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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Question | Regarding Recent Blog Post on Black/Green Candle... Readers Question | Regarding Recent Blog Post on Black/Green Candle You mentioned that the Reversible Black/Red candles should have the Black part on top and the red on the bottom so that the negativity is burned away first. However, you did not make the same distinction with Green/Black candles, which shows the Green on top…why is that? Wouldn’t it be best to remove the negativity first via the Black so that the Abundance (Green) could come in full force? Laffite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good question. Yes, I have had an astounding amount of successes with the “Black on Red” Reversible Candle as opposed to the “Red on Black” kind found in the majority of botanicas and candles shops. Here are a...
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Taurus- May 3, 2011 |Practical Measures Insure Fiscal Security... The New Moon lunation occurs on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 1:51 am E.S.T. This moon, in the sign of of Taurus, is considered to be the most auspicious time to burn candles to attract luck, love and money to the home. Red candles for luck, green candles for prosperity, yellow candles for success and pink candles for romantic love are favored to be lit upon your altar for the week following the beginning of the New Moon. Since there are many graduations during the months of May and June, lighting golden yellow amber candles for the new graduates success, anointed with Crown of Success or Crowning Glory oils,...
  • Free Candle Spells | Black Tobacco Candle Spell to Overcome Legal Entanglements... Ingredients High John (aka High (or Hi) John the Conqueror (“Conker”) Low John (aka “Little John to Chew” – Galangal Root) Clove Sage Rosemary Pipe Tobacco A very powerful item when burned along with a black candle and salt. Use only to win court cases and to overcome legal entanglements. This spell comes from the hoodoo or conjure traditions. My brother and I used this recipe with a homemade legal luck spell. I also burned protection incense and asked that Yemaya protect my nephew in all of this. Things turned out successfully. We wished no harm on anyone, just asked that the scales be tipped a little. I hope...
  • Free Candle Spells | Thanksgiving Candle Spell/Altar... Free Candle Spells | Thanksgiving Candle Spell/Altar Here is a simple but effective candle spell that can be used while entertaining guests as a centerpiece or even an altar and they won’t even know the blessings you are surrounding them with! INGREDIENTS: 1 Cranberry Red Candle 1 Pumpkin Orange Candle 1 Golden Spice Candle 1 bottle “Crown of Success” Oil 1 bottle of “Fast Luck” Oil 1 bottle of Protection” Oil This candle spell is easy and the earthy scents of the Condition/Anointing Oils will be mixed with the delicious aromas from your kitchen and your guests will not know that you are actually bestowing them with protection and best wishes for their luck and success....
  • Free Candle Spells | Compelled to Pay Me Candle Spell... Free Candle Spells | Compelled to Pay Me Candle Spell   “This candle spell is to get someone to pay you what you are worth or to pay you for a job done. This spell will also work when a raise was promised. This spell works well for independent contractors who work without a specific contract or written agreement, when it should be that trusting in a person’s word and handshake will suffice in striking a deal. Sad to say, a lot of deals made on a handshake are not kept and cannot be held up in a Court of Law. That is when you need a spell like this to remind them to keep their word.” – Jacqueline...
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Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website

Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*.   We do not offer FREE consultations, as in accordance with the Universal Law, one must exchange their energy and efforts in appreciation for another’s energy and efforts. Simply stated, consultations for your particular situation and the correct diagnosis for your problems can be obtained by sending an e-mail and awaiting a response and invoice for a one hour consultation.   Thank you for visiting and I do believe that you will enjoy browsing through our many posts on about everything spiritual in regards to candle burning services and rituals.   Free Candle Spells   *These proprietary articles on Free Candle Spells cannot be shared or copied by anyone without the express permission given by the owner of the website. All plagerizers and plagerizing work will be subject to legal ramifications....

Free Candle Spells | New & Full Moons, Eclipses and More for 2023!

