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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Full Moon in Cancer | January 19, 2011 – Reverse and Banish Time!

Full Moon in Cancer | January 19, 2011 – Reverse and Banish Time! The Full Moon in the zodiac sign of Cancer occurs on January 19, 2011 at 4:22 p.m. E.S.T. just a few days before a Solar Eclipse on Sunday, January 23rd. The astrological sign of Cancer rules the home, family and security. These will be highlighted by the eclipse and while there may be some excitable days, you may have an idea that will take off and my bring you unexpected success. Frustration levels will be high, so step back and take a deep breath before you say something you might regret. The Full Moon time is considered the time for candle spells of a “Reversible”, “Banishing” or “Removing” nature. What is it that you want to remove from your life? home? Universe? Banishing bills, nosy neighbors, bad boyfriends (or girlfriends) and nasty eating habits would be great during this time, since Cancer rules the home and the stomach. Light Reversible Candles now to send back negativity or ‘cozmik funk’ to where it came from. Harnessing the extra ‘oomph’ of Mars on Sunday during the Solar Eclipse might work in your favor, if you word your petition paper or spell right. The next New Moon occurs on February 2, 2011. Order a Reversible Candle to be burned for you! Click the order button below. You will receive an e-mails asking for your intention and a before and end photos will be sent to you, with a brief explanation about the candle...

Candle Spell and Poppet for a Young Adult to Move Out and Move On

Candle Spell and Poppet for a Young Adult to Move Out and Move On   I have encountered many situation and have created candle spells specific for certain situation, but one that I suggested to a client is becoming to manifest really positive energy and my client sent me photos to share with you. In this situation, the client is in love with a gentleman who is a widower and has one child, a daughter in her early 20’s. The daughter, while graduating from high school, has not moved onto college, nor has she gained employment. It is as if she is ‘stuck’ in a void – both situational and culturally – as the family is Latino and she may have an unspoken message of not leaving her widower father until she marries. She does not leave the home, except to perform household duties, and to my client, it seems she has become the ‘little wife’ , in a sense. My client, a single woman with no children, love this man dearly, but knows the man would never allow their relationship to blossom further without making sure the daughter is on her way. My client wanted to burn a black doll at my year end banishing negativity burn, as there is some stress and maybe a little animosity between the two women in this man’s life. I suggested that we do not have and send her away forever, but to gently and lovingly assist her into a fabulous new life on her own. Even though my client was scratching her head, I explained that in the future she may need this girl’s assistance, so my client should not ‘burn her bridges’. I said that it would be better, and more subtle, to wish her love and happiness as she moves out. She was willing to give it a try.     First, I suggested to create a poppet or doll in the image as close to the young woman as she could (see photo). I suggested stuffing the doll with sweet things such as a peppermint (for clarity) in the head, rosemary and rose petals (for woman’s courage and love of self) in the body, and maybe to add some cinnamon or red chili peppers (to spice or ‘heat things up’ – not for sex but to get her to hurry it up and enjoy the process). All of these things are either in your garden, spice cabinet and/or can be found in your nearby store.     I then told her to write a small petition paper, explaining that she loves the girls’ father and would want her to allow their relationship to bloom – if she would move on and gain employment or go to college, meet a handsome fella and move into her own apartment, along with driving a zippy new car she paid for herself. The client created a honey jar spell with this intention (see photos) and I suggested to take it one step further and create a diorama of the lifestyle – like a vision board – to place the poppet in when it is not near the honey jar candle, so that to doll will ‘get used to’ having this fine life m clients is wishing for her.     Since the client has created this spell, the daughter has been more civil towards the client and even has asked her to help her do something related to the clients wishes. Since both  the client and the intended mans’ families are from the same town in Mexico, they are all traveling to Mexico (no together) to visit. We will have to find out what happens when my client returns!     On another note, since she...

Pink Saint Jude/San Judas Tadeo Love Come to Me Candle Spell Kit

Pink Saint Jude/San Judas Tadeo Love Come to Me Candle Spell Kit Exciting News! Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply now has pink Saint Jude Love Candle Kits so that you may experience the power and love attraction of Saint Jude, Patron Saint of Lost Causes. You may have read the past blog posts about St. Jude/San Judas Tadeo, and in the past year, it seems that no one could find Saint Jude candles. The folks at Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply has heard the needs of the readers and has created a St. Jude Pink Love Come to Me Candle kit, complete with oil and herbs, so that you may perform your own ritual in the privacy of your own home. To learn more or to order the Saint Jude/San Judas Tadeo Love Candle Spell Kit, click on these words Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual...

