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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Question | Why Did Money Candle Go Out?... Readers Question | Why Did Money Candle Go Out?   I lit a money candle and a lot of crackling and then it went out on its own. I used lemon juice on it first and then a little olive oil. I did not blow it out it went out within 10 seconds of me lighting it. What does this mean? Nikki ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, I am going to eliminate all the physical possibilities before getting into the spiritual ones. Here are some reasons your candle could have gone out without any negative meanings or hidden agendas: Wick was still wet Too much Oil Wick too short Wick too long Passive breeze in room Candle wax properties not well...
  • New Moon in Cancer | June 22, 2009 – Don’t Lose Your Cool!... The New Moon on June 22, 2009  occurs at 1:12 E.S.T.  in the sign of Cancer. The sign of Cancer represents the home and hearth, security, nurturing and patriotism. Cancer is a “Cardinal” Water sign, meaning that it is emotional and energetic. The United States is ruled by Cancer, hence a double whammy meaning to festivities of the 4th of July. Security may be heightened and you may have some unknown fear of being ‘under the gun”. This is a very good time to burn candles for domination and controlling a person or situation. The Moon’s influence at this time is heightened to influence, sway or coerce others that...
  • Free Candle Spells | Banishing/ Release of Negative Vibrations – Uncrossing Candle Spell...   This spell is really simple to do and you can use small finger-sized candles. I found some of these candles in one of our area drugstores, Long’s Drugs! Now I know where to send clients when they want to get a black candle in a hurry! Ingredients 1 small free-standing Black Candle (not encased in glass) 1 handful of Salt 1 piece of white paper 1 ceramic or glass dish, container or jar (that you will be disposing of at end of candle burn). Small jelly or honey jars, pickle or olive jars work best (make sure they are clean and dry). 1 White 7-day glass Novena Candle...
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  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon Money Candle Service... Free Candle Spells | New Moon Money Candle Service The New Moon is coming on February 2, 2011 and it is considered the traditional time for candles to be burned to draw in money and prosperity success. This new candle service will begin February 2, 2011 and end March 4, 2011, when the next New Moon is in the sky. Our January 2011 Prosperity Experiment is coming to an end, but a few participants have asked that they can continue the good times coming in by keeping the Money Altar up and going, so that continued money attraction can be going on. If you would want to add your green candles to the Prosperity Altar, please consider a...
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Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Virgo – Emotions, emotions!

  The Full Moon in Virgo occurs on February 25, 2013 at 3:26 pm E.S.T. The Moon in Virgo exhibits the energy of a “Mutable” Earth sign, meaning that it fluctuates between active and passive and is protective and materialistic. The Full Moon lunation time is traditionally held as a time to “banish” or “reverse” a situation or occurrence, but the Full Moon in Virgo also encourages us to not cast spells for money for the home and lifestyle at this time and to cleanse, bless and dress candles for the next upcoming New Moon candle rituals. It is also a good time to completely deep clean your altar and consider changing out the altar cloths for something more seasonal. In addition, other planetary influences that are happening now is that the planet Jupiter is squaring the Full Moon, as emotions run high. Jupiter rules the astrological sign of Sagittarius, so issues with truth, learning, and travel will be somewhat emotional. Given the recent problems with one particular cruise line ship, it is a good thing that this planetary influence was not activated at that time as perhaps the outcome could have become more intense and dire than it already was as it occurred. It is an electric and unpredictable time. Watch for sudden changes and reversals in any form of negotiations with the Government. Your relationships with co-workers and friends may change overnight, so expect instability during the next two weeks. Mercury turns Retrograde on Feb. 23rd and will last into early March. Read more about Mercury Retrogrades by clicking here. The next New Moon occurs on March 11,...

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply

Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply * 5302 Tamarindo Lane, Elk Grove, CA 95758 * (916) 205 * 9490 Serving the greater Sacramento, CA area with quality hoodoo and conjure products at...