Free Candle Spells | New & Full Moons, Eclipses and More for 2023! JANUARY 2023 Full Moon – Jan. 6th  6:09 pm eastern  Full Wolf Moon in Cancer Mercury Retrograde (ends) – Started Dec. 29, 2022, this retrograde period will end Jan. 19, 2023 New Moon – Jan. 21st 3:55 pm eastern in Capricorn   FEBRUARY 2023 Full Moon – Feb. 5th 1:30 pm eastern Full Snow Moon in Leo New Moon –  Feb. 20th 2:09 am eastern in Pisces   MARCH 2023 Full Moon – Mar. 7th 7:42 am eastern  Full Worm Moon in Virgo New Moon – Mar. 21  1:26 pm eastern in Pisces   APRIL 2023 Full Moon – Apr. 6th 12:37 am eastern  Full Pink Moon in Libra New Moon – Apr.  20th  12:15 am eastern in Taurus SOLAR ECLIPSE Mercury Retrograde – Apr. 19th to May 14, 2023 MAY 2023 Full Moon – May 5th  1:36 pm eastern  Full Flower Moon in Scorpio LUNAR ECLIPSE New Moon – May 19th  11:55 am eastern in Taurus   JUNE 2023 Full  Moon – June 3rd 11:43 pm eastern  Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius New Moon – June 18th  12:39 am eastern in Cancer   JULY 2023 Full Moon – July 3rd  7:40 am eastern  Full Buck Moon in Capricorn New Moon – July 17th 2:33 pm eastern in Cancer   AUGUST 2023 Full  Moon Aug. 1st 2:33 pm eastern  Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius New Moon – Aug. 16th  5:38 am eastern in Leo MERCURY RETROGRADE – Aug. 23th to Sept. 15, 2023 BLUE MOON –  Full Aug. 30th  9:37 pm eastern   Full Blue Moon in Pisces   SEPTEMBER 2023 Full  Moon – Sept. 14th  9:40 pm eastern  Full Corn Moon in Virgo New Moon – Sept. 29th 5:58 am eastern in Aries   OCTOBER 2023 Full Moon – Oct. 14th  1:55 pm eastern Full Hunter Moon in  Libra SOLAR ECLIPSE New Moon – Oct. 28th  4:24 pm eastern in Taurus LUNAR ECLIPSE   NOVEMBER 2023 Full  Moon – Nov. 13th  4:27 am eastern  Full Beaver Moon in Scorpio New Moon – Nov. 27th  4:16 am eastern in Gemini   DECEMBER 2023 Full Moon – Dec. 12th  6:32 pm eastern  Full Cold Moon in Sagittarius MERCURY RETROGRADE – Dec. 13th to January 1, 2024 New Moon –  Dec. 26th  7:33 pm eastern in Cancer         Equinox/Solstice 2023 SPRING (Vernal Equinox)   –  March 20th 17:25 pm eastern SUMMER  (Summer Solstice)  –  June 21st, 2023 10:58 am eastern AUTUMN (Autumnal Equinox)  –  Sept. 23rd 2:23 am eastern WINTER (Winter Solstice)  –  December 21st 22:28 eastern  ...

Free Candle Spells | Cleansing Bath Ritual for the Autumn Season

    Cleansing Spell of the Autumn Season   Purpose:  To remove and cleanse yourself and others of the remnants of the Summer. While the long nights and hot temperatures were fun, the time to concentrate on preparing for what’s to come is the focus of this cleansing ritual.   Ingredients: Primary Mixture: 1 cup Dr. Broner’s Liquid Castile Soap in Tea Tree Essence (found in Whole Foods or online) 1 cap (aka cake) Cascarilla, crushed to powder-like consistancy (found in candle shops, botanicas, or online) 1 Cup Epsom Salts with Eucalyptus (found online or Walgreens has a great mixture) Juice of one lemon   Secondary Mixture: Brew Hyssop in a pasta or bean pot into a “tea” and let cool to room temperature. Hyssop can be found in natural grocery stores such as Whole Foods or online with various vendors.   How to Do the Bath:   Take all ingredients and place in glass or ceramic bowl. Mix well. It will look a little dry and crumbly but that is ok. Step naked into shower to get wet, then turn water off. Dip a wash cloth into mix and rub your skin. DO not rub harshly or apply heavy pressure as you are rubbing. Do not use on face and genital areas. Rub mixture over body from top to bottom, all the while imagining that you are sloughing off old skin and old ways. As you do, be thankful for what the recent past has taught you and release all ill will and strife you have for others. Holding on to bitterness will not serve you coming into Winter, when we are to strip away harshness and be thankful for what we have been blessed with.   As this is done, pray the Act of Contrition: O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen. Turn on water and rinse and repeat if necessary until you feel refreshed and cleansed. Then, pour the Hyssop tea over your body and rinse with water until all is removed. Step out of shower, dry off and dress in comfortable clothes. You may feel relaxed and a bit drowsy after this, andit is fine to nap or rest with a cup of tea or other warm beverage at this time until you feel rejuvinated and ready to continue with your day.  ...

