Posted by Jacqueline on Jun 7th, 2009 in Revenge Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Black Candle Spell for an Enemy
Warning! If you are a bit squeamish – this spell is not for you! It is about those who have been done wrong so badly that it is time that a little Justice is administered – one way or ‘tuther! This candle spell is for an enemy – not someone who just gets into your business, is a nosy neighbor or just doesn’t know when to stop pestering you. This black candle burn spell is for those who have actually came after you and attempted or succeeded in causing you loss of face in the community, loss of income, loss of property or loved ones or because they have been nothing but trouble since they and you have crossed paths. I am talking about those who have cheated you purposely, those who have lied and caused you a loss of something, those who have took something or yours and will not make amends. Maybe this is someone like a jealous ex who is trying to break up your current relationship. This could also be someone who has broken into your home, stole your car or wallet, or just has nothing to do but try to take you down. There is something to be said about how the ancient peoples in the Old Testament took care of things – no turning the other cheek, no Sir! It was eye for an eye, and those who did wrong got their come-uppance! The first thing you must consider even before purchasing anything to do with this spell is: Is this black candle spell justified? I am talking about you having nothing to do with ‘egging’ it on or making comments that inflame the other person to incite them to do something wrong to you. This is about working through your conscience and making absolutely sure – may lightning strike you if you lie – that you did NOTHING to this person to make them do what they did to you. If you can say “Yes, Lord” to this – them you can proceed with this black candle spell. Ingredients: 1 Black 7 – day novena type Glass Candle 1 White Petition Paper Mixture of the following: Dried Snails Shells, Snake Skin (Sheddings), Crab Claws, Black Pepper, Red Pepper, Charcoal Ashes from the Fireplace, Wood Burning Stove or Barbecue, Dried Dog Dung ( Yes, doggie doo-doo – get some and dry it in the Sun in a desposible aluminum pan before pulverizing with a rock). Personal Item or Concern of the Victim (using a photo at LAST resort): This includes toenail or fingernail clippings, semen, urine, feces (these all being collected in a tissue), toothbrush bristle, hair from a hair brush, ear wax from a Q-Tip, a tissue that the victim blew their nose into, a Band-Aid, paper napkin in which they spit, wiped their lips or left a trace of lipstick, etc. I told you this spell is not for the squeamish! 1 bottle of any of the following Anointing Oils: “Destruction Oil”, “Jinxing Oil”, “Crossing Oil”, “Do Unto My Enemies” Oil (aka “D.U.M.E.” Oil), “Revenge Oil” or “Run, Devil Run Oil”. Write your curse on the paper, with using the victim’s full name, or as much ‘identifiers’ (things that can only pertain to them). For example, “That blonde hussy at the club named Suzie with the fake weave that thinks she is the cocktail waitress of the year! White girl THINKS she’s a sistah with that Afrocentric hairdo and those big doorknocker fake gold earrings like Salt ‘n’ Pepa used to wear back in the day” (This is only an example of using identifiers; descriptive words that ‘zero in’ on the...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 10th, 2009 in Revenge Candle Spells, Using Psalms in Candle Work/Spellwork | Comments Off on Psalm 109 White Prayer Candle Spell for Vindication and Revenge
Readers, Today we are going to begin a new column in regarding using the Psalms to do your candle work for change and for outcomes that you desire. These “recipes” for candle work with Psalms come from various sources such as my own Bible, a few native informants and also traditionally inscribed in various tomes. Ingredients: 1 Piece White Parchment Paper (you can find small boxes of this paper at any Office Depot or Staples) 1 White Glass 7- day Novena Candle 1 Bottle of Revenge Oil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take the parchment paper (8.5 x 11 inches) and place it into your printer and copy and paste this Psalm 109 onto the paper. Now for more effectiveness, you may write this Psalm by hand, thinking of the victim all the while you wire. Then, turn paper over and write your enemy’s name nine times. Turn the paper 90 degrees ( to a horizontal position) and across your enemy’s name, wrtie your full name. Make sure you have an inch clearing all around the edge of the paper. Then, in one long , continuous line and WITHOUT LIFTING YOUR PEN, write exactly what you would like to see happen to the enemy, any curses or indicators that this is marked for