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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Sour Jar Spell to Sour or Ruin a Relationship... Free Candle Spells | Sour Jar Spell to Sour or Ruin a Relationship           A sour jar, sometimes know as a vinegar jar, is a traditional hoodoo spellwork to set two people, or a group of people, in opposition with each other. This jar, when activated, is alleged to create discord and fights, arguments and ill will within the group or between the two individuals. Sour jars have many different ‘recipes’ or lists of ingredients to provoke or incite different reactions. Here is a list of some ingredients and what reactions they can create:   White Vinegar – souring/dissolving of relationship Whiskey – Bitter/harsh words. Illusion of being ‘tipsy/drunk/incoherent’ Vodka – freeze this in jar to make work...
  • Prosperity Experiment – Our Beginnings and Blessings | Week One... Prosperity Experiment – Our Beginnings and Blessings | Week One Greetings! For those who are following the progress of our Prosperity Experiment participants, let me tell you, for some of them, things came suddenly and surprisingly! One participant, known as P., told us of her first day encounter with a person who had hired her in a past job to be the one who eliminated unproductive employees. This boss eventually fired her! She had he moment of clarity when she visited a retail outlet and saw him behind the counter! WOW! Her “reward”, if you could really call it that, was a sincere apology for the way he treated her and he asked for forgiveness. What a time to...
  • Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Allspice in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells... Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Allspice in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells     Allspice, also known as Jamaica Pepper, are the dried berries of the Pimenta dioica plant found in the Antilles and Central America. It has a sweet, smoky scent and is reminiscent of the combination of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg together. The English dubbed this spice “Allspice” as they were reminded of these three flavors as well. Allspice is used as a ingredient in spiritual products for Good Luck, Fast Luck and Money. You can anoint a red candle for “luck in a hurry” with Fast Luck Oil, a yellow candle for success with Crowning Glory or Crown of Success Oil or a green candle anointed with Money...
  • New Moon in Pisces | March 15, 2010 – Get Ready to Roll!... The New Moon in Pisces will occur at 4:02 pm on Monday, March 15, 2010. The Pisces Moon is considered “Mutable” and the energy that goes with the sign is highly emotional, erratic and intuitive. New Moon time is auspicious to burn candles to bring in “good things” into your World. This can mean new relationships, money and success. Burn red candle spells for passion, pink candles for romance, green candles for money and yellow candle spells for success. This is also a good time to burn purple candles for psychic development anointed with “Psychic Vision” Oil. It is time to begin new projects and revisit ones that were...
  • Full Moon in Cancer | Thursday, December 31, 2009 – Things are Getting Better!... The Full Moon in Cancer will occur at 2:14 pm E.S.T. on Thursday, December 31, 2009. Not only is this a Full Moon but a “Blue Moon” as well; one of two Full Moons within the 31 days of December. There will also be a Lunar Eclipse today as well. The Moon in Cancer is considered “Cardinal”; it is emotional, energetic and innovative. Lighting candles during this time for swaying the influence of others or controlling and compelling others to do as they promised or as you wish is suggested. Full Moon candle burning rituals are used for banishing and sending away things that are negative in nature –...
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Readers Questions | Pink Candle Spell for Love – Success with St. Jude Pink Candle Spell

Readers Questions | Pink Candle Spell for Love – Success with St. Jude Pink Candle Spell   After returning from a quick Christmas fun trip, I found this very positive affirmation of a good outcome for a love spell waiting in my e-mail! Congratulations! Jacqueline, I wanted to tell you that the suggestion of burning the pink St. Jude candle for love worked for me! If you remember, I had a reading before Halloween and was telling you that despite my relationship with Jason being good, I wanted to know how I stood with him. If you remember we had been going out for 2 years and I wanted to know if there was a future from him and me. You said in the tarot reading that I had more school to get through (that was obvious) but I was going to be surprised at the New Year with my relationship. You suggested that I burn the pink St. Jude Candles for clarity on whether our relationship was right and if Jason was the right man for me. I finally found them at Wal Mart (that was an ordeal!) and I began asking God that if Jason and I were to be together, that he would give me a sign so that I can continue on with my studies without worrying if I was headed down a wrong path with Jason. Between the reading and now, I must have burned about 9 candles (I wasn’t very up on getting one started right away when the last one went out). After about a week or so after beginning the first candle, Jason began calling me more and had a change in his voice, like he was thinking more about me and my wishes and goals. We were going along fine but while Christmas shopping for our families, we went into a jewelry store in the mall and we were just looking. He asked me which ring I liked and I jokingly pointed out one that was a larger solitaire that I figured that he could afford. We laughed about it but I didn’t think anything more about it. Well….on Christmas Day, Jason gave me a present – a box about the size of a small shoe box. Thinking it was clothing or something, I opened it but while opening it, another smaller box fell out. I unwrapped it and inside it was a tiny box- with the same ring in it that I was joking about getting! I was shocked because I know this ring was well over $2000.00 easily. But WOW! what a surprise! I am so thankful that I have confirmation that Jason is the right person for me and I wanted to let you know that the pink candle love spell for Saint Jude really works! Merry Christmas and THANK YOU! Jennifer G. Atlanta, GA    ...

