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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Readers Question | Is A Honey Jar Voodoo? – Honey Jar Love Spell

            Daisy asks: I have a question…is this spell voodoo? if not then what is it? Someone did it for me a few years back and it worked. Now I am wondering if this was good or bad and in the Christian faith? Should I get rid of the jar? and if I wanted to now put this in God’s hands then what is the proper way to get rid of the jar? Thanks My first question to you is, were you indoctrinated or have you gone through a initiation or ceremony in Voodoo? Did you invoke the name of any God or Goddess while putting the cap on the jar or lighting the candle? More importantly, where does this other source get their information about Voodoo? Are THEY a practitioner? A Cultural Anthropologist? A theology student who ministered in Haiti?  Perhaps a little information on where they got their information might be a good beginning. A quickie for readers: Voodoo, like their cousin religions, Santeria, Lukumi, Candomble, Macumba, Palo, Zarabanda and any other similarly related indigenous religions that came originally from the continent of Africa during the Middle Passage or Diaspora, are nature based, multi-Deity and are a vital source of empowerment during that tragic part of history. There are practitioners to this day. The problem here, as with many other magical practices, is that an uninformed person came into contact with you and because they had no other words to describe this thing that is “foreign” to them, labels it “voodoo”. You say that you are wondering if this is “good” or “bad” in the Christian faith?  My question to you is, how was your heart at the moment you were assembling this honey jar? Was your heart filled with good or bad intent? If you did this for something good, how can it be “bad”? In fact, when you burn a reversible candle to return something back to where it originated, is this “bad”? I would say that most people here reading this blog and almost all hoodoo, root workers, conjurers and the like have a faith in the Christian values. Having faith and belief in the Christian values is different than going to Church, and we won’t let this blog get into too much more religion from this point. Now given that, if you are to get rid of the honey jar because you do not want this person’s affection or you do not want a certain person to look favorable on you, this is what you do. Take the jar to the river or any other moderately swift moving water source. Open jar and pour all into the river. If possible, capture some of the water and rinse out the jar, making sure that all the honey is out. Dispose of the jar in the recycling bin. It is done. Tough question. Good Luck to you, whichever way you decide to go. One word of caution, do not let other people’s fears blind you. Listen to your...

Free Candle Spells | Religious Candles – Good, but the Color of the Candle is Most Important

Free Candle Spells | Religious Candles – Good, but the Color of the Candle is Most Important             When considering candles to use for your spiritual purposes, sometimes people get confused on the kind of candles to use.  I would have to say that a great number of spiritual workers, root workers, conjurers and others use what is commonly known as the “7 – Day Novena Glass Candle” (see photo). These can be obtained just about everywhere and I encourage my own clients to seek them out at Walgreen’s or WalMart. Of course, when it is a specific candle, such as a reversible or black candle, then if no other spiritual supply store or candle shop can supply them, I certainly will send them to the client. More importantly than which Saint is on the outside of the candle is the color of the wax of the candle. Yes, you might think, ‘Well,  I wouldn’t think my love life is So impossible that I have to petition Saint Jude, Patron Saint of Impossible Causes.’  It isn’t really so much the Saint, but the candle color. What is the person is not Catholic? Doesn’t know or feels uncomfortable about praying to a Saint? It is the PINK that matters in love candle magic spell work, not the photo on the front. However, there are those of us who DO believe in the Powers of the Saints and rely on them to act as intercessors for us. That is fine as well. Remember, even above all, that a long time ago, there were NO colors of candles, except the creamy yellow of mutton tallow that was the source of candles before petroleum that was converted into paraffin. Please refer to the category on the right regarding candles and the meaning of their colors for further investigation.     NOTE: The use of any written or image material on this site is prohibited by anyone and is not approved by the site owner. It is illegal to use another’s work without express permission and is defined as...

