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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Deeprak Chopra – ‘The New Physics of Healing’... How do you break through the ingrained belief patterns to discover your true healing potential? In this updated edition of ‘The New Physics of Healing’, Dr. Chopra offers a fascinating exploration of these and many other questions. Includes an all-new interview with this visionary pioneer of mind-body medicine available nowhere else. 2 CD set with a 2.5 hour run time. Click here to purchase ‘The New Physics of...
  • Spells for Beginners | Beginning Candle Spells for Revenge...   Probably one of the hardest things to do when offended or ‘done wrong’ is to not succumb to the basal animal feeling of ‘getting even’ or even-ing the score’. Sometimes, you know the fool is going to hang themselves, and you let their own downfall be of their own hand. Then there are other times that it might help to nudge the situation….     INGREDIENTS Photo, name paper or document from the other person Personal concern (DNA-like or article of clothing, keys, wallet, etc.) if available Black Candle (can be glass encased or free standing) Old chipped dinner plate or cheap plate from the dollar store Take...
  • Readers Questions | How Do I Get the Sale of My Property Moving?... Here is a great reason for a “Road Opener” Candle Spell! Hello Jacqueline, I stumbled upon your site and found it to be very informative. Thank you for this site. I am having a slight problem and I was wondering if you could suggest a spell for me to try. I am trying to sell a property and it is very important for me to sell this property. The house has been under contract for over 60 days and after 60 days, the (name of institution removed) underwriter who kept finding problems with the loan decided she needed to redo all the paperwork because it was too old. So,...
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Time to Shine!...   The New Moon in Leo occurs at 10:28 pm E.S.T on Friday, August, 17, 2012. This Moon comes with different afflictions from other planets and you can read more about the astrological connections at www.dellhoroscope.com The New Moon in the astrological sign of Leo is considered to be under the influence of a “Fixed” Fire Sign, meaning that it is aggressive, unchangeable, constant and creative. New Moon time has been traditionally held as a time to light candles for love, lucky, money and success. It is also a good time to burn blue healing and white blessing or cleansing candles for yourself or others as the positive influences...
  • Free Candle Spells | Psalm 7 Vindication Candle Spell...   The Vindication Candle Spell is used when you have be unjustly done wrong, whether it was false accusations of your involvement in a particular situation or when someone such as an enemy did something that caused you harm or problems without your involvement and you are completely innocent. Please re-read the sentence above again. This candle spell is for when you were completely innocent of the charges or accusations or the actions done on you. The reason for this particular candle spell is because some people in the World have a natural ‘gift’ or goodness about them that, maybe for no other reason, makes some lower evolved souls...
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Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Pisces – Watch Your Tongue and How You Say It!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Pisces – Watch Your Tongue and How You Say It!   The Full Moon in Pisces occurs on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 4:27 a.m. E.S.T. The Moon in the astrological sign of Pisces, is considered a “Mutable” water sign, which means that it is erratic, deceptive and highly emotional as well. The Full Moon is optimum time for lighting candle spells for Reversing, Revenge, Banishing and Jinxing, also known as “Crossing”. Under the influence of the zodiac sign of Pisces, this particular Moon is especially favorable for casting candle spells aimed specifically at causing confusion for your enemy and/or throwing them off-track. Certain other planetary influences can make these next two weeks extremely hard since the message is to watch how you say things as words can be misconstrued and a situation can spin out of control negatively. This can bring on horrible events, so unless you are intentionally voicing an affirmation or curse that you truly mean, better to think bad thoughts but keep your words to yourself and don’t even have a b**chfest with your BFF on the phone, because she might spill the beans for you! Candles burned at this time could be black candles dressed with “Crossing” or “Jinxing” Oils, red candles with “Run,Devil Run” Oil or causing someone to have financial ruin by burning the black on green Reversible candle while using “Jinxing” Oil on it. Regular black on red Reversible Candles burned at this time will send back any negativity or evil others have sent your way. Think wisely, because lighting cursing or negative candles a this time will hit harder than any other time and you might regret what you put out there in the...

Free Candle Spells | Honey Jar Love Spell Using Personal Concerns

Free Candle Spells | Honey Jar Love Spell Using Personal Concerns  

Free Candle Spells | Increase Your Candle Burning Success with Faith!

