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Free Candle Spells | Moon Phases and Candle Spells – Part 1

  This is the first of a two part series about working with the Moon for successful candle spells. The Moon is the closest astronomical body to the Earth and it has a very important influence on us. Ancients tribes moved across continents because of it. Cities were built with its architecture to enhance it’s light as it falls on buildings and across structures. Songs were composed for the Moon. Many peoples of the Earth have lived their whole lifetime in accordance to the Moon and it’s phases. In many cultures and beliefs, the Moon symbolizes the Feminine as it’s cycles resemble the reproductive cycles of a woman. No wonder that the belief of lighting candle spells coordinates with the phases of the Moon. It is believed that the highest energy of the Moon occurs when the Moon is Full, or completely round in the sky. Some believe this time is best for only one type of work, some believe the Full Moon is for both negative and positive work. It is with the freedom of belief that you may use what was given to you through the teachings of your elders. There is no one “correct” way. Here is a breakdown of the Moons phases as it moves from Full to New and what each means in regards to candle burning and candle spells.   * Magic on the New Moon * The New Moon is considered to occur when the sky is completely dark and you cannot discern even a sliver of Moon crescent. Since most of us are not out nightly, it is best to consult an ephemeris or log into www.almanac.com. Spells cast and New Moon work can be done from the first day of the New Moon to approximately 3 to 3 1/2 days after. The New Moon traditionally is thought to be for bringing forth new beginnings, abundance and new ventures. It is also known to be a perfect time to light candles to bring romance, better health and for job hunting.   * Magic During the Waxing Moon * From seven to 14 days after the day of the New Moon, you can light candles and cast spells for constructive magic such as good luck, friendship, success, courage, wealth, love and health.This Moon is also known as the Waxing Crescent Moon. The term “waxing” means growth, and this is seen by looking at the Moon in the sky and observe it getting larger or growing more fatter with each night.   * Magic on the Full Moon * Approximately fourteen days after the day of the New Moon is the Full Moon. The Full Moon is a time that you can create candle spells to bring protection to you. Purple candles for psychic divination and prophesy can be lit on this day. It is considered the most powerful of all the Moon phases and many will light candles for both good and bad on this day. Some will only start banishing and reversible candles on this day, utilizing the power of the Full Moon.   * Magic During the Waning Moon * From 3 and a 1/2 to ten days after the day of the Full Moon, light candles for banishing and “send away” candle spells. This is a good time to banish excess weight, addictions, evil people in your life and any negativity that has come your way. This Moon is also call the Waning Gibbous Moon. The term “waning” means going away, or in the Moons case, that it is growing smaller and thinner in the sky.   * Magic During the Dark Moon * From eleven to fourteen days...

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Nutmeg in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Nutmeg in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells   Nutmeg, known as myristica officinalis and other variations of this name, is one of the spices well known in  holiday baking and is a crucial ingredient of the Christmas drink known as eggnog. Nutmeg has a woody, nutty spicy aroma that reminds you of allspice and cinnamon, hence the use in Thanksgiving pumpkin and sweet potato pies and Christmas cookies. Nutmeg is also used in the world of Hoodoo and Conjure in potions, oils and mojo bags for bringing in good fortune and good luck in the lottery and games of chance. An old time gamblers charm was created by drilling a hole in a whole nutmeg, filling the insides with quicksilver, also known today as liquid mercury, and sealing the hole with tree gum or candle wax. This was carried by those who visit the gambling halls and riverboats along the Mississippi River in days of old. Over time, it has been determined that mercury is toxic and can cause many problems with the central nervous system of the body, therefore it is virtually almost impossible to get some, despite many rural medicine practitioners in Mexico using it for stomach aliments in children. Nowadays, modern hoodoo practitioners use a whole nutmeg (sans mercury) along with other luck bringing herbs and spices, in a mojo bag for those that throw dice or play cards to caress during their times of gambling. Nutmeg is a spice used in some Money Drawing Anointing Oils.  You may also consider rolling a free standing green wax candle in ground nutmeg after oiling it with any money drawing or good luck anointing oils. Read about all 12 common kitchen spices used in hoodoo, conjure and candle magic here, “Kitchen Hoodoo | 12 Spices and Herbs for Hoodoo Magic...

