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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Free Candle Spells | Using Time for Candle Spells Success – Part 1

Free Candle Spells | Using Time for Candle Spells Success – Part 1   This is a two-part series of articles regarding the use of Time in candle spell work.   Using the power of Time when beginning candle spell work has been a long held tradition in many cultures. The belief that the effectiveness of candle spells when the Sun is rising or when it is setting is as crucial to some as the day of the week or what station the Moon is in its lunar course. Some traditions go so far as to calculate which hour of which day to begin work, as each hour of the day belongs to a certain Planet and each day does so as well. This is a brief explanation of Time in relevance to candle spell work success. Belief has it that if you use the clock hours of the day when the hands are “moving up” on the clock face, you will gain in success, Good Luck, money and all things considered ‘good’. The time to light candles for “bringing in Goodness” would be from 6:31 am to 12:00 noon, and then again at 6:31 pm to 12 midnight. As you look at a clock’s face, you will see that these times listed is when you see both the hour and minute hand moving up the right side (your left) of the clock (see photos). It has also been said that allegedly if you wanted to “send something away”, then burning a candle from 12:01 am to 6:00 am, and then again from 12:01 pm to 6:00 pm would be the most effective time to do so. As you look at the clock, the hands will appear to be moving down the left side (your right) of the clock’s face.This would be effective for banishing work, however I would consider using the above paragraph when doing Reversible work, as you want success in reversing what ails you.   Part 2: Planetary influences on Candle...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Scorpio – Intense and Emotional!

  The New Moon in Scorpio will occur on November 13, 2012. At this time, we are still under the influence of a Mercury Retrograde, bringing with it communications problems, missed calls, computer issues and more. Mercury will not go direct until November 26th, so the effects might also be felt for a couple of days after and up until the Full Moon on November 28th. The New Moon in the “Fixed” water astrological sign of Scorpio means that it is stable, unchangeable and very emotional. Avoid risky behaviors and hazardous sports. Don’t plan to do “strange” or “kinky” at this time. The New Moon in Scorpio is an optimum time to plan and execute secret spells for an intended ‘victim’, but make sure the deed is justified and investigate all avenues of spiritual entry to the person, in order to be successful in your attack. If this is a retribution or revenge candle spell, using the words “do this or else” or something to this effect will be supported by the energy of the Scorpio Moon. The New Moon is considered a time to light candles for bringing in “goodness” and things like success, job promotions, needed money, good luck and the promise of love or the deepening of a love relationship. What might prove problematic this lunation is the fact that we may not express ourselves in word or voice exactly what we want to say. The very real possibility of not being heard as well could occur, due to the planetary station of Mercury, the planet of communication. During this time, think and word your petitions carefully. In addition, Scorpio, a very intense zodiac sign, could very well be influencing your emotions to the point of near frenzy. It is wise to step back and not make “do or die” threats, promises, or candle spells at this time, as you may have to ‘eat those words’. Other planetary influences call for control during the week of Nov. 13th to the 20th as we are also going to feel the effects of a Solar Eclipse. You may find that the information that you need to make a logical decision is not available, thus causing frustration. This same information may well be readily available after the 20th, when calm comes back into view. The month of November has taken us all on an emotional roller coaster ride with the Presidential election and major decisions should be shelved until after Thanksgiving, if possible. The next Full Moon occurs on November 28, 2012, when we will then experience a Lunar...