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Sugar for Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Sugar for Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells Sweet substances, by its various forms, has been used in traditional spells to “sweeten up” someone to see things your way for centuries. Sugar, whether white, light brown, dark brown or raw, in crystals or in liquid cane syrup such as Karo or Golden Barrel syrup, is the most economical way of using this substance when you want a lover to see you, get a boss to give you a raise or to attract money to you or bring in business like “bees to honey”. In regards to honey, it too, is considered a necessity when you are creating a honey jar spell for love. Read more about honey jar spells by clicking the blue words of this article, “How to Make a Honey Jar to Sweeten Someone to You and Your Wishes”. Here are some photos of honey jars that readers have sent in to me. In the majority of different spells that are passed down by tradition, one sweetener like sugar can be substituted for another and you can custom make your jar spell by using white sugar or Karo syrup if the person you want to get into their good graces is Caucasian, light brown sugar or honey for a Latino or a light skinned person of African descent, and dark brown sugar or molasses if the person is a darker brown person of African races. Molasses is the traditional offering to the Yoruba Goddess Yemaya/Yemoja/Iemanja at the seashore and honey is an offering to the river Goddess Ochun/Oshun/Oxum in the religion of Santeria/Lukumi/Ifa.  ...

Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply | Anointing Oils, Herbs, Lodestones and More!

Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply | Anointing Oils, Herbs, Lodestones and More!

Free Candle Spells | Using Lodestones and Magnetic Sand in Spells

Free Candle Spells | Using Lodestones and Magnetic Sand in Spells Lodestones and Magnetic Sand – two items crucial to any attraction spell work, especially if it is for love or money purposes. These two items, when placed on a money altar or are carried in a red flannel bag in the pocket, are reputed to energize and enhance your money drawing abilities. Lodestone, also known as magnetic ore in the science world, are long considered in Southern Hoodoo and Conjure to be the core force of any type of “attraction” or “Drawing” spell. When used for Money Drawing purposes, the Lodestone is placed upon a 2 Dollar bill that has a petition written on it and signed by the spell worker or for whom it is intended. When used in Love Drawing spells, a pair of Lodestones, ones that appear to “cleave together” are used and are identified as a male (sharper, pointer edges) and female (softer, rounded edges). Lodestones have also been used in Gamblers’ Mojos, where a single Lodestone is combined with High John the Conqueror (“Hi-John”, “John the Conker”) and other money and luck drawing herbs and minerals, to give one better odds in games of chance and other gambling games. In all of the above cases, part of the ritual to continue keeping luck, money or love flowing towards you, you must sprinkle the Lodestone with “Magnetic Sand”, which is the spiritual term for iron filings. The tradition is that you choose a day, many chooses Friday or Sunday, and sprinkle a decent pinch of the Magnetic Sand on top of the Lodestone, watching it cling to each other, and say out loud a prayer or incantation about feeding the stone so that it continues to draw in and “feed” you. From time to time, especially when it seems that you are facing tough situations or if you think your “Lucky Streak” has run dry, scrape off all the current Magnetic Sand onto a piece of paper in which you have written a petition. For money drawing, you might want to use a bank deposit slip and write an amount on it in which you want to attract. For luck, write a simple affirmation of continued luck. If your current Lodestone(s) are used for love, you may write a love drawing affirmation on a nice sheet of stationery. With all three of these, scrape off he old Magnetic Sand, roll it up, wind red thread around it, and ‘plant it’ in the dirt near your front door. If no dirt is available (as in high-rise apartments) buy a small green plant and bury it in the dirt of the plant. Leave this plant near your front door. Then, take the ‘naked’ lodestone and soak it in a small hi-ball glass of whisky. You may also use Hoyt’s Cologne, a heady gentlemen’s aftershave that hearkens back to the riverboat gamblers’ time. Keep it there for the better part of the day. When time has passed, take it out, dry off and place it back where it was originally. Sprinkle new Magnetic Sand over the Lodestone, saying your incantation or ritual prayer....

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