him or her specifically. Here is an example of a curse: BrutusthesailormanwhovisitsmygalOliveOylwhenIamnotaroundyouwilllooseyourmuscles Notice that it is purposely made into a run-on sentence with no breaks and this is how you must write – without lifting the pen. If you lift the pen, and it is natural to do so to dot the “i” or cross the “t”, you will need to begin all over again for the spell to be effective. Anoint the corners of the petition paper with Revenge Oil At this point, it would seem that a black candle would be used, as some traditions would do. I used a white candle, because we a seeking justice through the hands of God, and nothing that is associated with God should be dark. Clean your candle with lemon juice (see the “Proper Candle Preparation” category on the right of this page) and sit it in the center of a white plate with the petition paper/Psalm under it. Light it after 6:30 am on a Sunday morning. Pray over the candle “the Lord’s Prayer” (“The Lord is my Shepherd…”) that first Sunday morning and every morning as you arise and go about your day. When the candle gets low in wax, clean and begin another white 7-day Novena candle and set it right next to the other until the first burns out. When first light is out, remove glass and recycle. Continue this pattern until desired results are achieved. One thing to remember: God’s time is not our time. To him, a year may be a moment or a century. We do not know but we must burn our candles for His intervention and Trust the He will administer Justice in our behalf, in His own time and in His own way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Psalm 109 Prayer for Vindication and Vengeance To the leader. Of David. A Psalm. 1 Do not be silent, O God of my praise. 2 For wicked and deceitful mouths are opened against me, speaking against me with lying tongues. 3 They beset me with words of hate, and attack me without cause. 4 In return for my love they accuse me, even while I make prayer for them.a 5 So they reward me evil for good, and hatred for my love. 6 They say, “Appoint a wicked man against him; let an accuser stand on his right. 7 When he is tried, let him be...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 1st, 2009 in Beginners Candle Spells, Love Candle Spells, Money Drawing Prosperity Spells, Proper Candle Preparation, Revenge Candle Spells, Reversible Candles | Comments Off on Free-Candle-Spells | Free Spells for Love, Money, Success, Reversible
Happy New Year 2009! Welcome to! This site is dedicated to the sharing of candle spells for love, money, success, peace and more from all cultures and traditions. I wish you Blessings of Prosperity and Abundance in the New Year 2009. I hope that you will participate in our many interactive sub-groups such as the Prosperity Experiment and the New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Ritual and Candle Burning. I invite you to submit your successful spells, ask questions about spells, candles, candle colors, blessed oils, anointing or condition oils, moon phases with candles, or anything else closely related and make yourself welcome to read all about From time to time, you will see special advertisements on products to use and great websites or reference books to use. ...
Posted by Jacqueline on Aug 28th, 2008 in Revenge Candle Spells | Comments Off on A Red Pepper Packet Spell to Undermine an Enemy
I have just finished with a bevy of clients lately that seem to have one thing in common – someone who wants to see them go down! Is it in the air or is the planets lining up or what!?! Interestingly enough, how to handle negative people will be the subject of my next newsletter so if you have not signed up to receive a twice monthly e-mail jam packed with all kinds of information, then click on the upper right hand side of the peel down page, sign up and start receiving them today! As an added bonus, download the free e-book, “Making Magic with Salt” – a double bonus!

THE RED PEPPER PACKET SPELL TO UNDERMINE AN ENEMY Red Pepper (aka Crushed Red Pepper – the kind you get at the pizzeria) Black Peppercorns (on your grocer’s spice aisle) Graveyard Dirt Piece of Paper with the name of the Enemy written on it Piece of black cloth Black candle To slowly weaken and crush an enemy, take a piece of paper in which you have written the enemy’s name and fold it up with red pepper, black peppercorns, graveyard dirt and tie this paper up in a piece of black cloth into a little sack or bag. Sit it by a black candle until the candle burns out. Tie it to their bumper of the car or to the tailpipe or some other place where they won’t see it. If you can get it under the drivers’ seat of the car, then do it. If this is not a possibility, then try to place it in the enemy’s house or place of business (under the couch or under a shelf or...