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – November 2012

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – November 2012    * The month of November begins with a Mercury Retrograde on the 6th.  Make sure you do computer backups at this time. Please consider reading the article to assist you in Mercury Retrograde that is listed in the blog. * This is the month that many celebrate Thanksgiving, the celebration said when the Native American and the Pilgrims sat together and feasted on the harvest. I am not sure if the actual event happened in the month of November, as the New England countryside is usually cold at this time. In addition, the Harvest Moon was in September, but for the sake of not changing years of tradition, we will keep Turkey Day where it is on the calendar. * November’s Full Moon in American Indian lore is called the Full Beaver Moon. It is said that November is the time that trappers would set their traps for beaver before the swamp lands froze, so that they could catch beaver for pelts to trade and also to keep warm during the cold winter months. Another suggestions is that this is the time that beavers are busy readying themselves for winter. In certain areas, November’s Full Moon is also known as the Frosty Moon. * Besides All Saints Day being celebrated on November 1st and All Souls Day is on November 2nd, other notable Catholic Saints’ feast days are: Nov. 5th – St. Martin de Porres (a favorite of mine) Nov. 11th – St. Martin of Tours – a favorite Saints for business in the Latino community as St. Martin Caballero Nov. 22nd – St. Cecelia – patron Saint of singers If you have a favorite Saint that you would like to honor, their feast day is perfect to light a candle dedicated to them. If you cannot find one with their image on them, use a glass 7-day novena “vigil” candle, cleaned with Florida Water and anointed with a good Blessing Oil, for maximum effect. You can print off a photo of your Saint and glue it to the outside of the glass and surround the candle with a vase of flowers and a glass of cool water. * Consider making a charitable contribution to a food bank or support a kitchen that feeds the poor for blessing during this Thanksgiving time. It is right and just to give thanks in good times and adverse times, and by the Grace of God or a simple twist of fate, you could be one who will be having dinner at a shelter instead of around your table with loved ones. A simple small donation will assist one or two families, so please bless others as you have been blessed.        ...

Free Candle Spells | Tips to Survive a Mercury Retrograde

Free Candle Spells | Tips to Survive a Mercury Retrograde   Ironic that this upcoming Mercury Retrograde occurs on November 6, 2012 – Election Day in the United States. Read about this astro-weirdness in this article, “Astrology is No Excuse” by Eric Francis Koinkidinky…or not? Mercury Retrograde plays havoc with our lives because it will virtually put everything into a holding pattern for three weeks, three times a year. What does it mean when you say that a planet is in “retrograde”? Let’s take a quick look back into astronomical history to understand this phenomenon. Ancient astronomers and those who wondered about the celestial beings in the night sky observed an unique trick to Mercury, who can be seen through a telescope. Each night they would see Mercury move ever-so-slightly across the evening sky. But every three months, the planet would appear to start retreating backward little-by-little for a period of about three weeks, then seem to start moving forward again. That time when the planet appears to be retreating and backing up is called a Retrograde. When astrology branched off from astronomy and began its own study of the planets, the ancient scholars observed that certain events and occurrences happened during different planetary and Moon cycles – including Mercury, the planet of communication and ruling planet of Gemini and is exalted in Virgo. So, here are some tips for you to handle Mercury Retrogrades: General Ideas for Everyone: * Back up all computer information because if a meltdown is going to happen, bets are on that it will happen during a Mercury Retrograde. If this happens, no information can be retrieved and general computer malfunctions are common during this time. * Make sure that all you bills are paid early and up to date — especially your phone and utility bills. * Limit your communication with difficult people you know. It is best to limit your interactions with them during this time as you are more likely to get into it. Keep a low profile and try not to talk anything that will get you upset. * Finish up old projects that are hanging around the house like filing papers, crafts, organizing the garage, etc. Couple and Dating Issues: * Try to avoid deep, probing “where are we going with this relationship” type of questions at this time.You are more likely to say things you don’t mean or they will be misconstrued. Also, it is wise to not accuse one another of something that may cause drama. Words will be misunderstood and feelings will be hurt. * If you are contemplating divorce during this time then wait. You may find that once Mercury goes direct that your feeling have changed and you may be able to work out certain issues. * Curb your tongue and do not be critical over the small stuff. It may cause a breakup. Business Owners and Professionals: * Pull out your yearly business forecast and look at where you are and where your goal was predicted to be at this time of the year. Devise plans to strive for gains in the next quarter. * That this time to make sure all your legal documents are in order and your insurance premiums are up to date. Analyze if you have sufficient insurance or do you need to adjust it. Make sure all taxes are currently paid. File invoices and organize filing system. * If you have a physical store now is a great time for deep cleaning and shifting display cases and counter, if possible. Spiritual Workers, Intuitives and Metaphysical Workers: * Do not take on any “high drama” types of clients as nothing you way will be understood and it will cause...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Taurus – Here Comes Mercury Retrograde Again!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Taurus – Here Comes Mercury Retrograde Again! The Full Moon in Taurus occurs on October 29, 2012 at 2:50 pm E.S.T. The Moon, in the Earth sign of Taurus the bull, is considered as having a “Fixed” energy, which means that it is stable, practical and materialistic. Traditionally, the Full Moon time is for banishing and reversing candle spells and harnessing the energy of Taurus, burning candles to banish bills is optimal, since Taurus rule money and banking. You might consider burning a black banishing candle with your credit card statements under them to work on getting those balances down. Full Moon in Taurus is also a good time to change out your altar cloths and do a deep clean on your sacred space. Other aspects during this Full Moon time is that Mercury will go into Retrograde motion on November 6th. There may well be tension regarding finances. The paths are not clear and it will seem like nothing is moving forward, which is will not, until Mercury turns in a forward motion again on November 26, 2012. The next New Moon will occur on November 13, 2012....

