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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Full Moon in Leo | February 9. 2009 – Learning Begins On Various Levels... The Full Moon in Leo occurs at 9:50 am E.S.T. on Monday, February 9, 2009. This lunation, activated by the Lunar Eclipse occurring on the same day, activates a 6 month period of learning on various levels. In the next 6 months, expect to begin to understand what is really going on in your life and the world. This is the time for deeper examination of your surroundings and the knowledge  to which you have already have been exposed. Keep a grip on spending, as you might fall under the spell of a rather large, gilded item that you might not really need or want, once Leo’s influence has...
  • Free Candles Spells | 2019 and the Magic of 3...   The New Year is upon us and the year 2019 adds up to the magical number three. How is this done? By adding 2+0+1+9 = 12 = 1+2 = 3. This gives us a general idea of the energy that will be prevalent in your life this year. Coincidentally, this could be a “double down” year for the energy of 3 if your birth date adds up to 3 (i.e. 8+7+1+9+5+9 = 39, then adding 3+9 = 12, then 1+2 = 3. The person who has this birthdate will be called to use the energy of the meaning of the number 3 in their lives as they live,...
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Hoodoo Products and Uses | Red Brick Dust

Hoodoo Products and Uses | Red Brick Dust Red Brick Dust, also known throughout the South as “Reddening”, “Red Dust” or “Brick Dust”, is an mineral element used in Hoodoo and Conjure. Made from fired red ochre bricks that have been pulverized, red brick dust is used in both protection and attraction spells. It is bright red-orange in color and can color many surfaces it comes in contact with. The uses of it throughout the South go back to ancestor belief systems of using red ochre clay for spiritual rites and protection of self and possessions. This belief came over to the United States with the African diaspora slave trade time, and since red ochre clay is not abundant in all parts of the United States, an alternative was to pulverize red clay bricks into a fine dusting powder. Southern traditional hoodoo and conjure beliefs alleged that to protect one’s home and property for protection from unwanted visitors, a line of Red Brick Dust must be spread across a doorstep or porch. It is also an ingredient of Better Business Scrub, a blend of red brick dust and other ingredients reputed to bring in customers to a business for a constant stream of money. Red brick dust was in the jar that Kate Hudson poured across the doorway while being chased by Gena Rowlands in the movie, “The Skeleton Key” Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply offers red brick dust on their site at www. lucky 13 clover.com    ...

Free Candle Spells | Black Moon on July 30, 2011 – Create a Wish List!

Free Candle Spells | Black Moon on July 30, 2011 – Create a Wish List!   A rare event, a “Black Moon” will occur on Saturday, July 30, 2011. This is a special magic Moon and is highly favored for casting good spells for gain. Click here to read “Black Moon” Lore and Legend | A Rare and Unique Moon” In association with capturing Good Fortune and Luck during this rare second New Moon, I am offering a red “Fast Luck” Candle Spell to “power boost” your desires into happening rapidly. If you would like to participate in this group event, order your red “Fast Luck” candle to be lit at 1:40 pm on Saturday, July 30, 2011 below....

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Capricorn – Maintain Balance and Diligence!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Capricorn – Maintain Balance and Diligence!   The Full Moon occurs on Friday, July 15, 2011 at 1:40 am E.S.T. This Full Moon is in the astrological sign of Capricorn the Goat and it will have a restrictive and controlling demeanor over your candle burning spells. This is a time that you may find difficulty in maintaining equal balance on both sides of your life – home and workplace. An attitude of diligence and discipline will get you through the next two weeks. The Full Moon in Capricorn is considered a “Cardinal” Earth sign, and it is the most materialistic of all signs as Capricorn’ energy is paternal nature. Its energy denotes practicality. This is not the time to be too frivolous in spending as it will come around to bite you rather quickly! Full Moon time is traditionally thought and believed to be the best time for candle spells of a “Reversing” or “Banishing” nature. The Full Moon in Capricorn is the time to be cautious on your revenge spells as you may overdo it and it may blow up in your face. Do not try to extract Justice when you don’t deserve any or be unnecessarily cruel to someone, because this can result in drastic consequences you do not want to happen to you. Burn reversible candles on those who have caused you grief and anguish, or banishing candles on those who you need to “G.T.F.O.” of your life (you know what I mean!). This category can include bad girlfriends (or boyfriends), trifling women, nosy neighbors, meddling friends and just about anybody that is getting in the way of you and your happiness. Some anointing oils to use on your red or black candles at this time would be “Reversing”, “Run, Devil Run”, “Hot Foot”or “Revenge”. Laying tricks with a Banishing Salt of salt, black pepper, and a couple of other ingredients tossed on the offender’s porch or steps can work wonders now. The next New Moon will occur on July 30, 2011. It is considered a “Black Moon” and highly desired for casting...

Readers Question | Is My Pink Love Candle Spell Doomed?