Free Candle Spells | Second Mercury Retrograde on May 11, 2022 – Mercury Comes Home!

              The second Mercury Retrograde occurs on May 11, 2022 and stations in the astrological sign of Gemini, the Twins. For this particular retrograde time, Mercury is consider in it’s “home” planetary setting of the astrological signs of Gemini and Virgo. Both of these signs may very well experience big communication and connection problems with their loved ones and family. Mercury, the planet of Communication and guiding planet of those whose birthdays fall in the time of Gemini, the Twins, and Virgo, the Maiden, is comfortably “at home” – meaning that the events and actions that occur between May 11thand June 2nd this year, will be explicit, direct, and brutally honest. It is strongly suggested that you choose your words with finite understanding that every word you speak may make lasting changes. This planetary event may be difficult for Gemini, who like to co-mingle with others and exchange ideas and conversation with a wide variety of humans but at this particular time, the messages that are sent and received may be a little off, so make sure you are gentle with comments on views that are not your own. For Virgo, the issues that have been brewing at home might come “to a head” – and some major decisions might have to be made that have been tempered and maybe even ignored in the past. It is now that the “pink elephant in the room” needs to be discussed.     The end of Mercury retrograde this time finds that it finishes out on June 2nd with a regression into the sign of Taurus, the Bull. These individuals need to also watch their temper during the last few days and don’t go charging off wildly over something small and insignificant. The next Mercury retrograde will occur on September 9, 2022.     NOTE: The use of any written or image material on this site is prohibited by anyone and is not approved by the site owner. It is illegal to use another’s work without express permission and is called...

Readers Question | Honey or Sugar? Which is More Effective?

Readers Question | Honey or Sugar? Which is More Effective?             I have read your latest article about sweeteners and now I am more confused than ever. I need a jar spell to work F-A-S-T. What I understand is that honey could work slower than expected because of the thickness. I want to get someone’s attention NOW! What do I use? Many thanks for your website and such informative articles! – Love, MM – CA * * * * * * * * Dear MM, Thank you for a really good question. Like you, most people want rapid results in their candle or spell work the Universe sometimes grants quick responses, but unfortunately not all the time. Now, in the case of using honey vs. sugar in a spell jar, I do advise that the honey m-a-y take a little longer because of its’ viscosity, meaning it is thinking and slow moving. I want to almost compare it to making syrup. The syrup manufacturers wouldn’t want to see you floating your French Toast or Pancakes in a liquid that was too runny, because your breakfast delicacy would become completely soggy and unappetizing. You would be using a spoon the scrape the pancake off the plate. This is the idea regarding syrup-y things in spellwork. Recent beauty trends has sugar being used in all kinds of body and facial scrubs to exfoliate the surface of the skin, due to the granulations of the sugar crystals. Given usage enough on one portion of the skin’s surface, you may develop a mild irritation, and you are sloughing off layers of built up skin. Consciously or not, your attention is drawn to that area of the body, until the skin heals or that sensation is gone. Think of this in the same light regarding your sugar jar for love spell. If I were to make a sweetening jar on someone that I wanted a quicker response from someone, I would use granulated sugar or even turbinado or rough cane sugar crystals (more commonly found in ethnic or natural foods stores) and to boost the “irritation” a w-e-e bit, I’d add a tiny pinch of ground cinnamon, powdered ginger, and maybe for good measure, only a couple of red pepper flakes. This “sweet/spicy/hot” combination should get their attention. Consider changing up the pink candles with a few red ones, just to “give it some heat”.  If considering using sugar, it is best to use it only, as adding sugar and honey to a jar will hasten the solidifying qualities of the honey and encapsulate or “bound/bind up” the victim (unless that is what you want to happen – “caught in your sweetness” so to speak). Good question and good luck in your spellwork! J....

