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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Full Moon in Sagittarius | June 7, 2009 – Blockages and Obstacles... The Full Moon occurs on Sunday, June 7th at 1:13 E.D.T. in the sign of Sagittarius. There is a conflict between the Moon and the planet Saturn in Virgo. This Full Moon and the upcoming New Moon on June 22nd, make for a hard month for resolutions to conflicts that have been building in recent months. If you have been waiting to do that “Jinx Breaker”, “Uncrossing”, “Road Opener” or “Reversible” Candle spell, NOW IS THE TIME! The fiery aspects of Sagittarius will add extra ‘fuel to the fire’! Sagittarius is a “Mutable” Fire sign which means that it can fluctuate from positive to negative results. It is a...
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  • Advertise Your Spiritual Services or Run a Special Promotion on Free Candle Spells Website... Greetings! Considering boosting your business with www.free-candle-spells.com? Here are some of the various ways that you can increase traffic to your phone and/or website, and a great way to run specials to boost clientele! PACKAGE NUMBER ONE: A full, one page biography of you including photos, links to your website or e-mail address, physical address (if you desire it to be posted) and telephone number can be yours for only $200.00 a year. This is less than a cup of that Mermaid Coffee a day! PACKAGE NUMBER TWO: The best deal as your banner ad will be seen on the first page every day! A 125 X 125 pixel...
  • Free Candle Spells | Cancer and Fire Causing Condition/Anointing Oils... Free Candle Spells | Cancer and Fire Causing Condition/Anointing Oils We just made a trip up to Forestville to Lucky Mojo Curio Co. and we have a fresh stock of all your favorites! We want to extoll the virtues of using these fine, all-natural Condition and Anointing Oils as they contain NO DIETHYL PHTHALATES! What is this, you ask? Diethyl Phthalate is a solvent that is used in the airplane manufacturing industry and has been noted as a “stretcher” or “carrier” oil for products coming from other, cheaper lines of Spiritual Supply outlets. This “off smelling” or “chemical smelling” additive to the cheaper condition oil lines from various companies such as Anna Riva, Seven Sister of New Orleans, Dr....
  • Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Mojo Moon Double Duo Fast Money Pack... Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Mojo Moon Double Duo Fast Money Pack   New Moon Fast Money Special – both bottles for $9.95   (plus S & H)     Mojo Moon Money Drawing Oil has all the essences and herbs associated with traditional Southern Style folkloric beliefs for bringing in money to the home and pocketbook or wallet. It has a golden green color and you can see the actual herbs and roots floating in the oil through the clear glass bottle. Anoint the corners of your greenbacks, your hands before handling money or your paycheck or use on green candles to bless the household with necessary money in your money drawing candle spells. Mojo Moon Fast Luck Oil is blended...
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Readers Comment | This is What this Blog is All About

Readers Comment | This is What this Blog is All About Hello, Jacqueline. My name is Ozzie and I do not have a question but rather would just like to commend you on your site. You come off as a truly genuine person who merely wishes to aid those with Spiritual curiosities, inquires, interests and needs; this free site is a clear indicator of such. May God and the Spirits that Be bless you and may you, yours, and this site continue to grow. Thank you Ozzie; this is what this website is all about. 🙂...