Readers Question | Is My Pink Love Candle Spell Doomed?   Jacqueline, I was doing a candle spell for love using a pink Our Lady of Guadalupe candle and the paper label started turning black. What does that mean? Is my candle spell going to work? Christina ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am thinking that you used a 7 day “novena” or “vigil” candle, so my answer will concerns only this type of candle. I am going to assume that you cleaned the candle properly, and if not, please read, “Candle Spell Candle Preparation Step by Step for Candleburning Success!”. Your label turning black can only mean two things – on a practical note, it means the wick somehow floated over to the side of the glass from the center of the candle, thereby making a singe mark on the label or, on a spiritual note, it could mean that you are “burning up” with love for the intended. This would be especially true if the wick did not move in the melted wax to the side of the glass. Check again to see if there are wax burn black smudges on the inside of the glass container. If so, then it is a physical situation but if it is not, then you may want to consider getting a reading from a spiritual reader. Here is a photo of a wick that has migrated over to the side of the glass and what is the result of that moving: Black sooting or smudging is a form of candle divination; the ability to determine outcomes based on how a candle “acts” or behaves while burning and also images, forms or other distinguising markings on the glass after a glass container candle has been burned for a candle spell. Here is a photo of a candle that burned a mark in an ominous place and without the wick moving, but from a very high and stong flame!: When something like this is happening, I would boost the candle power by adding a white candle to act as a “helper” candle for the first candle. White is cooling and the symbolism of white is peace, tranquility and positive power. This may help your candle to return to its original burn course and stave off the nagativity. Let us know how it goes!...

Free Candle Spells | Special Calendar Quirkies to Think About!

Free Candle Spells | Special Calendar Quirkies to Think About! This is interesting and will be only time we will live this event. “Money Bags” This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens Once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So, send this article to your friends and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui. The one who does not share with friends…..will be without money. Interesting – read on!!! This year we’re going to experience four unusual dates. 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that’s not all… Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born – now add the age you will be this year. The results will be 11 for everyone in whole world. The photo above is shredded money, an item used in mojo bags for prosperity, rolled around free standing green money candles and burned with herbs to incense the home or place of business. This is real, authentic shredded money that is no longer in circulation because of wear and tear. Because this is an important and vital ingredient in money rituals, Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply now carries shredded money so you can apply to your candle, oils, spiritual paths and mojo bags to attract more money. Order your bag of shredded money to use in your mojo bag, candle rituals and more. A 2×3 inch bag is only $3.99 (plus tax)     Order a 4×6 inch bag of shredded money for $7.99 (plus tax)  ...

Free Candle Spells | Lucky Green Rice Ritual Brings Money Prosperity!

Rice is considered a staple in many cultures around the world and many homes forbid to never run out of rice as it is a harbinger of Bad Luck. In the Southern spiritual traditions, rice that has been tinted green with food coloring and also has special herbs and minerals with money drawing capabilities can be worn in your shoes for 3 days, then sprinkled about the home and swept towards the front door with a broom to attract more money to the home. “Lucky” Green Rice is the first product being produced by my sister company,Lucky 13Clover Spiritual Supply. We are also proud to announce that we are now carrying the Motor City Hoo Doo Condition Oils line as well. You may click on the links in this article to go directly to the Lucky 13 Clover website. The photo here shows a generous 8 oz. size bag, good for at least six months of wearing and sweeping to bring in needed money into the home. This bag shown sells for $7.00 (including shipping).You can order the 8 oz. bag from Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply This rice has been charged by sitting between these candles and you may order a sample 1/2 oz. full of Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply “Lucky” Green Rice for only $2.00 (including shipping) by clicking the button below: 1/2 oz. sample of “Lucky” Green Rice      Comes with instructions on how to...

Free Candle Spells | Moon Void of Course and Waiting to Light Candles

  When the Moon is changing from New Moon to Full Moon, or vice versa, old time conjurers, hoodoo practitioners and spiritual workers wait 24 hours before lighting candles to bring in or reverse, depending on the candle spell you are doing and the phase the Moon is in when beginning your spell. Traditionally, to manifest or “bring in ” good things, like new beginnings, a new love, more money, success, new job opportunities, etc., you would need to light your candle burning spell on the New Moon. This is when the Moon is from complete non existent or unable to be seen to the full round Moon. To banish, seek revenge, do “send away” spells or reverse a situation, it is said to burn your candle spell at the Full Moon time, or, when the Moon is moving from a full, round Moon to dark. But there is this little known truth to waiting 24 hours before beginning your spell. Some call it a “Moon wait”, “waiting on the Moon”, or a “Void of Course”. In astrology, a “Void of Course” is a term used to wait when the Moon changes from one astrological sign to the other, which happens every 2.5 days or so. This is crucial for those who calculate their candle burning rituals down to working with the energy of the planet that the Moon is in at that time, s all the planets have positive and negative strengths that can be harnessed to put a little “oomph” into your candle work. The term “Void of Course” translates into “nothing will happen or come of it”. This is a time when the Moon has to recharge or gear up to do the work either under the appropriate astrological sign or the phase of the Moon.To best explain it, I envision the office worker in “The Devil Wears Prada” saying “Gird your loins!” as Glenn Close’s character comes into the office. A “Moon wait” or to “wait on the Moon” is similar to a “Void of Course” for the Moon. Imagine this, you are going to go somewhere. Yo get into the car, turn it on, fasten your seat belt and shift into reverse. You let up off the brake and give it a wee bit of gas. You reach your point where you can then go forwards, apply the brake, shift into drive, and let up off the brake. That little bit if movement or shifting under your seat, where the transmission is, has to have a crucial few seconds to complete the reversing process, acknowledge the braking, recognize the shifting of the gears, before it can “think” to now move forward. This is the same for waiting the 24 hours after the Moon changes phases. It gives to Moon time to “think” that it now has to work for either positive or negative (depending on what you are doing and the phase) and move in that direction. When I post the blog entry to announce the New and Full Moons, I list the actual time the Moon is considered at it’s New or Full status, and it is noted for Eastern Standard Time. It is wise, as a candle burning practitioner, to calculate the best time for you in accordance to your time zone. It is up to you to determine when it feels ‘right’ to light your candle spell. Waiting 24 hours before lighting your candle spells when a major Moon phase shift happens is a good practice to insure that your spell will be it it’s best position for ultimate...

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