘bits and pieces’, you might not have recognized it and spent it along with the rest of the household money! Be careful HOW you ask for this money! See photos below for a better meaning: Then, write a petition on the front of the deposit slip and a prayer on the back of the deposit slip. You can make the prayer rhyme, like “Money money come to Me, so I can spend it on my family”, or something similar.  Again, note that I am using red ink because red is a ‘power’ color and draws attention FAST!   Next, it is time to write the $$uCCe$$ sigil on the deposit slip. Start with the UPPER LEFT corner and write $ $ ¢ ¢ $ $ ($$u¢¢e$$). Move to LOWER RIGHT and do again. Slide over to LOWER LEFT and write sigil again and lastly, finish by writing the sigil again in the UPPER RIGHT corner.  See photos below for guidance: Now it is time to anoint the deposit slip and it must be done in this order: LEFT Upper Corner, cross over to RIGHT Lower Corner, then slide over to LEFT Lower Corner, hen cross up and over to RIGHT Upper Corner. Finish by anointing in center of deposit slip. Always practice with a dry finger a few times before actually anointing with the condition oil. This is called to ‘quincunx’ the petition to insure success. Here is a few photos (with Fast Luck Oil bottle) to assist you in understanding the direction: You can now use this petition deposit slip under a red candle dressed with “Fast Luck” oil or under a green candle dressed with “Money Drawing” oil...

Readers Question | Ochun/Oshun/Oxum Candle Spells Success?

hi jacqueline! just wanted 2 show you a pic of this trabajo im doing.as i told you b4 its dedicated 2 ochun. i light a yellow candle put it on top of the jar and tie a yellow n pink ribbon around the cap of the jar then pray ochun to bring my boyfriend back 2 me. i did it for 25 consecutive days. he did come back but we argued, faught and he left once again.now hes gone again n i havent heard from him in a few days. so now im doing the 4 caminos which would b 3 more sets. this would keep him from leaving. so now i tied the ribbon on the opposite side. when im done with the three sets its going to look like a cross. rt now im on about my seventh day. now what freaked me out was that after i took an oshun bath i started prayin 2 her infront of the candle. the flame was extremly high then it parted in2 2 separarte wicks with 2 high flames. as they were burning the flames became so small then the main wick turned off. after the 2nd flame turned off i turned the candle on again.also if u look closely at the pics u can see specks in the mirror which is actually candle wax splattered from jus seven days of burning them. jacqueline please tell me what u think… i know its not good.. i feel theres a negative force thats tearing my boyfreind and i apart. i dont believe that oshun is against bringing us back 2gether. the candles i been burning have been burning faster than usual n it usually leaves a wax residue.i just think that some1 else might b doing something against my boyfriend n i. its really scary 2 actually see a flame jus shut off with nothin triggerin it 2. do u have any specific candles 4 my case? any recommendations at all? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Readers, I wanted to show you an example of a candle spell diagnosis that I will not do because of the dreaded texting language that is evident here. Please note, I try to be technology savvy, but I cannot take the time to translate this letter into a language that is understandable by me. While I can understand a few spelling and typing errors, please note that “2” in the place of “to”, “two” or “too” can be misconstrued, but other cutesie words like, b4, u, n, jus and some1 will not lessen your typing time inthe long run AND will not be anwered by me. The only suggestion that I can give this reader is to go back to the ORIGINAL person she spoke to to get the original spell and ask them for the divination....

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