Readers Questions | Why Isn’t My Love Candle Spell Working?






A reader asks why her candle isn’t bringing her man closer. We investigate why…


Dear Jacqueline,

I have been burning a candle for this guy that I am crazy about doesn’t seem to work! One week, he is close to me and acting like we are it, then the next week he is distant or can’t come see me for some reason. I think I am doing something wrong. Can you help me determine if this candle spell is going to work?



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There are really four major things that occur when you try a candle spell and it doesn’t seem to work. Ruling out candles that were a ‘bad pour’, too much oil and herbs in the candle, being in a drafty area, the cat, your roommate or family member with a fear of fire – the list can go on and on. Here are more ‘magickal’ reasons for your unsuccessful candle spells.

The first thing is to rule out the physical: something in your preparation caused you to do something wrong, either applying the oils without enough conviction, using the ‘wrong’ products or substituting something, you were not in the right ‘frame of mind’ or you had other factors (like a menstrual period) that was affecting your energy, or you are going about the wrong way to ‘fix’ the problem. This happens most of the time with new candle workers or people with little candle burning experience.

A second reason for candle burning failure can be ‘overworking’ the spell (as I call it); this is akin to ‘obsessing’ about it to the point that your mind races with the thought of the outcome and you begin to talk about what you are doing to friends. You may begin to think, ‘Well, maybe if I had used THIS instead of THAT…’ or nit-picking your choices of products. This stress of over thinking your processing and activation of the candle will not only ‘drive you nuts’, but will also undo what you wanted to happen in the first place. You need to calm yourself and just DO IT; anoint the candle with your best intentions, use your spiritual products as you first thought would work and leave it be. You can ‘tweak’ the recipe after this candle is done. This type of candle failure is the most common with people who do candles for themselves.

Another reason that your candle might be working willy-nilly (sometimes they do, sometimes they won’t) is you are under some opposition – either by a rival for his attentions or someone who has it out for YOU! Remember the old Staples’ Singers song, “Smiling Faces” (‘Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be your friends. Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within. (Can you dig it)”). You wouldn’t believe who is against you – your BBF, your Mom, Sister, the girl that works with you, HIS Mom, Sister, other females who want him. The list can be endless, but not to fret; just do your candle work and KEEP QUIET! On the weeks that the candles are acting funny, weak, going out, etc., just re do, bolster with a white candle, burn a second candle right up against the first – WHATEVER – to keep it going.

Last but not least is maybe you are just not supposed to be with him. God and your Angels knows the end of your ‘story’ (life) and maybe this man might bring you unhappiness, strife or something even more evil – and God is telling you that ‘it just ain’t so’ when it comes to a relationship with you and him. We all can’t have everything you want (like the Stones song) but maybe your candle isn’t working is a way for the Universe to tell you that you need to wait, contemplate and listen to what your heart says about this relationship. Is there signs of control? Abuse? Is he lazy and unmotivated? A User? If you wait, a message will be sent to you – either by yourself, an incident or a friends telling you something – hat you might not have heard, seen or experienced before.

Hope this helps in determining if you should continue in your candle works for this relationship. Best of Luck.



Did you know? – A main ingredient of Love, Money Drawing and Fast Luck Condition Oil is cinnamon? Yep. This spice has ‘volatile’ qualities – not meaning like fighting – but it is a spicy, ‘hot’ spice that will cause a reaction of you were to place a bit of it in your eye or nose (the reaction of the eye – tearing or watery eyes – indicates a natural reaction to the spice – thus labeling it ‘volatile’), the sneezing and watery eyes would attest to the power of cinnamon. Ironically, when polled, most men loved the scent of baking cinnamon buns in the oven – it evoked images of home, comfort and being loved (exactly what we want when we are luring a lover).

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