The Prosperity Experiment Returns on Monday, August 9, 2010!

It it time for our second 2010 Prosperity Experiment beginning with the New Moon on Monday, August 9, 2010. The Prosperity Experiment is a one month long experience where I burn candles for your financial success, send you daily inspirations and ideas and a gift for you to work with on a daily basis to raise your “money drawing magnet” contained within your Being. Read here about the Prosperity Experiment: Articles about our past Prosperity Experiments We have had amazing successes for many clients! Here is what one regular (read: active) participant says: I participated in Jacqueline’s Prosperity Experiment during summer 2009. I had been having a difficult time selling my home, especially with the bad housing market. It was unbelievable that, during the 3rd week of the experiment, the house sold after having been on the market 7 months. A few months later, I applied for a job that I really wanted. I ordered the Triple Strength Candle Service. It helped me focus, gain strength, confidence, and clarity. I got the job! Jacqueline sends much needed positive energy your way during difficult and challenging times like this. She’s fantastic!!” – Terry The Prosperity experiment always begins on the first day of a New Moon, reputed to be most powerful for bringing in all forms of prosperity -cash, gifts, loans and such. Each day, I pray over your candles in the early morning and again at night. With each new candle altar that is set up for you and others (see example above) I send you a photo and commentary on last candle burned for you. Once a week, on Wednesdays I send a message out that we are all to gather in silent prayer for 15 minutes for one anohter, as we are in support of one another. I have even had other participants contact me for e-mails addresses of others who might be in need of employment. We are a close knit group. How can you join? Just send in your order for participation by clicking the order button below. Cost to participate in the Prosperity Experiment is $35.00. This covers 6 – 7-day “novena” glass candles (lit once every 5 days), your Daily Inspirational e-mail from me, and  a gift from me for you to use on your money altar or money drawing candles at home. Once your order has been received, I will then contact you with specifics and once Monday, August 9th arrives, you will begin your 30 day journey with me to abundance and prosperity! We are ready to begin our Prosperity Experiment. Please join us for our New Year 2011 Prosperity Experiment in January...

Free Candle Spells | Prosperity Experiment Updates & “Lucky” Green Rice!

Free Candle Spells | Prosperity Experiment Updates & “Lucky” Green Rice! Our first week of the Prosperity Experiment is coming to an end and the first weeks candles are extinguishing. Here is a picture of the first week altar. You can see the candles in large rectangle baking dishes (for fire safety) with the petitions placed under the dish. The statue is the Caridad de Cobre, Cuba’s Patron Saint and Catholic image of Ochun, Yoruba goddess of money, gold and the good life. In front of her you can see my green money rice bowl, full of Lucky Green Rice intermixed with coins from all over the world. Rice is considered a staple in many cultures around the world and many homes forbid to never run out of rice as it is a harbinger of Bad Luck. In the Southern spiritual traditions, rice that has been tinted green with food coloring and also has special herbs with money drawing capabilities can be worn in your shoes for 3 days, then sprinkled about the home and swept towards the front door with a broom to attract more money to the home. “Lucky” Green Rice is the first product being produced by my sister company, Lucky 13Clover Spiritual Supply. We are also proud to announce that we are now carrying the Motor City Hoo Doo Condition Oils line as well. You may click on the links in this article to go directly to the Lucky 13 Clover website. The photo here shows a generous 8 oz. size bag, good for at least six months of wearing and sweeping to bring in needed money into the home. This bag shown sells for $7.00 (included shipping). This rice has been charged by sitting between these candles and you may order a sample 1/2 oz. full of Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply “Lucky” Green Rice for only $2.00 (including shipping) by clicking the button below: 1/2 oz. sample of “Lucky” Green Rice Comes with instructions on how to...

The Prosperity Experiment | January 16, 2010 – 30 Days to More Wealth in 2010!

January is a pivotal month for many. The children are going back to school after the Holidays, which may have strained the pocketbook. Those extended working hours and seasonal employment are now reduced. Even if you planned for the Holidays, you probably overspent. Heating homes cost more. These are just some of the many challenges of the season that will be a concern to us. I am declaring the month of January as the month of Prosperity!! It is a time for thankfulness and new beginnings – of the blessings we have already received through the year and a time to concentrate on having a successful New Year 2010. I invite you to join me in a very special experiment only open to 30 clients and readers of Free-Candle-Spells. Participation is a donation of $30.00 per person to cover the costs of materials, candles I will be burning on your behalf, etc. I want you to make a commitment to gather with others just like you who want to raise the vibrations of their wealth and prosperity talents and partake in a daily walk to prosperity with me. If you partake of this experiment, you will receive: A Daily Prosperity Inspirational Meditation to think upon throughout your day as a mantra or chant to encourage you to seek out all and every money making opportunity. I will be praying over 6 anointed and blessed candles (one lit for you every 5 days) for each person throughout the entire 30 days. An Inspirational CD of music and meditations to listen while driving to work or while in the privacy of your sacred space. A FREE downloadable book that was the inspiration for the author of “The Secret” This is what I am going to to do for you throughout the 30 days : ~~A weekly report on each of the 6 candles I am burning for you. ~~A photograph of each candle to show that your candle is on the Money Altar. ~~Your candles will be prayed over by me once in the morning and once at night throughout the 30-day experiment. ~~A special time set aside once a week where we will all be in prayer at the same time. ~~A daily e-mail with a devotional meditation for you and I to focus on throughout the day. To participate, click on the “Buy Now” button below before January 16, 2010 to have “mo’ money” flowing your way! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Thank you for your interest but we have begun or service. Please register for news on the next Prosperity experiment (mid-year) by registering at my newsletter page at Tarot by Jacqueline Newsletter $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $...

Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment June 22 to July 21, 2009

It is time for another Prosperity Experiment! Time to increase your wealth and happiness! So what IS the Prosperity Experiment? It is a period of 30 days in which I burn green money drawing candles for your intentions and financial desires.It is a time where you have someone working for you exclusively for your financial benefit. We will start on the next New Moon on June 22, 2009. New Moons are for ‘bringing in’ and ‘increase’ – just what we want for your pocketbook and bank account! It is a time where 6 green candles, properly dressed, will be burned for you and prayed over once  in the morning and once at night for you as you go about your busy day. Some of the success stories we (because the group becomes like a ‘little family’) have achieved: PAULA B. got married to the many of her dreams! SUE had a remarkable gain in her family’s business during the slow season! IVY got her website up and going and business is looking good! We have many success stories and the blessings sometimes come immediately and some have experienced residual increases in prosperity. What is it that you need? A new car? Money to cover bills? Tuition? A new job? Cash flow from various streams of income? The Prosperity Experiment is not for the faint of heart but one that you must also participate for one hour a week in prayer, wherever you are in the world, for the intentions of all. Can you do it? ** You will receive daily inspirational verses that you can tape to your monitor at work or on your steering wheel to ponder while sitting at the red light. This is a whole mind-body-spirit experience. ** You will receive a bottle of TRIPLE STRENGTH Money Drawing Oil to use on candles in the privacy of your own home. You will also receive other ‘goodies’ to inspire you to greater financial gains. ** You will have 6 green candles burned on your behalf, once every 5 days, with photos sent weekly. If this is the avenue for you to begin increasing your wealth, then click the button below and we will begin to ready you for a financial trip to a more secure tomorrow! WE HAVE BEGIN THE EVENT SO WE CANNOT TAKE ANY MORE ORDERS. THANK YOU....

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