Posted by Jacqueline on Nov 5th, 2013 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Scorpio – A Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse as Well!
The New Moon in Scorpio occurs at 7:50 am E.S.T on November 3, 2013. In addition, just an hour before the Hybrid Solar Eclipse begins at 6:45 am E.S.T. A hybrid solar eclipse is when the Sun and the Moon work together in this event. The Sun will begin with an Annular or “ring of Fire” eclipse but then the Moon will sweep across Earth to create this rare sight. Other holidays or events happen this week such as All Souls Day that is celebrated on November 2nd and Dwali, the Festival of Lights begins on November 3rd for Hindi, Sikh and Jain believers. New Moon time is traditionally held as a time to light candles and perform rituals of attraction, money drawing, success drawing and love. If these are the items you want to bring into your life, burn green candles to attract money, yellow candles for success, red candles for all around “Good Luck” and pink candles to attract a viable suitor for your affection. Other planetary aspects during the next two weeks bring in more clarity to a situation after the Solar Eclipse. If the eclipse was near your birthday, this will be a memorable year. Others may see problems in the world monetary markets, as there is a pessimistic attitude towards investing and care an caution needs to be taken with finances since people may tend to overspend due to the upcoming holiday season. A small error in calculations can spin out of control so do not be distracted when balancing your checkbook. In fact, issues over the “control of the purse strings” will continue after the Full Moon and throughout the month. By the 28th, lighter attitudes will prevail so attend that holiday gathering and open up lines of communication. The next Full Moon occurs on November 17, 2013. Free Candle Spells is an informational blog site for all things related to candle rituals...
Posted by Jacqueline on Oct 17th, 2013 in Mercury Retrograde | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde Alert! – October 21, 2013
Mercury, the ruling planet of the astrological signs of Gemini and Virgo, will go Retrograde on October 21, 2013. It will stay at this position until November 11, 2013 and this will be during the time that the Moon will be in the astrological signs of Libra until October 23rd) and Scorpio (October 24th-November 11th), so persons born under these signs may be affected a bit more in regards to delays in decisions and advancement. Mercury Retrogrades affect people in various ways, depending on where the planet Mercury is stationing at the time of their birth. Most Mercury Retrogrades will cause us to have postal mail deliveries of important documents take longer or become ‘lost in the mail’, so it is best that when a Mercury Retrograde is coming, try to mail the credit card payments in a day or two early to ward off any delays. Many times there are communication mistakes such as your e-mails go off into the Twilight Zone and are never delivered to the intended recipient or what is said to you and what you say to others can be misconstrued and taken the wrong way. Mercury is the planet of communication in all forms. This is the time to slow down, re-read, re-state your proposal or intention, and try to not make any hasty or important and life-changing decisions until after November 15th. The next few days are a great time to get all your thoughts of future projects on paper and stash it somewhere for decisive moves in three weeks because Mercury Retrogrades are also the time to rest, contemplate and plan. Cocoon in your favorite comfy clothes or blanket on the couch and journal or sort all those family photos into books and boxes. Make your holiday menus and shopping lists. File stacks of mail and bills in the cabinet or closet and re-arrange your winter and summer clothes tubs. Go through your old clothes and donate gently-used items to the thrift store and toss the worn down flip-flops. Grab a good book or use this “down-time” to meditate and spend time in prayer with the Heavens above. Nap and drink lots of tea. Given that we are also experiencing a Lunar Eclipse on the 22nd, the greater message here is: “The divide of the two opposites is so wide that each appears as if the other is a foreigner or an alien. Making your way through the middle ground of these two opposites is the best course of action for survival” NOTE: It is strongly urged that when you feel you are in ‘crisis mode’, do not use perception-altering substances such as drugs or alcohol as the pressures of this time may influence a larger quantity or dosage than normal to quiet your thoughts. Again, use sensibility and calming herbal teas, naps and relying on the power of control and Spirit to get you through. This is the last of three Mercury Retrogrades for 2013. The next Mercury Retrograde is in February 2014. I have written blog posts in the past regarding Mercury Retrogrades, and you can view them here: Burning Reversible Candles to ward off things that may occur during this time is a great way to keep the problems ‘on the down low’ and to keep an even balance on all things that might come up. To order the three pack of Reversible Candle to be burned for you during this time, click on the button below and candles will be started for you and will continue to burn through November 11, 2013 to reverse any potential issues that might raise their ugly heads. Order Today! ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Oct 15th, 2013 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Aries – A Lunar Eclipse to Boot!
