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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Take Control!... Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Leo – Take Control! The New Moon in Leo occurs on August 6, 2013 at 4:51 pm E.S.T. The energy of a New Moon in the astrological sign of Leo, the Lion is considered a “Fixed” Fire Sign and therefore is aggressive, creative, stable and unchangeable. This particular New Moon time is excellent for burning candles to dominate or take control of a situation. Other planetary actions during this time suggest taking a stance against intrusion onto your personal life by unwanted entities. Take care regarding your retirement issues and read all materials before making a decision regarding your future. Also, take precaution with electrical and things involving fire, such as B-B-Q’s, campfires,...
  • Free Candle Spells | To Drive A Wedge Between People Jar Spell... Free Candle Spells | To Drive A Wedge Between People Jar Spell This spell is a variation of a traditional “Vinegar Jar” spell, which is used to sour a relationship between people.   Items: Brown shopping bag without print on it Red string or yarn Red pen Photos and names of intended targets quart sized mason or canning jar 30 white tea light candles Place all three names, work position titles at name of facility, and photos in quart sized mason/canning jar (If you can photocopy or get a signature, even better, Add that to jar as well) Write the three names on a brown piece of shopping bag paper (one name under the other) then turn paper 90 degrees and...
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Virgo – Hold Cards Close to Chest!... Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Virgo – Hold Cards Close to Chest! The Full Moon occurs on March 19, 2011 at 1:10 pm E.S.T. in the astrological sign of Virgo. This lunation, along with other planetary factors, will be one the brings a pall of negativity over many situations. This is not the best time to negotiate business as the possibility of being tricked or false illusions may occur. This is a time to “hunker down” and wait out the storm. Many will think have a could of doom and gloom over their heads, and with many parts of the country still experiencing storms, cold weather and snow, will add to melancholy and SAD. Full Moons are traditionally considered opportune times...
  • Free Candle Spells | Start Attracting Money in 2013 on February 10th!... The Prosperity Experiment, beginning it’s 5th year, is a way for you to have the power of intention and petitions placed on a money altar for 30 days of morning and evening prayer to attract abundance, prosperity and wealth blessings on you in 2013! We have all just come through the holidays and have a few more months of higher winter heating bills and such to work though, so why not have an advocate praying for your continued increase in wealth and prosperity? The first Prosperity Experiment of 2013 will begin on February 10, 2013 and will continue through to early March. This will coincide with the Lunar New...
  • New Moon in Virgo | September 8, 2010 – Time for Harvest!... The New Moon in Virgo occurs at 5:31 AM E.S.T. on Wednesday, September 8, 2010. This Moon in Virgo is considered a “Mutable” Earth sign, enhancing the qualities of innovation, invention and intellectual. The New Moon in Virgo is an excellent time to reconstruct your altars and create any ceremonial robes that you might want to have to wear during meditation or prayer time before your altar Lighting green candles for sustained prosperity and red candles for money “in a hurry” is best to do now. Healing candles in colors of white and blue for pets and animals are to be lit at this time. The New Moon in...
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Full Moon in Leo | January 30, 2010 – Resolve Your Differences with Peace!

The Full Moon in Leo occurs on Saturday, January 30, 2010 at E.S.T. This lunation, in the sign of Leo, is considered “Fixed”; meaning the energy expelled is unchangeable, aggressive, consistent and creative. The message of the Full Moon in Leo is that it is time to resolve your differences and do it with a peaceful, loving manner. We are not all perfect and all make mistakes. You can be civil  in public to those who have wronged you – you just don’t need to invite them into your life again! This is an opportune time to recreate your altar and to create your most dramatic spell. Remembering that the Full Moon energy is “Release, “banish”, and “Reverse”, use this time for your most powerful Reversible Candle spells. For you that are new to candle burning, here is a photo of  the correct Reversible Candle to use – with the Black Wax on TOP, not the bottom  half of the candle. To read more about Reversible Candles, click the category on the right side of the page marked “Reversible Candles”. This is not the time for bringing in things like money, but use the same category to banish – meaning “banish” those bills, “reverse” that dwindling bank account, “release” those credit card bonds that hold you from finanacial freedom. This is also a good time to “send away” any bad boyfriends or girlfriends, crazies, nosy neighbors and the ilk. You need to do somewhat of a “house cleaning” to start anew in two weeks. The next New Moon will occur on Saturday, February 13...