Free Candle Spells | Honoring the Past with Ancestor Altars

Free Candle Spells | Honoring the Past with Ancestor Altars   October is the month that Mother Nature shows off the colors of the Season. The nights get cooler as the days still are warm in the afternoons and the trees give off wonderful golds, oranges and  golden amber as they drop their leaves. This time of year is also known for the Pagan and Christian celebrations that brought us Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Many cultures use this time for honoring the past with ancestor altars. Read more about the three days surrounding this time of year here: Free Candle Spells | Honoring Your Ancestors (Time of the Year)“. This time, before we march into the winter months and cocoon to dream of bright futures, is Nature’s way of teaching us that there is a cycle in Life: birth, living, and then death, and the process repeats itself over and over. It is an opportune time to consider making an Ancestral Altar for your family lineage. Setting up an altar for the loved ones in your family that have passed on is meaningful on many levels. An ancestor altar gives you a space to visit and connect with those who have passed, both known and unknown, and gives you a place to weep, mourn, remember and laugh. An ancestor altar is also a place of safe refuge when the World seems to be beating you with a stick. It is a place to sit in silence and ask for insight and wait for ideas to pop into your head to solve the problems of living in this world. In my Tarot card deck, I have an Ancestors card, and when it comes up in a client’s reading, depending on it being upright or reversed, it tells the client that they are their to help, as our ancestors are given the task to guide their progeny through their walk on Earth. Your ancestors will guide and protect you, but you must be receptive to the lessons and insight given, whether you like it or not. In the Bible, Exodus 20:12 tells us to “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord you God is giving you.”   Setting Up an Ancestor Altar First, you need to determine a quiet place in your home for your ancestor altar. Considering that houses with children are noisier than adult houses, you may need to place your altar in a quieter den or corner of a back room so that their Spirits will not get upset. Do not place your ancestor altar in your bedroom, as this is disrespectful. Even a corner of the dining room is preferable than a bedroom for the altar. If you are blessed with a guest room or den, use it until you have guests visit, then you can move to another part of the house. A simple ancestor altar is a small table with a white cloth or doily, a glass of cool water and a photograph of those that have passed. Do not place photos of both living and deceased relatives on the table, as you may be inviting the living relative to pass over to the Spirit world. this ancestor altar is for your own blood line family, although some exception could be a non-relative that was “adopted” into the family, like a long term babysitter or a close friend that was always present at family gatherings and in your home. Like other altars you may have on your home, an ancestor altar will grow larger as your spiritual connection with them grows. You will be given ideas and impulses to purchase and add...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Libra – Teamwork Gets the Project Done!

    The New Moon will occur at 6:10 am E.S.T. on September 27, 2011. This Moon is in the astrological sign of Libra, the scales. The additional planetry influences during this time will continue to enhance the message of the last Moon which is a sense of watching what you say as dire circumstances may occur if the words you choose to use are not ones you can live with. Messages will be misunderstood and some words will be considered a threat. So remember to be able to back up yourwords if someone chooses to take you to task. This effect will linger for the next two weeks. The New Moon in Libra, a “Cardinal” Air sign, means the energy of this Moon is innovative, intellectual, logical and inventive. If you are considring forming a partnership, this would be an opportune time to do so, remembering the warning about your words in the first paragraph. Accept collaboration and work as a team. Joint efforts will go extremely well if the team or each member meditates on the same outcome. You may have a surprisingly positive outcome! The New Moon in Libra is also a good time to make ritual robes, candles, altar cloths and to deep clean and rearrange your altar set up. This is also a good time to light thanksgiving candles for blessings received from your special Saint or Diety right now. Now is also the time to seek their aid and assistance in any pressing matter in which you may have been dealing. This is especially for difficult cases. Lighting candles for Money, Love, Fast Luck and Success, oiled with Money Drawing, Fast Luck, Love Me or Crown of Success Oils is favored at this time. The tradition of belief of the New Moon energy brings in positive outcomes and what you need is manifested in burning red, green and golden yellow candles to achieve your goals. Ask for money needed for logical purchases at this time, like a computer to do homework and work from home or money for an old debt that needs to be paid off. The next Full Moon occurs on October 11,...

