Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 3rd, 2012 in Love Goddess Ochun/Oshun/Oxum, Orisha/Oricha/Orixa Candle Spells, Santeria/Lucumi/Lukumi, Various Saints Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | The Candle for La Caridad de Cobre – Patroness of Cuba
On December 30, 2011, as I was lighting candles for people, I got a “feeling” about the ruling Orisha/Oricha for the year 2012 was going to be Ochun/Oshun/Oxum, also known as La Caridad de Cobre. I wrote this prediction in my other blog, Tarot by Jacqueline Blog and I stated that I will have to buy a big statue of La Caridad de Cobre if I was right. Well, I was right, and next week I will be shopping for the largest statue of Ochun I can find. The reading comes from CONSEJO CUBANO DE SACERDOTES MAYORES DE IFA DE LA REPÚBLICA DE CUBA Letra Del Ano 2012 Signo: Ogbeche Profecía: Ire aiku lese alaleyo, eyebale. (Un bien de salud gracias al oricha regidor de cada persona, hay que darle sacrificio (sangre). Gobierna: Ochun Acompaña: Changó There are other things written in Spanish that I will have to translate with my daughters, but this year if at all possible, find yellow Caridad de Cobre Candles, also known as the Virgin of Charity, affectionately called “La Cachita”, and light one each Friday throughout the year for blessings of love, romance, money and success from...
Posted by Jacqueline on Dec 17th, 2011 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Capricorn – Time for Planning!
The last New Moon of the year 2011 occurs on December 24, 2011 at 1:07 E.S.T. This Moon is in the astrological sign of Capricorn, the Goat and is considered to be a “Cardinal” earth sign. This means that this is the most materialistic of all zodiac signs and the energy of the Moon in Capricorn is energetic, practical and innovative. The Moon in Capricorn brings new vitality and energy to your goals. You feel ambitious to turn over a new leaf with the coming of the new year. Establish your goals by creating a solid agenda that you can easily manipulate for a solid, concrete reality in 2012. The Moon in Capricorn is an especially fortunate sign for casting candle spells for needed money and it may come for unexpected sources or in the form of surprises. In addition, this is the time to ask for any material necessities, especially if they have been needed for some time, as the Universe is more benevolent at during a New Moon in Capricorn. Do not seek to harm anyone or light candles for revenge at this time, since the plane Saturn, which rules Capricorn, will protect the opposing party. This is especially true if the party you seek revenge upon is innocent, as the candle spell will backfire on you! Do not begin any candles of injustice or spreading mean and cruel accusations as drastic events may occur. Cast red candle spells for Fast Luck, green candle spells for Money Drawing and golden yellow candle spells for Success. Burn white candles anointed with Blessing Oil on Christmas Eve, to bring peace and goodness to the home. The first Full Moon of 2012 occurs on January 9,...
Posted by Jacqueline on Dec 10th, 2011 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Gemini – A Lunar Eclipse as Well!
The Full Moon occurs at 9:38 am E.S.T. in the astrological sign of Gemini. In addition, this is a Lunar Eclipse, occurring in its entirety at about 8:00 am E.S.T., but West Coast residents can watch it as the sky will still be dark enough to view the eclipse in its glory at 6:05 am. In astrology, Solar and Lunar eclipses bring a certain meaning to the Moon’s lunar station, and this one is no different. It has been said that any new endeavors, contracts or matters decided upon and commenced within the week before any eclipse will rarely work out as planned. All matters taken on the week before an eclipse take on a greater importance. In this case with the lunar eclipse, and other planetary factors, read the fine print on all legal documents and papers that hold particular personal importance. Be wary of “Ponzi” and quick-rich type of schemes, as fraud with securities such as money may occur now. Pay attention to the details. Group activites or a vision of a ‘common whole’ for a group will not materialize, as everyone is running their own agenda and will approach decisions on an independent platform. If your birthday is on the eclipse, you may find a sudden rise to fame or importance. Full Moon time is traditionally the time to do any banishing or reversible work, to send away or ‘return to sender’ any negativity that has come your way.This will be you last Full Moon of 2011 to do any reversible candle spell work, so consider cleansing yourself of anything being sent your way by sending it “back to its origins”. The Moon in the zodiac sign of Gemini, is consdered a “Mutable Air sign, meaning that it fluctuates between activity and passivity in matters of the logical, iltellect and mind. This is a good time to do research on the properties of oils and herbs used in candle spells, using calculations for timing of lighting candle spells and for reading and learning. Burning a “Crowning Glory” or “Crown of Success” candle during this time is an old-tyme way to boost your learning and retention skills. Many root workers and magicians suggest to parents to burn this candle whiletheir child is studying or taking an important test for added blessings of success. The next New Moon occurs on December 24, 2011 on Christmas...
