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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Saint Joseph’s Day Altar | March 19, 2009 – Petition Candles... Saint Joseph’s Day Altar | March 19, 2009 – Petition Candles Order your white 7 -day novena type petition candle for your husband, father, stepfather, grandfather, brother or even for a single mother who is taking care of the family with assistance from a spouse.  Each order will include a gift of fava beans and a prayer card with complete instructions on how to use the fava beans to bring in Good Luck....
  • Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply Catalog... Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply Catalog   ***** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! *****   Lucky 13 Clover, our sister website, is pleased to announce the debut of it’s new catalog! Even though it is in it’s infancy, it is chock full of tips, legend and traditions in regards to hoodoo and conjure and is expanding by the day. Our catalog has information on how to properly clanse, anoint and bless a candle for your candle spell, magickal uses for oils and herbs, and more. Order a catalog today for $1.00 to cover postage and receive a $5.00 discount coupon for your first order. Click here to order your Lucky 13 Clover catalog!...
  • Full Moon in Leo | January 30, 2010 – Resolve Your Differences with Peace!... The Full Moon in Leo occurs on Saturday, January 30, 2010 at E.S.T. This lunation, in the sign of Leo, is considered “Fixed”; meaning the energy expelled is unchangeable, aggressive, consistent and creative. The message of the Full Moon in Leo is that it is time to resolve your differences and do it with a peaceful, loving manner. We are not all perfect and all make mistakes. You can be civil  in public to those who have wronged you – you just don’t need to invite them into your life again! This is an opportune time to recreate your altar and to create your most dramatic spell. Remembering that...
  • Free Candle Spells | All Spiritual Healers and Readers! Get National Recognition!... Tarot Readers, Rootworkers, Spiritual Workers!   Question 1: Do you have enough clients?   Question 2: Wouldn’t you like to increase traffic to your spiritual supplies website or have more business?   If you are already busy beyond feasibly attending to every client, then this post is not for you. Free-candle-spells.com is organizing an international directory of readers, spell casters, psychics, healers and spiritual supply businesses that will assist all readers who visit the site. With over 5,000 visitors a month, you are sure to get local recognition for your local clients! A full, one page biography of you and what you do, including photos, links to your website or...
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New Moon in Leo | August 20, 2009 – Inspiration or Illusion?

The New Moon in Leo occurs on August 20, 2009 at 5:02 am E.S.T. The New Moon is a time to “bring in” or “begin” new things such as new love, new money (or mo’ money!), new opportunities and more. A New Moon in Leo means pull out the glitz! Drape you money altar in gold lame’ swatches of cloth, pile brass bowls high with real foreign money or get some brand spaking new copper pennies and fill them up. Add yellow candles anointed with “Success” Anointing Oil to your regular green and red candle line up. Make sue to use “Prosperity” or “Money Drawing ” Oil on the green candles and “Fast Luck” on the red candles. The Leo New Moon is considered “Fixed”, meaning aggressive, stable, creative and unchangable. This lunation is considered by some as the most favorable Moon to initiate love spells for a new romance as the Leo Moon is demonstrative and lavish in words and gifts. If this is what you seek, then write your most prolific prose and burn pink and red candles with “Fire of Love”, “Come to Me” “Kiss Me Now” and “Look Me Over” Condition/Anointing Oils for romantic love and fiery physical love now. This euphoric time might be marred by a harsh reality breaking the spell of some illusionary web that is being woven by a inspiration teacher or guide. This might create an unreality full of intellect. Make sure you can seperate the message from the messenger. Our next Full Moon will occur on September 18,...

Free Candle Spells | UPDATE – Cancer and Fire Causing Condition/Anointing Oils

You would not believe the amount of response that I have had over last week’s article about cheaper Condition and Anointing Oils being mass produced for the public that causes fires in the home and also contains a cancer causing agent, diethyl phthalate, that is a solvent for the airplane industry. I had a client come over and actually hand me her bottle and ask me that I get rid of it for her! Here it is! Now ironically, the cost she paid at the other spiritual store was more than if she were to buy ‘the good stuff’ like the Lucky Mojo Co. line and get a few candles at her local grocers. I had e-mails of others who had the very same reaction to a candle burning the whole top of the candle while using these oils. She said that she didn’t know what to do except place a plate over the whole candle glass top to smother out the candle, which by that time, was unable to be used again from all the black soot around the glass. Make sure you get your high quality, long lasting Condition and Anointing Oils at...