The Full Moon in Aries occurs on October 18, 2013 at 6:38 pm E.S.T. Along with the energies of this Moon there is a Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses are emotionally charged and triggers change and revolt. We are already seeing this with the many protests going on this past weekend leading up to this eclipse. The Full Moon in Aries the Ram, which is ruled by the planet Mars, and with other planetary influences, will usher in a time of reckoning. If your birthday is this week (Oct. 18th-26th), this might very well be a year with memorable surprises. Full Moon times are traditionally associated with “banishing”, “reversing”, “waning”, “repelling”, “decreasing” and getting rid of the status quo or the situation at hand-type of candle spells. * NOTE: Lighting a blue Peace Candle exactly at 6:38 pm eastern/5:38 pm central/4:38 pm mountain/3:48 pm pacific time will aid and assist you through this lunar transit. If you have a decision to make this week that will involve great change or the initiation of a major project, be mindful that you will need to make adjustments along the way to your goal and you may have many obstacles to overcome before the final project is completed. Take a deep breath and tiny steps to ease frustration as you move towards completion of your goal. This is a time where “Fate” takes over, so things that matter to you might not seem so important while other issues that to you seem inconsequential will become larger issues. Go with the flow with caution and careful planning during the next two weeks. The next New Moon will occur on November 3, 2013. Free Candle Spells brings you valid information for your spiritual and magical...
Posted by Jacqueline on Oct 1st, 2013 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Libra – Collaboration and Ethics!
The New Moon in Libra will occur at 7:35 pm E.S.T. on October 4, 2013. This Moon, in the sign of Libra the scales, is considered to be a “Cardinal” Air sign, meaning that the energy is considered, inventive, innovative and intellectual. This New Moon is considered a good time to create new altar cloths and robes and to replenish your altar supplies. The New Moon is traditionally held as a time for increase and “drawing in” or “bringing in”, and this Libra Moon is favorable in teamwork activities and jointly held projects. This is the time to search for and accept alliances for the common cause and assistance and collaboration. “Many hands make the work light” is a time honored saying that fits the mood of this lunation. Dynamic results could be had if more than one person is working to create a new project. This is a good time to burn golden yellow Success candles anointed with Lucky Mojo Crown of Success Oil. Other planetary aspects going on at this time is that Pluto will aid in financial dealings and the planet Mars will bring in the feeling of ethical action. You may see news of ethical responsibility in governmental dealings as there may be a call to action for the Government to ‘clean up’ its act. The next Full Moon will occur on October 18,...
Posted by Jacqueline on Sep 18th, 2013 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Pisces – Sensitivity and Patience!
The Full Moon in Pisces (at 26 degrees) occurs at 6:13 am E.S.T. on September 19, 2013. This lunation may be mentioned in other astrology pamphlets and websites as being in the sign of Aries, but at 26 degrees, it is on the cusp of both signs, so aspects of each needs to be recognized. The energy of the Full Moon in Pisces is considered to be a “Mutable” Water sign which means that it is highly emotional and psychic, but also erratic and deceptive. Full Moons in Pisces are also an excellent time to retreat with a journal and contemplate your new plans and just plain rest. The Full Moon is traditionally held as a time to do “Release”, “Banishing” and “Reversal” type of candle work. If you are considering making decisive and concrete plans to change a situation back to where it was in the beginning or to reverse a decision or occurrence, then now is the time to do this type of candle burning ritual. You can order candle services like this at Tarot by Spells Additional aspects during this Full Moon is that once the Full Moon stations at 26 degrees Pisces, within a day it will then move into Aries, the Ram, bringing in more energy and with that, drama! It would be advisable to be calm and patient as must as possible in the next two weeks as some will embellish the “story” and the tales will be long and drawn out. These embellishments will distort the facts and will make it hard to get down to the real ‘nitty-gritty’ of any situation, so you must have a dollop of patience in your cup of tea as you listen to overblown ideas blocking details and data. Remember, before losing your cool, mute the phone or simply do not answer e-mails or calls until you get the facts. Ultimately, be careful with words and sensitive as possible, especially to women and those who are unable to defend themselves. The next New Moon occurs on October 4, 2013. Free Candle Spells welcomes successful candle spell recipes and rituals from our readers. If you have utilized a candle spell that was successful for you, please submit it and we’ll post it!...
