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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – A Lunar Eclipse to Boot!... Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – A Lunar Eclipse to Boot! The Full Moon in Libra occurs on April 4, 2015 at 7:06 am E.S.T., and coincides with a Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses always brings certain issues to light, leading to unexpected developments, with decisions and actions taking on extra importance. Lunar Eclipses are oriented around relationships and the feeling that is illuminated is one of a crisis of some sort – usually from a lack of attention or a lingering neediness or great want. This “relationship” does not necessarily mean a personal or love relationship, but can also mean a work-related relationship, health, or even the one we have with ourselves. Many times when a Lunar Eclipse is in association...
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  • Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions – Regarding Burning Too Many Candles... Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions – Regarding Burning Too Many Candles Hi All! It has been a quick summer and I have a bounty of spells to post here – I’d better get crackin’! 🙂 But first, a question from a reader:     Dear Jacqueline, Let me tell you first that I LOVE your site! You have such interesting spells – even the baaad ones! I have a question. I am burning candles left and right because my boyfriend and I had a disagreement awhile back and even though he calls me and comes by, it’s just not the same as it was before so I had been burning pink candles of Saint Jude like you said and I...
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Psalm 109 White Prayer Candle Spell for Vindication and Revenge

Psalm 109 White Prayer Candle Spell for Vindication and Revenge Readers, Today we are going to begin a new column in www.free-candle-spells.com regarding using the Psalms to do your candle work for change and for outcomes that you desire. These “recipes” for candle work with Psalms come from various sources such as my own Bible, a few native informants and also traditionally inscribed in various tomes. Ingredients: 1 Piece White Parchment Paper (you can find small boxes of this paper at any Office Depot or Staples) 1 White Glass 7- day Novena Candle 1 Bottle of Revenge Oil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take the parchment paper (8.5 x 11 inches) and place it into your printer and copy and paste this Psalm 109 onto the paper. Now for more effectiveness, you may write this Psalm by hand, thinking of the victim all the while you wire. Then, turn paper over and write your enemy’s name nine times. Turn the paper 90 degrees ( to a horizontal position) and across your enemy’s name, wrtie your full name. Make sure you have an inch clearing all around the edge of the paper. Then, in one long , continuous line and WITHOUT LIFTING YOUR PEN, write exactly what you would like to see happen to the enemy, any curses or indicators that this is marked for him or her specifically. Here is an example of a curse: BrutusthesailormanwhovisitsmygalOliveOylwhenIamnotaroundyouwilllooseyourmuscles Notice that it is purposely made into a run-on sentence with no breaks and this is how you must write – without lifting the pen. If you lift the pen, and it is natural to do so to dot the “i” or cross the “t”, you will need to begin all over again for the spell to be effective. Anoint the corners of the petition paper with Revenge Oil At this point, it would seem that a black candle would be used, as some traditions would do. I used a white candle, because we a seeking justice through the hands of God, and nothing that is associated with God should be dark. Clean your candle with lemon juice (see the “Proper Candle Preparation” category on the right of this page) and sit it in the center of a white plate with the petition paper/Psalm under it. Light it after 6:30 am on a Sunday morning. Pray over the candle “the Lord’s Prayer” (“The Lord is my Shepherd…”) that first Sunday morning and every morning as you arise and go about your day. When the candle gets low in wax, clean and begin another white 7-day Novena candle and set it right next to the other until the first burns out. When first light is out, remove glass and recycle. Continue this pattern until desired results are achieved. One thing to remember: God’s time is not our time. To him, a year may be a moment or a century. We do not know but we must burn our candles for His intervention and Trust the He will administer Justice in our behalf, in His own time and in His own way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Psalm 109 Prayer for Vindication and Vengeance To the leader. Of David. A Psalm. 1  Do not be silent, O God of my praise. 2  For wicked and deceitful mouths are opened against me, speaking against me with lying tongues. 3  They beset me with words of hate, and attack me without cause. 4  In return for my love they accuse me, even while I make prayer for them.a 5  So they reward me evil for good, and hatred for my love. 6  They say, “Appoint a wicked man against him; let an accuser stand on his right. 7  When he is tried, let him be...

Tarot by Jacqueline|The Fortune Teller of Sacramento, CA/N. California

For more information, go to: www.tarotbyjacqueline.com...

Green Money Candle Spellwork Special | Prosperity Experiment

Order your green candles burned for you for money drawing and prosperity work while we are conducting our second Prosperity Experiment for only $5.00 each. For more information, go to: http://www.tarotbyjacqueline.com/SPECIAL.html $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Prosperity is Mine in 2009 $ $ $ $ $ $...

