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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Question | Red or Pink Candle for Love Candle Spell... Readers Question | Red or Pink Candle for Love Candle Spell Hi Jacqueline, I am doing a red candle love spell on this gut I am seeing. We get together, then we don’t see each other for a few days, then we are together again. This is the reason I am doing to love spell. I want him around all the time. I read on here that I am to use pink candles and not red ones. Why is that? Please explain what I am doing wrong. Thank you Caprice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for a good question. In my experience and education, a red candle is energetic and that energy is quick and all-consuming. Like a fire, it burns through...
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon Prosperity Money Candle Spell... Free Candle Spells | New Moon Prosperity Money Candle Spell     New Moon Prosperity Candle Spell   INGREDIENTS   Blank Check from your Checking Institution (made out to your name and amount you would want to attract) Bottle of Lucky 13 Clover Prosperity Anointing Oil Bottle of Lucky 13 Clover Power Oil 1 Red 7-day “Novena” or “Vigil” Candle (in glass) 1 Green 7-day “Novena” or “Vigil” Candle (in glass) This candle spell is intended to bring in prosperity and abundance to your home or business. It is a simple way to increase what you are already bringing in for an abundant life for you and your family. This candle spell is not for additional money to spend...
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Cancer – Maintain Obligations, Security...   The New Moon in Cancer will occur on Friday, July 1, 2011 at 3:55 am E.S.T. This Moon is also governed by a Solar Eclipse and will be one of two New Moons this month, with the second coming on July 30th. This proves to be a very active month in regards to the Moon’s energy.  Remember that any time an Eclipse occurs, that energy dominates the whole picture and matters that occur or items that need attention take on a higher level of importance than at other times of the year. Since the Moon is in Cancer, the sign of home, hearth and family, you might find...
  • Readers Question | Popping Noises and Putting the Candle Out... Readers Question | Popping Noises and Putting the Candle Out   I have a question if you dont mind, I started my honey jar spell, and burning a red candle on top of the jar, I was wondering what does it mean that I hear popping while it is burning, at first the candle was not dripping and now I can see it is, every now and then I here a pop and from the flame a little spark. Also if I have too, will I ruin the spell if I have to put the candle out Janet ——————– Popping and crackling noises means that the Spirits involved, which in your case, are yours and the intended honey jar...
  • Free Candle Spells | Money Come Quick Candle Spell... Free Candle Spells | Money Come Quick Candle Spell This money spell has been effective when one needs small amounts of cash in a hurry. INGREDIENTS: * 1 Bank Deposit Slip from you personal checking or saving account * 1 bottle Lucky 13 Clover Prosperity, Attract Money, or Lucky Money Oil * Red Ink Pen or Sharpie Marker * Green votive candle (1″ to 1-1/2″ tall) * 1 packet Lucky 13 Clover Prosperity, Attract Money, or Lucky Money Sachet Powder First, clean candle with lemon juice or Florida Water; set aside to dry. Write the money drawing sigil in each corner using instructions from this past blog post page Money Prosperity Spell | Part Two – The $$uCCe$$ Sigil on Bank Deposit Slips...
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Free Candle Spells | Article Link – When to Consider Seeking a Spiritual Consultation or Reading

Here is an informative article I wrote in regards to helping to decide when it is time to get a intuitive reading or seek spiritual consultations. The original article is located on www.ezinearticles.com. Click this link to go to the article: When to Consider Seeking a Spiritual Consultation or Reading – Signs to Look for Psychic...

Free Candle Spells | 3rd Annual Banishing Ritual – Dec. 31st – New Years’ Eve

Free Candle Spells | 3rd Annual Banishing Ritual – Dec. 31st – New Years’ Eve It’s time again for our 3rd annual Banishing Negativity Candle Ritual scheduled for Thursday, December 31st – New Year’s Eve. For those of you who have participated in the past, you have experienced great shifts in change once you sent in your petition and had a candle lit for you. Some of you had quick results of the dolls or poppets stuffed with Spanish Moss and other things that you named for people who were giving you H -E – Double Hockey Sticks and you needed them to get a move on! A full article about the event and ways that you can participate is now located on my blog page at my other site, Tarot by Jacqueline. To read more about it, click here To order a doll or poppet to be named for someone or a candle and petition to be burned on this night, click...

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – December 12, 2009

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – December 12, 2009           This upcoming weekend will be the feast day for Our Lady of Guadalupe, an avatar of the Virgen Mary that appeared to Juan Diego, a poor countryman of Tepayac, who told him of her wish to have a Shrine built when she visited him. Juan Diego petitioned the Bishop, who wanted proof and the Virgen instructed him to gather roses in his tilma, a blanket-type covering, to take to the Bishop. When he presented the roses to the Bishop, her image was imprinted on the tilma, thus convincing the construction to begin and making the tilma a Holy Relic.  The tilma was framed and is hanging in the Cathedral in Mexico City. You can read more about the legend by clicking here. On this day, many begin to decorate their Christmas trees in the United States and attend Mass with the Mariachi band playing music to the Virgen and later the family gathers at home for warm foods such as tamales, pozole and atole. Some bring the scarlet poinsettia plants to construct a household altar, as the poinsettia plant is native to Mexico. Many will light vigil candles such as this one, to offer petitions to Her.                   The Virgen of Guadalupe is revered everywhere and Her image can be found on shirts, jewelry and many have her image as a tatoo to show devotion and asking for her protection. Here is one that I found on the Internet:     Some people believe that if you paint her image on the building where you have your business, that you will not be bothered with break-ins and graffiti. Ironically, it actually is true, as I have read an article that observations has shown that Her image reduces crime in the area. Here is a shop owner who wants a peaceful neighborhood.             Whatever your intensity of devotion to the Virgen of Guadalupe, you can agree that she is an influential image throughout the Southwest and West. Many of these statues at this market will be relocating in the living rooms of many Latino families very soon.  ...