Free Candle Spells | Reprint – “How to Write the Blues” Tutorial

Going over some of my oldest posts this morning and came across this. Cannot believe that at the time this was posted, it had been almost 4 years since I began the Free Candle Spells blog website. Now this website is over 20 years old. This is guaranteed to bring laughter to your heart. You know it is true, you cannot sing about the ‘blues’ if you haven’t lived through trials and tribulations. Enjoy! – J.   Courtesy of John in Baton Rouge. Thanks John!   1. Most Blues begin, “Woke up this morning…” 2. “I got a good woman” is a bad way to begin the Blues, ‘less you stick something nasty in the next line like, “I got a good woman, with the meanest face in town.” 3. The Blues is simple. After you get the first line right, repeat it. Then find something that rhymes…sort of: “Got a good woman with the meanest face in town. Yes, I got a good woman with the meanest face in town. Got teeth like Margaret Thatcher, and she weigh 500 pound.” 4. The Blues is not about choice. You stuck in a ditch, you stuck in a ditch – ain’t no way out. 5. Blues cars: Chevys, Fords, Cadillacs and broken-down trucks. Blues don’t travel in Volvos, BMWs, or Sport Utility Vehicles. Most Blues transportation is a Greyhound bus or a southbound train. Jet aircraft an’ state-sponsored motor pools ain’t even in the runnin’. Walkin’ plays a major part in the blues lifestyle. So does fixin’ to die. 6. Teenagers can’t sing the Blues. They “ain’t fixin’ to die” yet. Adults sing the Blues. In Blues, “adulthood” means being old enough to get the electric chair if you shoot a man in Memphis. 7. Blues can take place in New York City, but not in Hawaii or any place in Canada. Hard times in Minneapolis or Seattle is probably just clinical depression. Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City are still the best places to have the Blues. You cannot have the blues in any place that don’t get rain. 8. A man with male pattern baldness ain’t the blues. A woman with male pattern baldness is. Breaking your leg cause you skiing is not the blues. Breaking your leg ’cause a alligator be chompin’ on it is. 9. You can’t have no Blues in a office or a shopping mall. The lighting is wrong. Go outside to the parking lot or sit by the dumpster. 10. Good places for the Blues: a. highway b. jailhouse c. empty bed d. bottom of a whiskey glass Bad places: a. Dillard’s b. gallery openings c. Ivy League institutions d. golf courses 11. No one will believe it’s the Blues if you wear a suit, ‘less you happen to be a old ethnic person, and you sleep in it. 12. Do you have the right to sing the Blues? Yes, if: a. you older than dirt b. you blind c. you shot a man in Memphis d. you can’t be satisfied No, if: a. you have all your teeth b. you were once blind but now can see c. the man in Memphis lived d. you have a 401K or trust fund 13. Blues is not a matter of color. It’s a matter of bad luck. Tiger Woods cannot sing the blues. Sonny Liston could. Ugly white people also got a leg up on the blues. 14. If you ask for water and your darlin’ give you gasoline, it’s the Blues. Other acceptable Blues beverages are: a. cheap wine b. whiskey or bourbon c. muddy water d. nasty black coffee The following are...

Free Candle Spells | Fall Release and Gathering on Autumn Equinox

September 22nd is the Autumn Equinox, commonly known as the First Day of Fall. This is my most favorite time of the year, when Nature is in her glory, sending foliage into various hues of reds, gold, and ambers. This is also a transformational time for us as humans as well. After working so hard throughout Spring and Summer to bring ideas and wishes into fruition. it is now time to harvest what we have learned and take that with us as we wind down and cocoon for the winter months. This is the time to take a good look at what is working for us and what is not sustaining our needs, whether your needs have shifted or not, and what can be utilized from the old methods and that can be tossed out. Releasing of the “Old” and keeping the “Viable” As we pack away that swimwear, blow up pools, barbecues and gardening equipment, take time to toss out anything old, broken or worn out. Donate any summer clothing that will not be of use next spring or sell them at a yard sale. Harvest your herbs and prepare them for winter. But even as we do this, it is time for an internal cleaning as well. This is a season to enjoy the end of the summer fruit and begin to imagine lovely pumpkin and apple treats as well as hearty soups that will warm the soul as well as the tummy. Cooler weather means brisk walks for exercise without sweltering in the summer heat and you can even make leaf raking an aerobic event by adding a bit of “oomph” to your moves.They don’t call them sweatpants for nothing! An “Attitude of Gratitude” Despite the above words being often used, they still ring true. Despite all the intensity of growth and possibilities that the first part of the year had brought you, this is the time to consider what was successful and what did not go so well. We live in an age of transition, and many, including myself, have had to become a chameleon of sorts, changing with the times and needs of society. “Make hay while the Sun shines” is an old quote I tell clients when a certain card comes up in their Tarot reading as it foretells that there is plenty to ‘harvest’ and they need to ‘fill their barns’ with all that they can gather before the season ends. Yet, despite economic changes that may have affected your income, there are still opportunities available for those who are crafty and see the need with open eyes. Use the gifts of the season to gain financial blessings during this time. Walk dogs for those who cannot get home early enough to do so. Consider tutoring children with their homework. Offer yard clean up services for those who are physically unable to do so. Offer end of year cleaning services that take away their unwanted goods and prepare their homes for the winter months. Work with the season and it will bless you with opportunities you might not have considered.Consider offering your culinary services to cater events that are planned for the holiday season. Make seasonal jams and butters and package them attractively and sell them at holiday crafts fairs for shoppers who want a unique gift. A Time to Dream, Plan and Conspire As we approach the winter month with their many days of less sunshine and long nights, take time to begin an inner journey to make change as the year comes to an end. Your life is not stagnant; each passing year brings new challenges and opportunities, but only...

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply

For orders big and small, Lucky Mojo Products, Motor City Hoo Doo Oils, Mojo Moon Products and miscellaneous spiritual supplies, go to our website.   Need something extra? Give us a call – (916)...

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