Mercury Retrograde | What to Do when Things Go Haywire

Mercury Retrograde | What to Do when Things Go Haywire Mercury turns retrograde approximately three times a year. Each of these periods gives you a time that when all that can happen, will happen – like a cosmic Murphy’s Law campaign has been given the go ahead! Cars start acting up, mail gets delivered to other addresses, “the check’s in the mail” takes three times as long to get there, computers will blowout and people will change their minds half way down the road! You start to wonder what to do when things go haywire! Misunderstandings are par for the course and making sure you reiterate every spoken agreement as you will find that people are not hearing what you are saying. Crossing you “t’s” and dotting your “i’s” is de rigeur. If you are in legal court proceedings, you may find that the other party asks for a continuance or doesn’t show up at all! What is a Mercury retrograde? If you are of the planetary type, a simple explanation is that all the planets seem to “march” across the sky. When a planet goes”retrograde” it would appear in your telescope to move backwards from the forward progression it was making previously. Since Mercury is the planet of communication, the blame for so much confusion falls on its’ shoulders. From a metaphysical perspective, these three times in the year when Mercury is retrograde is to rebalance or regulate what is going on. The big Dow Stock Exchange in the Fall of 2008 came during a Mercury retrograde in Libra, whose symbols is the Scales. Interesting, don’t you think? The retrograde times is to reflect, rethink and re-adjust. It helps us step back and watch the football game from the sidelines to get a better perspective of the whole game and its’ many moving parts. Things will fall in place when it is time for them to and it also helps us make clear decisions of what we really want in life. Years ago, I was delivering flowers in one of my many job incarnations, and in late January and early February, the rule of thumb is to prepare for Valentine’s Day. Well, along comes about that time a Mercury retrograde, of which I announced to the assembled designers, manager and boss, and within a couple of days, the wire transfer system, FTD, had “gone down” and couldn’t be connected to our computer. More importantly, the golden winged dude carrying the flowers as a trademark of FTD is the winged god Mercury, and the message transport system is dubbed “the Mercury’ or “Merc” for short! Needless to say, the boss told me to never let him know when there is another Mercury retrograde after he got the system reconnected to his computers right before February 14th. Because we as humans expect things to run in a straight line for us, when Mercury goes retrograde, we get upset and short tempered with people because of this could of confusion that seems to be permeating everywhere. The easiest way to deal with life during Mercury retrograde times is just know that something, somewhere is bound to go haywire and even if you fix the problem, expect to revisit the issue again once the planet is moving forward again. HINT: Do no, I mean, DO NOT get any car repairs done during a Mercury retrograde. You might get the wrong sized tires put on your car (like me once), or the mechanic will have to “re-do” the work – and you pay twice! Whatever you do – DO NOT sign contracts, buy cars, appliances, upgrade your software, break up with your mate, or conquer a country – you’ll have egg on your...

Full Moon in Aries | Tuesday, October 14, 2008 – Time to Banish!

Full Moon in Aries | Tuesday, October 14, 2008 – Time to Banish! The Full Moon In Aries occurs at 3:03 pm E.S.T. and is a good time to banish and perform exorcisms. The Moon waning in Aries is an excellent time because the Aries Moon favors works that require skillful wielding of tools and weapons (Mars, the God of War). Begin burning your 7 day Reversible Candles or Black Candles to get rid of an undesirable influence that is ruling over you now. Bye-Bye bills, nosy neighbors, bad boyfriends and drama! 7 days after the Full Moon, begin burning Blue candles for Peace in the Home or Work, anointed with Peaceful Home Condition Oil. Peace in the Home Condition Oil can be found at www.lucky13clover.com...

The Prosperity Experiment – Good Things Manifest in Surprising Ways | Week Two

This is our second/third week of the Prosperity Experiment and our second altar set up with the green candles burning for each participant. I have rearranged the grouping as I have added a red “Fast Luck” candle in the center of each group of six. In the center, I have a crystal bowl with kosher salt with various denominations of greenbacks with three lodestones on top of them. They are surrounded by Chinese paper “gold bullion”, mock up of gold that are offered along with “hell money” to the ancestors on certain Chinese holidays. The kosher salt will be used in the future as “salt does what you tell it to” and you can find more information about using salt in my free e-book, “Making Magic with Salt”, available here when you peel down the upper right hand corner of this page. The participants petitions are under the crystal bowl. Each of our participants should be receiving their “special package” from me with their goodies in it. Some of our Blessings and Victories this week were: ~~~ One participant achieve 50% of her goal amount in one free lance job offer that will pay her this week. ~~~ One participant asked for the contact of another as she was “headhunting” and wanted to bring two greats together. ~~~ Another participant is seeing sales in her business like it was the best month of the past year (her business is somewhat climate controlled). ~~~ Our little baby that we are setting lights for is receiving all the best hospital and medical care and has been responding to his parents, recognizing that they are with him. ~~~ Another participant is clarifying her goals and actually getting recognition and possible financial support for her endeavor. Each of our candles are cleaned with lemon juice as posted previously in this blog, then anointed with Florida Water, a spiritual cologne of which I also have written about in past blog posts here. The wicks are trimmed and then blessed with a triple strength money drawing blessing oil blend that I have created is applied. The candle is labeled and placed on the Money Altar. I pray over them once in the morning and once at night and I have one 15 minute session with all the participants together, despite the time zones (one lives in Hong Kong) and we collectively pray for all of our intentions. This has been a transforming experience for me as I have been blessed not in monetary blessings but opportunities are opening up for me that were previously stagnant. I do hope that you will consider participating in our next Prosperity Experiment coming up in December. We will also be having a Banishing Ritual and Burning on New Year’s Eve to send off all bad luck and bring in a prosperous New Year 2009. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $...