Posted by Jacqueline on Sep 12th, 2013 in Readers Questions | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Readers Question – Candle Spells on a Budget
Jacqueline, how do I use candle magic to increase my income when I am on a limited budget? Everywhere I go it seems that these shops want me to invest $50.00-$100.00 for candle work. People I have talked to say that other places want more. How can I increase my money without going broke? Sheila ******* Sheila, I completely understand about expensive candle spell work and such, but you have to consider their situation. Some questions you might ask yourself (or even them) is how many years have they been practicing? Do they have any ‘proof’ of success (letters of thanks, testimonies, etc.) that they can show you, what do you actually get for your money? Yes, candle spell work varies from a nominal amount ($10-$20) to expensive ($50+) and you want to weight the options you have and how the candle spell is worked for you. Let’s say that you have a job interview coming up and you want a candle burned for you so you get the job. Timing is crucial to the candle work, but also Faith. While the job may seem perfect for you, you may find that the boss is a b*&ch (think of the movie “The Devil Wears Prada” – glamorous job, hell of a woman!) and no amount of money can keep you dealing with her. If the Angels, Saints and the Heavens did not grant you that job, then maybe the job was not meant for you. Maybe changing your desire or focus would result in greater success. This is where petition writing comes into importance. Here is my best example of success regarding petition writing. My own love life as a shambles as I was always focusing on the type of man that was not suitable for me – mainly because my focus was not clear. Once I figured out what was “good” for me, determined by God, and not what I thought I needed, then I was finally successful in a long-lasting relationship. When I now describe this occurrence some 12 years ago, I say I was like a diabetic going onto a candy shop – choosing men who looked so sweet then they leave you in a coma from drama on the floor. Once I fine-tuned my petition to ask that the perfect person come to me, then I was able to have a relationship that endured the test of time and teenagers! Now, you might be thinking that doing the spell yourself might result in savings, beware, because you may not have all the ingredients or have proper training in ritual and petition writing for a successful outcome. This is why you might want to sign up for classes, coaching sessions, do more research, or have your candle shop person tutor you in ritual so that you can perform the ritual correctly. If you decide to use taper candles (like the ones that are placed on the table at Thanksgiving and such), it may be cheaper but in my opinion, it has less “bang” than a larger 7-day “Novena” Vigil Candle in glass. For matters such ad “Road Opening” or “Block Busting”, keeping the pressure on the issue by burning a series of candles may start the process moving for you. The larger candles just have more “oomph” in a spiritual way so that the pressure is constant on your goal. Taper candles are a great way to add quick bursts of energy to a prevailing candle, like a splash of espresso in your mocha, to amplify the energy, especially at the time you are in the interview or taking that final exam. The...
Posted by Jacqueline on Sep 5th, 2013 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Virgo – Be Healthy!
The New Moon in Virgo occurs on September 5, 2013 at 6:36 am E.S.T. This New Moon, in the astrological sign of Virgo, the Virgin, is considered to be a “Mutable” earth sign, meaning the energy of this lunation fluctuates between active and passive and is materialistic and protective. New Moons in Virgo is an excellent time to burn green Money Drawing candles to bring extra income into the household from various streams of resources. This is also a good time to burn candles to promote healing for people, animals and the Earth. In addition, this is a good time to deep clean your altar, taking the altar cloths to be laundered and starched and dusting all your statues, images, candlesticks and such as well as wiping down the table and surrounding areas with a mild solution of clear ammonia for negativity busting and then follow up with a second wipe down with Van Van or another lemon- scented household product. Some other planetary aspects during this lunation warms to be extra careful with the packaging and handling of food as well as medications, as some may have a reaction during this time. The zodiac sign of Virgo promotes all things natural, you may consider seeing a naturopathic cure or beginning a new healthy regimen at this time. Reflexology, colonic therapy and cleansing/detox sessions would be especially beneficial. The next Full Moon occurs on September 19, 2013....