Readers Questions | Triangle Placement of Candles in Candle Spell

Readers Questions | Triangle Placement of Candles in Candle Spell               Bernadette’s questions sparks more questions about placing candles in a triangle… Hi Jacqueline, I have a question about the advice you gave to Bernadette in the work she was going to land a Nursing Assistant’s position. I was wondering about this part: “place the anointed Road Opener Candle at the “12 o’clock” position, the anointed Boss Fix Candle in the “four o’clock” position and the anointed Crown of Success Candle in the “eight o’clock” position” I’ve heard of other rootworkers using the triangular shape in spells, but do you know why it is a significant figure? Also, why does each candle get placed at that particular point ie: Road Opener at the 12 o’clock position, etc? Thank you for your help. Denise The post that Denise is referring to is regarding Bernadette, who wants to obtain a position in nursing by the 30th of this month. I gave her a specially designed candle spell that she could use. Denise pondered my reasons and asked about my choices in the candle placement. Go pack a couple of pages and you will find Bernadette’s letter. I chose to place the “Open My Roads” Candle at the 12 o’clock position because the first thing that you want to do is break open any possible roadblocks that Bernadette might have. When looking at this candle configuration, imagine a clock face over it. Twelve o’clock is at the top and is the time when the day change – Sunday changes into Monday, Monday to Tuesday, etc. It is considered in some beliefs when Spirits are out. It is also a “new beginning”, like 12:01 am, a “new day”, and the earliest point on the clock where the “new day” is located. The Boss Fix Candle is at 4 o’clock, as this would be the farthest right hand corner of a triangle if you were to imagine a triangle laying over a clock face in front of you. I also chose that she address the “Boss”, literal or figuratively, convincing “him” that she is the right person for the job.         The Crown of Success candle at the eight o’clock position, or the farthest left hand point of the triangle on a clock face (imagined), is the success that she will achieve AFTER convincing the “Boss” that she is the one right for the job. IN addition, some like to use the “UP” motion of the clock’s hands, meaning from 6:30 to 12:00 for “bringing” or “receiving”. This is why in some spells it tells you to light your candles ONLY DURING the upward movement of the clock’s hands -6:30 am to 12:00 noon OR 6:30 pm to 12:00 midnight. Three is also a magic number in candle spells, along with 7, 13 and 21. Three symbolizes the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, Holy Ghost. It is a number associated with Ellegua, Elegua, Legba and Exu/Esu – all avatars or gods in the Caribbean/South American indigenous religions. Seven is the number most associated with the Virgin Mary – in all of her avatars. It also is the number of the days in a week and the major oceans of the Earth. Twelve is associated with the number the days are long, and of how many hours of night that we have. There are twelve Apostles and twelve months. Twenty one is associated with Ellegua, Elegua, Legba, Exu/Esu as the number of paths or “caminos” that he “owns”. Thank you for some good questions Denise, I hope this answered them for you....

Readers Questions | Now For a Different Kind of Honey Jar Spell…

Readers Questions | Now For a Different Kind of Honey Jar Spell…             This person submitted these photos on another group I belong to and since the photos were so fantastic, I asked them to describe to me what was the purpose of the honey jar and I gave her my feelings on observing the photos. This is NOT your normal honey jar spell candle burn! Read on… Copied straight from my e-mail: My honey jar is for an affair. My marriage is falling apart and will be ending in the next couple of months. In the mean time, my husband and I have no contact. Sex is mechanical and mostly because we “should be doing it” then anything else. So I decided to attract a married man because he is safe and wont try to break up my marriage and wont want to spend tons of time with me either. In the honey jar is the paper with our names on it written like usual 2 hairs his and mine 2 rose petals and some of our “personal concerns” collected after sex. And of course.. honey.  (bold font moderator’s choice) I use this jar as a bit of a manipulation tool as well. To keep ME safe, I spend about 30 minutes each M/W/F morning and send some energy to keep him only ‘straying with me’ if that makes sense? I dont want him to be sleeping with a bunch of people and if he is willing to cheat on his wife, then he may be willing to cheat ” on me” . And i cant have that. STDs are scary and I have to be a healthy parent. I send some love energy as well so that this stays the connection it is and doesnt end nasty like a highschool ‘its just sex’ session either. I put some of that energy into that big candle and it went up quickly. I use tapers and burn them for HOURS instead of small 1 or 2 hour candles. I also keep the honey jar on my alter. A constant place of power. I found out first that he had an attraction to me instead of just pulling some one out of thin air as well. So this jar is just basically keeping the attraction strong ( maybe too strong) and renewing our attraction every couple of days.  I do add a little bit of love energy mostly to just keep the attraction healthy and safe. If there is a bit of emotional desire behind it, Im thinking it may keep him from straying farther… I recognize that is a bit of manipulation, but it is only to keep things safe.. so hopefully that wont bite me in the behind some day, but if it does… oh well. I knew the consequences when I set up the jar. Lets see.. homely happy things about me.. I have been practicing energy work for 15 years. Have two familiars, one child. I live in Texas. um um sheesh aint much “happy bunny foo foo ” about me.. HAHAHHA Name withheld by moderator                 NOTE:  In addition to this, the last photo of the honey jar would not allow me to put a joke in the caption section about Elvis singing, “a hunka-hunka burnin’ love”!. It was like the candle was making sure there is no joking around about THIS spell! Watch...

