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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Questions | How Long DO You Burn Candles for Reconciliation?... A reader wants to know when is it time to consider their candle spell is NOT working and when to move on. Jacqueline, Thank you for such a great website! I am writing you because I have been burning candles for about two months now for my boyfriend to come back to me and I haven’t seen any results. Why is my candle spells not bringing him back? Jasmine There are many factors to consider when burning candles to bring about a change. In your case, I would have started with a consultation and reading to see if any, if at all, spell work would bring him back. Now,...
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  • Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Aries the Ram... The astrological sign Aries the Ram rules those born  March 21st to April 20th. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and the energy is considered a “Cardinal” Fire sign, meaning that the energy is innovative, energetic, lively and creative. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you...
  • Advertise your Spiritual Services on Free Candle Spells | July 2009... Advertise your Spiritual Services on Free Candle Spells | July 2009 Greetings! Thank you for taking the time for considering boosting your business with www.free-candle-spells.com. I want to offer a glimpse of the various ways that you can increase traffic to your phone and/or website, and a great way to run little ‘mini-specials’ when you have a lull in business. PACKAGE NUMBER ONE: A full, one page biography of you and what you do, including photos, links to your website or e-mail address, full physical address (if you desire it to be posted) and telephone number can be yours for only $200.00 a year. For less than a cup of gourmet coffee a day, you can be driving more business...
  • Free Candle Spells Marketplace | 4 New Saint Expedite Candle Kits... Free Candle Spells Marketplace | 4 New Saint Expedite Candle Kits One of our advertisers, Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply, is proud to announce the introduction of four new Saint Expedite Candles for all areas of your life. After seeing the growing numbers of followers of this beloved Saint, Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply started making a line of exclusive St. Expedite (also known as San Expedito in Latin communities or “Saint Expedee” in the South). The beloved statue and lore of this Saint, a favorite of visitors at the Saint Jude Chapel on Rampart Street in New Orleans, LA and the mystery of how he can to be and the wondrous works he does for all, can be found...
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Readers Question | Black Candle Goes Out After Being Lit

  What does it mean when a black candle goes out shortly after it is lit. Priscilla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The best way for you to gain knowledge about your candle burning is to research this question on site.Here is an article in the Free Candle Spells archives that may help you. Free Candle Spells | Negative Signs in Candle Spell Work I also suggest reading through other readers like yourself that have sent in similar questions in the category “Readers Questions” located to the right hand side of this blog...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Scorpio – Progress Slow as Molasses

The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs at 6:10 AM E.S.T. on May 17th. This moon, in the astrological sign of Scorpio, a Water sign, is considered “Fixed”, meaning that it is unchangeable, stable and emotional. The Scorpio Moon is a good time to plan and devise works against someone that is attempting to undermine you, however, now is not the time to activate the “attack” Wait until the last day of this lunation – specifically on May 31st – before lighting any candles against your enemy. For now, check out their vulnerability, plans to activate a candle spell to attack key weak points in their psyche and consciousness. Victory is won only when you plan your strategy and wait for the perfect time. Don’t rock the boat at this time! The Full Moon in Scorpio will also usher in two weeks of slow moving but emotional issues. You will feel like things are being revisited numerous times or a prevailing general topic will need to be addressed more than once. Bite your tongue and work through it. Light pink candles to keep love stable during this time. The Full Moon is also a traditional time for banishing and reversible candles when you want something to exit your life or to reverse an issue back to the original stance before changing for the worst. The next New Moon will occur on June 1, 2011....

Prosperity Experiment | June 1 – 30, 2011 – Start Manifesting with the New Moon!

Prosperity Experiment | June 1 – 30, 2011 – Start Manifesting with the New Moon!   The New Moon in June 2011 begins on the first, an opportune time to do a Prosperity Experiment Altar for bringing in money to the home for needed things. June is a month that has its’ financial ups and downs – children are graduating or going off to summer camp, your child care expenses may go up because school is now out and you need someone to watch the kids all day. Then there is barbecues, gardening, trips to the local swimming pool, traveling for vacation – all things that require a bit more money than other months. That is the reason I do the Prosperity Experiment twice a year – in January to help with the incoming bills from Christmas and June, a mid-year month and one that you can take stock in the last six months and see where you are going and create a plan for the next six months. What is the Prosperity Experiment? The Prosperity Experiment is a month long candle burning service that I perform for a select group of clients who really, really want to gain financially for things needed – like a car, to catch up on bills, etc.  This is not to be used for monetary gains to go blow at the casino or the lottery, but a 30 day prayer service to get you a little ahead in your savings and bill paying – all things that we need to do for our families. Some of my clients have participated all four years – twice a year, and hav had amazing results such as: * One participant sold her house after it being on the market for a very long time. * Another participant had freelance offers coming in so much she didn’t know which one to choose. * A participant had an increase in business for her grave monument business, even in the dead of winter when past years sales were flat. * Another participant even finally me the love of her life during the Experiment and now is happily married! (Prosperity can come in the form of two joining their households). I invite you to join me in a very special experiment only open to 30 clients and readers of Free-Candle-Spells. I am asking for a donation of $35.00 per person to cover the costs of materials, candles I will be burning on your behalf, etc. I want you to make a commitment to gather with others just like you who want to raise the vibrations of their wealth and prosperity talents and partake in a daily walk to prosperity with me. If you partake of this experiment, you will receive: A Daily Prosperity Inspirational Meditation to think upon throughout your day as a mantra or chant to encourage you to seek out all and every money making opportunity. I will be praying over 5 anointed and blessed candles (one lit for you every 6 days) for each person throughout the entire 30 days. An Inspirational CD of music and meditations to listen while driving to work or while in the privacy of your sacred space. A FREE downloadable book that was the inspiration for the author of “The Secret” This is what I am going to to do for you throughout the 30 days : ~~A weekly report on each of the 5 candles I am burning for you. ~~A photograph of each candle to show that your candle is on the Money Altar. ~~Your candles will be prayed over by me once in the morning and once at night throughout the 30-day experiment. ~~A special time set aside once a week where we will all be...

