Currently Browsing: Annual Banishing Ritual New Years’ Eve

Readers Question | How Do I Do Banishing Spell Without Karma Backlash?

Hello Ms. Jacqueline, I am interested in purchasing one of 4th Annual Banishing Burn doll and I have a question. I do not want to send myself to hell for the person on the doll but karma is a mug. The person a (Professor) is a straight up liar she had me thrown out the college and I know it was because she does not like black people. I don’t know how the dolls works but as I mention karma is a mug if I sent a photo of her to be place on the doll would that have a greater effect? like I want justice I want her to be fired from the college and for everybody to see her as the liar prejudice woman she is. It your opinion that matter to me so what do you think? Name Withheld by Blog Owner/Moderator * * * * * * * Dear, The old saying, “If you want to destroy the negative hold someone has or magic worked against you, you burn it up” is at work here. In another way to see it, it is like if you want to lay a “trick” at someone’s door, and there is a houseful of kids, but you want the Mom to ‘get tripped up’, you NAME to spell and its’ ingredients and ‘label’ it that the spell is only to affect the Mom and not anyone else in the dwelling, then it will not hurt the kids. You do not want others to be affected, only the NAMED person. That is why we name the poppet/doll, so that it won’t affect others. Now, to use the color black for the doll is because negativity appears as the color black in hoodoo history, so we want to keep it as traditional as possible. We are not cursing, exacting revenge or jinxing someone here. We are burning up effigies of people who have made our lives troublesome. Also, if someone did something to you, then there are grounds for doing work to cut yourself off from the situation. This is the LAW OF KARMA, which does not have direct connections to Hoodoo, but many still think it has some influence over the motions of Life. It does not mean that you want this person DEAD, but you want to burn up any lasting residue or influence over you. All this ritual is for is to release negativity or negative persons who have bothered you, ‘tripped you up’ from success, bad mouthed you and caused you troubles, and the like. You are not ‘wishing’ them to die (that would be more of a graveyard spell), but their nastiness can be ‘burned off you’ so you can move on. My Hoodoo teacher and mentor, cat yronwode, is given credit by me to have taught me this ‘rule’, now I am not quoting her specifically, but I do want her knowledge to be honored and respected. Here is the exact “rule” as I know it to be in hoodoo: If you want to keep something at home or near you, bury it in the back yard. If you want to hide the original spell, you place it in the crook of a tree. If you want to bring in or attract something, bury it under the front step or nearby. If you want to eliminate the influence of it, burn it. If you want it to go far away or leave, throw it in moving water like a river. If you want it to work secretly, place it in food or something they drink. If you want to scatter it’s influence, place it at...

Free Candle Spells | 4th Annual Banishing Negativity Burn | Dec. 31st – New Year’s Eve

Free Candle Spells | 4th Annual Banishing Negativity Burn | Dec. 31st – New Year’s Eve It is time again to prepare for the 4th Annual Banishing Negativity Burn on New Year’s Eve night, Dec. 31st. This ritual, performed each year at this time, is a opportunity to burn away negative influences and events that has happened in the past year, so that you start the year 2011 fresh and renewed in Spirit. This is performed in an outdoor fire pit and fragrance sacred herbs and essences are added to the pyre, using frankincense, myrrh and white sage. These are mixed into the petition papers, creating a burnt offering that wafts to the Angels and Saints in Heaven so they can hear our pleas of negative release. There are two ways you can participate: 1. ) Order a tealight petition candle for $1.00 each (an excellent idea to burn one for each member of the family!) 2. ) Have a custom made poppet/doll made and named for an individual who is causing you grief and torment and burn their negative influences out of your life. Each poppet/doll is $25.00 Each participant will get a file with photos of their poppet/doll construction and the burn ritual. Read more about the Banishing Negativity Burn by clicking on the grey box at the top of this blog...

Free Candle Spells | Article Link – When to Consider Seeking a Spiritual Consultation or Reading

Here is an informative article I wrote in regards to helping to decide when it is time to get a intuitive reading or seek spiritual consultations. The original article is located on Click this link to go to the article: When to Consider Seeking a Spiritual Consultation or Reading – Signs to Look for Psychic...

Free Candle Spells | 3rd Annual Banishing Ritual – Dec. 31st – New Years’ Eve

Free Candle Spells | 3rd Annual Banishing Ritual – Dec. 31st – New Years’ Eve It’s time again for our 3rd annual Banishing Negativity Candle Ritual scheduled for Thursday, December 31st – New Year’s Eve. For those of you who have participated in the past, you have experienced great shifts in change once you sent in your petition and had a candle lit for you. Some of you had quick results of the dolls or poppets stuffed with Spanish Moss and other things that you named for people who were giving you H -E – Double Hockey Sticks and you needed them to get a move on! A full article about the event and ways that you can participate is now located on my blog page at my other site, Tarot by Jacqueline. To read more about it, click here To order a doll or poppet to be named for someone or a candle and petition to be burned on this night, click...

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