Free Candle Spells | Pink St. Valentine Bring Me A New Love Candle

Free Candle Spells | Pink St. Valentine Bring Me A New Love Candle   Lucky 13 Clover St. Valentine Candle – $10.00 Saint Valentine, the Patron Saint of Lovers and whose Catholic feast day is February 14th, now has a candle devoted solely to the miraculous works that he has allegedly done to bring someone to love to you. The rose pink 7 day “novena” type vigil candle in glass with the antique looking label with a full color image of Saint Valentine on it, has a specially written prayer of petition to bring a love to you. Order a candle to be lit for you...

Free Candle Spells | Using Personal Items to Zero in On a Lover – Part 2

Personal Concerns that Can Be Used in Spells Part two of a blog article about using personal items and concerns in love spells – J. There is another method that is considered effective in “zeroing in” on your target called Personal Concerns. this is the polite way of saying biological things that are distinctly coming from your intended target that contain some DNA. This is the most highly respected and highly coveted item to gather for love spells. It narrow down the spell to ONLY him or her, eliminating any other possible “target”. Some Personal Concerns that Can Be Used: * Blood, semen, vaginal fluids (considered number 1 for love spells) * Menstrual Blood (if the spell is to catch a woman) * Nail Clippings, hair, foot scrapings (from a pedicure) * Sweat, feces, urine, tears, mucus (gross, but sometimes used) * Soiled articles of clothing (socks, T-shirts, handkerchiefs) * A person’s footprint (as if they stepped in mud and tracked it in) * Tiny hairs from a razor I will not go into detail in to methods of collecting these items with the one exception is that only if you plan to “tie yourself down” to one man or woman, do not mix the sexual fluids. Single sexual fluids, such as from a man’s condom, would be used to control and command, like staying home, stop running the streets, stop gambling or give me household money. The same goes with a woman and her vaginal fluids. If you are wanting to create a love spell to create a union with another person, then using BOTH sexual fluids is important. You know how to gather these Personal Concerns, so I will not elaborate any further.  * Other used items such as: Cigarette butt or Cigar stub Q-tip Kleenex, Baby Wipe or Antibacterial Wipe Tip of Drinking Straw Paper Napkin (has flecks of lip skin or facial hair on it) Toothbrush Hairbrush or Comb (even men with short hair shed or their is body oils on the bristles) Despite some of these items being absolutely gross to consider collecting, you can see that they are very, very personal to the person, and have absorbed the targeted person’s energy or DNA. It depends on you and your personal feelings regarding this person to determine how effective you will be in collecting these items. The most important thing to remember is that you have remember to “seize the opportunity” when it strikes. If you see a guy that is at the club on a regular basis, grab that drink straw or the napkin he wiped his brow on after dancing with someone (maybe you) and tuck it in a plastic zip bag to use in the future. I advised one male client that was seeking the company of a woman from his church to take her out to brunch after service (less threatening), tell her that he lipstick is a beautiful color (will make her apply it again – maybe) and then while dining, tell her she has something on her lip (to make he blot her lips, leaving a lipstick stain). Then I told him to pause a moment, tell her ‘it is still there’ and suggest maybe she should visit the ladies room. Once she is out of sight, trade out her napkin with another clean one and tuck the lipstick marked one into a plastic bag in his coat jacket, so that he can use it to draw her closer. He did it and I fashioned a love charm for him. They started dating and I haven’t heard from him since, so I can only assume that things are...

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – February 2013

Free Candle Spells | Did You Know? – February 2013   * Did you know that the first of three Mercury Retrogrades begins February 23rd and lasts through March 17th. In addition to this, NASA has announced recently that there is an increase in solar flare activity and the time in which this will manifest itself could be during this time period. * The Lunar New Year for Asian cultures begins on February 10, 2013 and this year is the Year of the Water Snake. * The month of February has traditionally had a day associated with Saint Valentine, a true living Catholic Saint but did you know that there are other Saints that have feast days in the month of February? Here are some other feast days of Heavenly Beings: * Feb. 1: St. Brigid – Abbess and Patroness of Ireland – second to St. Patrick, she is an inspiration to Irish Catholic women devotions. * Feb.3: St. Blaise – Bishop and Martyr – Holy Masses on his feast day include a Blessing of the Throat Ceremony. * Feb.17: St Flavian – Bishop and Martyr – Patriarch of Constantinople who suffered persecution in his two-year reign. * Feb.18: St. Simeon – Bishop and Martyr – Nephew to St. Joseph and the Blessed Mary Virgin he was with Mary at Pentecost.  * In Native American lore, the Full Moon in February is consider the Full Snow Moon since this is the time when snowfall is at its’ heaviest. Northern and Eastern Native American tribes also referred to this Moon as the Full Hunger Moon, since these harsh weather conditions made hunting very difficult.      ...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – The Year of the Water Snake

