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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Questions | How Do I Get the Sale of My Property Moving?... Here is a great reason for a “Road Opener” Candle Spell! Hello Jacqueline, I stumbled upon your site and found it to be very informative. Thank you for this site. I am having a slight problem and I was wondering if you could suggest a spell for me to try. I am trying to sell a property and it is very important for me to sell this property. The house has been under contract for over 60 days and after 60 days, the (name of institution removed) underwriter who kept finding problems with the loan decided she needed to redo all the paperwork because it was too old. So,...
  • Article Reprint | Astrological Candles – Aquarius the Water Bearer... Aquarius the Water Bearer rules those born from January 21st to February 20th. This zodiacal sign is of the Air Element, despite the figure in common images is seen pouring water from an urn. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day glass...
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Hoodoo Conjure and Spiritual Products at Lucky 13 Clover

Hoodoo Conjure and Spiritual Products at Lucky 13 Clover   Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply is your provider for quality hoodoo and conjure products. Lucky 13 Clover has botanicals, zoological and minerals as well as oils and candles for your spiritual ritual needs. Visit our website at http://www.lucky13clover.com....

Free Candle Spells | Wishing You Prosperity in the New Year 2011

Free Candle Spells | Wishing You Prosperity in the New Year 2011     It’s that time again – collard greens, cornbread and black eyed peas for Good Luck, Prosperity and Money in 2011. Time to cook these ‘treasures’ on New Year’s Day and serve them to all. Read more about the Southern tradition of “folding green” collards, “good luck” cow peas and “gold” golden cornbread on the article I wrote last year for 2010 by clicking here: “New Year’s Traditions for Luck and Prosperity”   Have a Happy, Prosperous and Joyous New Year 2011 from Free Candle Spells!...

Free Candle Spells | Using Poppets or Dolls in Candle Magic Spells

Free Candle Spells | Using Poppets or Dolls in Candle Magic Spells Magical Dolls, sometimes known as “poppets”, “doll babies”, tobies, and the infamous “hoodoo” or “voodoo” dolls, are a class of tangible magic work that is intended for a target or a particular person. This person can love alone or with others, and the magic will not affect anyone for whom the doll is not named. Such dolls are hundreds of years old in traditional Southern style root magic, and are used to coerce, bind and even curse the person for whom the doll has been named or ‘baptized’. There are many reasons for using  this type of magic. A woman might want her man to stop running around, or a person might want someone to move on with their life and in essence, ‘grow up’ into adulthood. Some may want the doll baby, or poppet, to cause troubles for the person. Some toby dolls are meant to bind or “tie them down”. You can personalize the doll with items that ideally come from the person, but in a pinch, the least you can do to personalize the poppet is to glue or sew a photograph of the person onto the front face area of the doll. It is best however, to have a strand of hair, a used cigarette butt, soiled napkin, used underwear or T shirt, or something that has their body odor,  fluids, saliva or DNA on it. In a certain cases, obtaining this is not able to be done, so I suggest that for these types of spells, a business card, name and birthdate or anything the person has owned or touched might have to be used. In cases of love and personal matters, I would suggest a pink or red doll, as these two colors represent romance and passion, respectively. If you are dealing with a young person, as in the “grow up and embrace adulthood” spell, use pink, as you are doing the spell with loving, caring thoughts of this young person blossoming into their own person to leave the home and become a successful, independent person. I would also use pink in the very early stages of love, only to maybe add a red heart to the doll or a swatch of red on the lower extremities when you want to become intimate. Red felt dolls are exclusively used for the sexual part of the relationship, however, red doll in matters of money will become “Fast Luck” poppets, activated to bring in money fast. Following the natural meaning of colors in traditional Southern conjure and hoodoo, using blue will bring peace and harmony, white for spirituality and blessings. Gold or yellow denotes success, and green is used for money matters. Brown is for court case matters and black is for banishing or cursing. I use black felt poppet dolls stuffed with Spanish Moss in the ritual for the Banishing Negativity Burn every New Years’ Eve. Tradition teaches us that to remove someone’s negative influence, you need to burn it off, so we ‘name’ the poppet/doll with the name of the person giving your grief, and then we burn it, saying, “You do not have any hold or control over me any longer”. Here is a shot of the poppets/dolls being made right now for this year’s Banishing Burn: Items and materials used for dolls vary among areas of the country and belief background. Some use two chicken bones in a form of a cross as the torso and arms extended before wrapping moss, herbs and fabric around the bones.  Some will use two sticks in this same manner or even a large Mandrake root, making sure there are two good side roots to...

Free Candle Spells | 4th Annual Banishing Burn 12/31/2010 – Time to Banish All Negative Influences!