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – October 2012

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – October 2012   This is our newest category to our ever expanding list of subject titles that can be found on the right hand side of the page marked “Categories”. These little “news snippets” are designed to keep you informed of trends and certain seasonal events, bits of information you may find useful and much more! Enjoy! – J. * Did you know that Halloween is the time to stock up on black candles for conjuring, crossing, destruction and revenge work? Visit your party warehouse, local crafts store or even the dollar stores for black candles, because when they’re gone, you will be hard pressed to find them in February! * Did you know that many cultures besides the Mexicans, honor All Souls Day on November 2nd? In Mexico, the Day of the Dead has been traditionally celebrated by whole families who go to the cemetery and clean and decorate the burial plot with crumbled petals from the Marigold plant and with paper streamers and flowers in dazzling colors. They lay out foods, candies, liquor and tobacco as gifts for their dearly departed and in most areas, strolling mariachi bands can play a tune for the deceased for a few pesos. The family will light candles and dine with their dead relatives while the children will play among the crypts and headstones.  In certain areas, a Catholic Mass is said by the town priest in the cemetery for all to attend. Consider creating your own tradition by visiting the graveyard and sprucing up the graves of your loved ones who have passed and laying an offering to them. * Many cultures consider the three days of Halloween – All Hallows Eve (Oct. 31st), All Saints Day (Nov. 1st) and All Souls Day (Nov. 2nd) as a time when the veil between this world and the other world is thin and can be penetrated. This is why so many people want to contact their loved ones who have passed during this time. Caution is to be had with such tools of spiritual contact such as the Ouija Board, as it has been said that you can also open portals of contact with malevolent spirits who want to trick you in to thinking they are good. Beware and use caution if you are considering using any board and planchette-type game. * Halloween originated when children in Old England would dress us as their favorite Catholic Saint and go from house to house singing church hymns. The owner of the house would open the door and enjoy the song, then offer a cup of cider or a bite of food for their efforts. This door-to-door visit was done to remind all that the next day – Nov. 1st – was All Saints Day, considered a High Holy Day in the Catholic...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Libra – Promote Yourself!

  The New Moon in Libra occurs at 7:02 am E.S.T. on Monday, October 15, 2012. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Libra, is considered to be a “Cardinal ” Air sign, meaning that the energy is is intellectual, innovative and inventive. Doing positive energy candle spells at this time for Success, Money and Fast Luck, Libra’s New Moon encourages teamwork and joint efforts. This is the time to seek collaboration or assistance. The saying, “together we can achieve” brings new meaning now. This is also a good time to burn “Boss Fix” Candles to make sure that your superiors and management can ‘see things your way’ in regards to your efforts and the contributions you make to the company. This paves the way for you to consider asking for a promotion or raise in the future. Burning white “Boss Fix” candles, anointed with “Boss Fix” Oil, helps move things forward for you. This New Moon is also an excellent time for making altar cloths or ceremonial robes, if your belief system supports it. Now is also the time to prepare and light a candle to a specific Deity, angel or Saint for giving thanks for prayers answered or to petition for additional assistance. Other planetary issues brought forth by this New Moon is that this is an excellent time to take personal action and make bold moves for your success. Take the initiative to make changes for positive energy at home and work. A good ‘deep cleaning’ of papers on your desk or clutter at home will revive you and give you inspiration for new horizons and goals. Move towards your goals and do not wait for others opinions as their hesitancy will slow down the momentum of this lunation. The next Full Moon occurs on October 29,...

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