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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Full Moon in Virgo | March 10, 2009 – Security Walls Break Down... Full Moon in Virgo | March 10, 2009 – Security Walls Break Down The Full Moon in Virgo occurs on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 9:39 pm E.D.T. The Moon in Virgo, a “mutable” Earth sign, means that it is fluctuating between active and passive energy. The Moon in Virgo is protective and materialistic. The conjunct with Saturn and opposition with Uranus sets us up for security break ins at theis time. The schedules and routines we repeat daily are to be disrupted. What was known as the “Norm” is not not true. This is a good time to burn blue and white 7-day ‘Novena’ type candles for healing for family matters and for animals.  This is a good time to begin...
  • Free Candle Spells | St. Jude/ Saint Jude – San Judas Tadeo Green Money Candle Spell... St. Jude Green Candle Burn for Money in Impossible Cases   Ingredients 1 Green St. Jude 7-day glass novena candle 1 bottle of Fast Luck Oil or Money Drawing Oil 1 Piece white paper (preferably Parchment) 1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon This Catholic saint is famous for being to one to petition in the most impossible of causes. He is one to go to when you are at your last hope of receiving money. Take a clean white piece of paper or parchment paper, and write on it the amount you need and for what cause. Clean the outer and inside wax area of a green St. Jude candle with...
  • Hoodoo Conjure and Spiritual Products at Lucky 13 Clover... Hoodoo Conjure and Spiritual Products at Lucky 13 Clover   Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply is your provider for quality hoodoo and conjure products. Lucky 13 Clover has botanicals, zoological and minerals as well as oils and candles for your spiritual ritual needs. Visit our website at http://www.lucky13clover.com....
  • Free Candle Spells | Magic for Each Day of the Week... Free Candle Spells | Magic for Each Day of the Week ​           The belief that each day of the week holds certain magical influence and properties is an age old tradition. Each day is specifically ruled by a planet, and the energy of that planet and what they represent, aids and assists devotees achieve their magical goals. Here are the days of the week and their signature planets: ​​ SUNDAY: (ruled by the Sun): The day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving healing, blessing, banishing evil, and exorcisms. Color of candles to use are orange, white, yellow. MONDAY: (ruled by the Moon): The day of the week to perform spells and rituals...
  • Free Candle Spells | Reprint – “How to Write the Blues” Tutorial... Going over some of my oldest posts this morning and came across this. Cannot believe that at the time this was posted, it had been almost 4 years since I began the Free Candle Spells blog website. Now this website is over 20 years old. This is guaranteed to bring laughter to your heart. You know it is true, you cannot sing about the ‘blues’ if you haven’t lived through trials and tribulations. Enjoy! – J.   Courtesy of John in Baton Rouge. Thanks John!   1. Most Blues begin, “Woke up this morning…” 2. “I got a good woman” is a bad way to begin the Blues, ‘less...
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Full Moon in Scorpio | April 28, 2010 – Truth and Integrity Reign Supreme!

The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 7:20 am E.S.T. The energy of the Scorpio Moon is considered a “Fixed” water sign energy. It is emotional, stable and unchangeable. This is a good time to keep peace and do not make waves that will “rock your boat”! There may be more revelations of scandal in religious communities and the call for ethical justice of the victims. Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, the planet of Transformation, Sex and Death.  Combined with the current Mercury Retrograde, it is time that you beware what you say to others, as it may backfire. The candle color for Pluto is Black. The Full Moon time is a time to do your ‘banishing’, ‘reversible’, or ‘revenge’ candle burning spells. Banish bad co-workers out of your job, Reverse the adverse things that have happened to you unjustly. Seek revenge on those who are intent on pulling you down. If the cause is Justified with the Higher Powers, then let the candles burn to bring about the Justice you  seek. The next New Moon will occur on May 13,...

Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Taurus the Bull

The astrological sign Taurus the Bull rules those born  April 21st to May 21st. Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and the energy is considered a “Cardinal” Fire sign, meaning that the energy is innovative, energetic, lively and creative. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day glass novena candle in the appropriate color for your sign and use a permanent marker or paint pen to draw the symbol for Taurus, which is a circle to represent the head and two curving “horns” on each side, to represent the horns. The color of candle associated with Taurus is brown and the planet associated with Taurus is Venus. Herbs such as Apple Blossom, Cumin, Wort, Lovage, and Fig are associated with Taurus. Oils that have these herbs infused in them enhance the power of the Taurus candle spell. Using a planetary oil like Oil of Venus will also enhance your candle. Oils infused with the plants associated with the planet Venus can include Balm of Gilead, Feverfew, Gardenia, Geranium (rose), and...

