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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Honoring Your Ancestors (Time of the Year)... The coming week will host three holidays that involve the Spirit world – Halloween on October 31st, All Saints Day on November 1st and All Souls Day on November 2nd. These three historically connected dates involve doing for those who have departed and remembering or honoring them in some way. For some of the younger generations, the only idea that comes to mind for them is ghosts and goblins and trick-or-treating. There is a much more spiritual meaning of the three feast days. First we start with Halloween, or as it was known before,  All Hallows Eve. This day is the traditional day before All Saints Day, or as...
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  • Free Candle Spells Marketplace | 48 Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Oils at www.Lucky13Clover.com!... Free Candle Spells Marketplace | 48 Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Oils at www.Lucky13Clover.com! Lucky 13 Clover is proud to announce that it is expanding its line of Lucky Mojo Curio Co. oils as requested by you – the  customer! Lucky Mojo blends natural oils and essences with herbs, roots and spices in the bottle for an effective spiritual oil for your personal needs. Here is the list of the Lucky Mojo Oils we have in stock and a brief description on what they are used for. You can order any of these at www.lucky13clover.com   LOVE OILS Follow Me Boy – makes a man follow you around like a hungry dog after a T-Bone Steak Follow Me Girl – make a girl...
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The Prosperity Experiment Returns on Monday, August 9, 2010!

It it time for our second 2010 Prosperity Experiment beginning with the New Moon on Monday, August 9, 2010. The Prosperity Experiment is a one month long experience where I burn candles for your financial success, send you daily inspirations and ideas and a gift for you to work with on a daily basis to raise your “money drawing magnet” contained within your Being. Read here about the Prosperity Experiment: Articles about our past Prosperity Experiments We have had amazing successes for many clients! Here is what one regular (read: active) participant says: I participated in Jacqueline’s Prosperity Experiment during summer 2009. I had been having a difficult time selling my home, especially with the bad housing market. It was unbelievable that, during the 3rd week of the experiment, the house sold after having been on the market 7 months. A few months later, I applied for a job that I really wanted. I ordered the Triple Strength Candle Service. It helped me focus, gain strength, confidence, and clarity. I got the job! Jacqueline sends much needed positive energy your way during difficult and challenging times like this. She’s fantastic!!” – Terry The Prosperity experiment always begins on the first day of a New Moon, reputed to be most powerful for bringing in all forms of prosperity -cash, gifts, loans and such. Each day, I pray over your candles in the early morning and again at night. With each new candle altar that is set up for you and others (see example above) I send you a photo and commentary on last candle burned for you. Once a week, on Wednesdays I send a message out that we are all to gather in silent prayer for 15 minutes for one anohter, as we are in support of one another. I have even had other participants contact me for e-mails addresses of others who might be in need of employment. We are a close knit group. How can you join? Just send in your order for participation by clicking the order button below. Cost to participate in the Prosperity Experiment is $35.00. This covers 6 – 7-day “novena” glass candles (lit once every 5 days), your Daily Inspirational e-mail from me, and  a gift from me for you to use on your money altar or money drawing candles at home. Once your order has been received, I will then contact you with specifics and once Monday, August 9th arrives, you will begin your 30 day journey with me to abundance and prosperity! We are ready to begin our Prosperity Experiment. Please join us for our New Year 2011 Prosperity Experiment in January...

Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply | Elk Grove – Sacramento, CA

Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual...

Readers Question | Red or Pink Candle for Love Candle Spells?