Free Candle Spells | Prosperity Experiment Updates & “Lucky” Green Rice!

Free Candle Spells | Prosperity Experiment Updates & “Lucky” Green Rice! Our first week of the Prosperity Experiment is coming to an end and the first weeks candles are extinguishing. Here is a picture of the first week altar. You can see the candles in large rectangle baking dishes (for fire safety) with the petitions placed under the dish. The statue is the Caridad de Cobre, Cuba’s Patron Saint and Catholic image of Ochun, Yoruba goddess of money, gold and the good life. In front of her you can see my green money rice bowl, full of Lucky Green Rice intermixed with coins from all over the world. Rice is considered a staple in many cultures around the world and many homes forbid to never run out of rice as it is a harbinger of Bad Luck. In the Southern spiritual traditions, rice that has been tinted green with food coloring and also has special herbs with money drawing capabilities can be worn in your shoes for 3 days, then sprinkled about the home and swept towards the front door with a broom to attract more money to the home. “Lucky” Green Rice is the first product being produced by my sister company, Lucky 13Clover Spiritual Supply. We are also proud to announce that we are now carrying the Motor City Hoo Doo Condition Oils line as well. You may click on the links in this article to go directly to the Lucky 13 Clover website. The photo here shows a generous 8 oz. size bag, good for at least six months of wearing and sweeping to bring in needed money into the home. This bag shown sells for $7.00 (included shipping). This rice has been charged by sitting between these candles and you may order a sample 1/2 oz. full of Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply “Lucky” Green Rice for only $2.00 (including shipping) by clicking the button below: 1/2 oz. sample of “Lucky” Green Rice Comes with instructions on how to...

Article Reprint | Astrological Candles – Aquarius the Water Bearer

Aquarius the Water Bearer rules those born from January 21st to February 20th. This zodiacal sign is of the Air Element, despite the figure in common images is seen pouring water from an urn. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day glass novena candle in the appropriate color for your sign and use a permanent marker or paint pen to draw the symbol for Aquarius on the outside of the glass. The symbol for Aquarius is two wavy lines, one on top of the other, that resembles watery waves. The Candle color associated Aquarius is Purple and can be anointed with Uranus Condition Oil. The gemstone for Aquarius is...

New Moon in Capricorn | January 15, 2010 – Focus on Your Goals

The New Moon in Capricorn will occur at 2:12 am E.S.T. on Friday, January 15, 2009. The Moon in Capricorn is considered “Cardinal”, and the energy with this placement is the most materialistic of all lunar placements and signs. It is energetic, innovative and practical. There is also a Solar Eclipse on this date and since eclipses rule for about six months, the lessons from Capricorn that we need to understand are taking responsibility and working towards gaining self-respect and the respect of others in aspect of handling responsibilties in a proper manner. This is the time to do the ‘own up’! Please note: Mercury will turn direct on this day as well. You may hear some surprising news! Please watch what you say about others. Now is the time to put into place all of the candles to be burned for needed money from unexpected places. It is also most auspicious for burning candles for any kind of material necessities to continue to sustain yourself and your loved ones. This is especially true if you have been waiting for these items to come your way. ***Warning*** this is not the time to exact revenge on someone as it will protect the non-offender. You will need to wait until another time to give them a  “universal whuppin'”, so to speak. Try not to speak wrongly or accuse someone of anything at this time as Justice in on the side of the innocent and you might get the “cosmic” smack upside the head! I conduct a Prosperity Experiment twice a year to harness this energy and bring in needed money, prosperity and security in these tough times. For more information and to order your participation in the Prosperity Experiment ,click here. Our next Full Moon will be on January 30,...

The Prosperity Experiment | January 16, 2010 – 30 Days to More Wealth in 2010!