Posted by Jacqueline on Dec 1st, 2011 in Free Candle Spells Marketplace | Comments Off on “Highly Effective Money Candle Spells” by Rev. Sister Jacqueline Mathers
Announcing the best little book on how to perform money candle spells and other magickal rituals regarding money drawing and prosperity. Rev. Sister Jacqueline Mathers (yours truly), has published a great little book to use daily in working to gain abundance, draw in money and achieve prosperity. This 21 page booklet, however tiny, is packed with lots of information, diagrams, prayers and techniques that you will use over and over again. Purchase this book for $4.95 (plus $3.55 shipping and 7.25% CA tax) by clicking the button below: ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Nov 28th, 2011 in Money Drawing Prosperity Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon Prosperity Money Candle Spell
New Moon Prosperity Candle Spell INGREDIENTS Blank Check from your Checking Institution (made out to your name and amount you would want to attract) Bottle of Lucky 13 Clover Prosperity Anointing Oil Bottle of Lucky 13 Clover Power Oil 1 Red 7-day “Novena” or “Vigil” Candle (in glass) 1 Green 7-day “Novena” or “Vigil” Candle (in glass) This candle spell is intended to bring in prosperity and abundance to your home or business. It is a simple way to increase what you are already bringing in for an abundant life for you and your family. This candle spell is not for additional money to spend on trivial things such as a new purse, hair extensions, or a trip to the casino but to bring in added money to stock the pantry and make an additional payment on your credit card. The purpose of using a blank check from your checking account is that this is a visualization and intention practice. When you “see” yourself writing the amount down and signing the check, you are subconsciously imprinting that figure into your brain and it resonates through your subconscious mind constantly. The physical act of writing out this check is to “tell” the Universe that you are ready to RECEIVE gifts of money and like items to create abundance and bounty. The basic intent of making a check out for the Universe is that your intent will be compensated by the Universe with your actions and for your existence. This candle spell is to be started within one day after the New Moon has begun. This is to allow for any Moon “Void of Course” that may occur. How to Do the Candle Spell: 1.) Clean candle and prepare in accordance to the steps located here: Free Candle Spells | Candle Spell Preparation Step by Step for Candleburning Success”. Let candle dry. 2.) Write out your check, with your name going on the “Pay to the Order” line, the dollar amount filled out and written out in both areas of the check. The note “Paid in Full” written in the “Memo” area and the word “The Universal Law of Abundance” written where the “Signature” line is located. Leave the date open. See photo for example: 3.) Fill the holes in the green candle with the Lucky 13 Clover Prosperity Oil. Fill the holes in the red candle with Lucky 13 Clover Power Oil oil. Sit candles on top of check on a fire-proof Pyrex pie dish or aluminum pan. Extend your hands over both candle and pray the 23rd Psalm (“the Lord is my Shepherd”). 4.) Light candle and keep lit continuously throughout candle spell. If you find you cannot burn continuously, snuff or pinch with wet fingers the flame out and do not blow out candle. To blow out a candle is to symbolize that you are finished with that candle spell and you will have to begin again. 5.) Continue to burn candles when first ones have finished for a continued flow of abundant prosperity into your home. When you have enough money, burn the check in the flame of the last candle as a burnt offering to the Saints and Angels in Heaven for prayers and blessings received. Please be aware that not all blessings come in monetary form. It may be in services rendered like a girlfriend doing your extensions for free, or by way of items such as someone blessing you with a dinner out or a bag full of fresh organic vegetables from the backyard. Make sure you accept any and all blessings coming to you, no matter what, as...