Increase your Spiritual Services Business with www.free-candle-spells.com!

Greetings! If you are a tarot card reader, psychic, mystic, intuitive reader or offer spiritual services and products, then I want to thank you for taking the time for considering boosting your business with www.free-candle-spells.com. I want to offer a glimpse of the various ways that you can increase traffic to your phone and/or website, and a great way to run little ‘mini-specials’ when you have a lull in business. PACKAGE NUMBER ONE: A full, one page biography of you and what you do, including photos, links to your website or e-mail address, full physical address (if you desire it to be posted) and telephone number can be yours for only $200.00 a year. For less than a cup of gourmet coffee a day, you can be driving more business your way! PACKAGE NUMBER TWO: The best deal as your banner ad will be seen on the first landing page every day! A 125 X 125 pixel (approx. 1 inch square) banner ad (see examples on the upper right of this page) with links to your own website for only $30.00 a month (6 month Contract/payment monthly) Here is an example of an ad in this price point: Your first customer will pay for the whole ad all month long with over 500 new and unique people seeking spiritual supplies and services daily. PACKAGE NUMBER THREE: Blog article written about you and the services you provide. Article is written by you (grammatical corrections by myself). Photos and links to your website or contact telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in the event you do not have a website. Stays on the front page for one week, then stays in the blog indefinitely. One time charge of $25.00 per entry. This is perfect for Specials of the Month with direct links to your PayPal account for instant payment from customers! Here’s a sample: This will be the first thing that readers see for three days before the article submission on Sunday morning (if you are a Thursday insert you will have from mid-afternoon Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday before a new article ‘tops’ your article) or on Thursday morning (If you are a Sunday posting you will be immediately visible for all of Sunday, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday until mid-afternoon when a new article ‘tops’ your post) PACKAGE NUMBER FOUR: A banner as such as shown below listed four times (4 Sundays or 4 Thursdays) for $20.00 a month! This will be inserted immediately under an article and will be considered ‘live’ with ‘live’ PayPal buttons that pay directly into your Paypal account until you notify us to delete the ad and/or PayPal buttons. For more information about advertising your psychic and spiritual services and products with www.free-candle-spells.com, please contact me by e-mail at freecandlespells (at) yahoo.com or call me at (916) 284 – 5552....

Full Moon in Gemini | December 2, 2009 – Monetary, Dietary Caution!

Full Moon in Gemini | December 2, 2009 – Monetary, Dietary Caution! The Full Moon occurs on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 2:31 am E.S.T. This Moon is in the astrological sign of Gemini, which is considered a “Mutable” air sign. The energy for this lunation fluctuates between active and passive in dealing with matters of the Mind and Intellect. The events that are ripe to occur during this time may be a harsh ‘wake-up’ call for some who may be spending and eating too much. The mood of the times, bolstered by other planet’s movements, gives a harsh reality to what is going on, especially in the matters of spending and eating. Take care that you are not spending to fill an emotional ‘need’ or that you consume foods that may have been out of refrigeration too long. Gemini rules the respiratory system, so take care around crowds to avoid breathing in someone else’s cold germs. During this time it is good to prepare all your candle works, including research and calculations for measurement and timing. This is also an excellent time for candle charging as Gemini’s Moon gives added mental intensity to this step in your candle burning process. Your creative powers and mental powers at at a prime during this Moon. Burn yellow candles with “Crowning Glory” or “Crown of Success” Anointing Oil during this time when doing any studying or research.This spiritual condition oil is reputed to assist in seeking and remembering knowledge that is necessary to succeed. The Full Moon is also considered a great time to “reverse” or “send away” any bad or negative thoughts, things or incidences. Burning a “Reversible” candle, anointed with “”Reversible” oil, with a small petition paper underneath asking that all negativity directed towards you be sent back to its’ origins. The next New Moon will occur on Wednesday, December 16,...

Free Candle Spells | Thanksgiving Candle Spell/Altar

Free Candle Spells | Thanksgiving Candle Spell/Altar Here is a simple but effective candle spell that can be used while entertaining guests as a centerpiece or even an altar and they won’t even know the blessings you are surrounding them with! INGREDIENTS: 1 Cranberry Red Candle 1 Pumpkin Orange Candle 1 Golden Spice Candle 1 bottle “Crown of Success” Oil 1 bottle of “Fast Luck” Oil 1 bottle of Protection” Oil This candle spell is easy and the earthy scents of the Condition/Anointing Oils will be mixed with the delicious aromas from your kitchen and your guests will not know that you are actually bestowing them with protection and best wishes for their luck and success. Clean candles as prescribed in right hand column labeled in Categories as “Proper Candle Preparation”. Let dry. Carve three little holes/wells in candle top and add the “Fast Luck” to the cranberry red candle, the “Crown of Success” to the pumpkin orange candle and “Wall of Protection” to the golden spice candle. Arrange on something pretty like the gold charger I am using here. Decorate with leaves, mini pumpkins or even glass ornaments. I used faux mini squashes and gourds. Keep an eye on your candles while you are entertaining because if you use free standing ones as I have here, they will eventually distort and hot wax will run down one side. Extinguish with a candle sniffer before taking a post dinner nap. Enjoy this festive celebration and Give Thanks for all that the Universe has given to you.    ...

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