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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Prosperity Experiment – July 18, 2012...   The Prosperity Experiment begins on July 18, 2012. Read more about what the Prosperity Experiment is by clicking...
  • Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Sagittarius the Archer... Sagittarius rules those born from November 23rd  to December 21st . This zodiac sign is considered “Mutable” Fire sign, which means the energy fluctuates between optimistic  and pessimistic tendencies. This energy is creative and aggressive. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day...
  • Free Candle Spells | Interview with Wizard Candles candlemaker – Pt. 3... This is part three of our interview with Stan Morey, candle maker and owner of Wizardcraft Technologies (www.wizardcandles.com), who gives us insight about the properties of candles, the use of herbs and oils in the candles and the debate of soy vs. paraffin vs. beeswax for candles that are used in candle burning spells FIRST QUESTION: Stan, almost all candles that are burned for magical and spiritual purposes are made from paraffin and since this material is petroleum based and subject to oil price increases and environmental and health issues, could you give us some ideas on the nature of paraffin and some good advice on how to keep...
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Virgo – Be Healthy!... Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Virgo – Be Healthy!      The New Moon in Virgo occurs on September 5, 2013 at 6:36 am E.S.T. This New Moon, in the astrological sign of Virgo, the Virgin, is considered to be a “Mutable” earth sign, meaning the energy of this lunation fluctuates between active and passive and is materialistic and protective. New Moons in Virgo is an excellent time to burn green Money Drawing candles to bring extra income into the household from various streams of resources. This is also a good time to burn candles to promote healing for people, animals and the Earth. In addition, this is a good time to deep clean your altar, taking the...
  • Free Candle Spells | St. Jude/ Saint Jude – St. Judas Tadeo Pink Candle Lasting Love Candle Spell... Free Candle Spells | St. Jude/ Saint Jude – St. Judas Tadeo Pink Candle Lasting Love Candle Spell             Supplies Needed for this Love Candle Spell 1 Pink St. Jude Thaddeus (San Judas Tadeo) Glass 7-Day Novena Candle                                                            (order from www.lucky13clover.com) White Paper (preferably parchment) “Fast Luck” or “C’mere Lover Man” (“Follow Me Girl” if the desired one is female) Condition Oil Red Ink Pen Lemon Juice or Rubbing Alcohol for cleaning the candle Ground Cinnamon to sprinkle on the candle Preparing the Candle: 1. Clean the candle inside and out, wick and...
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Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde Alert! – June 26, 2013

Mercury turns Retrograde for its second of three blocks of time in 2013 on June 26, 2013. As Mercury, the planet of communication and the astrological sign of Gemini, the twins, takes this backwards march through out summer skies, it brings both the good and the ‘bad’ with it. Some of the beneficial aspects of a Mercury Retrograde is that is is a good time to rest and reflect. Journal about where you want to be in three months or next year at this time. Curl up with inspirational reads or common sense books and consider their ideas that you read. Quiet your soul and listen. Now for the ‘bad’ – computers may fail or frizzle out, e-mails go into cyber-Internet-space and snail mail is well…slower than usual. Be proactive and not reactive by paying your bills a day or two earlier, especially if you do electronic bill paying, and if using the postal service, make sure you hand-deliver them to the clerk. Your cell phones may have problems and other items of communication may suffer meltdowns. On the personal front, from June 26th until July 20th, try not to discuss the “heavy” issues such as the path a relationship is going or signing divorce papers. This is also not the time to sign any contracts at all, or make any life-changing big ticket purchases or deals as you may not understand the ‘fine print’ and get wrapped up into something you cannot afford. It has been said that if you get cars repaired during a Mercury Retrograde, sometimes they have to be returned to the mechanic’s shop for a ‘re-do’ because of faulty work. To prepare for a Mercury Retrograde, you should consider: * Backing up your computer * Steer clear of difficult people wo will not understand your words and twist everything you say to them into one nightmare pretzel that you will have to unravel. * Finish craft projects and other things that have been left ‘hanging’ or that have been pushed to the ‘back burner’. This means lots of filing invoices and old bills for me! * If you own a business, review your income and financial goals and readjust your end game goal for 2013. Set a new agenda to get you through until the end of the year. * If you own a physical emporium, now is the time for a deep cleaning of all clutter and stacks of papers. * If you are doing any magical work, make sure you word your petitions correctly and do not be hesitant in your candle burning spells. No ‘beating around the bush’ here – you have to have a clearly defined goal and make sure your heart is in it before beginning your candle spell. * Rest and meditate. There is nothing wrong with doing or saying….nothing! Remember, your tongue can’t ‘dig your grave’ if it isn’t in use so keep certain comments and opinions to yourself and sit quietly and reflect on where you are in this point of your life and plan, plan, plan! Our final Mercury Retrograde will occur October 21st through November 10th later this year...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Gemini – Thoughtful Practicality!

