Free Candle Spells | Prosperity as Way of Daily Life for Constant Streams of Money




Occasionally, I receive a note or e-mail in regards of burning a candle for money drawing or prosperity, giving me details on the successes and sometimes non deliverance of any financial gains as a result of said candle burn.

I think it is important to not rely on one candle being burned to change your financial outlook; it has to be a complete lifestyle change. While the candle will break open those streams of income coming it, it might not be with just one candle, but a series of candles. While I burn candles here on my altars for clients, it is their altars that produce the long-lasting results because they are taking the time to nurture and tend to them. Think of your financial success and prosperity as a lover – would you want to produce loving feelings to someone who neglects you or maybe downright uses you for their personal gain? Of course not, and the energies that you produce when burning your candles and working your money altars is the very close to what I just addressed.

Also, are you helping your financial and prosperity success by “spreading the love” with tithes, donations and contributions to charities and spiritual institutions that are near and dear to your heart? This lesson was the hardest one for me to learn as I like to see those numbers in the bank just as you do. But by donating a small amount of your gain blesses those around you with a residual effect of your good fortune, thereby activating a chain reaction if you will, of energies that circulates within the community, making sure all are prosperous.

Let me give you an example, like I have said before in other posts, one way I “jump start” my business again when it seems I have a few slow days, is to make a donation to a particular church that I enjoy receiving their mailings. I have other local charities as sell, such as the mission that feeds the homeless and also for breast cancer, disabled veterans and a Native American educational organization. I make out the check, usually no more than $20.00, and I pray over it, thanking the Universe for blessing me with the amount, then praying that the money I send blesses others. A few hours after I drop the envelopes into the mail, my telephone starts ringing and I get busy. I am not saying that you should send your complete paycheck, but take a token amount – five or ten dollars – the amount of a 2 value meals a week at your local burger place – and send it to someone who helps out society.

For instance, the prayer that I pray over the check I send to the soup kitchen mission goes something like this, “Thank you for blessing me with this money so that I can feed my family and keep them warm; so much so that my cupboards are full. May everyone have full cupboards and if only each and every person in my town would send in just five or ten dollars, there would be no more hunger in our community.” I always have enough to eat and I am igniting hope that others in this city would hear my prayer – somewhere.

Another idea is to incorporate the philosophy of Feng Shui by cleaning out your closets, garage, cabinets and desks. The theory is that when you get rid of items that are broken, too old, too worn out (like clothing), unused, not necessary and unwanted to charities or to the dump. The ideas here is that the “void” of that space that was taken up by the clutter will activate movement to bring new items into your space – things are can be used. Deep cleaning is also a mood elevator – once finished – as I would think that the actual cleaning would not be a fun time – and once you are done, you can shower, relax with a cool drink and fell good about your accomplishments.

A good rule of thought is to think that prosperity for you is prosperity for all. You never know when your neighbor may need something you sell or a service you provide. Congratulate them on their good fortune and do not cast an jealous eye or have an envious thought towards them. Bless them that they live long and prosperous, because by their hard work, they have gained and you can also gain by their example. Work hard, spend thoughtfully and give to the less fortunate – along with doing your green candle burnings for constant streams of money and prosperity – and you will always be blessed.




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