Readers Questions | Immediate Job Success Candle Spell

            Bernadette writes: How do I get this Nursing Assistant job close on the 30th of the month? Bernadette, I would IMMEDIATELY copy any and all letters, business cards or any correspondence from them, including something that might say, “thank you for your recent application…”. I would set up an altar to include a white St. Jude Candle, a yellow Crown of Success Candle, an orange Open My Roads Candle and a red Boss Fix Candle, using the same blessing or condition oils with the same name. I would set up an altar either in the far left hand corner of your home or the far left hand corner of your bedroom. This is boosting the candle power by applying feng shui techniques, not a traditional practice but really, whatever works here, right? This is the area where when you stand in the doorway of the home or bedroom and LOOKING IN through the door, the farthest LEFT CORNER of the room, or home (this could be various named rooms, depending on your living arrangements). First, always clean the candles with lemon juice (see prior blog posts in the category, Proper Candle Preparation on the right hand column on this page). I would place a white tablecloth on a dresser or end table, place the letters, application or business card copies in the center, place the anointed Road Opener Candle at the “12 o’clock” position, the anointed Boss Fix Candle in the “four o’clock” position and the anointed Crown of Success Candle in the “eight o’clock” position. I would then place the white (for business and legal) St. Jude Candle without any oil, in the center of this triangular formation. All of the candle must be completely on the papers or a portion of the business card. Light the candles in this order: First, the white St. Jude, saying a prayer to him to grant you what you desire and assist the other candles in their purposeful outcome. Then, light the Road Opener Candle and speak what you want this candle to do. Third, light the Boss Fix Candle and intone what you want that candle to do for you. Lastly, light the Crown of Success Candle and again confirming your success in obtaining this job. More importantly, convince yourself that you ARE the best choice for the job, hands down. Part of successful candle burning to obtain things desired in the ABSOLUTE, UNSHAKING BELIEF IN THE SUCCESS IN THE CANDLE SPELL. Most people who light candles for favors unknowingly say in their prayers things like, “if only you hear my plea”, “I hope that…”, “I wish that…”, or “If you see that it is your Will..”. No. This is begging, pleading and leaving the power of success in the hands of someone else. You absolutely MUST light your candles with CONFIDENCE that you ARE the BEST PERSON for the Job. Speak to the candles like a good friend every morning before going about your day and at the end of your day before bed. Say something like, “Thank you Saint Jude, that while I am going about my day, you are drawing me closer to this job that is perfect for me. Thank you.”  At night, say, “Thank you, St. Jude, that while I sleep you are convincing the powers that be choose me for this position. Thank you.” Do this over and over, using more candles if need be, until your results have been obtained. Now, in addition, continue to seek out other job offers because you might be right for the job, but the job might NOT be right for you....

