Currently Browsing: Moon Phases and Candle Spells

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Capricorn – How Free Are You?

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Capricorn – How Free Are You? The Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on July 1, 2015 at 9:19 pm E.S.T. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Capricorn, the Sea Goat, is considered to have the energies of a “Cardinal” Earth sign, meaning that the energies of this time are practical, energetic and innovative. In addition, Pluto is also the sign of Capricorn, this double ‘whammy’ of the dark probing issues of life and the search for freedom is heightened. The last time in history that Pluto was in the astrological sign of Capricorn, the American Revolution occurred. Now do you see where we get the term “Founding Fathers” – Capricorn representing Father figures? Since 1776, we have been on a never-ending search of what we want to make our lives happy and fulfilled, and this long journey at time can be daunting, with the many twists and turns in the road of Life. During these next two weeks, you may have the urge to radically revise and look at yourself and your lifestyle. Pluto is the planet of revelation and gladly shines a spotlight on the dark corners of your life and psyche to show us what lies in the shadows. Traditionally, it is held that the Full Moon is the time for “Reversing” and “Banishing” candle spell work. This is the time to light banishing candles for the reduction or elimination of bills and debt. Utilize your finances wisely and make great strides on adding a few extra dollars to your regular monthly payment with agin Capricorn represents the Father figure in the zodiac, the air of paternal seriousness is in the air. Lighting “Reversible” candles will aid and support the ‘flip’ on recent events that did not go so well in the last Mercury Retrograde (which just ended on June 11th). The next New Moon will occur on July 16,...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Sagittarius – Mercury’s in Retrograde to Boot!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Sagittarius – Mercury’s in Retrograde to Boot! The Full Moon occurs on June 2, 2015 at 11:19 am E.S.T in the astrological sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. Mercury is in Retrograde at this time, affecting all of us but those especially under the signs of Gemini and Virgo. Despite the tendency of a Mercury Retrograde to wreck havoc with all types of communication form the spoken word to technology, there is a tendency to be curt in response and have a sharp tone to the voice during this time, as Mars joins in the planetary mix to give words “a little heat”. The Full Moon is traditionally held as a time when you use the energies of the waning Moon to reduce, reverse, diffuse, and reject the very issues you are facing. Burning “Reversible” or “Block Buster” candles are effective at this time. The energy of the Full Moon in Sagittarius is a “Mutable” Fire sign, meaning that the energy is creative and aggressive, and fluctuates between optimistic and pessimistic viewpoints. During this time, there may be an over-abundance of e-mails and phone calls, so it is crucial that you ‘say what you mean and mean what you say’ Other planetary aspects include Pluto being in quincunx with Mars, making passions run high. there may be issues with gender equality in the news as well as women’s rights issues. Concerns on the home front take the lead as home and hearth is the thrust of the issue right now. Keep calm when speaking with others when your security is threatened. Burning blue candles anointed with “Peaceful Home” and “House Blessing” oils is suggested at this time. The next New Moon occurs on June 16,...

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – A Lunar Eclipse to Boot!

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – A Lunar Eclipse to Boot! The Full Moon in Libra occurs on April 4, 2015 at 7:06 am E.S.T., and coincides with a Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses always brings certain issues to light, leading to unexpected developments, with decisions and actions taking on extra importance. Lunar Eclipses are oriented around relationships and the feeling that is illuminated is one of a crisis of some sort – usually from a lack of attention or a lingering neediness or great want. This “relationship” does not necessarily mean a personal or love relationship, but can also mean a work-related relationship, health, or even the one we have with ourselves. Many times when a Lunar Eclipse is in association with a Full Moon, the effects can last for up to six months, when the next Lunar eclipse will occur. Since this Lunar eclipse is in the astrological sign of Libra, the Scales, the need for balance in our lives comes to the forefront. Libra Moons represent diplomacy and fair mindedness for all, however, since Aries has a hidden agenda in this configuration, that agenda may be for the self and not really about diplomacy for all. This Lunar Eclipse will place the magnifying glass on flaws in our lives, particularly in partnerships and our relationship with ourself. Emotions run high and can overload the senses as decisions are made with emotional energy. Full Moons are traditionally held as times to banish and remove, and the Full Moon in Libra, a “Cardinal” Air sign, means that the energy is innovative, intellectual and inventive. You may want to burn “Reversible” candles but if you are seeking a peaceful separation with a partner, lighting blue candles anointed with “Healing” and “Blessing” oil will aid and assist in keeping an even keel in this emotional time. It is also a good time to beautify your altar, creating new altar cloths, candles or robes. The next New Moon will occur on April 18,...

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – All About the Timing!

Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – All About the Timing!     The New Moon in Aquarius occurs at 6:47 p.m. E.S.T. on February 18, 2015.  This Moon, in the astrological sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, has the qualities of a “Fixed” Air sign. This means that the energy is stable, unchangeable and the emphasis is on mental and intellectual activities. New Moons are traditionally held as time for candle rituals for increase and expansion in wealth, fame, love and success. This is because as the Moon “grows” from nothing to “fat” (meaning non-existent in the sky to full), the Celestial Beings are blessing the earth with moonlight. Not every person works with the moon’s influences but for those who do, the Moon can be beneficial to your candle spells. This is an excellent time for calculating and planning for your spell as all things mental is supported by Aquarius. Complex and complicated candle spells are always supported by determining the best hour of the day to start and which day is best as well. The more exacting you can be with the investigative study and calculations of what time and what products to use will increase your candle burning spell work success. Other planetary influences at this time is that we recently left a Mercury Retrograde cycle on February 11th and there could be some residuals of clearing up problems because of that. In addition, a March Solar Eclipse is showing signs that there may be a crisis involving the military as well as union based finances and pensions. The 8th semi-annual Prosperity Experiment 2015 will commence on Wednesday, Feb 18th. For more information regarding this month long candle ritual for an increase in prosperity and abundance, click here: The next Full Moon will occur on March 5,...

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