Free Candle Spells | 4th Annual Banishing Burn 12/31/2010 – Time to Banish All Negative Influences! I cannot say enough about the banishing burn that I will be performing on December 31, 2010 – New Year’s Eve. As the hands of the clock are pushing down on the face of the clock, I will be lighting your tea light petition candles, adding the white sage, frankincense, myrrh and your printed petitions, all to burn as a burnt offering to the Heavens above. Then, I will add the poppet/dolls ordered by those of you who have a specific person that is tormenting you, all in the name of releasing their negative influence and hold over you. This is a real uncrossing and jinx removing ritual. All participants get photos of their actual doll being constructed, and all will get photos of the burn. Here are some of the poppets as I am working on them today. If you have something that you DO NOT WANT to follow you into the New Year, this is the ritual that you should join in participation. To order your poppet/doll or tea light petitions, please click the blue words here: 4th Annual Banishing Burn Dec. 31st on New Year’s...

The Prosperity Experiment Returns for 2011!

The Prosperity Experiment Returns for 2011!   January is a pivotal month for many. The children going back to school and the holidays may have strained the pocketbook. Cold weather means additional purchases of clothing and getting the car in good working order. These are just some of the many challenges of the season that will be a concern to us.   I am declaring the month of January as the month of Prosperity!! It is a time for harvest and thankfulness – of the blessings we have already received through the years so far and a time to concentrate on having a successful end of the year 2010 and a bright and prosperous 2011. I invite you to join me in a very special experiment only open to 30 clients and readers of Free-Candle-Spells. I am asking for a donation of $35.00 per person to cover the costs of materials, candles I will be burning on your behalf, etc. I want you to make a commitment to gather with others just like you who want to raise the vibrations of their wealth and prosperity talents and partake in a daily walk to prosperity with me.   If you partake of this experiment, you will receive: A Daily Prosperity Inspirational Meditation to think upon throughout your day as a mantra or chant to encourage you to seek out all and every money making opportunity. I will be praying over 5 anointed and blessed candles (one lit for you every 6 days) for each person throughout the entire 30 days. An Inspirational CD of music and meditations to listen while driving to work or while in the privacy of your sacred space. A FREE downloadable book that was the inspiration for the author of “The Secret” This is what I am going to to do for you throughout the 30 days : ~~A weekly report on each of the 5 candles I am burning for you. ~~A photograph of each candle to show that your candle is on the Money Altar. ~~Your candles will be prayed over by me once in the morning and once at night throughout the 30-day experiment. ~~A special time set aside once a week where we will all be in prayer at the same time. ~~A daily e-mail with a devotional meditation for you and I to focus on throughout the day.   $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $...

Free Candle Spells | Wishing you Peace, Love and Harmony this Holiday Season

Wishing You and Yours a Happy Holiday and Lots of Good Things! We will be back on December 26th in preparation for the Banishing Negativity Burn...

Full Moon in Gemini | December 21, 2010 – Keep Up with the Plans and Ideas!

The Full Moon in Gemini occurs at 3:14 am E.S.T. on Tuesday, December 21, 2010. At this lunation, we are still feeling the effects of a Mercury Retrograde, the third of three retrograde periods from Mercury that occur each year. The planet Mercury governs the astrological sign of Gemini. When Mercury, the planet of Communication, is in Retrograde, you can experience things like e-mails and voice mails not connecting, letter being lost, the proverbial ‘checks in the mail’ not being there, computer problems and things that are said being misconstrued. This is a good time to do a computer back up, but not car repair, as you may find that after Mercury is going Direct again, you will have to ‘re-do’ or have the whole process done over again. This Full Moon in Gemini will be short, as is is in the 29th degree at3:14 am E.S.T., but only one hour later, the Moon changes to the zodiac sign of Cancer at 4:22 am E.S.T. I expect that you will see lots of communication regarding family and the home now – both good and bad! The third ingredient to this month’s lunation mix is that there will also be a Lunar Eclipse at 29 degrees of Gemini, so keeping One’s head held high during the emotions of the Season will be more positive instead of being dragged through the emotional mud. Focusing on constructive goals is much more rewarding and will get you through the dark nights of Winter as the Earth marches towards spring and rebirth. Lighting candles during the first hour of the Full Moon while the Moon is still in Gemini would be beneficial if they had a Reversing negativity and banishing ill intent to them, especially for those wagging their tongues too much. Once the Full Moon is in Cancer, it is an optimum time to set candles to keep all family funkiness away and back that up with blue and white ones for peace and tranquility in the home, as Cancer rules the hearth, home and family. This might be an emotional Christmas for some, so a little ‘preventative maintenence’ would go a long way! The Full Moon time is traditionally considered a time to do banishing and reversing work, so if things are not going wood with you right now, this is the time to light candle spells to reverse a situation or to send negativity off into the Universe or back to its’ sender, so that you will gain some Peace and Tranquility during the next two weeks. Read about how to boost the clearing out of negativity by doing some cleaning to boost the effectiveness of your banishing candle spells by reading, “Hoodoo Products and Uses | Ammonia and Epsom Salts – Dynamic Duo of Negativity Cleansing”. The next New Moon will occur on January 4,...

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