The Second Prosperity Experiment – January 2 -31, 2009 | Prosperity is Mine in 2009!

We are about ready to begin our second Prosperity Experiment on January 2, 2009 and go through the month of January burning green candles on the money altar to bring in prosperity for ourselves and our loved ones! You can participate in the second Prosperity Experiment. It’s easy! Register and make a payment of $30.00 for your Prosperity Experiment candles (6 candles) plus daily affirmations about how you can use the affirmations in your daily life. You will also receive a CD of Affirmations to listen to in your car as you drive to work or in the home while going about your daily responsibilities as my gift. A second gift of Triple Strength Money Drawing Oil is also a gift from me to you to use with the special ways to anoint items to bring in more money! A special downloadable book, “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles is an additional free gift from me to you during this special exclusive event! Again, once you click this PayPal payment button, you will go right to an invoice to enter your payment information. After your payment is accepted, you will be receiving an e-mail from me asking you for your name and e-mail address so that you will be added into our private Prosperity group and receive a link for your first FREE GIFT! 01/03/09 – Our journey has begun. Please look for the next Prosperity Experiment...

New Moon in Capricorn | December 27, 2008 – Security is the Word!

The New Moon in Capricorn will occur at 7:23 E.S.T. on Saturday, December 27, 2008. This second moon in the month of December is yet another that we have to be cautious in regards to our surroundings. The lunation earlier in the month taught us to be careful with our communications with loved ones. Capricorn is a “cardinal” sign – meaning it is one of three materialistic signs in the zodiac, and perhaps the most materialistic since Capricorn is an Earth sign. This sign is all about our land, home and belongings to create a haven or shelter for us. It is practical, innovative and energetic. This New Moon portends of “police action” and security attacks in all areas.  A similar New Moon with emphasis of agitation with the planet Kronos was evident during the the attacks on the World Trade Center. This New Moon would be the right time to light green candles anointed with Money Drawing Blessing Oil, Pay Me Condition Oil or Money House Blessings Blessing Oil for money that you might have thought you would never see again and for unexpected windfalls. The financial blessings this lunation might be from unexpected sources. This is also a good time to burn yellow or green candles to bring in constant flows of necessity money. This money is the amount that you bring in every month , from your emplyment or other soures that comes on an even, regulated basis. Remember to give a financial blessing to a charity close to you or that spreads the Good Word around in a fashion of which you can relate. True blessed income is the blessings that you receive while blessing others who need your assistance now....

Yule Log – The Traditional Light for Christmas

Yule Log – The Traditional Light for Christmas The Yule Log was a traditional item given great honor on Christmas Eve, This piece of wood, cut from a hearty tree and carried home with singing and great merriment, would light and heat the home in anticipation of the Holiday. Legend has it that the master of the house would pour various liquors on it and anoint the piece of wood with oils, salt and wine, and the family would gather around it and prayers would be said. Belief held was that the cinders of the burnt Yule Log would keep the Devil from plaguing the home in the coming year. Reaching further back in civilizations’ history, a Pagan ritual was that on the Winter Solstice, a large log lit to keep evil spirits away as they waited on the longest night of the year for the Sun to rise again. Certain species of trees would be chosen for their magical properties such as Aspen: invokes understanding of the Grand Scheme or Design Birch: signifies a new beginning Holly: invokes visions and reveals the past Oak: burnt for healing and strength Pine: signifies prosperity, growth and bounty Willow: invokes the Goddess to achieve desired outcomes During the Victorian era, many drawing of St. Nicholas, also known as Father Christmas, would be depicted as carrying a Yule Log over one shoulder and dragging a red bag full of toys in the other. To read more about these traditions, please go to: http://www.stcharleschristmas.com/yulelog. htm...

Don’t Forget! The Banishing Ritual and Candle Petition Ritual for 2008 | December 31, 2008

Don’t Forget! The Banishing Ritual and Candle Petition Ritual for 2008 | December 31, 2008 If you have had sorrow and negativity in 2008, it is time to join in the Good Bye 2008! Banishing Ritual and Candle Petition Ceremony on December 31, 2008. The next few days will be the last that I can take orders for the tea light candle petitions and “black doll babies” (sometimes known as “poppets” or “voodoo dolls”). For more information about the 2008 Banishing Ritual and Candle Petition Ritual, please go to: http://www.tarotbyjacqueline.com/banish2008.html % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %...