Free Candle Spells | Cancer and Fire Causing Condition/Anointing Oils

Free Candle Spells | Cancer and Fire Causing Condition/Anointing Oils We just made a trip up to Forestville to Lucky Mojo Curio Co. and we have a fresh stock of all your favorites! We want to extoll the virtues of using these fine, all-natural Condition and Anointing Oils as they contain NO DIETHYL PHTHALATES! What is this, you ask? Diethyl Phthalate is a solvent that is used in the airplane manufacturing industry and has been noted as a “stretcher” or “carrier” oil for products coming from other, cheaper lines of Spiritual Supply outlets. This “off smelling” or “chemical smelling” additive to the cheaper condition oil lines from various companies such as Anna Riva, Seven Sister of New Orleans, Dr. Pryor’s and Ajax are mainly manufactured out of Los Angeles, CA and more recently, Texas, under the company name International Imports and Indio Products. The reason for adding it is because it “stretched” or doubles the batch – making one bottle now two, thus doubling the profits for the company. Here are a few photos of the products I am warning you about:     Various Indio Products Oils containing Diethyl Phthalates This is a cancer causing additive that should not be inhaled (like burning anointed candles) or applied to the body (like anointing yourself). You can detect the chemical-y and/or gasoline-y, petroleum based smell when you uncap these oils. One of the reasons I tout smaller lines such as Lucky Mojo is that the Lucky Mojo line is all natural – their oil base is a combination of mineral oil (like baby oil) almond and olive oil. The essences, herbs, root and flowers that are steeped in the oils are collected naturally and/or are supplied from companies that also supply food service products. Another reason that I caution you is that these petroleum based products will burn your house down! What happens in a lot of candle burning is that if the spiritual worker gives you a certain number of drops to use in your candles, a great number of people will add more – either by accident or intentionally. Like laundry detergent, some think that if you “add a bit more’ the clothes will get cleaner – not true. So if you have a vessel with an inch of liquid wax (a petroleum based product) and float a teaspoonful or more of one of these condition oils on top of the liquid wax, the whole top of the candle starts burning – not just the wick!  it becomes something like a roman candle on the 4th of July and will crack the glass, causing the mixture to flow onto altar linens and leave a trail for the flame to follow. This will start a fire on your altar, causing loss to property and maybe even humans. Instead of taking that risk of loss to life and property, invest in all-natural Condition and Anointing Oils like the ones carried by Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply....

Readers Questions | Eben’s Vinegar Jar Spell – Week 3

Readers Questions | Eben’s Vinegar Jar Spell – Week 3 Readers, This is a continued effort from Eben to keep us informed about his Vinegar Jar spell he conducted on behalf of a friends who is being taken advantage of in their good nature by the “victim” or “target”. Read more about the beginning part of this psells by clicking the “Vinegar Jar Spells” Category on the right. Thank you  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Eben writes: …So, my 3 weeks was up on the 6th. I had talked with my friend asking her point blank, but in a nice way, about how her relationship is going with the target. She was very upbeat and said it was going good. I said that I noticed that they didn’t fight so much as some couples and she said that they fight over stupid things, but nothing major. She said other than that. it is good. She still has been seeing her other friends more lately and has taken other means to get home a lot more. Okay, now this is my primary flaw in the system. In essence, I should be very emotional and angry when I shake the jar and I should let it do it’s thing on autopilot and not think about it. Like anything else in the universe, we have our own internal conflicts that assist us in promoting failure. Since, I am best mates with the target’s mate.. it is something, I probably should have left to an outside source. What happens is that when they do talk on the phone in my presence or he actually does come pick her up from work, then my mind goes into overdrive visualizing them together. This pretty much cancels out anything I am trying to focus on when it comes to splitting them apart. Do I like thinking of them together? No. This is something almost everyone does without premeditated actions. It is a response that if you think of a Sweet Tart candy.. most likely your mouth will water without realizing it. Same thing here. There is some hint or notion of them in an evening together.. my mind sees it. Now, as for the jar itself. This is downright insane. Again, the jar has been heat/vacuum sealed and is placed inside a ziplock bag. I have not bothered to look or shake the jar in the past week or so because it was a Waxing moon and really, I would rather focus on more positive aspects during this time. Now, I could have swore that I put the jar in right side up when I put it back in my drawer. I could totally be wrong. Either way, I opened my drawer this morning and again, it had leaked. The paper towel I had wrapped it in was soaked and now the jar is only about 2/3s to 1/2 full. I am still baffled by the leak. There is nothing really to keep it from sealing. Perhaps the picture in the lid is preventing it from sealing, but really. I have actually attempted to experiment with the subject at hand. I have taken the same exact kind of jar, filled it with vinegar, heated it, and sealed it as tight as can be by my hands. It is sealed. It does not leak. It does not leak upside down. I have attached pics of the found vinegar vessel. Needless to say, next time I do this, I will not keep it by my sweaters. My next step was to place the jar in the freezer. I decided to re-wrap it. Let my heart pound as it usually does when I think about how just awful the target is. I...

