In the past, you have learned an excellent way to bring in more money to you by anointing your “greenbacks” or paper money. Now, the next step to creating more prosperity is to create a petition with your bank deposit slip! This easy but effective money spell is for money needed in the home for purposeful items, not going to the casino. that requires a different kind of money spell.
In this technological savvy days, we use our deposit slips less than ever as we stroke our ATM card everywhere. Now for some bill paying, you still need checks, but what does one do with all those left over deposit slips at the end of the check register? I now have a great purpose for them!
Blank Deposit Slips from and active (meaning money moving in and out of it) and working bank account
Red Ink Pen
Bottle of “Money Drawing”, “Wealthy Way” or “Money Come to Me” or “Fast Luck” Anointing and Condition Oil
First, you determine the amount of money you need within a certain amount of time and write it on the deposit slip and put the date you WANT TO RECEIVE the money by. Does this mean it will come on that day? No, but it does mean that it will come BY THAT TIME. Remember, if you are asking for $1000.00 by Christmas,you might just indeed receive a $1000.00 worth of additional income by Christmas, but since it was coming in ‘bits and pieces’, you might not have recognized it and spent it along with the rest of the household money! Be careful HOW you ask for this money! See photos below for a better meaning:
Then, write a petition on the front of the deposit slip and a prayer on the back of the deposit slip. You can make the prayer rhyme, like “Money money come to Me, so I can spend it on my family”, or something similar. Again, note that I am using red ink because red is a ‘power’ color and draws attention FAST!
Next, it is time to write the $$uCCe$$ sigil on the deposit slip. Start with the UPPER LEFT corner and write $ $ ¢ ¢ $ $ ($$u¢¢e$$). Move to LOWER RIGHT and do again. Slide over to LOWER LEFT and write sigil again and lastly, finish by writing the sigil again in the UPPER RIGHT corner. See photos below for guidance:
Now it is time to anoint the deposit slip and it must be done in this order: LEFT Upper Corner, cross over to RIGHT Lower Corner, then slide over to LEFT Lower Corner, hen cross up and over to RIGHT Upper Corner. Finish by anointing in center of deposit slip. Always practice with a dry finger a few times before actually anointing with the condition oil. This is called to ‘quincunx’ the petition to insure success. Here is a few photos (with Fast Luck Oil bottle) to assist you in understanding the direction:
You can now use this petition deposit slip under a red candle dressed with “Fast Luck” oil or under a green candle dressed with “Money Drawing” oil