  The New Moon in Gemini occurs on June 8, 2013 at 10:57 AM E.S.T.. This Moon, coupled with the influences of the astrological sign of Gemini, the Twins, is considered to be a “Mutable” Air sign and the energy fluctuates between active and passive and regarding matters of the mind and logical thinking. This New Moon, like all new Moon lunations, is an excellent time for planning and devising new strategies for gain – whether in employment or advancement in your current job, dreaming up new opportunities for gaining abundance and cash flow and for securing and advancements in the matters of love. In regards to candle burning spells, timing is necessary for success and using the mental powers of this Air sign, plan out the timing of your green money, golden success or pink romance candle spells. Other planetary aspects which includes many planets stationing in the zodiac sign of Gemini indicate that a lighthearted mood will prevail and a belief that if we utilize practicality in our planning, we can realize our drams coming true. Since Gemini rules communication thanks to their ruling planet of Mercury, you may see the headlines speak about the media or transportation in the news. The next Full Moon will occur on June 23, 2013....

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Readers Question | Question about St. Jude Pink Love Candle

Readers Question | Question about St. Jude Pink Love Candle Lila asks: Will this work to bring a married couple closer together? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Lila, This is a good question because even though the candle is labeled Saint Jude Pink Love Come to Me Candle, is can be used to bring a new love to you or focus on one particular person.   Parts of the prayer printed on the candle asks for a person who loves the petitioner  unconditionally, supports them in successful endeavors and wants only them (meaning not looking for an outside interest). I would consider doing the St. Jude Pink Love Candle  if there are aspects about one or the other of the couple that need some changing, Parts of the prayer printed on the back read: “Please send to me one who will not cheat, gamble, lie, steal, abuse, or harm me in any way.” Given that, is there parts of the relationship you need to change? He needs to change? It could be suggested that before you consider any candle spell, make a list of what is good and what is bad about the relationship. We have heard this a gazillion times before, but I even use it in my areas of work. What is it that I like or tolerate? What is it about the situation that I have or makes me angry. Writing or keeping a journal is an excellent way to extract feelings without hurting anyone because only your eyes, and maybe your Guardian Angel will know. The use of pink in the color of relationships is because it denotes affection, romance, and tenderness. The color red is considered “too hot” for long-lasting relationships because of the the fiery nature of the candle stirs up passion and can turn a relationship into one of just the physical part of love  (sex) without caring for the other person. It is basically about the “Wham bam,thank you Ma’am”. Not saying that you could use a red candle alongside the St. Jude if the bedroom follies has hit a rut, as sometimes relationships do because of stress, work, kids and just the everyday worries of life. If you are just going through a “rough patch”, then it will aid and assist to bring some tenderness and tranquility to the home. I would suggest the addition of “Peace In My Home” Oil to the candle, mixed with the St. Jude Love Oil that comes in the kit. Order your St. Jude Love Candle kit by clicking here: St. Jude Pink Love Candle Kit Thank you for the good question! J,  ...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Sagittarius and a Lunar Eclipse!