Readers Question | Red or Pink Candle for Love Candle Spells?             Jacqueline, First let me say thank you for all the information you are giving here. I have learned so much! I am still confused on one thing. I read in the blog here that you suggest pink candles for love spells, but on many other places on the Internet, it says red candles for love candle spells? This is even in some websites that sells love candle kits already made up for you. What gives? You say one way, they say another. I am confused. Please help! Vanessa  * * * * * * * Vanessa, Thank you for the compliments on the site – I try my best! Let me try to explain about candles and their color meaning in love candle spell work. If you remember in the Colonial days, candles were made from beef and mutton tallow, the fat scraped off the hide of cattle and sheep that was melted, had cotton string wicks dipped into it, and were the only source of light to early Americans (and others all over the world). This went on until the discovery of gas lamps and eventually, electricity. Tallow candles were one color – a creamy off-white. Anyone using candles for magical work usually oiled the candle and rolled them in ground herbs for the magical boost to the candle. There were no colored wax candles like we have today. In the history of colored candles for magical work, red was the oldest color associated with love. I remember when I was in my teens I had liked this boy. I got ahold of a love candle spell book and obtained the items required, including a red candle. I did my spell under the right Moon and WHAMMY – it worked! Only in the wrong way! He wanted me to take a Polaroid photo of myself naked and send it to him! This was in 1975, and that totally freaked me out! I got rid of him in a hurry! It scared me so that I did not do spell work for a very long time. Now, see that I used a red candle and what kind of attention I got from my target – sexual. I didn’t understand this for a long time until I started doing candle work like I do now. The energy of a red candle is INTENSE – which translates in our emotions as PHYSICAL DESIRE. So, thinking about  Fast Luck Candle Spells, which use red candles, if the energy is intense and also resonates physical desire, how does this connect with Fast Luck? In my experiences, anything worth having is something you DESIRE  – new car, home, great job, money in the bank , right? The wanting of am item is desire, like a lover or that one thing that will make that emotion satisfied. Red candles work when you do not want an emotional connection. They are your “wham bam, thank you, M’am” – type candles. They are all about the physical. Now, if this is the kind of relationship you want, because of distance apart, work demands, family, etc. – this is the right candle to use. Pink candles mix the passion of the red candle with the white of purity and peace. The energy of this candle is affectionate, playful, cuddly. Why do you think pink is probably the most favorite color of most little girls? Because it is non-threatening (passion and desire can be scary) and it is cuddly, like little girls. If getting into his (or her) mind, finding out their dreams, getting to know them as a person is something you...

Full Moon in Aquarius – Play it Safe!

Full Moon in Aquarius – Play it Safe! The Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 8:38 pm E.S.T. The Moon in the astrological sign of Aquarius resonates a “Fixed” air energy, meaning that the energy for intellectual and mental activities is stable and unchangeable. The zodiacal sign of Aquarius is attuned to the brotherhood of man and metaphysical insights for the future. This is a cautionary time, in which all actions need to have careful thought in regards to the aftereffects and the “fallout” of the action. It is a time to not make big scenes and dramatic outbursts, as it may be a negative situation for you. The Full Moon is the best time to light your reversing or reversible candles to thwart the movement of a situation or “send it back” where it began. The intent here would be on revolutionary directions on reversing a situation, making sure to include the intention of a long range or long term results. Make sure you give deep thought on the ripple effect your actions will bring. The candle for Aquarius is a deep purple and the oils that can be applied are Aquarius Oil, Uranus Oil, or oils that have had herbs such as Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg and Spikenard infused in them. Purple candles are traditionally associated with powers of the psyche, so anoint your purple candles with Psychic Vision Oil found at Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply. The next New Moon occurs on August 9, 2010. Order a Reversible candle to be Burned for You –...