Free Candle Spells | Increase Your Candle Burning Success with Faith!   The most important element that determine your candle spell burning success rate is your….FAITH. Yes. Let’s examine exactly what a candle burning service is to understand the statement above. In the Old Testament, lamps filled with Olive Oil, considered the most high Holy Oil, were kept lit in the Temple as a symbol of Hope and Adoration. As mankind moved through the centuries, first tallow then paraffin wax candles replaced the oil lamps in the sacred places such as churches and the family home altars or chapels. There was a ritual to follow in accordance to each belief system on how to take care of sacred objects and places, then the ritual of prayers, gestures and ceremony involving the actual lighting of the candle and the subsequent following of the lighting of the candle with prayer and supplication. The purpose of a candle burning ritual, whether for positive or negative reasons, is a constant application of energy though the fire emitting from the wick, to boost the prayer intensity for you while you are in front of or when you have left the candle burning area. It is like a beacon to guide the heavenly powers to look upon the candle and the petition placed underneath it with favor, however, your personal feelings, determination and intensity of prayer towards the Good of the situation for your benefit is the largest component for candle spell burning success. For example, if you are in a situation where you and a lover or mate have had words or have broken up and you wish to mend the hurt and reconcile, the way you feel towards that person at the moment you light the wick will give you a good example of the success of your outcome. If you feel resentment or indignity over the fight or break up, or feel that the actions taken were their fault, then you will meet with resistance to your candle burning success. It would be best that you take some time in meditation or prayer to clear your mind and ask for healing to come to your heart before lighting a Return to Me or Come to Me Candle so that you will have a far better candle spell experience. In matters of money or abundance, if you have a good, solid goal that you will apply your monetary gains towards, such as college, paying off old bills or car repairs, you will find that money will come to you easier and more quickly with your Money Drawing candle ritual than if you wanted extra money to play the lottery or go to the casino. Remember, applying God’s bounty towards the Goodness for yourself and those involved will always be granted than to throw good money towards a negative thing, such as the energy of a casino. Casinos, despite appearing much like the arcade when the circus comes to town, are breeding places for negativity such as greed, gluttony and lust. I am not telling you to not visit a casino, but do it with caution and make sure you do ritual cleansing of yourself and your belongings before it breeds the same negativity in your home. A ritual cleansing is as simple as following the suggestions in another article, “Hoodoo Products and Uses | Ammonia and Epsom Salts-Dynamic Duo of Negativity Cleansing” So, what if your candle spell does not bring you what you want? This happens, and anyone who tells you that their candle spell is 100% accurate or guaranteed to work is not telling the Truth. Candle spells DO fail, when the Higher Powers determine that the person you are desiring is...

Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply Catalog

Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply Catalog   ***** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! *****   Lucky 13 Clover, our sister website, is pleased to announce the debut of it’s new catalog! Even though it is in it’s infancy, it is chock full of tips, legend and traditions in regards to hoodoo and conjure and is expanding by the day. Our catalog has information on how to properly clanse, anoint and bless a candle for your candle spell, magickal uses for oils and herbs, and more. Order a catalog today for $1.00 to cover postage and receive a $5.00 discount coupon for your first order. Click here to order your Lucky 13 Clover catalog!...

Free Candle Spells | The Colors of the St. Jude Candle and Which One is Best For You