Free Candle Spells – The First Mercury Retrograde of 2022 – Here It Comes!

Free Candle Spells – The First Mercury Retrograde of 2022 – Here It Comes!               The first of four (an extra one!) Mercury Retrogrades occurs on January 14, 2022 with Mercury stationing in the astrological sing of Aquarius, the Water Bearer.  Aquarius is the 11th sign of the astrological calendar and is the celestial representative for social justice and the good of the common Man.  These representative of the “Age of Aquarius” have energy that is focused on the current social inequities and activating that change in them as well as s desire to make the World a better place to live. These visionaries may have problems in the next three weeks in voicing their ideas and opinions while Mercury is in Retorgrade stationing. Mercury, the planet of Communicaion and planetary ruler of Gemini and Virgo,  is conflicted in the expression of information during a Retrograde. This is the time that important calls get missed, e-mails go into the SPAM folder, snail mail letters ger lost, computers decide to burn a motherboard or a memory card, and cell phones just die. It is important to do a back up for all your files and upgrade to the latest version of your cell phone settings. This is not the time to sign contracts (if in anyway possible), have major decisions finalized, have major car repair, sign loans, leases, and other semi-permanent contracts that might have to go through a “re-do” because of a missing sentence. This is also not the time to discuss personal and romantic decisions, proposals, and other promises in regards to matters of the Heart. Save that for Valentine’s Day, aswe will be out of Mercury’s grip by February 4th, and all of the lingering post-shadow phase will be out the door by Feb. 8th.   NOTE: The use of any written or image material on this site is prohibited by anyone and is not approved by the site owner. It is illegal to use another’s work without express permission and is defined as...

Free Candle Spells | New and Full Moons, Super Moons and Eclipses for 2022

Free Candle Spells | New and Full Moons, Super Moons and Eclipses for 2022 Working with the phases of the Moon has been an accepted form of ritual work in many belief systems for generations. The Moon, our closest natural satellite, affects the Earth and we the living on this planet in many ways. The movement of tidal water is because of the gravitational pull of the Moon, Our emotions and many of our biorhythms are inflenced by the Moon as well. Ever heard of an increase in erratic human behavior during a Full Moon commonly called “Full Moon Madness”? Yes, the Moon affects our emotions and can cause some of us to have an increase of emotional outbursts, fear, and anger.   Blue and Black Moons – What are they and how do they happen? “Blue moon you saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own” – “Blue Moon” – The Marcels   The Moon has at least one New Moon phase and one Full Moon phase each 30 day period. Sometimes there could be an additional Full or New Moon in that calendar month, and these are known as Black Moons and Blue Moons. It is common knowledge that a Full Moon twice in a calendar months is called a “Blue Moon”, but there are “Black” Moons as well. You can read more about Black Moons here: Free Candle Spells | “Black Moon” Lore and Legend | A Rare and Unique Moon * * * * * Here are the New and Full Moons for 2022: New Moon – January 2, 2022 (SUPER NEW MOON) Moon in Capricorn the Sea Goat Full Moon (Full Wolf Moon) – January 17, 2022 Moon in Cancer the Crab New Moon February 1, 2022 Moon in Aquarius the Water Bearer Full Moon (Full Snow Moon) – February 16, 2022 Moon in Leo the Lion New Moon – March 2, 2022 Moon in Pisces the Fish Full Moon (Full Worm Moon) – March 18, 2022 Moon in Virgo the Maiden New Moon – April 1, 2022 Moon in Aries the Ram Full Moon (Full Pink Moon) – April 16, 2022 Moon in Libra the Scales New Moon – BLACK MOON April 30, 2022 Partial SOLAR Eclipse) – Moon in Taurus the Bull Full Moon (Full Flower Moon) – May 16, 2022 Total LUNAR Eclipse) Moon in Scorpio the Scorpion New Moon – May 30, 2022 Moon in Gemini the Twins Full Moon (Full Strawberry Moon) (SUPER FULL MOON) – June 14, 2022 Moon in Sagittarius the Archer New Moon – June 28, 2022 Moon in Cancer the Crab Full Moon (Full Buck Moon)(SUPER FULL MOON) – July 13, 2022 Moon in Capricorn the Sea Goat New Moon – July 28, 2022 Moon in Leo the Lion Full Moon (Full Stergeon Moon) – August 11, 2022 Moon in Aquarius the Water Bearer New Moon – August 27, 2022 Moon in Virgo the Maiden Full Moon (Full Corn Moon) – September 10, 2022 Moon in Pisces the Fish New Moon – September 25, 2022 Moon in Libra the Scales Full Moon (Full Hunter Moon) – October 9, 2022 Moon in Aries the Ram New Moon – October 25, 2022 (Partial SOLAR Eclipse) Moon in Scorpio the Scorpion Full Moon (Full Bear/Blood Moon)(Total LUNAR Eclipse) – November 8, 2022 Moon in Taurus the Bull New Moon – November 23, 2022 Moon in – Sagittarius the Archer Full Moon (Full Cold Moon) – December 7, 2022 Moon in Gemini the Twins New Moon – December 23, 2022 (SUPER NEW MOON) Moon in Capricorn the Sea Goat     NOTE: The use of any written or image material on this site is prohibited...