  The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on February 10, 2013 at 2:20 am E.S.T. This lunation, powered by the energy of the astrological sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer is considered a “Fixed” air sign. When under this influence, the energy fused with mental and intellectual activity and is stable, and unchangeable. This is a most beneficial time to start anything radically new and different or revolutionary in nature. Be sure to think long and hard about the eventual outcome and the possibilities of the alternative choices that may come once you initiate this endeavor. For instance, if you are considering purchasing a home, please take in mind the maintenance costs and other hidden fees that comes with home ownership. Other factors during this New Moon is that it is the Lunar New Year for many Asian countries. This is the Year of the Snake. There is also a chance of upsets with authorities and agents of the government. It is best to ‘hold the line’ and try to remain as stable as possible during the next few weeks. This is also a good time to review diets as health is focused this New Moon. Read more about the Year of the Snake 2013 by Paul Ng by clicking here. The Moon in Aquarius is an excellent time to burn purple candles anointed with Psychic Power or Clarity Oils to increase your powers of psychic ability or to try to participate in expanding your visions, meditations and the like. Towards the end of this lunation, consider taking time to work out all the mathematical and timing problems on your candle spells for the next Full Moon cycle so that you will be extra successful in your Revenge or Reversible candle spell work. The next Full Moon occurs on February 25, 2013....

Free Candle Spells | Using Personal Items to Zero In On a Lover – Part 1

The first of two part of an article about collecting personal items or concerns to use in love magick spells – J. While the upcoming Valentine’s Day reminds us of all things about love, it is the day-to-day world in which we live in that gives us a lot of opportune times to gather items from our intended lover to place in a love candle spell. When used in a magickal spell, person objects or concerns are like a GPS system is for a drone rocket. Instead of burning candles without the aid and assistance of a personal item or concern, try using one to “zero in” on your target. What Personal Items and Concerns Can Be Used: Some say only Personal Concerns can be used, but I have been very successful with using something as innocent as a key chain given to me by someone to keep me in their good graces many years ago. It is an item that they purchased/previously owed/touched and then given to you, that makes the item “charged” with their energy. The “Golden Rule” is that the closer the object is to the person, the more effectively the magick will affect them. In the case of the key chain, it was a corporate gift from the person that he had created for his team – and the company’s name was the same as the owner! So, if you ‘read between the lines’, my “target” was the owner of the company, the company was the owner’s name and the key chain was kept in a honey jar so they would be “sweet” to all my requests. Other Personal Items that Can Be Used: * Photographs * Business Cards * Signature/Autograph * Drivers License (most likely an expired one) * Copy of Birth Certificate * Social Security card (hey, you never know!) Important Reasons for Collecting Personal Items or Concerns The old belief that ‘the more you put into it’, the more you are going to get out of it’ describes it best here. Many people want the magick to happen, they just don’t want to “do the work”. Maybe it is difficult to get the item, or they have not seen the person for some time in order to collect the item. This is when you have to become a “Spiritual Detective” and seek them out if you want to collect the personal items or concerns. Being afraid of getting ‘caught’ will only heighten the effect of the spell because you are taking that risk to get that item. I will say this right now, about 99% of the time people do not think of collecting personal items or concerns when things are good or the opportunity presented itself; unfortunately, most times it is “after the fact” that they think of collecting them. Let me say this three times right now so that it will ring true: When the ‘getting is good’, collect your items then or now When the ‘getting is good’, collect your items then or now When the ‘getting is good’, collect your items then or now These items can be tucked into a red flannel mojo bag and placed next to a candle to burn to bring them closer or can be placed under the candles, such as a signature or photograph, so that they will ‘feel the heat’ from your love candle...

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