Free Candle Spells | Condition Oils that Cause Cancer, Fire in Home – Reprint

Free Candle Spells | Condition Oils that Cause Cancer, Fire in Home – Reprint Readers – Given the recent reports of toxicity of the oil products being spilled in the Gulf of Mexico because of the BP oil rig that caught on fire, I wanted to remind you the possibility of exposure to harsh chemicals while using certain brands of condition oils on your candles while burning and on your body when you anoint yourself. Please read this timely article reprinted for your safety. Jacqueline FIRST PUBLISHED August 2009 We just made a trip up to Forestville to Lucky Mojo Curio Co. and we have a fresh stock of all your favorites! We want to extoll the virtues of using these fine, all-natural Condition and Anointing Oils as they contain NO DIETHYL PHTHALATES! What is this, you ask? Diethyl Phthalate is a solvent that is used in the airplane manufacturing industry and has been noted as a “stretcher” or “carrier” oil for products coming from other, cheaper lines of Spiritual Supply outlets. This “off smelling” or “chemical smelling” additive to the cheaper condition oil lines from various companies such as Anna Riva, Seven Sister of New Orleans, Dr. Pryor’s and Ajax are mainly manufactured out of Los Angeles, CA and more recently, Texas, under the company name International Imports and Indio Products. The reason for adding it is because it “stretched” or doubles the batch – making one bottle now two, thus doubling the profits for the company. Here are a few photos of the products I am warning you about:   Various Indio Products Oils contaning Diethyl Phthalates This is a cancer causing additive that should not be inhaled (like burning anointed candles) or applied to the body (like anointing yourself). You can detect the chemical-y and/or gasoline-y, petroleum based smell when you uncap these oils. One of the reasons I tout smaller lines such as Lucky Mojo is that the Lucky Mojo line is all natural – their oil base is a combination of mineral oil (like baby oil) almond and olive oil. The essences, herbs, root and flowers that are steeped in the oils are collected naturally and/or are supplied from companies that also supply food service products. Another reason that I caution you is that these petroleum based products will burn your house down! What happens in a lot of candle burning is that if the spiritual worker gives you a certain number of drops to use in your candles, a great number of people will add more – either by accident or intentionally. Like laundry detergent, some think that if you “add a bit more’ the clothes will get cleaner – not true. So if you have a vessel with an inch of liquid wax (a petroleum based product) and float a teaspoonful or more of one of these condition oils on top of the liquid wax, the whole top of the candle starts burning – not just the wick!  it becomes something like a roman candle on the 4th of July and will crack the glass, causing the mixture to flow onto altar linens and leave a trail for the flame to follow. This will start a fire on your altar, causing loss to property and maybe even humans. Instead of taking that risk of loss to life and property, invest in all-natural Condition and Anointing Oils like the ones carried by Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual...

Free Candle Spells | Crown of Success Anointing & Condition Oil

Free Candle Spells | Crown of Success Anointing & Condition Oil Crown of Success Anointing and Condition Oil, sometimes known as “Crowning Glory” or “Crown of Glory”. is an old type Southern style hoodoo and root work oil that is used in conditions pertaining to job and employment success, scholastic success, and success in candle spell work when used with other oils. You can anoint a yellow free standing or glass encased “novena” type vigil candle with Crown of Success oil before you study for an exam. You may snuff the candle out by extinguishing the candle with a candle snuffer or by pinching the flame out with a wet finger. Never blow out a candle that you will want to used in a continuing candle spell. You may also use a yellow candle on top of a copy of an application, resume or business card of the person who received your resume or who will be your contact for an interview for a particular job position. To boost this effect, purchase a flexible book magnifier at your local pharmacy store (like Walgreen’s or CVS) and place it on top of resume or business card, and under the candle. This “magnifies” you and places you under the “lens” so that that can only see your qualifications, and not others who are vying for the job. You may purchase Lucky Mojo Brand “Crown of Success” Anointing Oil at...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Cancer – A Challenging Solar Eclipse!

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Cancer – A Challenging Solar Eclipse! The New Moon in Cancer occurs at 2: 41 p.m. P.S.T. on Sunday, July 11, 2010. The Moon in Cancer is considered a “Cardinal” water sign, meaning that the energy of this lunation is innovative, energetic, emotional and changeable. The is also a Solar Eclipse on this day. The Moon is related to the sign of Cancer and we are under the influence of the astrological sign of Cancer until July 21st. With both the Sun and the Moon being in the sign of Cancer, look for emotions to escalate, both good and bad. There will be challenges you will have to navigate in order to move ahead. Progress is difficult and some may want to give up. Slow, steady movement forward will be the strategy to advance. Consider the movement of the crab, who is the natural zodiacal animal symbol of Cancer. It never moves in a straight line, but zig-zags its way across the beach, sometimes retreating becfore moving forward in a protective manner. New Moon candle spells are cast for bringing in money, love, peace, blessings and success. The energy of New Moon candle spells in Cancer will involve the home and hearth, family, employment and security. Your basic needs and necessities are ofthe highest importance right now. Be protective and guard your defenses at this time. Candles burned for those born under the sign of Cancer are the color pink and can be anointed with Moon Oil or an oil infused with the herbs of Ginger, Anise, Camphor, White Rose, Queen Elizabeth Root and the woods of Holly and Rowan. The next Full Moon will occur on July 25,...

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