Readers Questions | Can’t Find Lost Photograph – St. Anthony of Padua

Readers Questions | Can’t Find Lost Photograph – St. Anthony of Padua             A reader writes about a lost photograph during a clean up of an office. Read on… Greetings Jacqueline, I forgot to ask if there is anyway I can get assistance in finding a lost picture of my mother in law. She keeps asking for it and I for the life of me do not remember where I put it when I cleaned out my office months ago. It is in a box somewhere. Let me know. I just had a flash of something so I will go and check it out. Wow that was fast and I did not even send the message yet. I will see. Thanks, Cyn I can relate to missing objects as it seems that the older we get, the more things we have to keep and organize, then keep track of them as well! I was always told that using St. Anthony of Padua for lost objects is the way to go. St. Anthony was boon around 1195 B.C. and his traditional feast day is June 13th. HE preached through Italy and denounced corruption, wrongdoing and injustice. He is considered the Patron Saint for Lovers and Marriages and is often petitioned for Forgiveness of Greed, Improvement of Memory and the Return of Lost Articles. Prayer for Lost Articles (to be prayed for while offering a Purple 7 – Day Novena Candle) St. Anthony, I come to you with anxiety about that thing which I cannot find. While my distress is as a grain of sand when considered among the troubles of others, help me to keep calm, think clearly, and search thoroughly as I look for what I have lost or misplaced. If I cannot recover the missing article, help me to understand that it is not as important as a loss of faith, a loss of love, or the loss of confidence in my ability to get better organized and to be more careful so that I can prevent more such incidents in the future. Good Luck in your search and I hope this helps. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

Readers Questions | How to Get Rid of a Bad Neighbor

Readers Questions | How to Get Rid of a Bad Neighbor   A Reader asks: Hi, my name is Tina. I have a terrible neighbor that is making my life hell.Can you please email a spell to get rid of my neighbor and achieve a better life with new neighbors that have kind thoughts? Thanks,  Tina Tina, first reflect upon the situation. What is it that they do that invades your life? Noise? Fights? Music? Kids? Ugly looks in the hallway? Then look at yourself. Have you been a good neighbor yourself? have you introduced yourself to them? Have you gone over and asked them to turn down the music, stop stealing your newspaper or quit drinking and beating up your wife personally? Sometimes, just the fact that you KNOW it is going on, scares them into “being good”.  Have you turned up your stereo when theirs was loud? Have you clomped around in army boots on their ceiling? Like attracts like, and this is not way to act if you want good neighbors. Second step, have you contacted the landlord? Keeping a journal of dates and times of occurrences can not only help your landlord but also keeping a record/making copies of complaint letters to the landlord can also help YOU if you so choose to move without penalty of deposit withholding. OK, so getting all the non-magical items out of the way, you now need to get some blessed salt from the local Catholic Church, or if you cannot get it, make your own. It is east to do. First, get some holy water from the Church and go to the store and buy a white glass 7 – day “novena” candle and box of Kosher Salt. Why Kosher Salt? Because it has been prayed over by the Rabbi, therefore it is spiritually “clean” and “holy”. Then, get a large clear glass bowl, pour the salt box into it, clean the candle with lemon juice (see past blog posts here at free-candle-spells) and set the candle in the center of the bowl, on the salt. Sprinkle the holy water – NOT TOO MUCH – over the salt, light the candle, pray that God, the Guardian Angles and  Saints bless this salt for its’ intended protective use.  Set it aside until the candle burns out – about 5 to 7 days. When done, dissolve some of this salt in water and wash down your door, door handle, door knob and all the outside of your place, including your walkway, steps, porch and all other areas leading up to your door. Then, get a reversible candle (see past blog posts here at free-candle-spells) and burn in your home on a piece of paper that you have written your neighbors’ names, praying that all their evil intent return to them. make sure you clean the candle with lemon juice. If all else fails, sprinkle asafoetida, an East Indian herb, around their doorstep, car, shoes (if they keep them outside) and curse them all the way, telling them to “LEAVE” and “MOVE OUT”. The herb is quite….well, smelly and you can’t get it out. PERSONAL NOTE: Years ago, my eldest daughter made a complaint to me about her neighbors. She claimed it was ‘all their fault’, and that they were hostile and cruel. I told her to sprinkle some asafoetida in their air conditioning vent (window mount model), and when it gets hot (it was summer), they will turn on the air, spraying the whole house with the herb. I warned her that she must be absolutely innocent of any wrongdoing or this will backfire on her. Well….it did, because my daughter was being a bad neighbor back and the neighbors beat...

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