Currently Browsing: Uncrossing Candles Spells

Free Candle Spells | Banishing/ Release of Negative Vibrations – Uncrossing Candle Spell

  This spell is really simple to do and you can use small finger-sized candles. I found some of these candles in one of our area drugstores, Long’s Drugs! Now I know where to send clients when they want to get a black candle in a hurry! Ingredients 1 small free-standing Black Candle (not encased in glass) 1 handful of Salt 1 piece of white paper 1 ceramic or glass dish, container or jar (that you will be disposing of at end of candle burn). Small jelly or honey jars, pickle or olive jars work best (make sure they are clean and dry). 1 White 7-day glass Novena Candle Ice or ice cubes (enough for all the drains in the house) This spell is for when the home feels like there is negativity in it or if you have had a really bad fight or argument and you want to banish the energy and get on with the day. Clean candles with alcohol or lemon juice; let dry. Take the piece of paper and write a banishing incantation on it (i.e. “Energy of our last argument, be gone and leave this premises” or “Ill will and negativity leave this home, be carried by the wind to the Heavens and never to return”). Put the paper in the ceramic or glass container. Sprinkle it liberally with salt. Place black free-standing candle upright in the container. Tell the salt to heed what you have written on the paper. Tell the salt to carry away the negativity. Place container on front step. Sprinkle additional salt across the doorstep. dividing the space between you and the candle like this: You >>>>>|<<<<< Black Candle (the line between You and Black Candle in the above diagram is the salt line) Light candle and again state your intentions. Close your door, letting candle burn on porch or doorstep until out. Do not relight candle if it goes out; the work is done. Take all the ice cubes you have in the home and equally fill each drain in the sinks and tubs with ice, letting it melt slowly to calm the area. Anoint the white candle with any of the benevolent oils (Blessing, Peace, Joy, Healing Condition Oils) or a teaspoon of Olive Oil that you have prayed over it for peace and happiness. Let it burn until candle is finished. Do not blow white candle out. When black candle has gone out, carry whole container to nearest gutter drain and dump the contents of the ceramic dish into drain (wax, paper and salt). Take glass container and place it into the recycling or garbage can outside your home. Keep salt line on your porch overnight; washing it away with a weak solution of Pine Sol or Chinese Wash and water, using a broom meant for outdoor use only to brush the solution as far towards the street as you can. Rinse off broom with garden hose and stand it upright in the corner of the porch to dry overnight. While the majority of uses for black candles is to cross someone or wish them ill will, the use of the black candle is to draw the negativity towards it, to burn it out and send it heavenward. The theory of “like attracts like”, meaning the dark negative energy will adhere to the dark candle is the intention here. the use of salt speaks of centuries of tradition that “salt will do what you tell it to do”; in this case, not only to absorb the negativity (salt in jar) but to also mark a line where the negativity cannot cross back into the home (salt...

Free Candle Spells | Double Strength Uncrossing Candle Spell

      TO UNCROSS ONESELF Ingredients Double Strength Uncrossing Bath Salts Double Strength Uncrossing Oil 3 Kings Incense Charcoal Oil of Rosemary Saltpeter Parchment Paper Ink Pen Solomon Seal #35 King Solomon Root Red Flannel Bag Put two tablespoons of DOUBLE STRENGTH UNCROSSING BATH and one tablespoonful of SALTPETER into your bath water while the water is running, make your wish and repeat the Prayer ” O Lord, banish from us this day and for ever, all evil from our heart, soul, and body.” After your bath, anoint the palms of your hands and the bottoms of your feet with UNCROSSING OIL. On a piece of parchment paper write your name 9 times and place it under a DOUBLE STRENGTH UNCROSSING CANDLE. Place a bowl of water in which you have put 3 drops of OIL OF ROSEMARY between the UNCROSSING CANDLE and your ZODIAC CANDLE. Light both candles and let them burn continuously until the crossed condition is removed. Each morning burn DOUBLE STRENGTH JOHN THE CONQUEROR INCENSE with the candles and read the Prayer to Cast Out Evil or the 69th psalm. A crossed condition has been blamed by many as the source of their bad luck. It is when everything seems to go from bad to worse or when a stumbling block is put up in the path to friends, money, success, love, and good luck. It also manifests when results from other spiritual work are hard to obtain or when enemies and evil doers have used something to change all good luck to bad luck. Many, when feeling the weight of this evil work being done by others, use the following set-up to remove a crossed condition. Preparation of the Uncrossing Bag To prepare an uncrossing bag, first write your name 9 times on the back of SEAL # 35 from the 6th and 7th Book of Moses. Place this seal along with a dressed KING SOLOMON ROOT and some UNCROSSING POWDER in a RED FLANNEL BAG. Dress the bag every 3 days with DOUBLE STRENGTH UNCROSSING OIL. This bag should be carried with you at all times. At least once a day hold the bag in your left hand and make your wish to remove all evil and crossed conditions. In cases where you want to remove and return the evil back to whoever is causing it, use the DOUBLE STRENGTH GO DEVIL CANDLE in place of the Uncrossing Candle. Write ” Send Back All Evil ” 9 times on a piece of parchment paper, place it under the candle and read the Prayer to Cast Out Evil or Psalm 109 each day. I had this spell kept in a document file for many years and the author is unknown to me to give them proper credit for giving us this spell. Many thanks to you and I am sure this has helped many people.    ...

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