December 17th – Feast of Saint Lazarus|San Lazaro|Babaluaye

December 17th – Feast of Saint Lazarus|San Lazaro|Babaluaye December 17th is the feast day of St Lazarus. He was the poor man who sat at the gates of the city and begged for alms while dogs licked at his wounds. Lazarus is the brother of Saints Martha and Mary, and was a close friend of Jesus. It is believed that it was Jesus who raised Lazarus from the dead after being placed in a tomb for four days. It is then that Lazarus emerged from the tomb without any imperfection, illness or impurity. San Lazaro, as he is known in the Latino culture, is petitioned for serious illness or any deformities of the body of any kind. He can be seen as a patron Saint for many who suffer from skeletal disfigurements, as he is believed to help relieve the suffering and also the pain of being ostracized for their disability. In the Afro-Caribbean religions of Lukumi and Santeria, Lazaro is also known as Babaluaye. When you trace the history of his devotion back to Africa, Babaluaye is the God of Smallpox, Sompanna or Champana, which has ravaged the Continent for centuries. In this religious path, the ile (or Houses of Worship) open their doors to any who are afflicted. The devotees stand on large white sheets and have various grains poured over them such as rice, beans, corn, lentils and such, to absorb the illness and disease. Many will receive “limpias” or “limpiezas”, full body “cleanings” or “cleansings” of herbs, cigar smoke, Florida Water and/or White Rum. If one Santero or Santera becomes “possessed” by the Spirit, he or she will given wise cousel to whom he believes needs it. The grains are collected and wrpped up in the white sheeting to be disposed of properly.A feast usually is served afterwards. Saint Lazarus’ candle is purple and I always suggest burning a purple candle devoted to him, along with a glass of white wine (he cannot accept water as an offering, as it exacerbates smallpox)....

Rekindle a Lost Love | Bring Back Lover | Come Back Candle Spell

The Holidays and Winter’s chill gives us more time for introspection – which is exactly what Mother Nature wanted us to do. It is a time to withdraw from life, curl up and ponder the “what if’s” and “if only” that the Season brings. Spending the Holidays alone is an especially tough time when the break up was over something minor or if clear communication was not expressed while the two persons involved were together.     Here is a Candle Spell to Encourage a Lost Loved One to Reconsider and Return Ingredients 1 White 7-Day Novena Candle in glass 1 Blue 7-Day Novena Candle in glass 1 Pink 7-Day Novena Candle in glass 1 Red 7-Day Novena Candle in glass Photo of Lost Lover Petition Letter Addressed to Lover Full Name and Birth Date written on 4 slips of white paper 1 bottle Peaceful Home Condition Oil 1 bottle of Return to Me Condition Oil 1 bottle of Healing Condition Oil 1 bottle of Blessing Condition Oil First, clean all candles with lemon juice (see prior posts in the “Proper Candle Preparation” category on right. Let dry. Trim wick to 1 inch. Take one each of the name papers with birth date on it and tape it to the bottom of each candle. Write your petition letter to your lost lover, then anoint each of the corners of the paper with one drop of each oil in a cris-cross pattern like this: 1                              3 4                              2 You must place a drop in the area labeled with a “1”, then move down to “2”, then over to “3”, ending with “4”. Do this one oil at a time. Then place three drops of Blessing Oil in the White Candle. Place three drops of Healing Oil in the Red Candle, Place three drops of Peaceful Home Oil in the Blue Candle and three drops of Return to Me Oil in the Pink Candle. Place a large glass dish or Pyrex Pie Pan in an area that will not be disturbed. Place petition letter to lost lover on plate or dish. Set the Red Candle in the farthest back center of the dish. Place the White Candle in the right side of the dish, and the Blue Candle on the Left. Place the photo of your lost lover in the center of this candle configuration. Place the final Pink Candle in front of photo and center front of dish. Pray the Lord’s Prayer (Psalm 23) three times and then ask the Angels to bring them back into contact with you. Take some time each day to do this in the morning and again each night until the candles burn out. While praying, stare intently into the candle flame, calling to them with the Voice of Your Mind; meaning you do not actually “say” their name with your voice but hear it being screamed out of your mind and projecting it through your eyes to the candle flame. You may even see the candle flicker or jump about wildly when you do this, only to calm down or stop wavering once you are through. Repeat this candle configuration until you hear some news of them or hear from them. NOTE: Please be aware that the longer you are apart, as long it may take for you to burn candles for them until you hear from them. It is very few the occurrences that one candle “worked” or “did the job”.  ...

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