Posted by Jacqueline on Jul 9th, 2016 in Love Candle Spells, Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Lucky 13 Clover Love Drawing Candle
The Lucky 13 Clover Love Drawing Candle was designed to draw to you the love you desire. The candle kit has four distinct label design styles – one for each major ethnicity/race to give you a visual for you to gaze upon as you meditate and pray for your ideal love to come to you. The tradition of burning love candles is generations old, with love spells that range from catching another’s “eye” or attentions such as “Look Me Over” spells, to candles that incite passion such as “Love Me” or “Five of Love”, and carries the emotion through to more intimate relations with candles and products such as “C’mere Lover Man”, “Kiss me Now!” and more bold suggestive candles, including candles in the shape of genitals. In generations past, most candles that were used were hand-dipped and with a creamy color due to the mutton and other types of animal fats. They were then oiled with handmade oils that had botanicals infused in them that were traditionally held as herbs and roots for love drawing. They may also have been rolled in a mixture of crushed, dried herbs and roots after a layer of oil that was applied. Most candle burning belief systems had to do their work under a veil of secrecy for fear of discovery, so the traditional hand-dipped “taper” candle was an ideal way to conceal any candle spell work. Others may have used oil lamps, in which the petition, herbs, roots, and other materials were inserted in the lower receptacle that held the oil, and lit to burn continuously as another means of spellwork. Today, candles that are burned in the traditional 7-day “Novena” type glass candle cylinders are more efficient to the modern individual since most of us are busy and do not have the luxury of sitting for long periods of time to watch a free-standing candle burn for safety’s sake. For more information regarding the Lucky 13 Clover Love Candle, please click the image below ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jul 29th, 2012 in Love Candle Spells, St Jude Pink Love Candle Spell | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Design! Pink Saint Jude Love Come to Me Candle
We are pleased to announce the new design of the Pink Saint Jude Love Come to Me Candle! This candle label with it’s Old World look and feel, will remind you of hours in the chapel surrounded by the smell of incense, while reciting your prayers. This candle, and exclusive design by Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply is second in a line of Catholic Saints images that are bring produced with specific prayers created for the candle to enhance your candlelight petition prayers or the setting of lights for specific issues and intentions. The pink Saint Jude Love Come to Me Candle was created out of the need for this patron Saint of Lost Causes to intervene for those who seem to not find the appropriate candidate for a long-lasting, loving relationship. The prayer that is scripted on the candle back gives specifics for a quality lover that will stay for the long run and guidance on how to ask for that love to come into your life. This candle is intended to attract persons of quality to you that would be suitable for you to date and fall in love with them. There are two ways you can participate in setting lights to petition this much loved Saint to bring you the man or woman of your dreams. One method is to have the candle lit for you on the All Saint Altar, so that your constant prayer of light is burning with others who are in need of answered petitions. The cost of this candle service is $8.00 (plus tax). Once your order is received, an e-mail will be sent to you asking you your full name and birthday.Then, once your candle is lit, a photograph will be sent to you of your candle. It will be prayed over one in the day and once at night, and a brief report of the burn will be sent at the end of the candle service, along with a photo of the finished candle. To have a pink Saint Jude Candle lit for you to petition to bring in a long-lasting love, click here: Order a pink St. Jude candle If you wish to conduct your own personalized St. Jude pink Love Come to Me Candle service, order your St. Jude Candle Kit here: St. Jude Candle Kit ...
Posted by Jacqueline on May 28th, 2012 in Love Candle Spells, Readers Questions, St Jude Pink Love Candle Spell | Comments Off on Readers Question | Use a Red or Pink Candle for Love?