Money Prosperity | Part One – The $$uCCe$$ Sigil Mark to Bring in Mo’ Money

Money Prosperity | Part One – The $$uCCe$$ Sigil Mark to Bring in Mo’ Money   Aha! My daughter got back one of my “marked money” in her change at the snack bar at the high school. She shows it to me, and I “buy” it off of her, because it returned to our family! What am I talking about? Well, there is a long held belief that you mark your money to make it come back to you, kind of like “hunting dogs” that are trained to go out and get mo’ money! I am going to demonstrate with some really big Benjamins that I got at the Halloween store (how cute!) and you can then take all your greenbacks out of your bank,mark them, anoint them, and put them back into the bank to circulate or spend them in your community, to make them go around and come back to you! First, you need to learn how to make the sigil on the corners of your dollars. Take a red pen and a blank piece of paper and write this symbol: $$¢¢$$ (known as “Dollar sign, dollar sign, cent sign, cent sign, dollar sign, dollar sign”) I use a red pen as red is a “hot” color and is symbolic of heat, life and blood, all things that need quick action. Fire needs quick action to take care of it, so does life and bleeding in a person. So, to use red ink on your sigils means that you desire “Quick Action”. However for this demonstration, I will use black ink. Now, take that same sigil and mark your top left hand corner of your money (see photo). Move to the lower right hand corner and make the same sigil, then mark the top right hand corner, finishing at the lower left hand corner (see photos)   Next, sign your name lightly across the area where it says “Treasurer of the United States” and then turn the bill over. Over the center picture, write “R. T. M.” or “Return to Me” on the back of the bill.     Part Two: How to Anoint your Greenbacks with “Fast Luck” or “Money Drawing” Oil to Bless...

Free Money Spells – How to Bring in More Money by Burning Candles

Free Money Spells – How to Bring in More Money by Burning Candles Maybe now more than ever, you should consider burning green candles to bring about needed money into the home. I am not going to elaborate on the economic conditions of the country right now as negative thoughts brings negativity, but I know that people are out there with uncertainty about their future. The very basic free money spell that I know is simply going down to Walgreen’s or Walmart and picking up a few green St Jude 7 – Day Glass Candles. Saint Jude is the Patron Saint of Impossible Causes and is loved by many throughout the world. To petition him for much needed money has been a spiritual practice for decades and it wouldn’t hurt for you to consider burning a candle to him if much needed money is not flowing your way. After purchasing your candles, clean them with lemon juice. Refer back to the category on the right about proper candle preparation. Then, taking a blank deposit slip from your checkbook, write the amount you would like to receive in the total line. One the date line, write the date that the funds are needed. Sign your name to the deposit slip in the line provided. Anoint this deposit slip with any of the Money Drawing Blessing Oils such as Money Drawing, Wealthy Way, Pay Me or Prosperity Anointing Oils. All these oils are available to you to purchase at www.lucky13clover.com You can boost your deposit slips drawing power by dusting it with the appropriate sachet powder that matches the money drawing oil scent. Once this is done, light your candle in earnest, praying from the heart and thanking St. Jude that you know that he will deliver the much needed funds or the equivalent to you. Some people believe that praying the Psalm 23 prayer (“The Lord is My Shepherd”) is the prayer to use; others pray the “Our Father”. Give him a moment of prayer each morning upon arising, then again at night before retiring. Keep burning these candles until the needed money help has arrived. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $...

Prosperity Experiment – Our Beginnings and Blessings | Week One

Prosperity Experiment – Our Beginnings and Blessings | Week One Greetings! For those who are following the progress of our Prosperity Experiment participants, let me tell you, for some of them, things came suddenly and surprisingly! One participant, known as P., told us of her first day encounter with a person who had hired her in a past job to be the one who eliminated unproductive employees. This boss eventually fired her! She had he moment of clarity when she visited a retail outlet and saw him behind the counter! WOW! Her “reward”, if you could really call it that, was a sincere apology for the way he treated her and he asked for forgiveness. What a time to become human and forgive someone else’s transgressions against you and honor your spirituality. We also have a prayer going out for a little soul that is in a coma, a child of a participant who was sponsored by another participant. We are keeping the baby in our thoughts for a good outcome. More to come… $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $...

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