Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Scorpio the Scorpion

astrological candles from

Scorpio the Scorpion rules those born October 24th to November 22nd. This zodiac sign is a Water Element sign, despite most scorpions (true animals)  are considered to be  located in the hot desert

These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary influence. If an Astrological Candle is not available in your sign, then you may obtain a plain 7-day glass novena candle in the appropriate color for your sign and use a permanent marker or paint pen to draw the symbol for Scorpio, which looks like a cursive capital “M” with an arrow at the end of the letter.

.The color candle associated with Scorpio is blue and the planet of influence is Pluto.

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