The Full Moon in Sagittarius will occur on May 24, 2013 at 11:25 pm E.S.T. This moon, in the astrological sign of Sagittarius, the Archer, is considered to be a “Mutable” Fire sign, which means that it is in flux between passive and aggressive, pessimistic and optimistic and is very creative. In addition to this lunar phase, there is also a Lunar Eclipse occurring.This eclipse advises the possibility of illness so do not overdo it. Additional planetary aspects have Uranus and Pluto having hard aspects with one another on the 25th and 26th. Control your temper and watch your tongue! This conflict between the two planets can also casuse major financial changes for you. It is also a time to watch yourself when exercising and travel, as you may become injured in some way. Be careful around electrical appliances. Traditional candle burning rituals during the Full Moon time is for letting go and banishing or “chasing away” in nature. If something have been plaguing you, it is time to ‘clean house’ and get rid of negativity and depression. Doing a deep clean during this time will welcome in new, fresh concepts, ideas and even material goods in the next New Moon. Re-arrange furniture, clean out closets and garages and toss anything that will not be used within the next three months. You will feel lighter and ready for positive candle work in two weeks. The next New Moon will occur on June 8,...

Free Candle Spells | What is Hoodoo?

Free Candle Spells | What is Hoodoo?   Hoodoo is a term associated with a folkloric belief system that is prevalent throughout the Southern United States as well a certain major Northern United States cities such as Chicago, New York, Detroit and other cities which attracted a large African-American workforce from 1930’s to the present. In it’s simplest form, hoodoo is African spirituality combined with Native American botanical knowledge and borrows from both cultures in a blend of beliefs regarding the use of herbs, spices and ‘roots’ to affect the outcome of a situation in one’s life or to repel negative aspects or attract benevolent ones into their lives. The photograph above shows a money drawing altar set for attracting money that includes a lodestone (in dish under fanned dollar bills) a money lamp (far right) a green pyramid candle, a mojo bag (kept in silver bowl receptacle upper right) and a photo of if the intended recipient of said money, as well as other traditional hoodoo items. Hoodoo was common in the lives of African-Americans from the time the enslaved ones were brought to this country to work for the booming sugar, tobacco, and cotton plantations that reached from Jamestown, VA, through the Southern United States, Cuba, Haiti, and on through Central America all the way to Brazil. It is classified in cultural anthropological terms as contagious magic because of the use of the intended ‘victim’s’ personal items such as clothing, jewelry, or even the hair from their head or a fingernail clipping. It also uses the elements of sympathetic or imitative magic by the use of items that can supernaturally affected through using an object representing the ‘victim’ as a poppet, doll baby or by using what is commonly known as a voodoo doll. To read the Wikipedia explanation of the history of hoodoo, please click here. Hoodoo is a subject of early blues music that came from the migration of Mississippi Delta and Low Country musicians who took the route of Highway 61 north to Chicago where many musicians became popular. Traveling musicians such as Robert Johnson , who referenced magical practices in his songs such as “Come on in my Kitchen”, “Crossroad Blues” and “Hellhound on my Trail”. Other musicians spoke of hoodoo in their songs, such as “Seven Sisters Blues Pt. 1″ and “Seven Sister Blues Pt. 2” by J.T. “Funny Papa” Smith, “Sold it to the Devil” by Black Spider Dumpling (a.k.a. John D. Twitty) and “Don’t put that Thing on Me” by Clifford Gibson.   Many people practice various candle burning rituals that are loosely related to hoodoo without even knowing it. Many Spiritualist churches have anointing services and candlelight services, along with foot washing services, that are related to hoodoo, yet many Godly people will say they will not “mess with that stuff”, yet will burn 7-day “Novena” vigil candles in glass to the 7 African Powers and green money candles for added income to their wallets. Hoodoo has seen a resurgence of interest since 2003 with the publication of a book by cat yronwode called “Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic” and the many stores that have developed by people who want to rekindle the connections with their own ancestral past as well and a down-to-earth American tradition that is losing some of its best historians, the older candle shop proprietors themselves.      ...

Free Candle Spells | Solar Eclipse – May 10, 2013

Free Candle Spells | Solar Eclipse – May 10, 2013 There is a Solar Eclipse on Friday, May 10, 2013. Read more about what to expect during this eclipse on Free Candle Spells by clicking...

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