Free Candle Spells | Dazed & Confused no Longer! – Saturn and Jupiter (plus Mercury!) are now Direct

Free Candle Spells | Dazed & Confused no Longer! – Saturn and Jupiter (plus Mercury!) are now Direct             Remember Saturday morning cartoons with Tom the cat of the Tom and Jerry cartoons?  The one most remembered  image of Tom and Jerry is of the Devil on one shoulder whispering ideas into Tom’s ear while the Angel perched on the other is scolding Tom for considering such bedevilment represents that even today, we can relate to the predicament of deciding to raise hell or keep the peace in many situations we encounter in life. This can only relate this with the recent planetary movements of Saturn and Jupiter as they return to Direct motion after spending some time “raising Hell” with recent disruption in our lives, Saturn went direct on October 10, 2021 in the astrological sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, after being in Retrograde for over 4 months. Saturn rules the Tenth House of Reputation and how the World views you, as well as the astrological sign of Capricorn, the Sea-Goat. The energetic qualities of Saturn is considered controlled and conservative. Astrologer Jan Spiller indicates on their website that Saturn also represents karma, authority, discipline, perseverance and responsibility.   Some say that the Tenth House rules careers, reputations, ambition, professional image and how people see you, and your position in society. Considering this idea that the planets that can station Retrograde are in opposition to their inherit nature, you can figure that Satern in Retrograde is on a mission to destroy how the World sees you and does it with a “devil-may-care” attitude that is not considering the ramifications of going “rebel” or “hog wild” in decision making and the possibility of consequences thereafter. Jupiter, as being in Retrograde motion for almost 4 months, goes Direct on Sunday, October 18th, also in the sign of Aquarius.  Jupiter, the “Great Benefic”, rules the Ninth House of Philosophy in an astrological chart and the sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. Astrology.com notes that the Ninth House qualities are that we are searching for the Truth. With Jupiter in “the driver’s seat”, you would think that the planet formerly known as Fortuna would not only know  where the best of all possible outcomes are but would also give a lagniappe of Luck along with it. Consider Jupiter in Retrograde stationing, dodging hard questions of where the last cookie went that was in the jar but also that maybe you should look at yourself in regards to the last cookie. As we consider that these two planets were acting in complete opposition of what their true nature is when in Direct motion, remember that both planets go Direct in Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of the Good of Man, Social Conscience, Humanitarianism, and making the world a better place for all. As with the cartoon characters on Tom’s shoulders, the Angel is chanting “Revolt!” and the Devil is saying, “Now wait a minute! Let’s talk this out!”. Confusing messages coming from vessels representing the opposite. How confusing and discomforting that could be for all of us who are operating with polar opposites on our shoulders – we want the benefits for all but at what price will it come down to? There needs to also be consideration that Mercury had been in Retrograde since September and will turn Direct on October 18th and earlier in the month of October Pluto stationed Direct after it’s Retrograde season all last Spring in the sign of Capricorn. As we move towards the end of 2021, we are facing the consequences of decisions that have been made Jupiter, as being in Retrograde motion,  goes Direct on Sunday, October 18th, also in since Spring, and the outcomes that “have come home to roost”. In order to survive...

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