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supplies

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supplies Lucky 13 Clover is a small, one owner business where you can get custom made mojo bags and blended oils suited specifically for your particular situation. Located in Elk Grove, CA, a suburb of Sacramento, California’s state capital, bringing the traditions of Louisiana hoodoo and conjure to the Northern California region. Lucky 13 Clover carries not only Lucky Mojo Curio Co. oils but also Motor City Hoo Doo oils. They have also recently began to bring out their own line of spiritual oils, Mojo Moon Spiritual Products, in order to expand on the custom oils blending service and introduce the magickal public to new varieties of oils.  ...

Free Candle Spells | Creating a Sacred Space with an Altar

Free Candle Spells | Creating a Sacred Space with an Altar     The Meaning and Purpose of an Altar An altar is a physical space to come to when the world seems too chaotic and you need to step out of it and take a break. In the books of the Old Testament , specific woods, gems, metals and even dimensions were written to be used in the construction of an altar. An altar not only provides a physical space, such as a table top, china hutch or dresser bureau, but also its’ sacred elements, deems so by you, create a psychic space in which you can open up to the Divine and seek comfort. What you use for your altar, be it driftwood from the ocean or a folding table with silks draped over it, the most important element in altar construction is what you deem sacred and spiritual and the placement and enjoyment you gain from the ritual of the construction. Many Altars, Many Reasons A good question to ask yourself is this: Why are you drawn to create an altar? Some have one because they have received or collected small images of deities and want to display them. Some create an altar for a place, such as the ocean or the forest, because the individual connects or is devoted to that region on Earth. Some create an altar of relatives who have passed, like on a dining room hutch or the fireplace mantle. Do not be surprised that even people who are interested in a favorite rock or pop star or an actor will have a rudimentary altar constructed for them with framed photos, concert tickets, snapshots and maybe even the drink cup from the venue, all to memorialize the function in which the fan attended. Other altars are created to “do” something, like draw money, work for court cases, humanity or to keep the family members safe. Some set small altars with a white candle near a bedside table when someone is ill, along with prayers and hope for them to return to full health. Some people collect religious statuary and items such as rosaries or crosses, and these can be grouped together in a nice setting, along with candles to give it a feeling of the sacred and divine. Here is my All Saints Altar where I burn candles for my clients: Whether you set up your altar in a private or public place, indoors or out, you can create an inviting and serene place to sit and meditate or pray, or to quiet the mind and soul from the worries of the day. How you create and use your altar is entirely up to you. Altar Basics To create an altar, you need a small table or top of a dresser, or some other piece of furniture. You will need a linen or lace table covering in white and at least one candle in a holder of your choice. Then get creative and place items on your altar that represent the values you hold close. Some love the ocean, so they have a blue or white candle, seashells, a rock from the seashore and maybe a photo or a piece of art that reflect a beach scene or a mermaid. Some have a certain devotion to a particular Deity, and will have many images of that spirit on it. They may also drape their altar in the colors associated with that Deity, even decorating the walls behind the altar as well such as this photo: Again, your creative expression can be released and there are no “wrong” ways to decorate an altar. Many times a person will begin with a simple set up,...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Taurus- May 3, 2011 |Practical Measures Insure Fiscal Security

The New Moon lunation occurs on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 1:51 am E.S.T. This moon, in the sign of of Taurus, is considered to be the most auspicious time to burn candles to attract luck, love and money to the home. Red candles for luck, green candles for prosperity, yellow candles for success and pink candles for romantic love are favored to be lit upon your altar for the week following the beginning of the New Moon. Since there are many graduations during the months of May and June, lighting golden yellow amber candles for the new graduates success, anointed with Crown of Success or Crowning Glory oils, insures their rise in their stature in life.   The New Moon in Taurus is considered stable, pratical and materialistic and a good time to light candle spells for protection at this time if you feel someone is plotting or sending neagativity your way. Those born under the astrological sign of Taurus can burn candles at this time for increased power and attracting luck. If a zodiac candle is not available, Taureans can burn a brown glass encased 7-day “novena” vigil candle dressed with Taurus Oil or a candle anointed with olive oil in which you have steeped herbs such as Apple Blossom, Cumin, Lovage or herbs of Venus, the planet that rules Taurus such as Sage, Alkanet, Rose Geranium, Goldenseal or Mint.   This Moon’s lunation calls for you to define praticality in your priorities and manage your resources to ensure security. It is time to review contracts to see if you need to scale down in order to conserve funds. Now that there is more daylight, consider dropping cable or scale back channels not viewed on a regular basis and enjoy activites such as gardening and cooking, two traits of those born under the sign of Taurus. Plant some vegetables such as tomatoes and zuchini so that you are not only eating organically and home-grown, but saving money as well.   The next Full Moon occurs on May 17, 2011.  ...

St. Expedite Video with Music


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