Hello, I have been reading your posts here for about a year and recently I went to a local tarot reader and she suggested that I use a red candle and rose petals to bring someone I want to know to me for a love affair. I have been reading that you suggest pink candles. Why would she suggest red candle and why do you suggest using pink candles. I am confused about which to use. Do I use a red or pink candle for love? Thank you Sharon * * * * * * * Sharon, I can certainly understand your confusion and I will try to second guess why that person suggested red candles. When using red candles for love spells, it is important that you don’t go ‘overboard’ with using them. Consider the color red. What does it say to you? How does society use the color red in symbolism? Red is an energy color and is considered “hot”. Red demands immediate attention but is also a cautionary color. Why do you think stop signs are red? Why is it that the girl in the red dress gets all they guys attention in a room? Because looking at the color red stimulates us into action. Your reader may have suggested using red and intended to tell you to use it at the beginning of the love spell. It is certainly not a good idea to use it over the course of a relationship, unless all you want is a “wham, bam, thank you ma’am”. Old time hoodoo, conjure and root workers know that the underlying energy of a red candle runs “hot” and will burn up a relationship fast if the intention is for a long-lasting, loving relationship. Now, I am not going to discredit those who burn a red candle for a “quickie” or a friends-with-benefits type of meeting – that is for the individual to decide and maybe their lives need just that – a brief affair that is merely physical. If you are seeking a long-term relationship, then use pink. Pink candles are the combination of the ‘heat’ of the red wax and the ‘cool’ of white for blessing, purity, sanctity and knowledge. This combination brings romance, affection and calmness to a relationship and this is why it should be suggested that you use pink for this type of relationship. Now, you might begin with a red candle for the first week, then once you have got his attention, change to pink. You may also want to consider using a red and pink together, so he has enough sexual tension that keeps him interested on you but still sees you in a more romantic and less sexual way. As your relationship continues or after you have been a couple for some time, using a red candle once in a while to “get the juices going” again is also a good thing. This is the reason that I came up with the St. Jude Pink Love Come to Me Candle so that you can attract the perfect type of man or woman for you. You might want to contact your reader again and ask her to delve deeper into explanation as to why she suggested red candles and if she had any intention to change to another color once you got this young man’s attention. Good Luck and thanks for reading! J....
Posted by Jacqueline on Feb 7th, 2011 in Love Candle Spells, Various Saints Candle Spells | Comments Off on Saint Valentine Love Candle Spell | Patron Saint of Lovers – February 14th
In today’s world, we view Saint Valentine as the Saint who assists us in finding a lover and all the other rituals we have that is associated with February 14th such as giving cards, chocolates, jewelry, or sending flowers from the florist. Roses are the traditional flower to give on this day of lovers. There is a very different reason that San Valentin, or St. Valentine, is associated with love and lovers. Saint Valentine, born in Italy and was a Holy Priest in Rome, assisted martyrs under persecution and was beheaded on the date that is set aside for lovers – February 14th. Before capture, he assisted St.Marius and family to give aid and safe lodging to those being sought out for their religious beliefs. Saint Valentine, also known as San Valentin, is associated with lovers in the fact that on February 15th, a heathen festival in honor of their goddess Februata Juno, was held. In part of a custom, boys were to pick out slips of paper with girls’ names on them to court romantically. It is written that on the day after Valentine’s beating and beheading, the boxes where the name billets were gathered were filled with slips of paper with Valentine’s name on them. Since then, he has been associated with love and lovers. Saint Valentine/San Valentin Love Candle Spell INGREDIENTS 2 pink glass encased 7-day “novena” or “vigil” candles Photos of each of you separately, to attach to outside glass of candle Full name and birth date of each of you, on a slip of paper known as a ‘name paper’. 1 bottle of “Adam and Eve” or “Fire of Love” Anointing Oil 1 Red Rose in vase 1 glass Red or Blush Wine Pinch of Ground Cinnamon Clean candle with Lemon Juice or Florida Water as instructed in this blog post, “Candle Spell Candle Preparation Step by Step for Candleburning Success!”. Let set to dry. Continue to follow steps to candle preparation, including carving oil wells and putting oil in the three holes. Sprinkle a good pinch of ground cinnamon over each candle. Attach name and birth date paper to bottom of candle and photo to each candle. Set a love altar somewhere, as in the bedroom, where you can leave candle lit continuously,setting the rose and the wine next to the two candles. Pray that St. Valentine will make each of you tender and loving only to each other, forsaking all others, until the end of time. When candles are finished, take photos, name papers, rose petals and wine to the back yard of your home. Dig a small hole and place all in it, pouring the wine over all of the papers and petals. Cover with the dirt and place a good sized rock over it, to make the spot. You may want to consider planting a rose bush over the spot, in remembrance of Saint Valentine. ...