January is a pivotal month for many. The children are going back to school after the Holidays, which may have strained the pocketbook. Those extended working hours and seasonal employment are now reduced. Even if you planned for the Holidays, you probably overspent. Heating homes cost more. These are just some of the many challenges of the season that will be a concern to us. I am declaring the month of January as the month of Prosperity!! It is a time for thankfulness and new beginnings – of the blessings we have already received through the year and a time to concentrate on having a successful New Year 2010. I invite you to join me in a very special experiment only open to 30 clients and readers of Free-Candle-Spells. Participation is a donation of $30.00 per person to cover the costs of materials, candles I will be burning on your behalf, etc. I want you to make a commitment to gather with others just like you who want to raise the vibrations of their wealth and prosperity talents and partake in a daily walk to prosperity with me. If you partake of this experiment, you will receive: A Daily Prosperity Inspirational Meditation to think upon throughout your day as a mantra or chant to encourage you to seek out all and every money making opportunity. I will be praying over 6 anointed and blessed candles (one lit for you every 5 days) for each person throughout the entire 30 days. An Inspirational CD of music and meditations to listen while driving to work or while in the privacy of your sacred space. A FREE downloadable book that was the inspiration for the author of “The Secret” This is what I am going to to do for you throughout the 30 days : ~~A weekly report on each of the 6 candles I am burning for you. ~~A photograph of each candle to show that your candle is on the Money Altar. ~~Your candles will be prayed over by me once in the morning and once at night throughout the 30-day experiment. ~~A special time set aside once a week where we will all be in prayer at the same time. ~~A daily e-mail with a devotional meditation for you and I to focus on throughout the day. To participate, click on the “Buy Now” button below before January 16, 2010 to have “mo’ money” flowing your way! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Thank you for your interest but we have begun or service. Please register for news on the next Prosperity experiment (mid-year) by registering at my newsletter page at Tarot by Jacqueline Newsletter $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $...

Bring in Good Luck with Food | New Year’s Day Prosperity Traditions

Bring in Good Luck with Food | New Year’s Day Prosperity Traditions Happy New Year 2010!   Wishing You and Yours a Prosperous, Healthy and Happy New Year!   There are many traditions regarding the consumption of various foods to bring in luck, happiness and prosperity to families all over the World. In the South, it is said that you must eat Greens, Black Eyed Peas and Cornbread on New Year’s Day to be prosperous and successful throughout the year. each item is symbolic for a certain part of your everyday life. The Collard or Mustard Greens symbolize ‘greenbacks’ or ‘folding money’, the Cornbread because of its’ golden color represents “gold” as in gold and coin money and Black Eyed Peas ,also known as Cow Peas, for general Good Luck. Some cook a Rice and Black Eyed Peas dish called “Hoppin’ John” and serve it with baked Ham. While I am not partial to Hoppin’ John, it has been a tradition in my family for years to eat the Black Eyed Peas, Greens, Cornbread and with the addition of Fried Okra on New Year’s Day. These dishes can be prepared in many different ways. You may find recipes by searching the Internet or asking an Elder in the Church or neighborhood.           Here is a link to a great article about ‘Lucky” foods (and also unlucky foods to eat), along with their recipes from www.epicurious.com. Click here to read on… Now, if you cannot get a hold of fresh Collard or Mustard Greens in the winter, you can always search for the Glory Foods Brand in your local supermarket. I usually find it in the Specialty Food section of the store. Click here to get great recipes and make sure to sign up for their e-mails.  ...

Full Moon in Cancer | Thursday, December 31, 2009 – Things are Getting Better!

The Full Moon in Cancer will occur at 2:14 pm E.S.T. on Thursday, December 31, 2009. Not only is this a Full Moon but a “Blue Moon” as well; one of two Full Moons within the 31 days of December. There will also be a Lunar Eclipse today as well. The Moon in Cancer is considered “Cardinal”; it is emotional, energetic and innovative. Lighting candles during this time for swaying the influence of others or controlling and compelling others to do as they promised or as you wish is suggested. Full Moon candle burning rituals are used for banishing and sending away things that are negative in nature – bad relationships, nosy neighbors, bills – so remember to banish your credit card bills, banish bad habits that keep you healthy, send away unruly teenager attitudes andkick to the curb anyone who is keeping you down and from the success you want to achieve. Participating in a Banishing Ritual, such as the one I perform at the end of each year, is helpful in making these changes. To read more about it, click here. Remember that we are also under the influence of a Mars Retrograde and a Mercury Retrograde, so that ‘action’ and ‘communication’ are also hindered. You may find that you do not want to do anything or say anything, but remember that Cancer is the astrological symbol of home and hearth, food and family, so now might be a good time to ‘clean house’ – both figuratively and literally! This way, the New Year begins with a fresh start – a  clean house and a new set of home ruls that everyone can live, and love by. Our next New Moon occurs on January 15, 2010 and it will be a Solar Eclipse on that...

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