Posted by Jacqueline on Nov 27th, 2011 in Annual Banishing Ritual New Years' Eve | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Burn Ritual on December 31, 2011
It is the end of the year and a challenging one for many of you. I am excited to announce my annual Banishing Negativity Burn Ritual on New Year’s Eve night, December 31, 2011. The Banishing Negativity Burn came about because of clients who were having some tough times and people in their lives that were creating havoc and problems. this was a way to say ‘I have had enough!’ to certain individuals and situations so that they could begin the New Year with a clean slate. The ritual has grown and you may read about past Burning Negativity rituals by clicking here. There are two ways to participate. The first one is if you have a specific tormentor or person who is giving you grief and you want that person to go away and get a taste of what they have been doing to you, them ordering a black poppet named in their honer is for you. This poppet, created by hand and stuffed with Spanish Moss and other herbs and roots, is consecrated in the person’s name and has a definite command to leave you alone pinned to it. The doll baby is then tossed upon the burning pyre that has been started from petition tea light candles, written petitions and a mix of sage, copal, myrrh and frankincense to become a burnt offering at midnight. The cost of the black doll baby poppet is $25.00. You will receive photos of the creation of the doll baby throughout inception to burn after the ritual has been completed. If you have a certain someone who will not leave you alone and delights in giving you grief at work, home or in the community, order a doll baby poppet to be burned for them by clicking the button below. We have a limited number of doll baby poppets, so order early. A second way to participate is if you have had a general sense of negative events not brought on by any one particular person, but a combination of things, then a petition and tea light candle service is for you. This would be a way to ask the Heavens to lift off any general malaise and negativity sent your way. You will receive photos of your petitions being lit and smoked by the incense blend listed above. Each petition and tea light is $1.25 each. Read more about the Banishing Burn by clicking here to go to the article....
Posted by Jacqueline on Nov 19th, 2011 in Candle Behavior Divination Systems | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Meaning of Candle Noises and Breakage – Series Article
This is a second part of a series of various divination systems for candle spells and rituals which touchs on the subject of candle noises and candle glass cracking – Jacqueline When lighting a candle for a personal candle spell or a ritual for thanksgiving of blessings received, the noises that may come from your candle may be an indication of an outcome, whether successful or not. In many of the Spiritualists Churches and its practitioners, the belief that candle noises such as ‘popping’, ‘crackling’ or ‘chirping’, can be used as a method of candle spell divination. Many times I have set in silence in front of my altar praying, conducting a reading for a client or deep in thought, and a candle will sputter, hiss or pop. I always pause and take note of the reason the candle was lit and what either was just said in conversation or what was in thought at the moment of the noise. Others divine that the noises from the candles are indicators of how well the spell is working. Some believe that the activity of the candle, including noises, will mean that your Guardian Angel or a Spirit is “working” on the situation for which you have lit the candle. Sometimes the noises are soft, but do not be surprised if you hear loud ‘pops’ as these are interpreted as vigorous work towards your goal. In matters of love, money and success, this is definitely a good sign you would want to welcome! Still others say that if you are burning two candles together for matters of love for instance, then the two candles are “talking it out” to either ‘reconcile’ or not and you may have to resort to adding other methods of candle divination to determine an outcome. For matters of dark work such as revenge, reversing or using black candles, the noises may indicate the intensity of the “battle” between your objective and the opponents, as if in a “struggle”, or may indicate that your intended target has got a “heads up” on what you are doing and is burning candles or working magic against your work. Popping candles will indicate that you may have to “ramp up” your attack. For candles that shatter or crack their glass holders, the intensity of the “breaking” of the spell will be indicated by the intensity of the break. I have had the 7-day “Novena” type candles in glass break so hard that my daughter heard it through her closed bedroom door on the second level of my home. Good thing she woke me up as I had a red St. Michael candle break right in half across the middle of the container and I had only an inch left in the candle to be burned and no flame was touching the glass. This was a sure sign that the candle took a “hit” for the client and diverted a stream of negative attack from an enemy. Spending time with your candle and listening to the language that it speaks to you and the insight you gain from your thoughts while in meditation is a great way to understand the meaning of the outcome of your candle spell or ritual through the behaviors of your candles. Click the link to read the first part of this series, “Using Pyromancy for Candle Burning Success! – Series Article” NOTE: The use of any written or image material on this site is prohibited by anyone and is not approved by the site owner. It is illegal to use another’s work without express permission and is defined as plagerism. ...