Currently Browsing: Astrological Signs and Moon Phases

Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Aries

Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Aries   Using the power of the astrological signs and the planets associated with them is a good way to boost your intention for success. This is part 4 of a 12 part series about using the energy of the zodiac signs for candle spell burning success. – J.   The astrological sign of Aries the Ram occurs during March 21 to April 20 . The Planet associated with Aries is Mars, which is fourth in position from the Sun and is considered to be a “hot” energy sign. The planet Mars is consider a motivating planet as it has powerful positive and negative influences and is a force to be reckoned with and should be used with the most discretionary caution. Mars goes in like a warrior, doing exactly what it is told to do, without holding in judgment “right” and “wrong”. Is is an Action planet. Mars’ only agenda is victory as it incites bravery and courage. It is also used for candle spell of vindication. Read abut a good Vindication candle spell here:   Free-Candle-Spells | Psalm 7 Vindication Candle Spell   If it is time to launch an all out attack on your enemy, doing this spell during the Full Moon of Aries is ideal as this is a time to “wipe out” or “eliminate” them. You must be absolutely sure that you can accept what happens during this time because there is no going back once activated. Mars is like a Roman gladiator, seeking to “go in for the kill” and is very likely to leave waste in its’ wake. It is especially favorable for success if this is done on a Tuesday within one hour from sunrise , the 11th hour of the day (from sunrise) or at midnight. If you are seeking a favorable outcome without absolute harm coming to anyone, then using a New Moon in an Air sign (Aquarius/Gemini/Libra) during late March and early April with a Mercury or Venus day such as Wednesday or Friday will keep things in a more controlled atmosphere. Mars in Aries is an excellent protector so burning candle spells for protection against the “evil eye’ during a New Moon in Aries is best for protection against enemies and also to chase out or exorcise demons attacking or possessing someone.  ...

Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Aquarius

Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Aquarius       This is the second a 12 part series of blog articles regarding working with the energy of the Moon in each of the 12 zodiac planets in order to have a deeper understanding for candle spell burning success – J. * * * * * * * The astrological sign of Aquarius (Jan. 20th to Feb. 18th) is ruled by the planet Uranus, but older astrologers use both Saturn and Uranus . The energy of the sign of Aquarius is of a “Fixed” Air sign, meaning that it is stable and unchangeable. The energy of Uranus, a planet sometimes associated with psychiatry and psychology, is intellectual to the point of near genius. It is also sometimes referred to as the planet of disruption, sudden changes, and revolution. There is a reason that the song, “Age of Aquarius” by the 5th Dimension was considered a sign for the Sixties because Revolution was in the air. You can watch a clip from the song by clicking here. The changes that occur during the energy of Uranus is radical and cannot be easily reversed, as a rule, so remember that when you are working the planet or when the Sun is under the influences of Aquarius, make sure you are absolutely certain that this is what you want done, as it will be very, very hard to change back. This is not the planet to be wishy-washy in your candle spell work. Aquarius is considered the sign of caring for the Brotherhood of Man and the goodness for all in an equal way. When doing New Moon candle work under the sign of Aquarius, it is best to try to initiate new and innovative ideas to the recipient for consideration but this energy can also be utilized to turn someone’s “world upside down”, if need be. Again, the warning is to make sure that you carefully consider the outcomes of any candle work, both positive or negative, during this time. If you are using the energy of Aquarius in Full Moon candle spell work, it is best to do your “homework” first, as negative or any banishing or reversible candle work at this time can be detrimental to you, if you are part of the equation. For instance, if you want to burn a candle on a person who gave you a good talking to in an effort to see you on the road to success or to live a more positive lifestyle and you burn a revenge candle on them, be very certain that you will never, ever need this person’s influence or aid again, because you are basically “burning a bridge” with this person and do not be surprised that they write you off their friend list.        ...

Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Capricorn

Free Candle Spells | Candle Spellwork Under the Sign of Capricorn This begins a 12 part series of blog articles regarding working with the energy of the Moon in each of the 12 zodiac planets in order to have a deeper understanding for candle spell burning success – J.   The astrological sign of Capricorn (Dec. 22nd to Jan. 20th) is ruled by the planet Saturn. The energy of Saturn is somewhat restrictive, as it bodes caution in all matters. Sometimes Saturn ushers in obstructions in your life when you may be careening out of control. To you, it may seem that all forward movement has stopped. In reality, it is a yellow light in the traffic signal of your life path, cautioning you to slow down and think and to use patience, traditional methods and experience to achieve your goals. Capricorn is consider to have the energy of a “Cardinal” Earth sign, meaning that it is the most materialistic of all signs and is practical and energetic. Capricorn represents the father figure, and had been called the planet of Fate and Karma. When working your candle spells when the New Moon is under the auspices of the astrological sign of Capricorn the Goat, your focus on intentions should be concerned with seeing influential people for business contacts or career goals, practical matters in business and personal life, engaging in business that concerns agriculture, mining, natural resources, real estate, and items made from earth products. Under the positive aspects of the New Moon in Capricorn, make time to organize your life and get tings under control to manage more efficiently, and re-evaluate your directions in your life and your life goals. Lighting candles for necessary material items, such as a new or newer car, and for needed money for the household. While the Moon is Full in the sign of Capricorn, it is best to not do any of the above actions, with the exception of sitting down and plan your course in the next three months, six months and/or the year, so that when the Moon become New again, you can then plan candles for that particular phase to move towards success completion. It is not wise to burn candles as revenge on someone, especially if they did not offend you in any way, as Saturn will make sure the curse bounces off of them and lands on you! Do no initiate any cruelty or injustice, as you will then be judged severely and suffer dire consequences.  ...

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