Readers Questions | Candle Burning Results Regarding Time/Results

Dear Jacqueline, I have a question. I had you burn a candle for me about my friend that I had a fight with and he left and I haven’t heard from him yet. After you burned the candle, you wrote me and said that I should continue doing candles at my own home and even told me the right type of oil to get to use on them. I have been burning candles for about a month and he hasn’t called me or anything. Am I doing something wrong? When am I supposed to start seeing some results? Thank you Sheree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Sheree, I am glad you asked because there has been a lot of similar situations lately and I think this is a timely question so I hope that I can help a bunch of readers together with the same thing. Some like to have a worker burn candles can be for various reasons. They might have a fear of a fire, lack of confidence in their own candle burning success, might have the actual candle burning victim in the home or area where the candle is burning or have faith in the worker doing the candle burning. I try to place the empowerment of candle burning in YOUR hands – why? – because it is YOU that is PERSONALLY CONNECTED TO THE TARGET – it is your heart that is hurt or bank account that needs money. Despite all this, I will also burn candles for clients and their situations. Like yourself, despite all the material here in the www.free-candle-spells.com site, you might not exactly know which candle to use and with which oil. In that case, asking a worker to burn the candle for you is good. In your case, the candle burned down with a little sooting at the top to turn the glass a wee bit gray, but not black and some milky white residue clung to the inner glass at the end of the candle burn. The flame did not react in any way that would cause concern, as the candle is lit and stays on until it goes out. So what happened? In your case again, the lack of blackening would indicate a non-negative situation, meaning that there is no negative energy being sent towards you. The milky film would indicate some lingering or residual things needed to be taken care of between the two of you. The candle burning out without candle ‘drama’ (i.e. wildly whipping flame, low flame, going out, smoking, etc.) would indicate a good candle burn. You question now remains – why no results in him? Let me ask you; Have you made an attempt to call HIM? Love is a two-way street; it isn’t only for the man to do the contacting. Have you called him up just to ask if he is still living and breathing? Results to look out for would be like hearing the scuttlebutt on the street like (“Girl, did you hear that Gregory was at Tyrone’s party and was flirting big time with that cousin of R.J.?”).  Has he changed his cell phone number? Have you seen him drive by the house? Work? The old adage, or quotation is: “Three DAYS, three WEEKS, three MONTHS” – meaning you might see results in as little as three DAYS but as far out as three MONTHS. You are about in the middle. Think back, have you had any “Restricted” hang up calls? Any notes or other ‘funny’ things happening? Maybe it is time to also consider that God has better plans for you than with your fella. Maybe the man of your dreams...

Full Moon in Aquarius | August 5, 2009 – Lunar Eclipse Reflects World Changes

The Full Moon in  Aquarius  occurs at 7:55 am E.S.T. and it occurs on a Lunar Eclispe. The rule for the week prior to and the week following an eclipse is Wait and See.  Situations that you see now will appear much more different than two weeks ago and you will be considering or perpetuating motivation in a different direction than first previously decided. The Full Moon in Aquarius is considered “fixed”, meaning stable and unchangable. It cannot be manipulated, coerced or convinced. It rules the logical, mental and inteleectual facilities. Now is the time to cocoon and work on your psychic and E.S.P. gifts and facilties. Practice makes perfect and take this time to ‘fine tune’ or ‘ hone’ your spells for advancement. Purple candles, burned with “Psychic Vision”, “Master Key” and “King Solomon Wisdom” Condition Oils are appropriate for enhancing spiritual and psychic improvements. It is also the time to burn your Reversible Candles to make changes to situations that you are currently facing to revert back to their original state. Our next New Moon will be on August, 20,...

Advertise Your Spiritual Services or Run a Special Promotion on Free Candle Spells Website

Greetings! Considering boosting your business with www.free-candle-spells.com? Here are some of the various ways that you can increase traffic to your phone and/or website, and a great way to run specials to boost clientele! PACKAGE NUMBER ONE: A full, one page biography of you including photos, links to your website or e-mail address, physical address (if you desire it to be posted) and telephone number can be yours for only $200.00 a year. This is less than a cup of that Mermaid Coffee a day! PACKAGE NUMBER TWO: The best deal as your banner ad will be seen on the first page every day! A 125 X 125 pixel (approx. 1 inch square) banner ad (see examples on the upper right of this page) with links to your own website for only $30.00 a month (6 month Contract/payment monthly) Here is an example of the size of the advertisement in this price point: Your very first customer will pay for the whole ad for that entire month and with over 500 new and unique people seeking spiritual supplies and services daily. PACKAGE NUMBER THREE: Blog insert written about you and services you provide. Article is written totally by you (grammatical corrections by myself). Photos and links to your website or contact telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in the event you do not have a website. This ad will stay on the front page for three days, then stays in the blog indefinitely. One time charge of $25.00 per entry. This is perfect for Specials of the Month with direct links to your PayPal account for instant payment from customers! This will be the first thing that readers see for three days before the article submission on Sunday morning (if you are a Thursday insert you will have from mid-afternoon Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday before a new article ‘tops’ your article) or on Thursday morning (If you are a Sunday posting you will be immediately visible for all of Sunday, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday until mid-afternoon when a new article ‘tops’ your post) PACKAGE NUMBER FOUR: A banner as such as some of these shown below listed four times ( 4 Sundays or 4 Thursdays)) for $20.00 a month! This will be inserted immediately under an article and will be considered ‘live’ with ‘live’ PayPal buttons that pay directly into your Paypal account until you notify us to delete the ad and/or PayPal buttons. For more information about advertising your psychic and spiritual services and products with www.free-candle-spells.com, please contact me by e-mail at freecandlespells (at) yahoo.com or call me at (916) 284 – 5552. Jacqueline...

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