Bring in Prosperity and Money with the Second Prosperity Experiment

Bring in Prosperity and Money with the Second Prosperity Experiment Dont Forget! Our Second Prosperity Experiment begins tomorrow, January 2, 2009 and goes for 30 days until January 31, 2009! To learn more about the Prosperity Experiment and how you can participate, click on this link: https://free-candle-spells.com//2008/12/26/the-second-prosperity-experiment-january2-31-2009-prosperity-is-mine-in-2009/...

Free-Candle-Spells | Free Spells for Love, Money, Success, Reversible

Free-Candle-Spells | Free Spells for Love, Money, Success, Reversible   Happy New Year 2009! Welcome to Free-Candle-Spells.com! This site is dedicated to the sharing of candle spells for love, money, success, peace and more from all cultures and traditions. I wish you Blessings of Prosperity and Abundance in the New Year 2009. I hope that you will participate in our many interactive sub-groups such as the Prosperity Experiment and the New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Ritual and Candle Burning. I invite you to submit your successful spells, ask questions about spells, candles, candle colors, blessed oils, anointing or condition oils, moon phases with candles, or anything else closely related and make yourself welcome to read all about Free-Candle-Spells.com. From time to time, you will see special advertisements on products to use and great websites or reference books to use.  ...

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Traditions – Candles, Food, Fun!

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Traditions – Candles, Food, Fun!     Happy New Year 2009! May the year of our Lord 2009 bring you abundance, knowledge, strength, health and prosperity to you and your family for generations to come beyond the horizon that anyone can imagine! I hope that you have made (and will keep at least one) New Year’s resolution (I have) and that you will use your quiet times thoughtfully in prayer and contemplation to bring about the outcome that you want to see. Here is a little about New Year’s traditions around the world. Enjoy! New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Traditions There are many ways that different cultures welcome in the New Year, but one thing is common that they have is lights, noise and food! Take a moment and read about how you can meld some of these traditions into a memorable ceremony for your home. It is almost Universal that every home needs to be as clean as it possibly can. This means moving furniture, catching those “dust bunnies”, washing windows and for some, taking down the Christmas tree and cleaning up the pine needles as my family has been doing all this past week! Many will spend the New Year’s with guests and visitors and if you are going to someone’s home, bring them a bottle of wine or champagne so that they can toast in the New Year in style. the sharing of food is also common, with certain traditional foods being made and consumed for a brighter year. In Greece, for example, January 1st is the feast of St. Basil, so traditional cakes baked with silver or gold coins in them are baked with the person retrieving the coin from their slice of cake being especially lucky that year. In the Southern United States, many families make a feast of baked ham, black eyed peas with ‘pot liquor’ (the liquid from the peas), collard greens and cornbread. The greens symbolize green backs or “folding money” and the cornbread as “gold”. Some make their greens with a coin in the pot and some make a certain dish named “Hoppin’ John”, which has the black eyed peas and rice in a casserole type dish. While my family is from Louisiana and we prefer our black eyed peas over cornbread, we will be having a spiral cut ham and okra with our meal. Here is a recipe for Hoppin’ John from the About.com website: http://southernfood.about,com/od/blackeyedpeas/r/bl80308c.htm> In Brazil, practitioners of the indigenous religions of Santeria, Candomble, Macumba and Zarabanda create little boats of cardboard and fill them with little perfume bottles, candies, liquor and sweets, along with petitions and cast them adrift on the shore for the Goddess Iemanja/Yemoya/Yemaya to accept. If your boat is taken out to sea, you wishes will be granted that year. No matter what tradition you follow, make sure you buy a new broom for the New Year, make sure the kitchen cabinets are full of nutritious foods, light white candles on the hearth or the family dining table and at midnight, open the front door and raise a toast to the incoming New Year 2009!  ...

Banishing Negativity Ritual and Reversible Candle Spell

Banishing Negativity Ritual and Reversible Candle Spell Don’t Forget!  The second annual Banishing Negativity Ritual and Reversible Candle and Petition Burning will be Wednesday, December 31, 2008 (New Year’s Eve). If you are interested in “sending away” all the negativity from the last year and ready to open up your doors to a brighter 2009, purchase a tealight candle petition offering. If there are particular people in your life that just need to depart, purchase a black poppet doll in their name so they can “get out” and “stay away”. For more information about the Banishing Negativity Ritual and Reversible Candle Burning, go to: http://www.tarotbyjacqueline.com/banish2008.html  ...

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