Free Candle Spells | The Colors of the St. Jude Candle and Which One is Best For You Recently I had an inquiry regarding the white Saint Jude Candle and it reminded me that not all know about the different colors of the St. Jude/San Judas Tadeo novena candle. Here is a detailed explanation of the three candles and the meaning and work for each of the green, white and pink candles for St. Jude.   Saint Jude Thaddeus, also known as San Judas Tadeo in Latin countries, is considered to be the Patron Saint of “Lost Causes” – the Saint to go to when all hope is lost and there seems like nothing can change the inevitable that is coming. St. Jude is a popular Saint and one who the legend says like to be recognized with a public announcement when prayers are answered, usually has devotees who give nine days to a novena to him. Many adherents have different opinions regarding how many times each day, as some pray nine time for nine consecutive days, but the traditional length of time for a novena to Saint Jude is nine days. The quantity of prayers contained within each of those nine days is subject to one’s own discretion. Legend also says that the Saint’s desire to be recognized for good works stems from the confusion many have over Saint Jude and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus. They are not the same person. Saint Jude is one of the original Apostles who follow Jesus Christ and is depicted with a flame over his head, indicating he was in attendance at Pentecost. Saint Jude’s Feast Day is October 28th, according to the Catholic calendar.     To petition St. Jude with a white glass 7-day novena candle would be for situations that require a decision such as a court case, a lease or agreement or any other matter that does not involve personal relationships or money. It is best to clean the candle with lemon juice or Florida water and anoint with St Jude Oil before lighting. Writing a small petition for the purpose of the candle and placing it under the candle helps boost the power of the petition, however, if keeping your intention quiet from prying family members, holding the petition near your heart is a good alternative. Remember to purchase enough candles to make the novena for nine days since today’s candle do not last as long as before and you may need up to three to make the nine day novena. Remember to publish the prayers granted by San Judas in a newspaper or even a mass e-mail out to friends and family. Let them know the good works of St. Jude. A white Saint Jude candle can be used in place of a colored wax St. Jude candle is not available. This is because white has all the colors of the rainbow in it, as a clear prism will refract the rainbow and in olden times there were no tinted wax candles, only creamy white ones made of tallow.   To petition Saint Jude on matters of love and personal relationships, it is best to use a pink Saint Jude candle.The color pink resonates the energy of two colors red and white. In candle spells, red is the traditional color for swiftness and passion. White candles are used when clarity and blessings are needed. The combination of the energy and passion of red and the clarity and blessings of white blend into pink, a color that evokes romance and affection.   When financial gain and money is desperately needed in the home to cover immediate family needs, using a green Saint Jude candle anointed with Money Drawing Oil is the appropriate candle to...

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Cloves in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells

Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Cloves in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells Cloves, whether in Whole Clove or Ground Cloves form, is a main ingredient in products for money drawing and relationship concerns. The botanical name for Clove is Syzygium aromaticum and the plant grows in profusion in the India and throughout the Southeast Asian countries. Clove is one of the main ingredients in Money Drawing Oil and to anoint magical items used to enhance gambling such as mojo bags and jack balls. The oil is used on green candles to burn for money.   A special friendship spell is to take an orange, make a half inch slit in the rind to the center and insert a small slip of white paper with your full name and birth date written on it. Fold this paper into a tiny piece and insert into slit. Stud the outside of the orange with whole cloves that have been inserted into the rind. Anoint the orange with a mixture of Anointing Oils and roll whole orange in ground cloves. Hang near the front door on the inside of your home to attract all the good friends you need. Read about all 12 common kitchen spices used in hoodoo, conjure and candle magic here, “Kitchen Hoodoo | 12 Spices and Herbs for Hoodoo Magic...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aquarius – Still Under a Mercury Retrograde!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aquarius – Still Under a Mercury Retrograde! The Full Moon in Aquarius occurs at 2:58 p.m. E.S.T. The Moon in the astrological sign of Aquarius, is centered around the “brotherhood of Man” and the united force of freedom of One’s own beliefs and creed. The Full Moon time is traditionally considered a time for banishing and “sending away” things in your life that are not wanted anymore, especially things and situations that injure or hold you back. This is a good time to burn Reversible Candles, whether to reverse a situation for loss of income, loss of love or to send back evil intentions that are coming to you or are directed your way. This time is also beneficial if you are in need to send negativity to someone who deserves it. Since we are currently under the influence of a Mercury Retrograde, wording of all spells will be crucial, as Mercury is the planet of Communication and wrongly worded candle spells can backfire and create the opposite, if not careful. In most cases of initializing a project under Mercury Retrogrades will cause you to have to re-start the project once the planet goes direct. The Moon in Aquarius is an excellent time to work out the calculations for any difficult candle spell, especially when you need to harness the powers of a certain planet or use calculated time tables to reach your intended target. The next New Moon will occur on August 28, 2011 Order a Reversible Candle to be burned for...

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