Posted by Jacqueline on Feb 3rd, 2015 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Leo – Curb the Roaring!
The Full Moon in occurs on February 3, 2015 at 6:09 pm E.S.T.. This lunation, in the astrological sign of Leo, the Lion, is considered having the energy of a “Fixed” Fire sign, meaning the energy is aggressive, stable, constant, and unchangeable. In addition, we have just crossed a mid-point in our three week Mercury Retrograde, set to end February 11th, and this is a challenging time for communication as Leo may incite strong communication (Planet Mercury) that may go awry. Be calm and cautious in your choice of words. Full Moon time is traditionally considered ideal for doing candle rituals for banishment, reversal, repelling, decrease, and waning. Burning Reversible candles are more effective at this time. Since Mercury is the planet of communication, extra care should be placed on the words incanted or the written petition paper for these spells as a Mercury Retrograde jumbles things up and things could get misconstrued. Other planetary influences are that Pallas is still very active and you are being cautioned to be careful with sharp objects. Be careful of your words as they could incite a riot in your world! If you are feeling the effects of this harsh time, better to take everyone that you associate with and write their names on slips of paper and place them in a container of sugar. this will keep them ‘sweet’ until this cycle is finished on the 11th, then you can decide whether you want their names to stay in the sugar or you want to extract them and pour some Healing Oil over the papers and set alight outside in a tin pie pan. The next New Moon will occur on February 18,...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 19th, 2015 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Aquarius – A Mercury Retrograde to Boot!
The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on January 20, 2015 at 8:14 am E.S.T. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Aquarius the Water Bearer, is considered a “Fixed” Air sign, meaning the energy of this lunation is concerned with mental activity and is intellectual, stable, and unchanging. Aquarius, the zodiac symbol representing the “Family of Man” has qualities that promote equality, fairness and a person’s rights. New Moon time is an excellent time to burn candles for increase in abundance and wealth, to attract love and romance, and to gain success in education and employment. Burning yellow candles anointed with “Crown of Success”, green candles with Money Drawing Oil, or pink candles for affectionate love and romance is favored now. This is also an excellent time to plan out your spells for the year, by calculating the timing of the Moons, planetary hours and products, you can schedule your candle spells for the upcoming months. The more that you use the scientific method on your spells, the more dramatic and effective the candle ritual will be! Other planetary aspects that in action now is that Mercury, the planet of communication, will turn retrograde tomorrow, Jan. 21st. Click on the link here to read more about actions to take during a Mercury Retrograde: This is also a good time to calculate your candle spells around the concept of the ‘good of the whole’ instead of ego or self-driven projects. A raise will immediately benefit you, but also your family and the community around you. One easy way to increase your abundance and prosperity is to give a small donation in the spirit of compassion to those less fortunate. A few dollars donated will be replenished in your wallet or pocketbook faster and in a larger quantity than you might expect. The next Full Moon will occur on February 3,...
Posted by Jacqueline on Jan 4th, 2015 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Cancer – We Are the World!
The Full Moon in Cancer occurs at 11:54 pm E.S.T. on Sunday, January 4, 2015. This Moon, in the astrological sign of Cancer, the Crab, is considered to be a “Cardinal” Water sign, meaning that the energy is practical, energetic, maternal and innovative. It is considered one of the most materialistic astrological sign in the zodiac. Other planetary aspects affecting us at this time is that this Moon is opposing the planet Pluto and squaring Uranus. This has worldly connotations, so turmoil in other countries may affect the United States. There is also a connection with the astrological Sun sign of Capricorn, which rules the “father figure” in the zodiac, so taking care of ‘the family’ is high on priorities. Full Moon candle spells are traditionally held for works of Banishment, Reversal and Deceasing rituals. Candles to “Hot Foot” or send someone away is perfect at this time. Candles burned to influence the decrease power of an enemy is more effective at this time, however, do not initiate any work against an innocent person because the Cancer Moon and Sun in Capricorn protects and supports the side of the non-offender. Make sure your candle spell work is clearly justified. The next New Moon will occur on January 20, 2015. NEW for 2015! We will be having a drawing in candlelight service each New Moon night to bring in exactly what you wished for – success, prosperity or love! Since New Moon candle spells are oriented around the Moons qualities, New Moon time is for attracting, “bringing in” and boosting your personal bring in exactly what you wished for – success, prosperity or love! Since New Moon candle spells are oriented around the Moons qualities, New Moon time is for attracting, “bringing in” and boosting your personal needs. This month’s ritual will be held on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 and you will receive a photo of your candle on the altar for drawing the energy of the New Moon. Order Your candle today! Once your order is received, an e-mail with special request for specific information will be sent to you. Your candle will not be lit until this information is received. Type of Candle Finances and Prosperity Love Relationship Career and Scholastic Success Other (will specifiy in message...
Posted by Jacqueline on Dec 20th, 2014 in Moon Phases and Candle Spells | Comments Off on Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Capricorn – Solstice Brings Added Power!
The New Moon in Capricorn will occur on December 21, 2014 at 8:35 pm E.S.T. and coincides with the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. This lunation, in the astrological sign of Capricorn, the Sea Goat, gives the strength of a “Cardinal” Earth sign, meaning the energy is the most materialistic of all energies of the planets. This energy is paternal, practical and energetic. A most fitting Moon for Father Christmas to come and visit our homes! This is a most auspicious New Moon to burn candles for needed money and to seek material necessities that you have been waiting for some time. Burning green Attraction, Money Drawing and Success candles may draw to you money and other resources from surprising places. Other planetary aspects influencing this Moon as well are from the planets Uranus and Pluto squaring off, meaning that you should be cautious in your decisions as they could have lasting effects. Pluto can sometimes activate change that is beyond our control. Remember this when making plans ad doing that last minute shopping. The Winter Solstice occurs on the same day, adding strength to any of your candle spells. The end of the year also is a time when many cultures participate in rituals to end the year with a ‘clean slate’. Many will deep clean their homes this week and then again right after Christmas to usher in the New Year. Some cultures and belief systems say to pay off old debt so that the bills will not follow you into the next year. Another way to end this year is to participate in banishing rituals such as the one that is presented here each year: The next Full Moon occurs on January 5,...