Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – Patience and Caution!

The Full Moon in Libra will occur at 2:19 pm E.S.T on May, 6, 2012. The astrological sign of Libra, the Scales, is considered a “Cardinal” Air sign, meaning that the energy of this planet is innovative, intellectual and inspiring.  During this Moon’s lunation, use caution with flammable liquids and materials and exercise caution with driving and in sports. Networking will be a common thread theme during this Moon phase but take a patient and cooperative stance on others needs and opinions, especially in the realm of personal relations.

The Full Moon is a traditional time to burn candles for Reversing and “sending away” any negative energies. The Full Moon in Libra is considered an especially favored time to burn candles to exact a breakup in a relationship or to dissolve a team, partnership or association. The Full Moon in Libra is favorable for you to light candles to a special Deity or Saint, to ask for special favors. It is also a good time to clean your altar and work on decorations for your altar like altar cloths and other adornments.

This Full Moon is also being herald as a “supermoon” because of the brightness of it due to the fact that it will be closer to the Earth, Read the Yahoo article by clicking here. You will see it appear much larger and brighter than in past months. Use this time to gaze on it’s beauty and reflect on your goals for the upcoming New Moon.

The next New Moon occurs on May 21, 2012.


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