Currently Browsing: Honey Jar Spells for Love

Readers Questions | Now For a Different Kind of Honey Jar Spell…

Readers Questions | Now For a Different Kind of Honey Jar Spell…             This person submitted these photos on another group I belong to and since the photos were so fantastic, I asked them to describe to me what was the purpose of the honey jar and I gave her my feelings on observing the photos. This is NOT your normal honey jar spell candle burn! Read on… Copied straight from my e-mail: My honey jar is for an affair. My marriage is falling apart and will be ending in the next couple of months. In the mean time, my husband and I have no contact. Sex is mechanical and mostly because we “should be doing it” then anything else. So I decided to attract a married man because he is safe and wont try to break up my marriage and wont want to spend tons of time with me either. In the honey jar is the paper with our names on it written like usual 2 hairs his and mine 2 rose petals and some of our “personal concerns” collected after sex. And of course.. honey.  (bold font moderator’s choice) I use this jar as a bit of a manipulation tool as well. To keep ME safe, I spend about 30 minutes each M/W/F morning and send some energy to keep him only ‘straying with me’ if that makes sense? I dont want him to be sleeping with a bunch of people and if he is willing to cheat on his wife, then he may be willing to cheat ” on me” . And i cant have that. STDs are scary and I have to be a healthy parent. I send some love energy as well so that this stays the connection it is and doesnt end nasty like a highschool ‘its just sex’ session either. I put some of that energy into that big candle and it went up quickly. I use tapers and burn them for HOURS instead of small 1 or 2 hour candles. I also keep the honey jar on my alter. A constant place of power. I found out first that he had an attraction to me instead of just pulling some one out of thin air as well. So this jar is just basically keeping the attraction strong ( maybe too strong) and renewing our attraction every couple of days.  I do add a little bit of love energy mostly to just keep the attraction healthy and safe. If there is a bit of emotional desire behind it, Im thinking it may keep him from straying farther… I recognize that is a bit of manipulation, but it is only to keep things safe.. so hopefully that wont bite me in the behind some day, but if it does… oh well. I knew the consequences when I set up the jar. Lets see.. homely happy things about me.. I have been practicing energy work for 15 years. Have two familiars, one child. I live in Texas. um um sheesh aint much “happy bunny foo foo ” about me.. HAHAHHA Name withheld by moderator                 NOTE:  In addition to this, the last photo of the honey jar would not allow me to put a joke in the caption section about Elvis singing, “a hunka-hunka burnin’ love”!. It was like the candle was making sure there is no joking around about THIS spell! Watch...

Free Candle Spells | How to Make a Honey Jar to Sweeten Someone to You & Your Wishes

Free Candle Spells | How to Make a Honey Jar to Sweeten Someone to You & Your Wishes We are going to get downright sticky today with learning how to make a Honey Jar. Making a Honey Jar to “Sweeten” someone to you, whether a lover (potential or existing), boss or a cantankerous person has been around for generations. This visual – really a mini altar – is a way to not only have your candle burning for your intentions constantly but is also a way to remind you of your intentions towards them. Ingredients Clean Canning or Jelly Jar (or even a pretty cut glass sugar bowl with a flat cover) Honey OPTIONAL: Sugar (if you want) Some use white sugar if the target is Caucasian, Light Brown Sugar for Hispanic and Dark Brown Sugar for those who are of African descent. Oil of Influence, Love Me, Boss Fix, Crown of Success, or any other anointing oil that will bring around positive results. Herbs to boost the power such as: Red Chili Peppers or Crushed Red Pepper Seeds for “heat”, Cinnamon for “heating things up”, Rose Petals for Love, Basil, Thyme and Allspice for Money drawing. NOTE: A good source of botanical reference for the use of Herbs in Magic is “Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic” by cat yronwode. It is listed as a traditional formulary giving the spiritual uses of natural herbs, rots, minerals and zoological curios. For more information on obtaining this book, e-mail me at jacqueline (at) and I will help you. A photo, lock of hair, nail clipping, business card, sexual fluids on a tissue (for lovers), or a reduced size copy of contract, coins, etc. – anything that could be a source of influence for your honey jar. How To Make A Honey Jar First, take your glass jar and clean it well, then dry. Anoint with oil the photo, business card or even just the name of the person who you want to “be sweet” to you. Place items – a photo, business card or lock of hair in bottom of jar (maybe for the lover jar, place some rose petals first – like a “bed of roses” – so romantic – then place photo on that). On top of the business card for the boss or that mini copy of the contract folded – place a few coins – I use five – for money drawing properties. Sprinkle the oil and herbs/flowers around on top. Cover with a few spoons of sugar (optional) of your color variety (see above) and either alternate layers of sugar/honey, sugar/honey, until you get to the top or just fill rest of jar with honey. I always taste a bit of the honey on my finger before pouring as in my tradition the Goddess Ochun (Oshun) was poisoned by honey offered her and therefore she will never again accept any offerings of her favorite substance without the devotees tasting the honey first, ensuring its’ safety. Close the lid to the jar and tighten it. You will not open it again (unless to disassemble). Take small finger sized pink candles (picture fat birthday candles) and burn them while standing on them on top of the lid. Do this once a day until you get your desired results. Eventually the wax will cover the lid and the sides of the jar. Once you have gained your outcome, keep the jar somewhere where it is undisturbed, bringing it out to relight candles on if the lover is not attentive or the bothersome person “acts up” again. SEE PHOTO   This particular honey jar is for blessings of peace and clarity and thus we are using a white candle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For superior natural love drawing and money...

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