Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Taurus – Here Comes Mercury Retrograde Again!

The Full Moon in Taurus occurs on October 29, 2012 at 2:50 pm E.S.T. The Moon, in the Earth sign of Taurus the bull, is considered as having a “Fixed” energy, which means that it is stable, practical and materialistic.

Traditionally, the Full Moon time is for banishing and reversing candle spells and harnessing the energy of Taurus, burning candles to banish bills is optimal, since Taurus rule money and banking. You might consider burning a black banishing candle with your credit card statements under them to work on getting those balances down.

Full Moon in Taurus is also a good time to change out your altar cloths and do a deep clean on your sacred space.

Other aspects during this Full Moon time is that Mercury will go into Retrograde motion on November 6th. There may well be tension regarding finances. The paths are not clear and it will seem like nothing is moving forward, which is will not, until Mercury turns in a forward motion again on November 26, 2012.

The next New Moon will occur on November 13, 2012.



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