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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Money Prosperity Spell | Part Two – The $$uCCe$$ Sigil on Bank Deposit Slips and How to Apply Money Drawing... Money Prosperity Spell | Part Two – The $$uCCe$$ Sigil on Bank Deposit Slips and How to Apply Money Drawing or Fast Luck Oils In the past, you have learned an excellent way to bring in more money to you by anointing your “greenbacks” or paper money. Now, the next step to creating more prosperity is to create a petition with your bank deposit slip! This easy but effective money spell is for money needed in the home for purposeful items, not going to the casino. that requires a different kind of money spell. In this technological savvy days, we use our deposit slips less than ever as we stroke our ATM card everywhere. Now for some bill paying, you still need checks, but what does one do with all those left over...
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Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aries – Mercury’s Still Retrograde!

  The New Moon in Aries occurs at 9:37 am E.S.T. on March 22, 2012. We have just celebrated the first day of spring and the planet Mercury is still in its Retrograde station until April 4, 2012. Mars, the planet of action rules the zodiac sign of Aries, the Ram. This New Moon is considered a little more extreme and harsh this time with the factors of the positions of other planets in the astrological sky. The New Moon is Aries is especially favorable to new undertakings and crating vision boards to carry you through the rest of the year. Aries rules courage, initiative and independence, so formulating goals and getting ready to implement them is ideal at this time. With Mercury still in Retrograde, hold off on signing contracts, legal papers, leases or any other major work or decision until April 5th, when the planet will assume forward motion. Mercury is the planet of communication, so thoughts, ideas and words could still be misconstrued and with a fiery planet like Mars representing Aries, all H-E-Double Hockey Sticks could break out! Watch your words and actions! Burning red candles to “get the fires going in the the ole’ belly” to activate energy to gear up for early April is best to do right now, however, be especially cautious of all fires at this time. Make sure your candle spells are secure within a Pyrex baking dish, aluminum cookie sheet or some other non-flammable container in the event your candle explodes or cracks and leaks all over. Caution should always be the utmost in mind when setting light for candle petitions. The next Full Moon occurs on April 6,...

Free Candle Spells | Setting Time Parameters in Candle Spell Work

Free Candle Spells | Setting Time Parameters in Candle Spell Work Probably the very hardest thing to consider when doing a candle spell is time. I say this because we live in a multi-task, do-it-now world and it is hard for some to consider allowing time to work things for your benefit. We seem to want it now and have it our way, like the Burger King song, but the Angels, Saints, and even the Heavens above don’t seem to want to work on our terms and on our timeline. Consider a client who orders a green candle to be burned. One candle, burning 5-7 days, depending on various factors. During that week they may find the money stretches a bit farther, but once the candle is out, back to the old routine of “not enough to go around”. I have had them write to me complaining about the supposed inefficiency of the candle. I first ask them, ‘What did you expect the candle to do for you and what actually did happen?’ They did make it through the week, but isn’t the need for money a constant thing as we need to provide for ourselves and others we love? I also ask them if they researched and implemented the Universal Law of Manifesting Abundance.  In a nutshell, this basically “you have to give to get”. So what did they do in good works to secure blessings for themselves? I then suggest having a candle burned for them each week until real progress occurs. I tell them that a candle light petition burn is a flame of prayer for favors requested and/or blessings received. It is truly up to the Just Judge to make the final call whether your petition is granted. Not everyone gets their wish or prayer granted and that is when real dissatisfaction occurs. Another thought is that if your petitions are granted and prosperity comes in through your front door, wouldn’t the investment of a candle being burnt for them once a week minuscule to what they are receiving? Sometimes, clients expect one candle to do “it” for them forever and ever. It is that it needs to be understood that needs change and blessings come and are used, so ensuring constant flows of blessings of abundance is worth the price of a candle once a week. Now consider the person burning pink candles to bring about a lover or to have a lover return to them. There is much anticipation for success to happen and even greater disappointment when answers are not quickly answered. Sometimes the person setting the lights for the lost love is the one who gets the brunt of the blame instead of the petitioner going inside themselves to examine their actions or the actions of the wayward lover which would give greater inner knowledge of the outcome. Sometimes you have to allow Nature runs its’ course, like a pet dog who jumps the fence and is roaming the neighborhood – if they know what is good for them, they will return. If they find something better (because of the petitioner’s actions were not conducive to a loving atmosphere) then they will stay away. Yet many in this position of seeking a return to a time of a loving relationship will blame everyone else and exhaust much efforts with great vigor to get the ‘lost’ one back. There are two things to consider when doing return to me lover candle spells: A different approach in the relationship if the lover reappears and giving oneself an ‘end time’ or final date when no more energy and/or financial efforts will be placed on the one who had left. The reason for the latter in...

Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde – What Does It Mean for You?

Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde – What Does It Mean for You?   A few articles that may help explain a Mercury Retrograde and what it means to you are listed below. it is never too late to backup your files on your computer or double-check that messages have been received and your voice mail is working. Yahoo Shine “Mercury Survival Guide” Mercury Retrograde Table 2009-2012 Another perfect and true explanation of what could happen during a Mercury Retrograde could be that you are left hanging on the telephone. Communications are poor and tense, and minding your “P’s” and “Q’s” is best for all concerned....

Readers Question | What to do with Petitions?

Readers Question | What to do with Petitions? Note: I have saved this question until I was able to capture some photos to go with it for a deeper understanding. – J. Jacqueline, I have been doing some money and fast luck candle work and wanted to know what should I do with the petitions I write? My friend says I can keep them but things change and I don’t always use the same petition each time. Can I throw them away with the glass after the candle is done? What do you do with petition papers? Thanks, Julessa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Julessa, Thank you for sending in a good question. You would not know how many times I have gotten a personal e-mail about what to do with the ends of a candle spell for my candle burning rituals. Here are some great tips: If the spell is for banishing or sending someone away, take it all in a paper bag and leave it at the crossroads with three pennies next to it. Don’t look back. If the spell is for money, bury it in a container (preferably a covered decorated jar) of “lucky” green rice and keep it near your front door or bury it in the backyard to keep the money at home. If the spell is to keep someone from traipsing off (like a wayward lover) wrap it in a sock and bury it in the backyard. Can’t do this? Then get a large pot and place it in the dirt in it and plant a rosemary bush over it (Rosemary is a ‘woman-controls-the-house’ herb) If the spell is for general attraction of all kinds (luck*money*love) bury it at the front door or in a pot of dirt with basil (old time money drawing plant) planted on top of it and place on front porch at front door. If the spell is for protection, bury it in a pot with dirt and a green plant or flowers and keep by steps or front door. Live in an apartment building? Use a pot, real dirt and a fake plant. If it to attract love, wrap it in pink cloth with the appropriate herbs (odd numbers only) and pin to bra or waist of panties. (Really!)     What I do when I burn candles for clients and the candle is done, I snap a photo of the end of the candle burn, then toss the glass in the recycling bin and save the petitions. I then pick a good day – major holiday, Sunday, or some astrological occurrence, and I burn them together outside with a mixture of white sage, frankincense and myrrh. I pray over them and it is essentially a ‘burnt offering’ to the Angels, Saints and the Heavens so they will answer your prayer. I took these photos to show what it looks like:     Best case scenario, use your intuition. If you want something to stay close, keep it close. If you want something (or someone) to go away, then toss it at the crossroads or take it to a flowing stream or river. Hope this helps explain a little further.   Thank you for an excellent question! J.  ...

Free Candle Spells | Daylight Savings Time – March 11, 2012

  It is time for Daylight Savings time! Today, March 11, 2012 is the official day to change your clocks to “spring forward”. Remember to set your clocks forward one hours tonight before retiring. This means Spring is almost here and will arrive on March 20. 2012...

Free Candle Spells | “30 Days to Prosperity – A Candle Vigil Guide”

Free Candle Spells | “30 Days to Prosperity – A Candle Vigil Guide” A new book from Rev. Jacqueline A. Mathers, owner and commentator of www.free-candle-spells.com This book gives you a day-by-day walk through a month long candle burning vigil to increase your prosperity and abundance. In “30 Days to Prosperity-A Candle Vigil Guide”  you will: * Learn how to change how you view money * Learn how to set up your Money Altar * Read inspirational stories and tips on how to use the Universal power of Attraction to increase your money Order today!    ...

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