Readers Question | Using Psalms for Honey Jar Candle Spell?

Readers Question | Using Psalms for Honey Jar Candle Spell? Jacqueline, If you are doing or making a honey jar, do u have any psalms or spells to recite? Amber ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Being in education, I waited sometime before posting this question, because of the misspelled “you” (spelled as “u”) that our text crazy generation tries to pass off as quality written communication. I hope that I am not being too harsh dear, but to be successful in life, you must use proper English. Now that has been said, there are a few Psalms to use when doing love spells such as the Honey Jar Spell. Is it required? No, but it couldn’t hurt. After all, you are reading from the Good Book, and when was the last time you sat down and read some of God’s words? This reader brings up a good question, though. Because of the complexities of relationships, there are many reasons to create a Honey Jar Spell or even burn candles, for that matter. I would suggest to use the book, “Secrets of the Psalms” by Godfrey A. Selig. Here are some Psalms to use for various relationship problems: Psalm for a Woman who is Pregnant or has a Dangerous Period of Confinement:  Psalm 1 Psalm to Overcome an Enemy Plotting Against You (like an old love rival):  Psalm 7 Psalm to Turn Sorrow into Joy:  Psalm 16 Psalm to Escape Vexation:  Psalm 31 Psalm for Making Up Between Man and Wife:  Psalms 45 and 46...

Free Candle Spells | Your Source for Free Candle Spells

Free Candle Spells | Your Source for Free Candle Spells Free Candle Spells is an informational website for all kinds of candle spells for love, success,revenge, money and prosperity, reversing, peace and much more. The primary focus for the Free Candle Spells site is to give you techniques to use and suggestions of oils ,herbs, sachets and candle layout patterns for you to use to achieve your desired outcome. Free Candle Spells is unable to do consultations for you and that is to be left up to a spiritual pratitioner of your choice. We do not do dream interpretations, second guessing of spiritual practitioners or free consultations as we believe that a fair exchange of energy, whether tangible or not, is required for a successful outcome for these matters. If you have a favorite spell that you would like to share, please feel free to send it in with complete instructions, and we’ll post...

New Moon in Aries | April 14, 2010 – Time for New Beginnings!

The New Moon in Aries occurs on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 7:29 am P.S.T. The energy of the Aries Moon is energetic, forceful and innovative since the sign of Aries is considered a “Cardinal” fire sign. This New Moon is considered optimum for beginning new projects and making lasting changes. Along with the current movements of Pluto, the words of warning during this New Moon is to be cautious with your words as they may have long lasting results. Be clear and concise in your communications, including written documents, and things will work out for the good of the whole. The New Moon ushers in two weeks of positive candle burning work time, so if you are considering a raise, seeking new opportunities, wanting to bring in a new lifestyle, love or friends into your life, now is a good time to burn the appropriate candles to bolster your confidence and support your success. Positive candle work and candle burning on petition papers of wishes for advancement in a job or for a new love to come your way is best done during a New Moon. The next Full Moon occurs on April 28, 2010....

Tarot by Jacqueline | Authentic Rootworker Rev. Sister Jacqueline


Readers Question | Residual Wax on Glass in Candle Spell

Readers Question | Residual Wax on Glass in Candle Spell Dear Jacqueline, I have a question. I was doing a candle spell and there was a considerable amount of wax that was left on the inside glass of the 7-day novena vigil candle. I couldn’t send a photo or I would have but I read somewhere that a build up of wax means that things are not finished with the person or situation. Is this true? I sure hope so because it was a lover come back to me candle spell I was burning. Thank you, Jocelyn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jocelyn, You were right that you read it in regards to ‘unfinished business’ in regards to a candle burn. It means that the condition between you and your lover is not finished; you will be in touch with him again. Sometimes when I burn candles for clients, I save the photos I send to them at the end of their candle spell and I just happen to have two that exemplify what you are talking about. They look like this: This was a Crown of Success candle spell for a client (name paper petition removed to see glass) and you can tell there is a lot of residual candle wax that did not burn off in the candle. What you cannot see is a swirl of the wax that forms a question mark symbol or sign on the clear part of the glass. There was some questions that came up after the candle burn on the qualifications of the client while she was going through the process of interviews with the job. She eventually was given the position, but had to produce additional documents to support her claim of expertise. If you still have the candle glass, look for swirls or smudges of smoke and wax for an image or shape that might show an answer. This type of candle divination is an old time way of prophetising the future of the relationship. Now check out this shot for someone who istrying to bring someone back: I would say that one of the two of this couple has ‘unfinished business” with the...

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